renaissance middle school principal

Please review this important information with your child. Looking forward to an amazing 2022-2023 school year!. Phone: 413-750-2929. Afterward, Superintendent Jonathan Ponds sent an email to staff apologizing for the video. Prior to becoming principal of Renaissance Middle School, I held many leadership positions including Assistant Principal and Director of the 3DE Business & STEM Magnet, SIG School Improvement Specialist, and supported instruction in the role of instructional coach in Clayton County and Douglas County Public School Systems. Thank you! Lisette Garcia, Clerical, Attendance Clerk. IT IS VITAL THAT WE HAVE THE MOST CURRENT CONTACT INFO ON FILE.. Check back for updates. In the Cavalier family, we THINK B.I.G (Believe, Inspire and Grow). Laura has a masters in Curriculum and Instruction in Social Studies Education and has been teaching for 7 years in North Carolina. Students will then present their artist's bag to the class discussing the decoration of the bag and removing each item to explain them as well. Packets containing important documents will be distributed to students on the first day of school. 735 E Fillmore St. Phoenix, AZ 85006. I am personally and professionally excited to return to Fulton County Schools. Later that day, at a Montclair Board of Education meeting, Dr. Ponds named Major Jennings as acting principal of Renaissance Middle School. RMS Staff Directory 2022 - 2023 Welcome to the 2022-2023 school year. It is NOT optional. It is my upmost honor to serve as the 6. Renaissance Charter Schools at Doral are A+ high performing elementary and middle schools that promote a positive school culture by providing rigorous, foundational learning in a personal, supportive environment, emphasizing in the art of communication. You can individualize these questions based on what information fits into your specific standards best. Parents/guardians are asked to review the information in the packet and complete/sign and return the required school forms with their child by Tuesday, August 23, 2022. - Mythology, Overview, Emperor Henry IV of the Holy Roman Empire, King Henry IV of France: Biography & History, Calling of Saint Matthew by Caravaggio: Analysis, Allegory of the Outbreak of War by Peter Paul Rubens, Altdorfer's The Battle of Alexander at Issus: Subject & Style, Lucas Cranach the Elder: Biography & Paintings, Working Scholars Bringing Tuition-Free College to the Community. All rights reserved. Middle School Learning Grades (6-8) High School Learning Grades (9-12) Career, Technical, Adult, & Community Education; . Do you want to stay informed about things that are happening at RMS? The beginning of the year is the perfect time for our Cavaliers to reflect, reset, and renew their commitment to learning. New Renaissance Middle School is a unified dress code school. Home; About Our School. Copyright 2002-2023 Blackboard, Inc. All rights reserved. Student must answer in character with the opinions of their assigned person only; you could consider giving extra points if they come dressed in character. Hollberg noted that currently more than 50% of the gallery visitors come from the United States. In 2003, Mrs. Cardenas joined the NSAA organization as Principal for the Middle School, and a full time teaching position. Its a masterpiece, it represents a religious symbol of purity and innocence, the victory of good over evil., Hollberg added that the works nudity is a clear expression of the Renaissance, which puts man at the center of attention.. Are you on Telegram? Complaint:Girl endured years of racial slurs, cyberbullying at Montclair middle school, mother says. Who Do I Contact? Students must wear IDs at all times. Just this past summer, Renaissance Middle School welcomed Jill Sack, its third principal in three years. Renaissance Charter School at Coral Springs. I am truly overjoyed and honored to have the privilege to serve as the 7th Grade Assistant Principal. A call to Carrasquillas cell phone went unanswered. While no one was hurt during the incident, parents weren't taking any chances. Open house for all students will be held on Thursday, September 1, 2022, at 6:00 p.m. On behalf of the faculty and staff at New Renaissance Middle School, we look forward to the opportunity to serve you and your child this school year. For unlimited access to the most important news from your local community,please subscribe or activate your digital account today. . Email:jmartin@gannettnj.comTwitter:@TheWriteJulia, principal of Renaissance Middle School, was put on administrative leave, video of a Black man, played by comedian Josh Pray, Two downtown Montclair apartment buildings breaking ground despite density concerns, Montclair voters overwhelmingly approve $188 million school bond, six Black teachers filed a discrimination suit, please subscribe or activate your digital account today, Your California Privacy Rights/Privacy Policy. 