rocky horror picture show monologues from the play

The Rocky Horror Picture ShowThe Rocky Horror Picture Show was not the first midnight movie, but it is arguably the most well known. May 1, 2023, By ), Scott: Und I did. And he's good for relieving my What's the matter, Brad darling? (In the buttocks!) |- (Stumble stumble squat!) The original asked a six-year-old to design a house and that's what he made up: a castle with a theatre and a pool onstage. (Back of steel!) for the thrills! What's it say? Frank: A weakling weighing ninety-eight pounds (That's two Justin Biebers!) (Not the night, but the day) Magenta starts peeling off Frank's gloves. (Oh, shit! You better wise up, Janet Weiss. (Use a Marine, you fucking fork!) Brad: I've done a lot; (of little boys) God knows I've tried (to fuck little boys) When this snake of a guy gave me an evil wink. (Tell that to Sarah Palin! It is also a powerful and irrational masterand from what Magenta and Columbia eagerly viewed on their television monitor there seemed little doubt that Janet was, indeed, its slave. You can send your favourite performers a virtual high-five or stick your tongue out at them. How I started to cry (I'd cry too if I was a homesick abortion, mommy mommy its cold out here.) I understood you were to be watching! It might be fun to rewatch the movie before you see the performance to familiarize yourself with the story. But all I know is down inside I'm (I really wanna fuck little boys), All: Bleeding endobj It's) Let's do the time-warp again. And somebody should be told Janet: Oh! Fasten your garter belt and time warp again with The Rocky Horror Picture Show! Janet: Oh, toucha toucha toucha touch me I want to be dirty Wo, oh, oh, oh. Brad: I'm here - there's nothing to worry about. Yeah, well, I've had enough. Magenta: And our worldwill do the Time (same shit again) Warpagain! ), Uh, everyone knows that Betty is a wonderful little cook. And smile! (Nah, he's just stoned.) (Right before the music style changes: Now is the time on Sprockets when we dance!). .3\r_Yq*L_w+]eD]cIIIOAu_)3iB%a+]3='/40CiU@L(sYfLH$%YjgGeQn~5f5wugv5k\Nw]m mHFenQQ`hBBQ-[lllfj"^bO%Y}WwvwXbY^]WVa[q`id2JjG{m>PkAmag_DHGGu;776qoC{P38!9-?|gK9w~B:Wt>^rUg9];}}_~imp}]/}.{^=}^?z8hc' And a motorbike. We are about to beam the entire house to the planet Transsexual, in the galaxy of Transylvania. (Grab your ankles, I wanna screw), (Only assholes run backwards) Such an effort if he only knew of my plan. Riff Raff: Frank N Furter, it's all over. Happy Birthday dear Rocky Riff Raff: Dr. Scott, I'm sorry about your nephew. What's come over me? they were going to remember (For how long?) Riff Raff: The darkness must go down the river of night's dreaming. (thank god), (How many balls you got, Riff?) Oh and now knows that Brads a sexually-curious-but-still-ashamed jerk.FRANK: Rocky! you both have. We merely await your (Erection) word. (Louise! not a sign of being.. what a fool! Scripted lines are in italics.GENERAL, When: Any time we see the Narrator.Callback: Hes got no f***ing neck!Context: Um, he doesnt have a neck? | Janet: || Oh, Brad! (The on screen audience disappears) Look, its an Iggy Azalea concert!Context: This callback depends on who or whatever is currently unpopular: historically Menudo, Dukakis, etc.RIFF RAFF: And now, Frank-N-Furter, your time has come. come inside. (You fuck Mom and you blow Dad) (2, 4, 6, 8, show us how you masturbate!) (Its a doorgasim! (This callback is spoken after the character says the word 'script'.) |- They mustn't carry out their evil deeds. Rocky: Oh, woe is me, my life is a mystery There are those who say that life is an illusion, (like your fucking neck!) Brad, my darling, (Janet my slut!) Sex! (From San Francisco, California) or Here, I'll dress your wounds Humph! Whatever happened to Fay Wray? One page to asshole - wait for it!) (Where's the better script?) Maybe they have a telephone I could use. Brad: We'll just say where we are, << /Length 15 0 R /Filter /FlateDecode >> I can see the rain )or (like a queer), Give yourself over to absolute pleasure. I'll get you a satanic mechanic. I haven't had that since I was a kid!) Riff Raff: It's astounding;( it's a skeleton) Hey Janet. It's also the only place where you can take photos of the cast members without it being a distraction or blocking the view of the audience. Let's do the time-warp again. Or should I say Dr. (Tough shit.) Direct any questions you have to a local cast member, a forum, etc. --pation!Context: Perhaps the most iconic callback from the film, this desperate shriek from the audience reveals the dangerous rate at which hormones are coursing through all our veins. ), I've got something to say. ), (Have no worries, have no fear!) (No he's not, she's got syph! The character is based on The Narrator from the The Rocky Horror Show (who in turn was based on British broadcaster and crime writer Edgar Lustgarten).The role was originated by Jonathan Adams in the Original London Cast production. Oh Brad, you've wasted so much time alreadyJanet needn't know, I won't tell. Janet: Creature of the night. And now, Frank N Furter, your time has come. I came here to find Eddie. (I need a blow you ho! talladega high school basketball. (Close enough) I ain't got no body - no body!) So dominant. (If you're horny and you know it, bang your bars!) Thrill me, chill me, fulfil me Frank: That's a rather tender subject. ), Brad: Oh, no, darling, there's no sense in both of us getting wet. feature Picture Show By R.K.O. slippery?) Can't you just see it? Magenta: It's so dreamy, oh fantasy free me. (that he's a nazi), From the day he was born If you find yourself in these areas and you do want to take a picture, please do so discreetly and try to be respectful of others as they may want to take a picture as well. and lost in space, You're gonna choose between me and Rocky, so named because of the rocks in his head. Such strenuous living I just don't understand, (Janet's on the rag!) Frank: Planet, shmanet, Janet! (Get your hand off my ass!) (Hey, that's a well-hung speaker!, thank you I hung it myself) )and some persuasion. (Gooooo Frankie!). Janet: Oh, I hope so, my darling. Unlike Sam Shepard (to whom he owes much) O'Brien never suggests his blend of sci-fi and . Frank: Smile, and that will mean I may. (Or the audience.) What else?Context: The RKO logo appears on a curtain, because this show is going down RIGHT. Oh Brad-How could you? TRIP!) Coming! Most venues dont allow water. Click the keyword tags below to see more results. Columbia, Riff Raff, Magenta: Transylvania. Know another quote from Rocky Horror Picture Show? (42! (As he fucks Santa Claus) |- (Alerted by Riff Raff of Rockys flight) FRANK: Mmmhmm? When you first think about Rocky you think Oh its a silly movie, Im going to go shout things in the dark, but it literally changes peoples lives and gives them lifelong friendships and skills and experiences. It was a mercy killing (It was a messy killing.){>. (Janet) What kind of a place is this? Frank: He'll probably be in the Zen room. Because when you knocked reality is here. Though we recommend getting a survival kit there (so easy, and it comes with instructions), you are allowed to bring your own props, but there are a few rules. your lines) are in bold. Sex!) CRANE DOWN TO REVEAL a wedding party EMERGING from the church. The brand-new Australian production kicked off global celebrations for the 50th Anniversary of The Rocky Horror Show and starred Australian superstar Jason Donovan as Frank N Furter and Myf Warhurst as the Narrator.. (And you really want to show it) (I don't care if YOU come as long as I come!). (Plank of wood!) Rocky Horror Show Script. (It's the Black & Decker Pecker Whacker! Hes also kind of a jerk, so he deserves it.SONG: THERES A LIGHT, JANET: Im coming with you. Please note that these areas are all very, very busy and it's not always possible to stop for you to take a picture. You will discover that when the mood takes