swiss agency for development and cooperation email address
[1], Swisscontact was founded in 1959 under the name of Swiss Foundation for Technical Cooperation by leading figures from the Swiss business world, universities and politics. In operating with other federal offices concerned, SDC is responsible for the overall coordination of development activities and cooperation with Eastern Europe, as well as for the humanitarian aid delivered by the Swiss Confederation. Vocational education and training: Swisscontact works locally through existing institutions and training centres, usually by training teachers and instructors or with the establishment of teacher training institutes. International Cooperation Summary: The project includes the analysis of existing quality labels and certifications for NGOs and the elaboration of recommendations for the attention of SDC, which of them are suitable to serve as a basis for subsidy decisions for program funding in the years 2025 to 2028. The Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) is part of the Federal Department of Foreign Affairs. The Albanian-Swiss Intellectual Property Project (ALSIP) is a development cooperation project between the Government of Switzerland and the Government of Albania. The project aims to involve smallholder farmer businesses sustainably in agricultural value chains, thereby improving their living conditions and economic situation. Anne-Marie Im-Hof-Piguet (co-founder of Swisscontact): Unterwegs zu einer Akademie der Menschenrechte; Ein Lebensbericht. One assignment lasts a maximum of three months. All content is posted anonymously by employees working at Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation. weADAPT has been established since 2007. In the 1960s, Swisscontact set up vocational training colleges in Africa, Asia and Latin America and provided further training for the instructors at these colleges. Ninth round of exploratory talks with the EU, Switzerland and the United Nations Office for West Africa and the Sahel: a win-win partnership, The Federal Council launches a strategy focused on South East Asia, "This is the reason for IC Forum: thought and action", Delicious Graubnden specialities kick off third edition of Romansh Language Week, Culinarica grischuna per l'avertura da la terza Emna rumantscha, Women in Switzerland's diplomatic service: from early pioneers to the first State Secretary, Switzerland participates in UN 2023 Water Conference, We've already played a significant role in Colombia's peace processes, Switzerland works to protect civilians in armed conflicts, Switzerland's commitment to mine action in 2022, National Peace Accords: Switzerland supports peaceful elections in Nigeria, Number of Swiss nationals living abroad passes 800,000 mark, according to FSO, Switzerland's presidency of the UN Security Council, Fighting in Sudan: FDFA closes embassy and evacuates transferable embassy staff, The agenda of the President of the Confederation at a glance, "The presentation of the new OSCE action plan in Vienna sends a strong signal", "Arms control and disarmament are currently going through a turbulent period", Niger President Cassis deepens bilateral relations and pays tribute to ICRC partnership, Restitution of illicitly acquired assets: Progress of negotiations between Switzerland and Uzbekistan, New trends influencing human rights protection, Ina valisch plain ideas rumantschas per la Chasa federala, Switzerland presents its Americas Strategy, A suitcase of Romansh ideas delivered to the Federal Palace, Federal Councillor Cassis participates in UN Security Council debate on Ukraine, 2030 Agenda youth competition: 60 new ideas for sustainable development, Questions and answers on Switzerland's neutrality, "Multilateral organisations are more necessary than ever", Switzerland chairs network to strengthen women's role in peace promotion, The little-known story of Olivier Long and the vian Accords of 18 March 1962, "We need to keep Earth's orbits safe for essential applications", For the FDFA, ecumenical dialogue is a way to foster peace and promote human rights, 75% of Swiss citizens living abroad have more than one nationality, Swiss permanent mission's perspective on humanitarian capital Geneva, "Switzerlands Democracy comes up frequently in discussions within the Congress", 2030 Agenda Sustainable Development Goals: integrate stakeholders and new ideas, Switzerland gives a clear insight into the good relationship between citizens and government, Without peace it is impossible to secure human rights, Die Strukturen fr die interdepartementale Koordination in den Bereichen Sicherheit und Cyberrisiken werden berprft, Switzerland's priorities for serving on the UN Security Council, Q&A: Switzerland and the UN Security Council, Two tales from overseas: transferable careers KBF at the FDFA, Discussion on reconstruction provides prospects for Ukraine in time of war, Switzerland's election to the UN Security Council, Switzerland's position on the nuclear weapons ban treaty, Enjoy your time abroad, but travel responsibly, "It is not so long ago that the Balkan countries were at war", URC2022: Four voices coming from Italian-speaking Switzerland, Ukraine Recovery Conference (URC2022) in Lugano on 45 July 2022, 250 participants at the NATO Partnerships Symposium in Geneva, "Switzerland must pick up the pace to achieve the 2030 Agenda goals", Nuclear threat Switzerland calls for measures, "Young people are a source of inspiration for our foreign policy", Second Swiss contribution: issues and players, "Switzerland doesn't