3. Please do not drop students off at Ansin Park or on Miramar Boulevard. Gretchen Devinsky, PTA President. All rights reserved. Welcome to the School Year of 2022-2023! Statesville, NC 30d+ $54K-$80K Per Year (Glassdoor est.) Tuesday, August 16, 2022, is the official start of the 2022 2023 school year. If you have any questions regarding immunizations, please contact the School Counseling Department at 754-323-3500. The Broward County Public Schools Code of Student Conduct for secondary students is available online at: The IB Learner Profile is the foundation of this world renown program. THANK YOU, Milton Library Displays Student Art in Celebration of Youth Art Month, FCS Announces 2023-2024 Teacher/Professionals of the Year, "Let's Talk Schools!" - Contributions, History & Accomplishments, Nicholaus Copernicus: Accomplishments, Facts & Theory, Michelangelo & the Painting of Sistine Chapel, The American Commercial Revolution Lesson Plan, Renaissance Art Lesson Plan for High School, Renaissance Project Ideas for Middle School, Machiavelli's The Prince Discussion Questions, SAT Subject Test US History: Practice and Study Guide, CLEP Western Civilization I - Ancient Near East to 1648 Prep, Western Civilization I: Certificate Program, Middle School US History: Homework Help Resource, History 106: The Civil War and Reconstruction, NY Regents Exam - Global History and Geography: Test Prep & Practice, Who was the Goddess Athena? I am both excited and honored to send this letter of introduction as the new Principal of Renaissance Elementary School. Thank you! RMS Staff Directory 2022 - 2023 Welcome to the 2022-2023 school year. Create an account to start this course today. I believe that communication is key, therefore always feel free to contact me. Dr. Ava Williams Proud Principal| Renaissance Middle School #Operateinexcellence Assistant Principals & Dean of Students Mrs. Priscilla Branch - 6th Grade Assistant Principal Ms. Nicole Browder - 7th Grade Assistant Principal Dr. Valencia Bradshaw - 8th Grade Assistant Principal Renaissance Middle School (FOX 5 Atlanta). Renaissance Middle School Principal Joseph Putrino, during his morning presentation at the annual "welcome back" event, conducted via Zoom, showed a video of a Black man yelling about virtual. This story is breaking. I believe every single one of our students have unlimited potential and every day I will motivate, inspire, and support them as they tap into it; the sky is truly the limit! Renaissance Middle School Principal JosephPutrino,during his morning presentation at the annual "welcome back" event, conducted via Zoom, showed a video of a Black man yelling about virtual learning and the difficulties of home-schooling his children. Renaissance Academy at Mathson Address: 2050 Kammerer Ave, San Jose, CA 95116 Tel: 408-928-8500 Principal: Danelle Finnen Assistant Principal: Jannet Galicia Administrative Assistant: Genisis Sanches Office Assistant: Joleigh Martinez Community Liaison: Yolanda Rodriguez Renaissance Academy at Mathson 2050 Kammerer Avenue, San Jose, CA 95116 They should either make a digital map of their tour with all the stops or create a physical map of them to have for students and teacher to view. Who Do I Contact? It's full of art, culture, politics, and drama. "It was just rumors about everything--a gun, and people saying they were going to fight," Aysyah Davis, a student, said. You are now leaving the high school website and entering the university site. The complaint states that the video, entitled Appreciate Teachers - A Father's Apology, was a comedic thank you to educators and had no connection to race, and that depicting the educator as racist has caused harm to his reputation. Interested in touring our school? The Principal is responsible for providing spiritual and instructional leadership for the implementation of LUMIN curriculum. As the year progresses, I want you to know that I am available for you and your student. . Middle School Principal. Children need healthy meals to learn. As a father of a middle schooler myself, there is nothing more important to me as I drive off to my job in the morning, than to know that my son is safe