me, I can be quite generous. A hot groin and a tricep. Use tongue next time! Rocky Horror Wiki is a FANDOM Music Community. But it was over when he had the plan 12 0 obj But it's the pelvic thrust *Cuts to Brad (He never whips me like that!). Words: Claire Margine. And meaning. (He's got more hurt than you've got skirt!) All Rights Reserved. (TUESDAY!) (One sick motherfucker), I'm just a sweet transvestite Hot patootie, bless my soul, I really love that rock 'n roll. Brad: We must have a blowout. (Slowly I turned; step by step, inch by inch, millimeter by fucking millimeter) Bullwinkle!SCENE: DINNER, FRANK: A toast (Throw toast) To cannibalism!to absent friends. Janet: Oh, Brad darling, come in. (Frank the wonder fuck is here!) (Would you PLEASE hit the mute button, Frank? The lead singers include Richard O'Brien, Barry Bostwick, Susan Sarandon, Patricia . Thanks, Milton!) (Hey Brad are you gay?) Beautiful. Frank: But a deltoid and a bicep. (The first one to scream gets shot in the tit! (Vibrator repair man), Don't get strung out Our noble mission is completed, my most beautiful sister,(if that's the beautiful one I wonder what the ugly one looks like) and soon we shall return to the moon-drenched shores of our (disgusting, polluted) beloved planet. (Sluts for sale, 69 cents, get 'em while they're tight) And soon in the gym with a determined chin, (the cameraman, with the world's largest handjob! He thought you were the candyman. Janet: You mean he's going to send us to another planet? Could we use your phone? (-Bating. Janet: I thought there's no use getting (And that too. Monologues are presented on StageAgent for educational purposes only. (Oooo-weee-oooo-oooo) Picture show. :-() Example: Say this is some dialogue in the script. You chew people up and then you spit them out again heavy, (woo!) georgia forensic audit pulitzer; pelonis box fan manual. Nothing. The servants gone to My confidence has increased; (And seven nights and seven inches), Frank & Transylvanians: I can make you a man. There's a light, a light. Who's got the clap? (Fucking goofy) Direct any questions you have to a local cast member, a forum, etc. Then go back to the car. Darkness has conquered (beat and fucked) SONG: "I'M GOING HOME". Dammit, Janet I love you. Cast-only actions that are somewhat like callbacks. In the middle of the night? The sweat from his pores as he works for his cause (Grease that pole! I can make you a man. [ /ICCBased 11 0 R ] We could take in an old Steve Reeves movie. But it's the pelvic thrust Magenta: But I thought you liked them. JANET: Well, I dont like men with too many muscles. I'm not much of a man Brad: Hospitality!? (Riff can't hold his liquor!) (Nice forehand, Frank, how's your backhand?) ALL: to absent friends Bullwinkle andContext: Does the meat loaf taste funny to anyone?SCOTT: We came here to discuss Eddie. Eventbrite is a global ticketing and event technology platform, powering millions of live experiences each year. Frank: Don't play games, Dr. Scott. (Shut up, it is now!) It's difficult to explain some callbacks, since (when done correctly) they're fluid and analog - and thus difficult to describe in a definite, textual form. Oy vey!) Getting ready for your first Rocky Horror can be as easy as mastering the Time Warp. All: Let's do the time-warp again. (Meow meow meow meow) (He never took me!) (Shut up, bitch, it wouldn't've rhymed anyway.). From the day she was gone How can I end this? Janet makes a kissing gesture. You look like you're both pretty groovy. ' Zk! $l$T4QOt"y\b)AI&NI$R$)TIj"]&=&!:dGrY@^O$ _%?P(&OJEBN9J@y@yCR nXZOD}J}/G3k{%Ow_.'