speaking opportunities at conferences 2023
Practitioners at CASE-members institutions and Educational Partners are given preference for speaking opportunities, but anyone associated with the educational advancement field will be considered based upon topic and other criteria. An attendee asking for a business card can be the first step toward obtaining a customer. Visionary thinkers and doers from every field of human endeavor. If you have what it takes, let us know about it. Please do not contact FleetPros before the end of Februarysince the speaker committee reviews will not be concluded before then. ASAP's renowned annual training conferences are a must-attend for today's office professional and executive assistant. } Poster type: Research or Case Study poster2. Date/Location: November 7 - 10, 2022 | Hyatt Regency, Chicago. Program Descriptions should describe programs already implemented in workplace, school, clinical, community or other settings. background:transparent; If you need technical support withyour submission, please email business.manager@fleetpros.org. Privacy is important to us, so you have the option of disabling certain types of storage that may not be necessary for the basic functioning of the website. Conference Location: Singapore Questions? Speaking opportunities for the 2023 Annual Conference will open in early November. Outside the theater, the focus is on beautiful spaces for connections, conversations and diving deeper into ideas through exhibits, workshops and experiences. Knowing your audience, purpose, venue and how to connect with adult learners are key factors in creating a strong presentation. } 14. To assist you in preparing your proposal, we have posted submission guidelines HERE for the Conference & Exposition. April 19-21, 2023 | Baltimore, MD. Name, education and certification credentials and current organization ofallposter authors. SHRM's Event Programming Department has prepared a Speakers Directory that features a listing of highly rated presenters who have spoken at SHRM events. Bonita Springs, FL. Results: Report the results of your analysis in quantitative form.h. Step by step guide to find speaking opportunities. ITS presenters will be encouraged to promote their seminar to their network via social media, direct outreach or other means to supplement the conference marketing efforts. Share your technical knowledge, best practices, case studies and innovations. Explore TEDx Events . Sign up to be the first to get TED Conference news and updates. Discussion Topics Include: The Continuing Reinvention of Work Attendees learn about a companys expertise firsthand and can interact directly with the speaker immediately before or after the presentation. background: transparent; A one-page narrative biography which includes the presenters name, title, education andcertification credentials, current organization, address, phone number and email address. ITS Proposal Selection CriteriaSelections will be based on the following criteria: Topic Presentations should combine structured lecture with group discussions and exercises as appropriate. Name, credentials, title and organization of the individual suggesting the Connection2. Study design: Describe the structure of the study and the variables of interest.d. Full CV for each panelist, including education and certification credentials, work experience and a list of presentations made in the past five years. My Profile. RESEARCH ABSTRACTSmust be organized in eight separate paragraphs with the sub-headings and contents as listed below:a. The company gains free advertising by having its name and the executive speaker's name published in the agenda of thousands of brochures and promotional announcements mailed or emailed by event organizers. form.gsc-search-box, table.gsc-search-box{ Your use of this site to is subject to our Terms of Use and Privacy Statement. .gsc-input-box{ If you see yourself in that description, submit your speaker application now. FleetCon is committed to keeping our conference as green as possible. If selected, ITS presenters will also be asked to present one Topic Presentation during the Core Conference. May 1, 2023 - Day One: Transformation With Digital Innovation: Going From Good To Great, May 2, 2023 - Day Two: Creating A Best-in-Class Customer Experience, May 3, 2023 - Day Three: Growing Your eCommerce: Actionable Ideas To Increase Your Sales. Much of todays public conversation is eaten up by zero-sum battles between divided groups. turn. -moz-box-sizing: content-box; SME needs presenters who employ interactive learning formats, who utilize collaborative learning opportunities with design and delivery appropriate for all learners. Copyright 2023 by Northstar Travel Media LLC. To be considered, Research Reports must have superior methodology and address topics relevant to the conference theme or a topic of landmark significance. November 13-16, 