virginia regiments in the revolutionary war
The 2d Virginia Regiment (the spelling most commonly used in period references) was authorized by the Virginia Convention, July 17, 1775, as a force of regular troops for the Commonwealth's defense. [7], The 8th Virginia was known as the German Regiment. The Virginia Regiment was formed in 1754 by Virginia's Royal Governor Robert Dinwiddie, as a provincial corps. [6] The regiment was merged into the 4th Virginia Regiment on 12 May 1779. He was incapable of fear, meeting personal dangers with the calmest unconcern. > Regiment formed in: Erie, PA in 1861 Including death from disease, total fatality counts exceed 600 in some cases. Many post-1832 federal pensions also record militia service. They would raid Stafford County in late July 1776 before sailing for New York City. Unfortunately, few records of such service exist. In the course of 1776 the state regiments were placed on the Continental establishment. > Notable battles: Second Battle of Bull Run, Battle of Gettysburg, Battle of the Wilderness, Battle of Cold Harbor, 11. 0000038184 00000 n > Notable battles: Battle of Bull Run, Battle of Groveton, Second Battle of Bull Run, Battle of Antietam, Battle of Fredericksburg, Battle of Chancellorsville, Battle of Gettysburg, 18. > Regiment formed in: Camp Fair Oaks, NJ in 1862 > Notable battles: Second Battle of Bull Run, Battle of Fredericksburg, Battle of Chancellorsville, Battle of Gettysburg, Battle of the Wilderness, Battle of Cold Harbor, Appomattox Court House, 6. April 22, 2023 9:45 am. > Regiment formed in: Pittsburg, PA in 1861 [6] At that time, the other two field officers were Lieutenant Colonel John Markham and Major William Darke. 16th Michigan Michigan Volunteer Infantry Regiment Stocktons Independent Regiment [3][4], After Braddock's defeat, the Virginia Regiment was immediately reformed, with the Assembly voting in 1755 to increase its size again, to 1,500 men organized in 16 companies. 0000036863 00000 n Special report of the Department of Archives and History for 1912 by Virginia State Library. 105th Pennsylvania Infantry Regiment Wild Cat Regiment 0000039249 00000 n No American colony maintained a standing army to deter attacks by Native Americans. A return written by Inspector General Steuben indicates that the regiment only had 180 rank and file, which could form two divisions. 40th New York Infantry Regiment Mozart Regiment 121st New York Infantry Regiment > Killed by disease: 301 soldiers (2 officers, 299 enlisted troops) > Notable battles: Battle of Antietam, Battle of Fredericksburg, Battle of Chancellorsville, Battle of Gettysburg, Battle of the Wilderness, Battle of Cold Harbor, 13. Colonel Banastre Tarleton of the British Legion caught up to Buford at Waxhaws, asked for his surrender, and when it was not given, cut the 3rd Virginia Detachment to pieces. This database includes the summary of the Militia's military movements arranged by counties, declarations of Virginia Militia Pensioners, Militia officers appointed in various counties, and pensioners residing in and outside of Virginia in 1835 who received pensions as Virginia militiamen. Captain Alexander Parker escaped what Americans later termed a "massacre" and made it back to Virginia. America was conceived to protect human rights. Companies recruited men from Hampshire, Berkeley, Botetourt, Dunmore, and Prince Edward counties. 662 79 Captain Stokes would receive several cuts to the face and Captain Catlett was killed. His incendiary speeches turned public opinion in support of American independence from Great Britain. 14th New York Heavy Artillery It is universally believed they behaved the best of any troops in the field." > Regiment formed in: Detroit, MI in 1861 Church and state must be separate. See an An Overview of Records at the National Archives Relating to Military . For this reason, the Pendleton decided to keep Henry in Williamsburg, Virginia, while dispatching the 2d Virginia Regiment to meet Governor Dunmore's small "army" composed of detachments of the 14th Regiment of Foot, naval gunners, and freed slaves who had been formed into the Ethiopian Regiment. > Notable battles: Action at Balls Bluff, Battle of Antietam, Battle of Gettysburg, Battle of the Wilderness, Battle of Cold Harbor, 15. By 1777, Virginia had raised 15 regiments of infantry for long-term service under Continental Congress authority, commonly known as the Virginia Continental Line. Information of genealogical interest includes the application itself, which can provide the soldiers name, rank, unit, time of service, age, date of birth, residence, and sometimes birthplace. Virginia in the Revolutionary War 12th Virginia Regiment Contents 1 Brief History 2 Colonels 3 Companies 4 Other Officers 5 Other Sources 6 Websites 7 References Brief History [ edit | edit source] The 12th Regiment was formed in February 1777. The main impression that is interpreted is the 7th Virginia throughout several reorganizations of its role in the Continental Army during the Revolutionary War. 0000039633 00000 n "The Organization of Braddock's Army", This page was last edited on 24 January 2023, at 16:58. 