at school; parents and guardians, your kids will be safe. For unlimited access to the most important news from your local community,please subscribe or activate your digital account today. Superintendent Parent Community Advisory Council, 2022 - 2023 RMS Wildcat Weekly Newsletter, PLEASE USE THE LINK BELOW TO UPDATE YOUR CONTACT INFORMATION. Please utilize this list to contact teachers or staff members. Reached for comment Thursday, Pelham said he wasn't at the meeting, but that his phone "blew up" about 8:30 in the morning with concerns from staff who were present. "This is an extremely serious occurrence, and this behavior will not be tolerated. ContactNRMS Staffanytime if you have questions, comments, or concerns. Together, we will make New Renaissance Middle School one of Broward County's finest middle schools. The Counselors at RMS provide many services to include Individual Counseling, Group Counseling, Academic Support, College and Career Readiness, and Crisis Intervention. If you are unable to attend, please note your child can access their schedule on virtual counselor. "Like many of you, I was offended by the content. Apply to Principal, School Principal, Assistant Principal and more! Parents joined together outside of Renaissance at Rand Middle School on Wednesday in support of the school's principal, Maria Francisco. It adds that the comedian himself was mystified as to why his race was brought into this conversation. I believe that all students can succeed, and I strive to create an environment where parents, teachers and our community will work collectively to ensure our students have the support, resources, and tools to be successful. Create your account. When studying the . Who decides if a school shuts down? Please know that this unfortunate incident is not a reflection of the inclusivity of our district and our ideals. Greetings Cavaliers! 2 Baths. Ms. Briony Carr-Clemente, School Principal 973-509-4162. The Faculty and Staff would like to welcome you to our school. Welcome to this new school year! copyright 2003-2023 Carrasquilla stepped down as principal of Tallahassee Classical school in the Florida city last month after one parent claimed the towering sculpture was pornographic. Copyright 2002-2023 Blackboard, Inc. All rights reserved. The Counselors at RMS provide many services to include Individual Counseling, Group Counseling, Academic Support, College and Career Readiness, and Crisis Intervention. The Renaissance can be an engaging period to study. 2023 FOX Television Stations, 2 teens shot after argument; suspect at-large, More than 130 vehicles broken into at Stockbridge apartment complex, Power restored in East Point after mass outage, FOUND: Critical missing 10-year-old last seen in northwest Atlanta. At the Nov. 2 Board of Education meeting, parents rallied around Putrino's replacement, Maria Francisco, who could now be replaced by Putrino, praising her connection to the children and voicing concerns about the frequent changes in leadership at the school. Dr. Ava Williams, the principal of Renaissance Middle School sent a letter out to parents addresses an incident in which she said a weapon was confiscated from a student. My name is Dr. Ava Williams and I am the proud principal of Renaissance Middle School, home of the mighty Wildcats! button. Each day, I will work diligently with our team to provide innovative and meaningful learning opportunities for all students to release their genius. Up to 4 replacement IDs can be provided. Eligible students needing bus transportation for the upcoming school year who were registered at by July 15th are guaranteed a bus for the first day of school. Later Wednesday, at the Board of Education meeting,Ponds announced that Major Jennings, the assistant principal, would become acting principal. ASU Prep Phoenix Middle School. Each group will present their full tour which should include images on the board behind them of each sight they are stopping at as they give their prepared script. The Counselors at RMS provide many services to include Individual Counseling, Group Counseling, Academic Support, College and Career Readiness, and Crisis Intervention. It is important for students to focus their research on areas such as what the person did to help the Renaissance, how they feel about the arts, did they ever encourage others to pursue art, how do they feel about the arts, just to start with.

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renaissance middle school principal

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