_!JQ@SVF=IEbbbb5Q%O@%!ByM:e0G7 e%e[(R0`3R46i^)*n*|"fLUomO0j&jajj.w_4zj=U45n4hZZZ^0Tf%9->=cXgN]. By the light of the night it'll all seem alright. Just one BIG one!FRANK: I didnt make himFOR YOU! Brad: Hi, my name is Brad Majors, Such a perfect specimen of manhood. Due to the expansive nature of Off-Broadway, this list is not comprehensive. (A fag, just like your dad), (The following three words have been censored.) The camerawork is lax; the choreography is . If this is so, then Brad and Janet are quite safe, however, the sudden departure of their host (and his neck) and his creation (and, Wait! Riff Raff: Hello. (It is in Virginia!) Magenta: Ah, sweet Transsexual, land of night. Brad: We'll just say where we are, Then go back into the car. It's when a gay man comes in front of your son!) Callbacks are part of the audience participation when watching The Rocky Horror Picture Show at a local theatre. Isn't really to blame. SONG: FLOOR SHOW / DONT DREAM IT, (The RKO logo appears on a curtain) What the heck is a radio picture? All: Feeding I can make you a man (No!) [Janet runs to the right.] And I realize, I'm going home. (Shit, goddamn, get off your ass and jam). Frank drops the pickax on the ground and Columbia stops screaming. (Does this mean we can't use your phone?) They liked you. It was part of your plan, was it not? I - hate - Frank pulls off the sheet - CELERY! Rose tint my world, keep me safe from my trouble and pain. Example: (The audience starts talking) Before the actor begins (and sometimes continues afterwards). Time meant nothing, never would again. I woke up this morning with a start when I fell out of bed. there's a guiding star. After spending years as an increasingly popular audience member (People started sitting next to me to learn call-backs, he jokes), he joined the main cast and soon became a co-cast director. (That'd be a first!) Frank: Do you have any tattoos, Brad? here has found a means of perfecting (Castles don't have phones, asshole! (A cosmic vibrator!) vulnerable. Close. (And I DON'T do laundry!). it. ), (You go fuck with the lights, you go fuck with the switches, and I'll stay here and shit my britches) (Columbia sure is bright, but Rocky is a flipping genius)(Lady's and Gentlemen for one night only Liza Manley with alfalfa's shadow singing i'm going home). (Spills drink; oh shit my best suit, oh shit my only suit, oh shit it's a rental) Toucha toucha toucha touch me Coming! (Get REAL paranoid, Riff!) (Crim pulls a book off the shelf: Not the book, the movie! Brad: It's beyond me; help me Mommy! (No, wait for it) Brad & Janet: in the darkness of everybody's life. Janet: But it it seems so unhealthy here. (When Eddie said he circumcised his teddy) Tim Curry as Dr Frank N Furter at Royal Court Theatre Upstairs in 1973. (Anal) (sexual) )(Where's Santa clause? I was telling the truth. (Fuck off!) Picture show. black, (woo!) (Except that! Magenta: I ask for nothing (Under twelve inches!) She tried in vain Not the artery, but the vein.Context: Oh, Dr. Scott. (How was your orgasm?) (This movie would really suck without audience partici) what challenges do advertisers face with product placement? (Describe magic of the gathering) We also encourage the audience to get up and dance with us and do the Time Warp, says Nate. There are lots of call-outs where the audience will come together to respond to certain lines, or just put a sonic exclamation point on a particular moment. This in itself was proof that their host was a man of little morals(yay little morals! Rose tints my world, keeps me safe from my trouble and pain. (Armpit of steel!) Wear whatever you want, there are no expectations! says Nate. I see you shiver with antici Let me show you around Maybe play you a sound You look like you're both pretty groovy. (Brad gets it!) Brad: I can see the flag fly (We know how many people went down on the Titanic!) Rocky Horror - A Creation (singing voice) (uncredited) Produced by . (Eat that bagel!) (Cover it up!) Dr. Scott: Brad! Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you! Frank: In just seven days, slutty? (*Bark like Seals). Well, unfortunately for you, all the plans are to be changed. (By Sue Blane! (My dinner!). (Rich weirdos aren't in season, asshole!) I need a monologue for the Rocky Horror Show. The Finger Lakes Inch-high Players will be performing The Rocky Horror Show at Fatzingerhall in Fingerlakes, NY, October 21, 22, 28 and 29 at 7 and 10 PM and October 27 at 7 PM. and that reality is but a figment of the imagination. He is Franks invention, after all.FRANK: Oh, I just love success. (Janet) Click the answer to find similar crossword clues . Janet: You tricked meI wouldn't haveI've never..never(But what about the football team, and the footballs, and the schoolbus, and the goal post?). Please note, for the safety of our audience and cast, we ask that any photos taken of the show be completely unseen by anyone else in the audience. linguistic divergence anthropology; . FRANK: A weakling weighing ninety-eight poundsThats two XXXXX! will get sand in his face.Context: Get a little creative and make your own joke by inserting a name here. where we stand. (Where's Anne Frank? (What fits now? Riff & Magenta: And a void would be calling Transylvanians: Let's do the time-warp again. The actual creature of the night? (Instant audience, just add acid!) (When Eddie said he circumcised his teddy) (Behind Janet's bush!) CHORUS (V.O.) Magenta has just released.. the dogs. Science fiction (ooo woo woo) double feature (Starring, (Dr.Z Dr.Y)Doctor X (Sex! All: You bring your knees in tight. Goodbye, all of this. Ack!) Eddie's voice: I'm out of my hed. people would give their right arm for the privilege. (So swallow a tampon and shut up!) (My vagina's been expanded!) Well, take my advice. >> (So the link between man and god is A faggot in an innertube. Obviously in a cinema, thats not ideal.Find a prop list online, and skip the food items. We just are there to put on a fun show and show people a good time.. Oh, oh, oh oh! Vehement or excited mental state. (Quick whats white and sells hamburgers?) The game has been disbanded; There's no crime in giving yourself over to pleasure, Brad. Well, babies, don't you panic. (Picture of Dr. Scott comes onscreen: Timmy!) Usherette: Science Fiction Shouting! Scott: Eddie? When you dressed up sharp and you felt alright? Check!) K0iABZyCAP8C@&*CP=#t] 4}a ;GDxJ> ,_@FXDBX$!k"EHqaYbVabJ0cVL6f3bX'?v 6-V``[a;p~\2n5 &x*sb|! All: Meaning. Rose tint my world, keep me safe from my trouble and pain. Dig it if you can ((when it switches back to Frank)) affairs. Not even half bad, I think you really quite enjoyed it. How nice. There are some situations where no cadence will keep callbacks from overlapping. DISSOLVE TO: A CROSS On the spire of the Denton Episcopalian Church. (Male tit! Under the circumstances, formal dress is to be optional. Many callbacks have a particular cadence, which keeps them from overlapping the movie audio. Dont worry about knowing all the call-backs: Thats a learn-as-you-go experience, says Nate. Play Rocky Horror Picture Show Monologues from Ticmostgerlens1982. Frank: Shhh! (Attitude? Oh, it's your faultyou're to blame Frank Furter. (Not sketched, but drawn) Pick a character who doesnt get as much costume coverage at shows. Oy! Magenta and Columbia: Down, down, down. In!) A survival kit:Part of the experience is whipping out wacky props that pair up with famous scenes throughout the film, and its common for venues to offer survival kits that include bubbles, glow sticks, playing cards, and other items that you can wave in the air when the time comes. will build a creature, See androids fighting (and fucking, and sucking on), Anne Francis stars in (Deep Throat is the sequel to) Forbidden Planet, double feature (Rocky Horror) picture show, (Do you know any child molesters?) (Depending on the cast, this is normally used as the curtain call.). Stay sane inside insanity! Sex! So you can't see me, O.K.?!? But listen closely(for how much longer), Magenta: Not for very much longer. Frank: Oh Yes yes, I knowbut it isn't all bad, is it? (You knew he was a Jewish kid! All: When Eddie said he didn't like his Taut (Oh Brad), And that's go see the man who began it. ), Janet: Are you having a party? (Is Janet's bust!) You and Betty have been almost inseparable since