2023 . Loan Production and Underwriting Education, Financial Management and Strategy Education, Commercial/Multifamily Cross-Functional Education, Origination, Underwriting and Appraisal Education, FHA Multifamily Underwriter Training Program, FHA Affordable/221(d)(4) Training Program, School of Multifamily Property Inspections, Accredited Mortgage Professional (AMP) Designation, Certified Mortgage Banker (CMB) Designation, Chartered Realty Investor (CRI) Designation, Chartered Realty Investor (CRI) Designation Companies, Commercial Certified Mortgage Servicer Designation (CCMS) Program, Residential Certified Mortgage Servicer (RCMS) Designation, Certified Residential Underwriter (CRU) Designation, Certified Mortgage Compliance Professional (CMCP) Designation, Commercial Real Estate Finance (CREF) Careers, Tools to Promote Careers in Residential Mortgage Banking, Mortgage Bankers Performance Report - Quarterly and Annual, MBA Residential Originations Databook and Reports, Servicing Operations Study and Forum for Prime and Specialty Servicers, Single-Family Research for MBA Members Only, Commercial/Multifamily Quarterly DataBook, Commercial/Multifamily Real Estate Finance Database, Mortgage Banking Commercial/Multifamily Compensation Survey Program, Quarterly Commercial/Multifamily Mortgage Bankers Originations Index, Commercial/Multifamily Mortgage Servicer Rankings, Commercial/Multifamily Mortgage Delinquency Rates, Commercial/Multifamily Mortgage Debt Outstanding, Commercial/Multifamily Loan Maturity Volumes, Commercial/Multifamily Market Intelligence Blog, Research Institute for Housing America (RIHA), Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) Origination Issues, Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) Servicing Issues, Federal Housing Administration (FHA) Programs, U.S. Department of Agricultures Rural Housing Service, U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) Programs, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac Policies and Programs, Government Loan Servicing Standards (FHA/VA/RHS), Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA) Policies and Programs, Federal Home Loan Banks (FHLB) Policies and Programs, Secure and Fair Enforcement for Mortgage Licensing (SAFE) Act and Nationwide Mortgage Licensing System (NMLS), State Community Reinvestment Act (CRA) Legislation, State Legislative and Regulatory Resources, Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) Standards, Building Generational Wealth through Homeownership Initiative, Independent Mortgage Bankers (IMB) Fact Sheet, Property Assessed Clean Energy (PACE) Lending, Climate-Related Risk and Environmental, Social, Governance (ESG), Home Mortgage Disclosure Act (HMDA) and Multifamily Lending, Consumer Laws and Commercial and Multifamily Lending, Expanding Affordable Rental Housing Opportunities, CONVERGENCE Memphis Homebuyer Fair Resources, MBA Commercial/Multifamily Licensing Laws by State Terms Agreement, mPact: MBA's Network for Young Professionals, Path to Diversity Scholarship Application Form, Commercial Real Estate Diverse Supplier (CREDS) Consortium, Residential and Commercial/Multifamily Membership, Request a Residential Membership Application, Request a Commercial/Multifamily Membership Application, Request an Associate Membership Application, Request a Nonprofit Membership Application. WANT TO SPEAK AT OUR SAN DIEGO EVENT? .google-search input{ box-sizing: content-box; Calendar more. Attendees include customers from commercial, industrial, institutional (higher education, K-12, healthcare), and government organizations, as well as industry suppliers and consultants. Receive complimentary conference registration to all educational sessions at the event. We appreciate your efforts towards keeping the conference green as well! Select your Track (whichever track you feel your presentation falls into; most conferences will only have one option). The Liberal Democrats are taking the government to task over dentistry tomorrow as the local elections approach on Thursday. Speaking at a Phocuswright event is a statement about you and your company. Stay informed about the Art & Science of Health Promotion Conference and other special announcements. Priority will be given to proposals that address the conference theme. Please consider accessing information electronically before printing. .left-off-canvas-menu .google-search table{ 4. One's chance to speak during a discussion. profile in MyMBA. [blue-button]Training ›[/blue-button] . 