just abandon people", 77th session of the UN General Assembly Ignazio Cassis represents Switzerland in New York, "It was a major shock but it hasn't weakened the Council of Europe, it has made it stronger", "Switzerland has always had an interest in stability, peace and security", FDFA interns visit Italian-speaking Switzerland, Las emprendistas ed ils emprendists dal DFAE scuvran la Svizra taliana, "Weapons of mass destruction cannot be used without delivery systems", "We must stay on track to achieve a world without capital punishment", Geneva: sharing expertise to benefit the digital French-speaking world, Swiss or Belgian chocolate? It is the largest donor to SWISSAID, contributing to the smooth running of development projects in its 9 partner countries. The Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) is the agency for international cooperation of the Federal Department of Foreign Affairs (FDFA). Plattform der Schweizer Entwicklung & Zusammenarbeit fr den Dialog ber nachhaltige Entwicklung. Head Quarter Website: The Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) yesterday pledged $4.6 million over three years for phase two of an agriculture assistance program that is intended to help small-scale Cambodian farmers in four northern provinces. This is a list of development aid agencies which provide regional and international development aid or assistance, divided between national (mainly OECD countries) and international organizations. The program, a first of its kind in the entrepreneurship ecosystem space aims to strengthen the capacity of the SMEs in the region whilst also enabling the municipality build their understanding of the SME landscape and support . The goal of development cooperation is that of reducing poverty. Live Tender. 3003 Bern. Number in the commercial register: CHE-105.911.139. ", Switzerland plays a critical role in contributing to poverty reduction, "We now have clear criteria and greater transparency in development cooperation", Four languages, four cultures one country, Quatter linguas, quatter culturas in pajais, "To a large extent, we design our lives together", Federal Councillor Ignazio Cassis meets with Ticino and Graubnden government representatives, Lesbos: "It's now time for actors on the ground to take over our projects", World AIDS Day: Young People and the Drive for Change, Ukraine: economic prospects thanks to Swiss practice-based training, La Francophonie from cultural exchange to political purpose, The Pontifical Swiss Guard: poised between history and new projects, Swiss expertise supports the sustainable development of mountain regions, Actively promoting respect for human rights with the help of digital technology, The Swiss financial centre promotes its strengths abroad, Sentencing of the dual citizen in Belarus. Since 1979 Swisscontact has a pool of retired professionals called the Senior Expert Corps. It is meant to foster economic self-reliance and state autonomy, to contribute to the improvement of production conditions, to help in finding solutions to environmental problems, and to provide better access to education and basic healthcare services. at The FAO Green Cities Initiative is pleased to invite you to its side event organized as part of the ECOSOC Youth Forum, I hope that I have undestood the translation and that this has provided you with enough information for your climate, Assez d'informations utile pour aborder notre projet de renforcement de la rsilience au changement climatique. Two important partners of Swisscontact are the governmental organisations Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) and the State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO). Friday, March 24, 2023 Yesterday, the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) in Kosovo and the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation signed a co-funding Agreement to further support inclusion and political engagement of women at the municipal level. SECO manages 13.6 percent or roughly 1.54 billion Swiss francs of these funds. Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) Embassy of Switzerland Nyaya Marg, Chanakyapuri New Delhi - 110021. Bid Detail is the best tender website for Agency For Technical Cooperation And Development (ACTED) funding tenders. Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC). The main fields of activity are fostering skills development, small and medium enterprises, financial services and resource efficiency. Zrich 2012. at ", Everyone is on edge: Swiss emergency and reconstruction aid in Nepal after the earthquake of April 2015, What we have learned in the fight against malaria: lessons for COVID19, Switzerland supports the World Bank Group's swift response to COVID-19, COVID-19: Switzerland strengthens international cooperation, The most frequent questions to the FDFA Helpline, COVID-19, peace and human rights: history is accelerating. Web Development by | Terms and conditions, SDCs research cooperation is guided by a spirit of partnership. We are a leading organisation in the implementation of international development projects. Institution Website ADDRESS Swiss Agency for Cooperation & Development, Freiburgstrasse 130, 3003 Bern Contact +41 (0)58 462 34 75, This was followed in the 1980s by the launch of schemes aimed at promoting small and medium enterprises (SMEs), after graduates from the vocational training colleges had said that there was an urgent need for expert advice when setting up businesses. [4] The Springfield Centre is a consulting, training and research company focused on market systems development. The organization also runs a programme of its own activities that are financed from donations and contributions from the state. The Swiss government funds numerous Israeli and Palestinian NGOs through the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC/EDA), the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA), and representative offices in Tel Aviv and Ramallah. Additionally, Swisscontact works with local representatives within the business ecosystem. Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (Nepal) Bilateral from Nepal, it`s involved in Education, Food Security, Humanitarian Aid & Emergency, Macro-Econ. It has been founded in 1959 as a politically and denominationally neutral organisation and has 60 employees in Switzerland and approximately 1,400 staff abroad. Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation Jun 2022- Present1 year Yerevan, Armenia - Leading the Inclusive Economic Development program portfolio in Armenia in the frame of Swiss. Swiss international cooperation, which is an integral part of the Federal Council's foreign policy, aims to contribute to a world without poverty and in peace, for sustainable development. 3008 Bern The goal of development cooperation is that of reducing poverty. The SDC is charged with implementing this mission.[10]. Band T. Tuesday September 14, 2021. In development cooperation, all financial services provided for people on low incomes in developing countries are bracketed together under the collective term microfinance. The SDC focuses its activities on reducing poverty and distress, as well as curbing global risks. P.O. The pool contains experts in: marketing and management consulting, electrical, civil and mechanical engineering, hotel and tourism services, food engineering, education, medical and health care services, agronomy and forestry engineering, construction and other specialized fields.[16]. Swisscontact started off by setting up technical vocational training colleges (for mechanics, electricians, electronic technicians, etc.) develop financial products services and products with local partners for small enterprises, develop new technologies and improve infrastructure, Public relations work to increase environmental awareness, Advising authorities on drafting laws and decrees, Training instructors and professionals and strengthening the dialogue between different actors and civil society. Over the past 25 years the main focus in the promotion of vocational training has shifted to instructing vocational training college instructors and setting up national vocational training systems on the one hand and to holding shorter courses on the other, in particular for unemployed youngsters and disadvantaged sectors of the population (in development cooperation usually called skills training). [5], Swisscontact is convinced that employment and income open up pathways out of poverty and can reduce economic disparities. IGICERI PROGRAM: A SAVING PROGRAM FOR TECHNICAL AND VOCATIONAL EDUCATION (TVET) GRADUATES IN RWANDA, Swisscontact created the Igiceri Savings Programme in partnership with Micro Finance Institutes in Rwanda to help trainees and graduates from, Key Learnings and Recommendations of the Credit Suisse Swisscontact initiative. The SDC is responsible for the overall coordination with other federal authorities of development and cooperation with Eastern Europe as well as for humanitarian aid delivered by the Swiss . Box 5504, Kigali, RwandaKG 5 Avenue No 83, Kacyiru, IBAN: CH60 0020 6206 3134 2301 BBIC: UBSWCHZH80AOnline donations. And I'm proud of that", COVID-19: Swiss aid for overburdened hospitals in India, Finding missing people and bringing them home strengthens society and builds peace, An innovative, efficient and responsible Switzerland, A strong signal in the fight against famine during armed conflict, A journey into cyberspace guided by the Council of Europe, Africa Day: "Africa as a whole is growing more important. Head Quarter Address: Freiburgstrasse 130 3003 Bern . Take a look at the overview of SDCs research activities here. Your donation to SWISSAID is tax deductible. Bern 1993, S. 189-200 (Studien und Quellen 19). [1] In 1993, the SDC ran an office in Eritrea, which closed in 2006 when the SDC stopped supporting its projects in Eritrea for political reasons. This content was published on February 5, 2022 February 5, 2022 Keystone-SDA/ac at New insights and innovative approaches are needed to reduce poverty and to implement the 2030 Agenda in developing countries. This is the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation company profile. . It carries out around 120 projects in 39 different countries to promote economic stability. Their aim is to give small and medium enterprises access to banking services that allow them to maintain or expand their companies. Initatives allow access to knowledge, project approaches, and resources that enhance economic and social significance while fostering entrepreneurship. Head Quarter Phone Number: +41 (0)58 462 34 75. The Swiss Government have appointed Australian digital marketing agency G Squared and software company Station Five, to develop a first-of-its-kind data platform to monitor humanitarian and development programs in . . BCtA is a unique multilateral alliance among donor governments - including the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida), the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation, the UK Department for International Development (DFID) and the United Nations Development Programme, which hosts the secretariat. This regional programme extended its activities to Burundi and the Democratic Republic of Congo during phase 2. The Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) is the federal government agency responsible for Switzerlands international cooperation and development cooperation activities. The Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) is Switzerland's international cooperation SDCs international cooperation strategy is a foreign policy framework for Switzerland, based on the Federal Constitution, to alleviate need and poverty worldwide, improve respect for human rights, promote democracy and protect the environment. An example of this is recycling of reusable materials. Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC), Programme Manager South Pole Group. Switzerland and the Baltic States: what do they think of 100 years of relations? Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC), Programme Officer The SDC relaunched its support actions in Eritrea in 2017. It is the largest donor to SWISSAID, contributing to the smooth running of development projects in its 9 partner countries. It fosters economic self-reliance and state autonomy, contributes to the improvement of production conditions, helps address environmental problems, and . Swiss aid gives $4.6M for farmers. Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation contact info: Phone number: +41 584629311 Website: What does Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation do? ", No signing of SwissEU institutional agreement, Switzerland remains a committed partner to the EU even without the institutional agreement, "We have a vested interest in a democratic and stable Sudan", Good offices: effective dialogue makes great things possible, Il cusseglier federal Ignazio Cassis en scola a Glion, U.S.-Russia Summit: the dialogue in pictures, Ignazio Cassis goes back to school in Glion, Career paths: a region of the world and the climate in the training focus, Switzerland's commitment to combating torture. It may require cleanup to comply with Wikipedia's content policies, particularly. Its mandate is based on the Federal Law on International Development Cooperation and Humanitarian Aid enacted on 19 March 19, 1976, and on a federal decree of March 24, 1995, on cooperation with the countries of Eastern Europe. Learn more about the role of women in climate action, best practice examples and key lessons learnt. This theme explores how mountains and mountain communities can be made more resilient. [7] In December 2020, the SDC released a 4.35 million dollars support fund for the phase 2 of the UNFPA Women Girls First Programme in Myanmar,[8] and invested 30 million dollars in Aceli Africa (loans to agricultural SMEs) along with the Ikea foundation and the USAID. Cluster munitions Why are they so dangerous? In operating with other federal offices concerned, SDC is responsible for the overall coordination of development activities and cooperation with Eastern Europe, as well as for the humanitarian aid delivered by the Swiss Confederation. Ecosystem-based adaptation for beginners MOOC course, Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC), Regional Advisor News Sahel Opportunits: Comprehensive training for a better future Innovations in vocational education It emphasises inclusive federal state building, promotes employment and income, and contributes to the safety of Nepali migrant workers. reducing the causes of forced and irregular migration. Read More . By building inclusive agricultural systems, smallholder farmers will have improved access to markets, information, and means of production. Its support has enabled millions of people, through hundreds of projects, to improve their living conditions and become self-sufficient. It was also evident that SMEs were experiencing considerable difficulty in obtaining commercial and investment credits. History Contact Us vefetch 2021-03-02T11:35:45+05:30. Swiss international cooperation has five framework credits totalling 11.25 billion Swiss francs at its disposal. Free Tools ; Leads by Industry ; Top Profiles . Promost Project - Project journey and key achievements 2012 -2020. Glassdoor gives you an inside look at what it's like to work at Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation, including salaries, reviews, office photos, and more. Watch thisInternational Mountain Day webinar which focused on how to promote gender-responsive climate action in mountain areas. Swiss international cooperation, which is an integral part of the Federal Council's foreign policy, aims to contribute to a world without poverty and in peace, for sustainable development. The Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation also funded UNDP's programme on strengthening rule of law in . Cooperation with Eastern Europe centres on ten countries in South-Eastern Europe and the CIS. The goal of development cooperation is that of reducing poverty. What are the key components of successful entrepreneurial ecosystems? developed by the Commission for Research Partnerships with Developing Countries (KFPE) serve as reference framework. The Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC); the Municipality of Freetown, Sierra Leone; and the United Nations Capital Development Fund (UNCDF) today announce the launch of the Freetown/Blue Peace Initiative. The Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) is an office-level agency in the federal administration of Switzerland, and a part of the Federal Department of Foreign Affairs. [4] This approach aims to increase the relevance of their offer and contribute towards labor-market-oriented skills development. Since the genocide in 1994, the Government of Rwanda has deployed various strategies to grow its economy. At the multilateral level, the SDC works with UN agencies, the World Bank and regional development banks. Additionally, the project emphasizes. Commercial Agriculture for Smallholders and Agribusiness Programme. Tom Schacher is an Architect at Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation based in Ittigen, Bern. Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC), Program Officer Franziska Diener: Die Schweizerische Stiftung fr technische Entwicklungshilfe (Swisscontact) 1956 1971 Entwicklungszusammenarbeit der Schweizer Privatwirtschaft. At present, around 45% of those who have benefited are women.[7][8]. "The Libyan people want to express their political will democratically", Toni Frisch a career dedicated to humanitarian aid, "Food systems impact on the climate, water and health and vice versa", Federal Councillor Ignazio Cassis visits key partner countries in the Mekong region, "The enlargement contribution has had a positive impact on Switzerland's bilateral relations with the EU-13 countries", Afghanistan: 15 more people with links to Switzerland leave the country, Youth and Future Prize: calling all innovative sustainable development projects, The divorce may have been finalised, but that does not settle the question of Brexit, Young ambassadors of change from the MENA region in Lugano, Six stories to mark 60 years of SwissAustralian diplomatic relations, Rethinking the relationship between policymakers and statistics. The FDFA is concerned about the recent incidents in Washington D.C. After training car mechanics, Swisscontact also went on to develop integral solutions for preventing air pollution. Swiss Development & Cooperation | Bern The foundation with headquarters in Zurich, Switzerland, is certified with the ZEWO seal of quality from the Swiss agency responsible for monitoring charitable organizations that raise donations in Switzerland. [15] It supports small businesses, especially farmer organisations, to establish themselves as suppliers in national and global value chains by training and technical assistance or quality management. Document Sources: Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC), World Health Organization (WHO) Subject: Assistance , Gaza Strip , Health Publication Date: 23/08/2016 PROMOST (Promoting Market-Oriented Skills Training) in the Great Lakes Region is currently in its eighth year of operations in Rwanda and is about to round up the third phase of the 12-year SDC programme that aims at supporting the Government of Rwandas efforts to improve access to as well as quality and relevance of its TVET system. Swisscontact has approximately 1,100 staff worldwide. He has been appointed as the Chair of the Funders' Council in March 2021. Swisscontact aims at strengthening the competitiveness of small and medium-sized businesses. The Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC), responsible for coordinating Switzerland's development and humanitarian aid programs in the country, discussed with the Lao Government strategic poverty reduction activities, good governance, resource management and inclusive social and economic development programs planned in the . This page was last edited on 11 October 2021, at 13:07. 14.7 billion) over four years. The SNSF and the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) are launching the new Solution-oriented Research for Development (SOR4D) programme. agricultural tools, livestock).[13]. Cooperation with Eastern Europe centres on ten countries in South-Eastern Europe and the CIS. The very first pop-up House of Switzerland in Stuttgart but why is it being launched? Agencies of numerous development cooperation partners from emerging countries such as India, Middle Eastern countries, Mexico, South Africa, Thailand, Singapore, and so on, are not included. The organization was renamed in 1972, but retained its old title as a supplement. The average D&I rating left by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation employee community has declined by 5.3% over the last 12 months. The SDC has been active in Burkina Faso since 1974. The interventions support market actors to adopt new practices that improve the way market systems work - particularly for the poor and MSMEs. By using this website, you are agreeing to our use of cookies. Elisabeth Feller: Die technische Entwicklungshilfe schweizerischer Unternehmer, in: Ostschweiz - Westschweiz - Eidgenossenschaft. Swisscontact is specialized in project implementation, accepts assignments from public and private partners and carries out projects that have been put out to public tender. This addresses the key development challenge of unemployment and underemployment brought about by the low quality of skills Empowering women through vocational education and training. Entrepreneurship: Swisscontact supports innovative, risk-oriented individuals to seize business opportunities by facilitating business enabling environments, access to financial services and to non-financial resources such as information and know-how. Project initiated by Swissnex FDFA Protocol is currently answering a large number of requests that are "as urgent as they are varied". The first initiative came from Anne-Marie Im Hof-Piguet (1916-2010), who was of the opinion "that because of its wealth and as country without a colonial past, Switzerland should play an important role in development aid".[2].