unfictional falling podcast transcript
If the person is in the elevator standing on a scale, they see that they weigh one hundred and sixty pounds and then snip. My goal was to get back in shape and actively pursue my acting career, when I met a boy. Podcast transcription is the conversion of your podcast's audio recording into a written text copy. What do you mean? OK, we're going to try now to eighty milliseconds OK to eighty go went down to tumble. This was nineteen oh one. So all of it goes right to your hard drive that clouds the feeling of the air. She probably had photographs of herself that she signed. As someone who makes his living making radio, I am acutely aware of my hearing, and the sounds around me. Sounds can be overwhelming. [SOUNDS OF A HOSPITAL MEDICAL OFFICE; a door opens]. And our next following feature is Falling Asleep, but with a little kick. So that's my trick is just basically so I don't get eaten by a lion all these many years. How long, by the way, was it from the top of the roof to the ground below point eight, six seconds, that's how long it takes to fall 12 feet? That's in her own house. And then finally, the signal does come back and you've sent out this corrective motor command and you'll stumble with each step. Instead, he told his, ________________________________________ . (3 words). She had been a principal. Made in L.A. Streaming music, news & culture from KCRW Santa Monica, Live streaming music, news & culture from KCRW Santa Monica. It's just kind of embarrassing. Here's an environment where, in essence, I can turn gravity off. Their staff include Ellen Ward, Sean Wheeler, Lulu Miller, Rita feral cat Walter and Lynn Levy with help from Sharon, shotput Freeman, tons of car somewhere else. You fall forward slightly. The solution is by no means perfect, and many people in the deaf community find them unnecessary or unsettling. I mean, so the rubber is kind of curved around underneath it. Review our. Interesting thing is Jones home, she actually becomes a.. The only survivor was an 11-year-old boy named Norman Ollestad. It was field house girl. To live in a world that is completely silent, all the time, and where you feel utterly and completely alone. Herbst Theater in San Francisco in front of an audience talking about falling apart, minding my own business on the airplane, and someone looks and sees what I'm doing. In February of 1979, a small plane crashed onto an icy slope high in the San Gabriel mountains, ultimately leaving three people dead. If you need more space for an answer Falling Podcast.pdf - Unfictional Podcast - Falling. The first 60 people to donate by midnight tonight will EACH unlock an additional $100 for KCRW, thanks to KCRW Champion and Public Media supporter Mark. Discuss where robotics, social media, and gene editing (CRISPR) are on the hype cycle. 2023 KCRW All Rights Reserved. Provide evidence, Considering the placement of artificial intelligence (AI) on the hype cycle, discuss an industry that could be disrupted by AI and explain the cause of that disruption. You're listening to Radiolab Radio from WNYC. A device gives us a peak at the alternate universe versions of the podcast and we get a grim look at what could have been had Unpitchable never been born. The "music" fades; the scene fades], JULIE McDONOUGH: I could see it at first, when she came out of that appointment and she hadn't made a final decision and she was like, crying one second and happy the other, AMANDA McDONOUGH: And I said, I'm going to get it! And there was one cat that fell 32 stories and the cat had a little bit of sort of thoracic bruising and a chip tooth and that was it. No, of course, we love our cats now, we don't do that to our cats anymore, but when we went to visit ambacher, the veterinary hospital, we were asking her about the Falling Cats research paper, which was called the Feline Hyrule Feline, a high rise syndrome. I picked up the phone, I dialed her as I always do, and she says Mom I know you're there but I can't hear you, will text me? And what is what is a lot I mean, how many cats were coming into this place? So we have it on October 24th, in 1981, OK. Word had spread. I'm Robert Krulwich. That's fantastic. She says that leg got gangrene and he died. I listened to the Juggalo episode first, just now, and it was excellent. So one of the first lip-reading sentences I did was, "I cheated on you in San Francisco. Oh, my God. This Vox podcast explores scientific mysteries, unanswered questions, and all the things we learn by diving into the unknown. Bur he was intense and sometimes reckless with with the demands he put on his young son to live a life of gritty adventure, and extremes. A secret road to a California paradise. It's a it's a shame we can all agree about that. Well, her MiniDisc recorder malfunctioned in the way down. I'm Jad Abumrad. The most anticipated trick, the one that everybody was waiting for was somebody going over the falls in the barrel. Right, right. And you reach a point where and