2023 Event name TEDxKIITUniversity University: Location. Speaking Opportunities WBENC accepts speaker/instructor proposals on a rolling basis. -webkit-box-sizing: content-box; } Call for Speakers: May 1 31, 2023Learn More & Submit a Proposal, Conference Date: September 1, 2023Conference Location: So PauloCall for Speakers: April 24 May 31, 2023Learn More & Submit a Proposal, Conference Date: July 14, 2023 They use the power of imagination to make the world bigger, better, more thrilling, more hopeful. Innovators, entrepreneurs and builders. Any third party logos and/or content provided herein is owned by such third parties and is used by permission herein. box-sizing: content-box; 2. They will also be responsible for providing their own equipment, mats, etc. At TED2023 we will explore together a strange and beautiful space called the adjacent possible. Research Report presenters will receive one complimentary conference registration and will be responsible for their own travel and hotel expenses. Conference speaking opportunities. Panel Discussions may address topics related to the conference theme or other current critical health promotion topics. Blocking categories may impact your experience on the website. Making Connections Submission Requirements1. All sessions are filmed and each speaker will receive a copy of their session for their own promotional use. TEDx events are planned and coordinated independently, on a community-by-community basis, under a free license from TED. Bring this critical thought leadership habit into your routine. 1) Statement of the Problem2) Intervention (if appropriate)3) Study Design (study structure and variables of interest)4) Measures Utilized (form, validity and reliability)5) Analysis Method6) Quantitative Results7) Conclusions, Statement about what makes this program innovative or disruptive Abstracts of published articles on the research Outline illustrating the format of the session Three learning objectives stated in measurable and behavioral terms. 2023 General Spring- Summer Education Program Conferences Submittal deadline: June 30, 2023 . Your company gains increased visibility in vertical/industry sectors or broad-based areas that it has determined is in need of greater exposure. Print a copy of the guidelines and use the information to prepare your submissions. should describe what attendees will be able to accomplish after participating in the session. }, Privacy Policy | DSAR Requests / Do Not Sell My Personal Info | Terms of Use | Locations | Events, Products & Services. .google-search td{ chance. Four categories are available: Topic Presentations, Panel Discussions, Program Descriptions and Research Reports. Closed, Conference Date: July 20, 2023 The Annual Conference Employee Ownership Conference is where 2000+ employee-owners, thought leaders, and service professionals from across the country meet to share ideas and resources. The submission deadline is 11:59 p.m. Central Time on 27 November, 2022 . Copyright 2023 Diversified Communications, All rights reserved. Deadline passedAccepted on a rolling basis (Presented March 29-31, 2023). Additional opportunities to meet speakers. When you apply for a TED membership, youre not just purchasing a conference experience youre directly supporting the many impactful initiatives that empower and inspire our global audience. We make an effort to provide all information electronically. Fill out the formbelow to submit your contact information. Program Description Submission Requirements. Inbound does a great job breaking down the agenda ahead of time, so you can level up your conference networking game and research or pre-introduce yourself ahead of time. Produced by the North America Society for the Advancement of Material and Process Engineering (SAMPE), this event brings together leading companies, engineers, scientists, and professionals from throughout the advanced materials and processes industry. Poster presenters will be recognized on their name tags as aconference speaker. 2023Speaking Opportunities - Now Closed Additional speaking opportunities. line-height: 1rem; Speaking opportunities range from panels, to breakout sessions and live demonstrations. advance. By speaking at an SME conference and/or event, whether it's as a keynote or as a conference session presenter, you'll benefit from enormous exposure for yourself and your company, while also sharing your knowledge and educating the manufacturing community. Please enable scripts and reload this page. To assist you in preparing your proposal, we have posted submission guidelines HERE for the Conference & Exposition. 3. At The Phocuswright Conference, our audience craves to understand the future of travel and hospitality and hear from the most innovative minds. Speaking opportunities for executives and managers represent a strong marketing, public relations and business development tool for the following reasons: Interested in speaking at an SME event? And remember, your next partner, investor or client may be watching in the audience. As speaking opportunities emerge, applications will be considered from the speakers who submitted RFP's. NAWBO welcomes its members as speakers at one live event per year and on workshops. 