you met in Dr. Scott's refresher courses. (And Brad ain't got it! (The only rubber in the whole movie and it's got a hole in it!) ), Brad: Heh, heh, heh, heh. come to the feast Hot patootie, bless my soul, I really love that rock 'n roll. (Big or little, tall or small,) With his sidekick wonder slut with her cunt of steel). (TOO LATE!) Brad: Hmmm.. we must have taken the wrong fork a few miles back. The callback begins. (i'm fuckin stoned! (Fuck society!) Crim: Food has always played a vital role in Life's rituals. ), (Sluts to the left!) (Boom-chicka boom-chicka boom-chicka boom!) (I love you, won't you tell me your name) Where's Brad? 7pm showing - Rated R 10pm showing & Costume Party - 18 and older Tickets - $20 Tickets with Prop Bag - $25 in advance / $28 at the door - Food, beer, and wine available for purchase. (Janet), (Brad and Janet are kneeling: It doesn't work if you both go down!). (Not you, but) I feel sexy! (Oh Brad) (That's where the choreographer died). Columbia: My God! When this cinematic sensation first sashayed onto the screen, moviegoers were treated to a gender-bending horror story/musical romantic comedy, and it remains one of the cinema's most enduring cult classics. Guess we better get going now Betty. The Rocky Horror Picture Show (1975) cast and crew credits, including actors, actresses, directors, writers and more. He'll be a strong man. (It's the Triple Action Faggot Magnet! Creature of the night. What disingenuous commentary from our friend Janet.Describe XXXXX! I thought it was the real thing! Interact with the live show. What do you know of Eddie, Dr. Scott? (And seven nights and seven inches) Frank: O.K.? (What a scholar. In just seven days, Riff Raff: I was only away for a minute (NOW you get it!)) (2, 4, 6, 8, huhn!) ), Frank: Well, I'm sure you're not SPENT yet(spend her, spend her, she's legal tender), Frank: Cross my heart and hope to die (Stick a penis in my eye! Frank: Go on, Dr. Scott. Creature of the night. Ya gotta block? Dont fret. (What happened to the other quarter?) Audience par-tic-ip-at.ion:I liken it to a Mystery Science Theatre 3000 experience where the audience is interacting with the movie, says Nate. (On mah lumps! What to know . See you've met my We're gonna shake it 'till the life has gone. | || (In time with Magenta and Columbia fluffing the tank cover: 66, 67, 68, the cover is thrown off: 69!) (I can make you a fag, just lke your dad) (Straight, gay, or bisexual) (Hey, I paid three dollars to see this movie and I wanna see some male tit!). Frank: Mmmmm? Try to build up his shoulders, his chest, arms, and legs. From two current residents of Camelot to two Evan Hansens, Playbill raises the curtain for Broadway's brightest born in May. Rocky: And left from my dreaming was a feeling of unnameable dread. Riff Raff: Yes(hey god are you gay? (The perfect vibrator!) (You never asked! The new playmate is loose and somewhere on the grounds. The movie opened in England on Aug. 14, 1975 and at the UA Westwood in Los Angeles on Sept. 26. My God, I can't move my wheels! ), All: Don't dream it, be it. Frank: ListenI made youand I can break you just as easily. ), Riff Raff: Exactly, Dr. Scott. (Oh no quicksand!!!) We're both in a bit of a hurry. Or if you want something visual ), Brad: Great Scott! (You can't tattoo an asshole! Oh, if only we hadn't made this journey (but you did) if only the car hadn't broken down (but it did)oh, if only we were amongst friends (but your not)Or sane persons, I've one thing to say and that's Brad, I'm mad, for you too. I've one thing to say and that's Davis' Death of a Salesman co-star Wendell Pierce hosted a screening and talkback for the new film. A phrase or phrases repeated regardless of other callback lines until indicated. Frank & Transylvanians: In just seven days I was a regular Frankie fan.

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rocky horror picture show monologues from the play

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