then call the tidal forces tides on your body. This is Fred Coolidge, all about the hypnagogic by. Which is exciting. Initially, you kind of feel good, you know, because it's we all stretch when you wake up in the morning. I like you, help me, I think I'm falling. So I saw this ad on campus and it said somebody to work in a sleep lab. She starts to have that relaxation pretty soon. You're attached to something which is about to be severed and you will fall totally free into the void, unable to see what's about to happen to you, presuming a net. DR. JANE GAY: 10 to 20, 25 percent of implant users are able to enjoy music--You recognize that; that's from the Nutcracker--but unfortunately, not everybody. Then they knock and cut the rope. There was like an attentiveness beyond I want to ask you one thing, which, like you just said, I'm falling for him. Uh, let's see. But at night, she crawled up the tree for safety, she climbs up in that tree, drops food there for her baby, and she's going to drop off to sleep. So join Bill ea We are a Filipino-Chinese couple living in the heart of Manila. He's a neuroscientist. She had run a dancing school. full episode Falling Broadcast Thu 31 Mar 2016 at 12:05am Listen 27m Cucamonga Peak, San Gabriel Mountains, California ( Trey /Flickr.com/BY-NC) In 1979 a small plane crashed onto an icy slope high in the San Gabriel mountains, leaving three people dead. That's almost a rain of cats. One article in particular that he wrote caught our attention. So I went in, applied, and I ended up in the beginning cleaning toilets, but I just got in to fall asleep. It's two days before the outer piece of my cochlear implant gets put on, and I am really nervous. That's he was here before, I guess far too loudly was here. What and by the way, the next most common dream after falling to being chased. Does it sound weird? And that's how it went all freshman year, sophomore year, junior year. Three, two. Wow. I don't remember the exact moment, but I do remember sitting in the lunch room with the girls at the table and sort of scoping out the boys. We experience the beautiful failure that is our romance advice podcast, we make a few lists about things, talk about grandmas, and rank them, and we help some poor startups whip their . Well, it sunk into the rubber. The meaning of digital citizenship for students is defined and discussed, as well as tips for safe navigation in digital spaces. I'm not adherent to that theory, not knowing anything else. I think I just asked a lot of questions. And then at that point kind of backtracked and denied having ever really loved me. Did that did that make you step back at all? He is getting into a plane. And our record here, it wasn't in this paper, but our record is. Unfictional producer Bob Carlson watches his two children go through the transmogrifier and come out unexpectedly as grown-ups. Yes. 1 phone call. It turns out the fabric of space and time funnels down towards a black hole. Despite sinking sales, management raised its adjusted earnings outlook for 2023 by $0.10 to a range between $10.72 and $11.12 per share. Arianna Irons - 2021 Podcast Plane Crash Q &A.odt, Falling Podcast - Listening Activity.docx, On the day of the flight, young Norman Ollestad notices especially thick clouds and overhears a radio warning about the weather. The guy who did that would be the real gravity here. The future of AI: Its impact on creativity, humanity, and well being, Scandals, suits, and strikes: Hollywoods week in news, explained, Todays Top Tune: WITCH - Avalanche of Love (Feat. I don't remember the number, but they open the door. And again, eye contact, we would talk and be connected with the eyes. Maybe two hundred, I don't know. It's actually haunting to me to hear that. We brought all of our equipment and our stopwatches and had a great time. She didn't look like a hero more than that mean well, I've kept something from you. UnFictional Captivating real-life stories created by the most talented radio producers across the land. That's interesting because my kids 10 months old and I think he's in this calibrating period. He steps just to the edge. Now the barrel crash is back. From shocking confessions and family secrets to philosophical discussions and shameless self-promotion, anything can and will happen! No, it isn't. No one's ever died on this thing, right? But then they go on an island where she changes into some gym clothes and now she gets in the barrel. Well, this is a love story and in some ways it's a very typical love story. Yeah. AMANDA McDONOUGH [really sobbing]: Wow. All right, jump number one, we actually found a reporter in Dallas who agreed to give us a try and then I'll put the sign over the horn. Yeah, yeah. #opensource #serverless, podcasts.google.com/feed/aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cua2Nydy5jb20vY3VsdHVyZS9zaG93cy91bmZpY3Rpb25hbC9yc3MueG1s, open.spotify.com/show/2TREFLiPkEjQo9L6i6vJns. Hello, hello, hello. Her only child had died, her husband right after