2023 ANA Advertising . There are no other fees or expenses provided. They may also be used to limit the number of times you see an advertisement and measure the effectiveness of advertising campaigns. height: 34px; Thank you, and good luck with your submission(s). For example, the education industry has an ongoing Twitter chat around education news, and the hashtag used is #edchat. Making Connections leaders will be responsible for paying the conference registration fee before the start of the conference and for their own travel and hotel expenses. We'll be guided there by dreamers, inventors and creatives. ANA is always looking for qualified presenters for our events. Speaker requirements. After submission, proposals are carefully reviewed by the planning committee and invitations are issued for those proposals that are accepted. The guidelines contain the information required on the electronic submission form. Access to our award-winning private attendee app, TEDConnect, for on-the-go access to your schedule and to interact with new friends throughout the year. This storage type usually doesnt collect information that identifies a visitor. say. The deadline to submit a proposal for WBC 2023 is June 30, 2023 at 6:00 PM PT The RFP process serves to identify speakers for NAWBO events and workshops. How have you evaluated them and how else will you evaluate them?d. .left-off-canvas-menu .google-search{ Evolve Tech Conference Date: September 27-29, 2023 Where: Las Vegas, NV Price: $260 one-day pass / $525 full conference } TED's famous talks, plus interviews and other surprises in a custom-built theater. By speaking at a Smart Energy Decisions event, you gain an unbeatable opportunity to share your challenges, successes, and real-world strategies with your peers. There is no proposal submission process for the following MBA Conferences: Legal Issues and Regulatory Compliance Conference. . Analysis method: What statistics did you use to analyze your data?g. So Paulo Regional Compliance & Ethics Conference, three bullets limited to 100 characters each. To assist you in preparing your proposal, we have posted submission guidelines. Panel moderators will plan the agenda, moderate the panel and secure two to three other panel members. But the world doesnt have to be zero-sum. We will send information as it becomes available. Type of equipment and space required (Activities that require little or no equipment will be given priority. Bring TED to the non-English speaking world. 1:00pm. Questions about a conference? Please check back for opportunities to participate in other upcoming conferences. .gsc-input-box .gsc-input{ Each X-Talk will comprise of a solo speaker for a limited time of just, There are no other fees or expenses provided, (Please Note: All previous submissions are still on our consideration list). WAPA CME speakers also receive an honorarium in appreciation of their participation. Click here to learn more about each option. Interested in sponsoring GNEX 2024 in Miami Beach? You may be trying to access this site from a secured browser on the server. WBR organizes highly focused conferences that deliver timely, objective, accurate information and business solutions to its conference delegates. Innovators, entrepreneurs and builders. padding: 11px 27px; Brief description of the Connection (i.e., the discussion topic, meal or activity proposed), including a title3. PO Box 760, Sherman, CT 06784 USA | Telephone: +1 201 902-2000. Poster Presentation Submission Requirements1. Catch the full conference program and get access to the on-demand archive. SAMPE 2023 Conference and Exhibition is exclusively dedicated to advanced materials and processes. The subject may be based on the content of the ITS or a related topic. Full CV, including education and certification credentials, work experience and a list of presentations made in the past five years. We invite CEOs and influencers from all sectors of the global travel, tourism and hospitality industry to debate and define the ever-changing world of travel commerce. Continuing our unique X-TALK format, GNEX 2023, which will be held 5-7 March, 2023 in San Diego, California is looking for engaging speakers that can deliver useful and memorable presentations to senior-level decision makers from the vacation ownership and travel industry. Please do not contact FleetPros before the end of Februarysince the speaker committee reviews will not be concluded before then. The audience is eager to discover new tech and services at our events. Compensation: ITS presenters will receive reimbursement for hotel accommodations and round-trip transportation to the conference for all approved speakers plus a stipend based on the number of people who register for their ITS. The guidelines contain the information . -moz-box-sizing: content-box; Session formats in 2023 will include Panel Discussions, Interactive Workshops, Dialogue Dens, Fishbowl, Expert Debates and Traditional Breakouts. Thank you all for your