remote viewing cydonia, mars

Their 1982 Omni article was an extract of their 77-page book, Unusual Martian Surface Features, also released that year. viewing, perform extensive statistical analyses of remote viewing sessions, people. A Note About the Quality of the Remote Viewing for This Project: This is clearly an important project in the history of remote viewing. Please read our DISCLAIMER [3] Three times, the word "air" was inserted in the book, whilst overriding what was actually said at the end of the tape: [3] "life". and Farsight are internationally registered service marks of Farsight, Here are Farsight's Mysteries projects, as well as new daring and cutting edge content that we cannot publish elsewhere, content that is "off limits" in other realms. 9 Approved For . Joseph McMoneagle. They shouldnt have had that, McMoneagle told me. Holmes: Just report your raw perceptions at this time. } They were only instructed by a non-leading email that there is a target, and that they should remote view it. use these materials. Contextual details are scarce in the document, which goes under the unassuming title Mars Exploration: May 22, 1984. A brief explanatory note indicates that the subject was given a sealed envelope immediately prior to the interview but was instructed not to open it yet. [2][3] The name originally referred to the albedo feature (distinctively coloured area) that was visible from earthbound telescopes. Text and graphics added to second image by Courtney Brown. 12A was finally revealed as: The viewer will remote view that which caused the parallel and perpendicular lines in the topography of the target image on Mars at the time when the cause was in its optimal state. But often the strange ones, notably those that become . There was, as the initiatives most ardent defenders would put it, no known defense against a remote viewers inquiries: Even the most secure facilities were theoretically vulnerable to psychic scrying. Remote Viewing Cydonia, Mars Project Release Date: 15 March 2015 According to remote-viewing data collected at The Farsight Institute, this documentary resolves the issue of the so-called "Face on Mars." We now know that this anomaly was actually a city where Martians lived. Copyright Notice, CIA, Cydonia, extraterrestrial life, Ingo Swann, Mars, remote viewing, Viking Orbiter, A declassified Central Intelligence Agency. Ah, wearing some kind of strange Combining two of the most skilled remote viewers on the planet currently, using U.S. military derived methodologies for perceiving across time and space, and working within a scientifically clean and totally blind experimental design, we now have new eyewitness reports that describe how Martians lived, and how they died. Combining two of the most skilled remote viewers on the planet currently, using U.S. military derived methodologies for . Very tall, thin but it's only a shadow. It is released this Sunday, 15 March 2015. The collection includes discussions with Linda Howe (Paranormal researcher), Richard Hoagland (Mars researcher), Stanley McDaniels (Philosopher), Tom VanFlandern (Astronomer), Ron Nicks (Geologist), There are no reviews yet. Um, seems to be like a, uh Just a The Valles Marineris is shown in this undated composite image of the surface of the planet Mars. his natural psychic aptitude as a U.S. Army counter-intelligence At this period in time now, before Accurately, we both describe a location that is dry, barren, rocky, dusty, harsh living, remote and desolate. 3-9) is a transcript of the remote viewer responding to questions about different locations and time periods given to him (in 1984, all known remote reviewers were men). West on Mars. if (init==true) with (navigator) {if ((appName=="Netscape")&&(parseInt(appVersion)==4)) { Thus, the quality of the remote viewing for this project is of ultimate concern. Pope and the National Enquirers chief purpose was to hide the truth in plain sight by releasing it in sensationalized news stories with questionable sources that would be widely ridiculed by the general public. reconnaissance photo from USGS. newWin1.close(); Coast to Coast AM with Art Bell - Ed Dames - Remote Viewing. Lesson 17 Session 7 (60 minutes): Though the 1993 Mind Trek was published before Mars Exploration was approved for release (in August 2000, according to a stamp at the top of the document), a chapter titled Another World closely re-creates the CIA transcript, varying in only minor ways. Subsequently, any academics or scientists prepared to investigate such sensational claims faced ridicule from their peers and ruining their professional careers. function MM_reloadPage(init) { //reloads the window if Nav4 resized One of the multimedia presentations is the historic Maybe so. Additional Information - Ancient Terraforms Found in The Reull Vallis of Mars - CIA Mars Exploration - May 22, 1984 - Joe McMoneagle - Remote Views Mars - Mound Configurations on The Martian Cydonia Plain - by Horace W. Crater and Stanley V. McDaniel . as well as many other things. 2001 Lesson 7 Session 1 (45 minutes): So did escaping Martians travel to Earth approximately a million years ago leaving behind them pyramids and other ruins in the Cydonia region, which were observed by the Viking orbiter in 1976 and the CIAs remote viewer in 1984? Michael E. Salla, Ph.D. Group, a Graham Holdings Company. 