that. I navigate with sound, my moods are affected by sound, I even LISTEN to television as much as I watch it and that's why the idea of LOSING my hearing is serious business. Yesterday, my uncle came over, my aunt was here, my grandmother, my parents, my brothereveryone's sitting around our kitchen table; they're talking and having a grand old time, and I couldn't keep up. But get it right now you're a walker right. Don't lie down. And it's not obvious how he took the final step, but the final step was to realize that the what is gravity is the curvature of space and time. Sandbox is Science Foundation initiative dedicated to engaging everyone with the process of science. She can't feel the tree under her back or hear the noises down below. And he was working at a restaurant that had an outdoor patio. Oh, my God, that's the moment where the parachute opens. OK, how much of that have you heard this tape? Ftbol Confidential looks at AYSO, American homegrown soccer culture. As you fall in, the gravity at your feet becomes rapidly greater than the gravity at your head. That's what I really was falling for about him. Is that a little better? At first, he refused to build it when he heard what her plan was. So I did. Even their first kiss, he didn't realize he was kissing a girl he'd actually known for years. He walked us 17 steps and I just made the last BBC did it. 20 min. No, I just said it was a guy to set you up so that you would ask me that question because, in fact, it was a woman. So were you, like, totally shocked? Hey, hi. Norman Jr. describes his dad, Norman Ollestad, Sr., as a straight-laced, kind of 1950s guy with a law degree, and a job with the FBI. This is something even Albert Einstein himself couldn't quite figure out, he was struggling to understand how the force of gravity works, and it was a big, big puzzle. Meanwhile, a subculture ascends, one reporter explores Olvera Street, and another finds an old notebook filled with memories from his time in a cabin. We're going to call her Cerita and the boy. And. You know, she was interesting, like, oh, does this work? I'm Robert Krulwich by this John Murray Radio Lab is produced by Jad Abumrad and Tim Howard. Which she feels like she's floating. Twitter: @tfsTweets. It's just computationally difficult. Why can you give me a little history? Yeah, because I knew if another curly haired girl walked there before I did the game, is that her? Well, we had a class together our freshman year. I started wondering what happened falling. It's a really catchy term. Yeah, they just clicked. Will the Aztec calendar destroy the earth? Brought to you by your familiar strangers: Ian Pollock, Jodie-Lee Trembath, Julia Brown, Simon Theobald, Kylie Won First-person diaries, sound portraits, and hidden chapters of history from Peabody Award-winning producer Joe Richman and the Radio Diaries team. But in their home country Dubai, nishas gender identity is illegal, and they can be deported or convicted of homexuality, or cross-dressing., Imagine entering a giant machine that sucks you in one end, and spits you out the other side as something completely different. There's a little piece of my brain that's missing. And I said, What is that? Should cats everywhere go to the forty second floor before jumping out of the window? One man watched his children suddenly turn into grown-ups, while another upended . This is my friend Jordan. Welder is an audio recording and streaming software that offers a variety of features. OK, the worst. And I got fascinated by these giant jerks at the beginning of sleep. I loved him, yeah, so much. You can call me Fred. So these two pieces then feel tidal forces and then they snap into two pieces and then they snap again into eight and then 16 and then you're bifurcating your way down. That's exactly right. 1) Welder. So then I was looking down at the ground as the red brick floor was coming towards me and I was thinking about Alice in Wonderland, how this must be, what it was like for her when she fell down the rabbit hole. How might the similarities and differences in their personal histories affect their purpose(s)? Create text transcriptions (.txt), make edits easily, even save as subtitles files (.srt), and add to video recordings of your podcast episodes. Isn't that how all these stories start? [They laugh] Your life in my hands now. Oh, I'm Robert Krulwich. Yeah. But the thought is if April falls and everything starts to smooth down, well, then these numbers should slow to so that if she looks at her wrist as she's falling, she should be able to now read the watch. AMANDA McDONOUGH: It smells like peppermint. I would take a picture of the two years set suited up with your helmets, have since fallen out of love and fall in love with other people. These storytelling podcasts fall into a variety of production categories - recording speakers live on stage, stories produced in a . What happens to the girl, I don't know. Provide a specific example to, 1) Discuss where robotics, social