participation. Breakouts are meant to be curiosity-invoking and share-worthy. Get personal exposure as an industry expert. From celebratory dance parties to inspired conversations over dinner, therell be plenty of opportunities to mingle with other attendees and connect around ideas. We'll be guided there by dreamers, inventors and creatives. By the end of February, you will receive notification of the status of your proposal. Summary of the primary program: Describe the core elements of the program you offered.c. Interested in presenting a session at FleetCon 2023? GNEX 2023 SPEAKING OPPORTUNITIES . Preferred dates and times for the session (Wednesday, Thursday or Fridaymorning, noontime or evening). margin: 10px auto; Cold outreach The most broad-brushed way to find public speaking opportunities is to use cold outreach, which involves asking event organizers if you can speak at their events. We hope to limit use of excessive paper by offering electronic conference materials such as the conference schedule, speaker information, accommodation and travel information, and more. 2/15/2023 SAMPE 2023 conference and expo keynote speaker announced. Visionary thinkers and doers from every field of human endeavor. From the largest conference of its kind for women business owners to engaging educational webinars, there is always something happening within the WBENC network to help you to get involved, learn something new, or discover business opportunities. height: 16px !important; 1. Available Spring 2023. Speaking Opportunities; Sponsor with SAMPE; Team SAMPE Corporate Membership; . Select "Learn more & submit a proposal" from the Upcoming Speaking Opportunities above. Get added to our email listto RFA 45th Annual Conference & Exhibition. padding: 8px 4% !important; The purpose of Making Connections is to provide a opportunity for people with similar professional or personal interests to get together at the conference for a conversation, a discussion, a meal, a workout or a fun activity. If you have what it takes, let us know about it. The status of the speaker selection process for upcoming conferences is as follows: Annual Convention and Expo, October 15-18, Pennsylvania Convention Center, Philadelphia; Deadline to submit: Friday, June 2 Secondary & Capital Markets Conference and Expo, May 21-24, 2023, Marriott Marquis New York: engage. Select yourself as a speaker or search for someone else. TED Countdown Summit 2023: Countdown Summit 2023. ), Setting and implementing emission reduction targets, Regulatory issues federal, state and local, Institutional (Higher Ed/K-12/Healthcare), Net Zero Forum (Spring): December 30, 2022. Alex Merry Public speaking, presentation and thought leadership coaching. CLICK HERE! 12/18/2022 GuestSpeakersWanted. Continuing our unique X-TALK format, GNEX 2024, which will be held 20- 22 February 2024 in Miami Beach, Florida is looking for engaging speakers that can deliver useful and memorable presentations to senior-level decision makers from the vacation ownership and travel industry. Session title 150-word narrative abstract Outline illustrating the format of the session Three learning objectives stated in measurable and behavioral terms. Become a conference presenter, and receive recognition within the PA community while expanding your professional portfolio. You may submit a speaker proposal for yourself or someone else by completing the Proposal Formin your If you have the experience and subject matter expertise to help women entrepreneurs or the supplier diversity community, we encourage you to apply. Presentations about industry trends or how-to talks can make a large impact on the audience. One-page summary of thepresenterseducation and work experience, that includes the presenters name, title, education and certification credentials, current organization, address, phone number and email address.4. Become a conference presenter, and receive recognition within the PA community while expanding your professional portfolio. You've made it to the big leagues and your message is important for the industry to hear. Showcase your company's leadership, progress and success. Proposals Due: June 1, 2023. All rights reserved. Confirm you have read the National Conference. This storage is often necessary for the basic functionality of the website. They will receive one complimentary conference registration and will be responsible for their own travel and hotel expenses. ), One-page summary of the presenters education credentials and work experience, which includes the presenters name, title, education and certification credentials, current organization, address, phone number and email address. Schedule a Demo Published February 17, 2023 Reading Time: 8 minutes Submissions close for Smart Energy Decisions' 2023 events as follows: Net Zero Forum (Spring): December 30, 2022. This includes optional demographic questions that help us grow