12D was eventually much later revealed as: The target is that which is shown in the target image on Mars at the time that the image was taken. Friends, we are the only group doing these major public projects in remote viewing. This is what the remote viewer reports after being given his first question: The coordinates are for the Cydonia region, and immediately the remote viewer describes some kind of pyramid sitting in a valley. May 22, 1962. Remote viewing the Phoenix lights event of 1997. Future Tense is a collaboration among Arizona State University, New America, and Slate. The viewers were told nothing about the project or specific targets while they were conducting their remote-viewing sessions. Boy, if they ever take the wraps off this thing, it's going to be the biggest date in history! During the cold-war era, { In chapter five, Swann opens by describing his remote viewing of the Moon for Axelrod/Axel, a CIA officer: Given the earlier off-planet locations assigned to top remote viewers like Swann, it is not surprising that the CIA employed a remote viewer to learn about the origins of the pyramids and other artificial Mars structures in the Cydonia region. Like the dateline of some LSD-soaked cartoon, it read. This is the definitive 4 HOUR collection of Art Bell radio shows discussing Cydonia, a region on Mars where there was said to be an ancient city and the famous Face on Mars. [27] Similar optical illusions can be found in the geology of Earth;[28] examples include the Old Man of the Mountain, the Romanian Sphinx, Giewont, the Pedra da Gvea, the Old Man of Hoy, Stac Levenish, Sleeping Ute, and the Badlands Guardian. be used to supply random target coordinates, manage lists of targets, Farsight is all about freedom. Indeed, he could only name one other occasion when hed been asked to examine a similar target: a photograph that appeared to include incidental evidence of a UFO. Basic SRV is styled off of the original military version of remote viewing. Holmes: All right. [5][6] As with other albedo features on Mars, the name Cydonia was drawn from classical antiquity, in this case from Kydonia (Ancient Greek: ; Latin: Cydonia), a historic polis (city state) on the island of Crete. Lesson 1 Overview (30 minutes): Cydonia lies in the planet's northern hemisphere in a transitional zone between the heavily cratered regions to the south and relatively smooth plains to the north. The Farsight Protocols. Uploaded by He The data from both of the remote viewers overlapped in both the sketches and descriptive data. The full documentary is available now. Cydonia (/sdoni/, /sadoni/) is a region on the planet Mars that has attracted both scientific[1] and popular interest. Remote Viewing 101: A Complete Lesson in Advanced SRV by Aziz Brown. An article about his experiences can be found here where you can listen to the actual remote viewing session in audio click here. Joe: Um, total difference. One of the paper Remote Viewing sessions for this project, used as a warm-up for the video remote viewing by Daz Smith can be viewed here: The first part of this three part video project Remote Viewing Cydonia Mars can be watched online at the Farsight Institute here. envelope I've provided you and describe what's happening. They were more like us on Earth than most would imagine. If thats true, the weirdness of the Mars Exploration remote viewing may have been the point. The first objective analysis of the Viking data was published in 1982 in Omni Magazine by the researchers Vincent DiPietro, an electrical engineer, and Gregory Molenaar, a computer engineer. Those who embrace this explanation suggest that. The CIA Remote Viewed Mars in 1984 - Stillness in the Storm Friday, March 17, 2023 The CIA Remote Viewed Mars in 1984 Monday, December 16, 2019 By Stillness in the Storm Leave a Comment Spread the love (Joseph Farrell) This was passed along by S.B., and it's definitely worth pondering. Farsight Project: Remote Viewing Cydonia, Mars - Trailer. envelope, focus on 40.89 degrees North, 9.55 degrees West. . Make of that what you will, but its clearly a far cry from visions of ancient aliens on a dying planet. [7] The data collected during the. to Coast AM with Art Bell - Richard C. Hoagland - Mars and Moon Ruins and Cydonia contains the "Face on Mars", located about halfway between the craters Arandas and Bamberg.[4]. 3. North and 9.55 deg. Essentially a movement back in time at he same target location. Lesson 16 Session 6 (60 minutes): Slate is published by The Slate We don't just tell you that reality is not what it seems. I mean they're He told me that he would happily volunteer to make the journey, whether or not it proved to be a suicide mission. Though he largely sticks to verifiable facts about his life and career, McMoneagle details a handful of more unusual experiences, including a time when he says he was seared by a light from the heavens and a series of visitations by a minor Hindu deity. Ghostarch33 newWin1 =,'aWin','toolbars=no, resizeable=no,scrollbars=no,left='+leftPos+',top='+topPos+',width='+wt+',height='+ht); Now we know where the ancient "pyramid builders . You can also watch all the pre-release trailers and shorts HERE. They were more like us on Earth than most would imagine. It is OK to begin with the video lessons first. Atwater speaks at several conferences around the world each year. Just report the raw data.Joe: I keep seeing very large people. assign target coordinates to targets in a list for subsequent blind In particular, Star Gate focused on remote viewingwhich involves using the mind alone to see thing that arent immediately present. Cydonia was first imaged in detail by the Viking 1 and Viking 2 orbiters. Well at this stage its part speculative. : The 'D&M Pyramid", "Skeptoid #97: The Face on Mars Revealed New high resolution imagery has proven that this hill on Mars doesn't look quite so much like a carved face after all", "The Face Behind the 'Face' on Mars: A Skeptical Look at Richard C. Hoagland", Astronomy Picture of the Day: 2006 September 25, Astronomy Picture of the Day: 2006 September 26, The exact position of the Face on Mars on Geody, "Exposing PseudoAstronomy Vodcast: Episode 1 The Cydonia Region of Mars Explored", "Exposing PseudoAstronomy Podcast: Episode 111 The Cydonia Region of Mars",, Short description is different from Wikidata, Articles containing Ancient Greek (to 1453)-language text, Pages displaying short descriptions of redirect targets via Module:Annotated link, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 3 December 2022, at 19:06. New results based on a bedrock of verifiable data tell the story that has been hidden from us for too long. document.MM_pgW=innerWidth; document.MM_pgH=innerHeight; onresize=MM_reloadPage; }} One example is the Galle Crater, which takes the form of a smiley, while others resemble Kermit the Frog or other celebrities. According to remote-viewing data collected at The Farsight Institute, this documentary resolves the issue of the so-called Face on Mars. We now know that this anomaly was actually a city where Martians lived. The region includes the named . session is shown here below:

remote viewing cydonia, mars

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