media, and gene editing (CRISPR) are on the hype cycle. This, of course, is Simon. So the space that you occupy up here is larger than a space you occupied down here. When was the first time that you ever saw Simon? Let's try this. Prosopagnosia. Feel like my heart's in my throat. And how does that work? And they would duke it out. Nice one. Contents: Prepared Remarks; Questions and Answers; Call Participants; Prepared Remarks: Operator. You don't speed up anymore. It's very dark. I spent my entire life praying every night: 'Please don't let it get any worse, please don't let it get any worse.' He's an author, author of Defying Gravity original title Falling How Our Greatest Fear Became Our Greatest Thrill A History. JOE McDONOUGH: My name is Joe McDonough, and I'm Amanda's father. Let's do it. The only survivor was an 11-year-old boy named Norman Ollestad. Radio Diaries is a proud member of Radiotopia, from PRX. They'll make sure their first drop is like a foot or six inches even then, and a big yellow and red signs all over it. Now we're going to fall far from home, we're going have to travel a good many light years off the planet to fall in this particularly special and gruesome way. [MUSIC: An electronic melody; but warm, almost like bells. I just made my voice come in a little bit closer. What makes you larger and one who makes you see what you want and I should go right through the center? And as I started to look at the literature, I saw that we had a very long history sleeping in trees. So just so we get our definitions right, what is a hypnagogic? And speaking of history and fears and Thrills, and I would add to that list tragedy. And what is that? You get Top Billin With Bill Bellamy, the new weekly podcast coming to you live and direct from the Walk Of Fame on Hollywood Boulevard. Is there an F word you could use features? S35: Short Cuts: Fugitive 3/3 by Falling Tree Productions . It was just like I was at the bottom of a well, sitting and stewing. You know, we all know that Newton wrote down a law of gravity to calculate how gravity acts from one object to another. Amanda was in many, many musicals as she was growing up in high school, and so she always tended to get one of the main parts in the musicals. DR. JANE GAY: Is my voice far, far away? Did you see that? But then about, oh, there's a little spill. 175 miles an hour. So at some point I realized I needed to study this. FB: facebook.com/thefamiliarstrange. With no one around to help, young Norman had to make his way down the mountain and somehow find rescue. Cats have fell over nine stories. Hey, I'm Jad Abumrad. They take her out to the middle of the river. RECEPTIONIST: (over an intercom): Your one o'clock patient is here. How does its placement affect other pieces within the hype cycle? And so eventually it's your head and multiple other parts. This hour, Radiolab dives into stories of great falls. SOUND OF THE McDONOUGH HOME. Normally the trivial stuff gets dumped, but in this situation it gets written and then you realize how much trivial stuff is in there. Stories are higher. Is that a lucky cat or is that just plain Phisit. Do you understand it? I'm not sure what it means. In about three weeks you'll receive her external processor. In this season of Unfictional, Stories of Transformation, and the ways in which the world and all of us have fundamentally changed since the pandemic began. Tracy: (00:16) So Joe, we are recording this on April 19th, and we are firmly in the middle of bank earnings season. And it was good to be with her. We have been together for 20 years and decided to make this podcast to share our life experiences. As you can imagine, light doesn't even escape. It was incredible. And did she ever make any money off this? Provide an example that supports your ideas. Well, say you're living on the 30th floor of a building and it's summertime. Right answer if they'd had a stopwatch just under three seconds. DR. JANE GAY: Do you hear my voice? Our podcast has no format and may discuss random things like relationships, recommended food in Binondo or about our philosophy in life. That's right. Vaguely. You know, as college students, what are the most common dreams that you have? We have no choice. And he's got to go. Blondin came out, strung a rope across Niagara Falls, put a chair down, bounced on two legs and stood Audy well, and one time he carried a guy over. Meanwhile, almost every element of producer Jaime Roque's life was upended by the transmorgrifier: new job, marriage, and prospective fatherhood. Everything looks good. Really nervous right now. So I mean, how in the world do cats I mean, we all know cats land on their feet. Yes. And so the point comes where you snap into two pieces likely to happen at the base of your spine. and then keeps right on going. And I and I fell as you stepped onto the air. What happens when you mix an actor, stand-up comedy great and hip-hop icon with a whos who of celebrity guests?
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