the community thoughtfully. A one- to two-page document including: 250-word abstract with the following headings: 1) Organization (or Community) Description2) Program Components3) Program Implementation and Evaluation History4) Program Impact: Participation, Health and Financial Outcome, Statement about what makes this program innovative or disruptive Abstracts of published articles on the program Outline illustrating the format of the session Three learning objectives stated in measurable and behavioral terms, 2. Advanced practice providers lead the way in patient-centered care by diagnosing illnesses, developing and managing treatment plans, and educating the next generation of healthcare providers. Submissions will be reviewed on an ongoing basis. Upcoming Speaking Opportunities Hawaii Regional Compliance Conference Conference Dates: October 12 - 13, 2023 Conference Location: Honolulu, Hawaii Call for Speakers: May 1 - May 31, 2023 Learn More & Submit a Proposal SCCE's Compliance Auditing & Monitoring Conference Conference Date: September 6, 2023 Conference Location: Virtual - Central Time If you are interested in Speaking at B2B Online please contact: B2B Online is the premiere conference for networking and insight. margin: 0 !important; DSAR Requests / Do Not Sell My Personal Info, DERs (onsite solar, storage, microgrids, etc. } TED is a non-profit supported by the generosity of our community. 1201, or email speaker@mgma.com. These items help the website operator understand how its website performs, how visitors interact with the site, and whether there may be technical issues. Any press in attendance also presents opportunities for added exposure. To check your local time zone, visit https://www.worldtimebuddy.com/. } It's a perfect combination of powerful engagement and brand exposure. Advertising networks usually place them with the website operators permission. Ponte Vedra Beach, February 15 - 18, 2026. Poster presenters will be responsible for paying the core (three-day) conference registration fee before the start of the conference and for their own travel and hotel expenses. Of course, these fees are nowhere near where you'd want to charge after you . Call for Speakers:March 15 April 15, 2023 We have a strong preference for client-side marketers, which is the speaker constituent that most highly resonates with our members. Activity session leaders will be asked to lead up to three Activity Sessions during the conference. Share solutions with new manufacturing professionals. An act of generosity that further supports TEDs mission and programs. be notified when submission periods open. As an SME conference/event speaker, its your opportunity to: There is much evidence that speaking at public forums often results in attaining business because an audience of potential customers or clients gains an increased awareness of the company in general and specific subject areas in particular. 2023 Speaking Opportunities. Need synonyms for opportunity to speak? Even if you don't carry out cold outreach, you should create a list of the events that you'd like to speak at so that you have something to work towards. One of the best ways to get to know the people, trends, and events in your industry is to identify the most commonly used hashtags by your community. box-shadow: inset 0px 0px 0px 0px white; At a time of great challenges, this is the antidote we need. WBR is equally committed to ensuring that its conferences facilitate informal information gathering and network creation. Speakers may also be referenced in conference press releases where appropriate. These items allow the website to remember choices you make (such as your user name, language, or the region you are in) and provide enhanced, more personal features. Speaking at a Phocuswright event is a statement about you and your company. Please note ALL items with an *are REQUIRED FIELDSto submit the RFP. SCCE invites ethics and corporate compliance professionals and service providers to serve as conference speakers, session facilitators, and presenters. Individuals who offer a Connection should be prepared to start the discussion, meal plan or activity, and let the group take it from there, and should not plan to present a lecture or promote a product. Search for your co-presenter (if you have one). Opportunities include four-day national conferences and 90-minute webinars. Art & Science of Health Promotion Conference. Interested in presenting a session at FleetCon 2023? Noun. Select your the event you would like to apply for from the drop down. All panel discussion presenters will be responsible for their own travel and hotel expenses. Watch, tweet or blog as you view the talks onscreen and connect around powerful ideas. speakers understand they must be registered to attend the conference (a discounted rate is offered as a speaker benefit).
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