0000035691 00000 n At first, the division sturdily held its ground against the British 2nd Light Infantry Battalion and the Hessian Jgers. The 13th Virginia Regiment was authorized on 16 September 1776 by the Continental Congress for service with the Continental Army during the American Revolutionary War. > Regiment formed in: Cambridge and Boston, MA in 1861 Less than a century later, the fight to preserve the country proved far costlier. At both the start and end of the Revolutionary War, Virginia became a battlefield. 662 0 obj <> endobj > Notable battles: Battle of Seven Pines, Battle of Fredericksburg, Battle of Salem Heights, Battle of Gettysburg, Battle of the Wilderness, Battle of Spotsylvania Court House, Battle of Cedar Creek, 19. The group consists of soldiers who portray the Musket Company, Artillery Crew, as well as civilians who followed and supported the Army. Dickinson advised Grayson not to advance across a bridge because it would put his troops in a difficult position with British troops nearby. The unit was reassigned to the 2nd Virginia Brigade on 22 July 1778, and it was reorganized to nine companies and redesignated as the 7th Virginia Regiment on 12 May 1779. This focuses the regiment primarily on two basic time periods during the Revolutionary War: Early War from 1775-1779 and Late War from 1779-1781. Grayson's Additional Continental Regiment, 8th Virginia Regiment (Facebook community), Bibliography of the Continental Army in Virginia, United States Army Center of Military History,, This page was last edited on 28 August 2021, at 07:29. They would see fighting against Loyalists and Indians outside of Savannah at the Battle of Ogeechee Creek in the spring of 1782. If youre ready to be matched with local advisors that can help you achieve your financial goals, get started now. Militiamen could be called for tours of duty up to three months, serving mostly within Virginia but also in the Carolinas. 8th Virginia Regiment. Nearly 620,000 Americans were killed in the Civil War, more than in any war involving the United States, before or since. The followingvolumes index records of individual service in Virginia units, including some militia service, held by the Library of Virginia and the National Archives. > Killed by disease: 178 soldiers (2 officers, 176 enlisted troops) This hastily printed circular announced the American victory over British forces at Yorktown. George Mason, James Madison, and Thomas Jefferson looked to philosophers, such as the Englishman John Locke, for ideas about how nations should be governed. This page is not available in other languages. With his surrender, the British lost their resolve to continue the war. startxref The Voice, the Pen, and the Sword of the Revolution. We portray Continental Army troops from the State of Virginia from 1775 through 1783. Soon after, the unit was reduced to an eight company establishment and John Neville became its colonel. A sharp action followed as the Americans in the trees ambushed the 1st Battalion of the Brigade of Guards as it attempted to move past. Washington planned for this body of troops to assault the British right flank while Sullivan and Stirling attacked the enemy left. Part of Woodford's brigade and its supporting artillery stopped to fire on 100 British troops at the Chew House. The State Line also included George Rogers Clarks Illinois Regiment, which fought against the British and their Indigenous allies in the Northwest Territory, in what are now Illinois and Indiana. In his last sermon from the pulpit, Muhlenberg read from Ecclesiastes 3:1, "There is a time for all things, a time to preach and a time to pray; but there is also a time to fight, and that time has now come." 6th Virginia Regiment (1779), The remaining 350 men from the original ten companies of the Virginia Regiment had been allocated to the two regular regiments of the expedition. > Killed by disease: 77 soldiers (0 officers, 77 enlisted troops) > Regiment formed in: Madison, WI in 1861 > Regiment formed in: Burlington, VT in 1861 The 12th Virginia Regiment was raised on September 16, 1776, at Williamsburg, Virginia, for service with the ( U.S.) Continental Army. It remained on the Cherokee frontier until early 1762, when the governor disbanded it. Virginiathe largest and most populous colonyplayed a major role in winning independence and determining the values and aspirations of the new nation. Includes information on free Black Virginians who served in the Revolutionary War. The divisions of Greene and Stephen advanced so quickly that Alexander McDougall's Connecticut Brigade lost sight of them. Regiments are ranked by the total number of officers and enlistees who were either killed or mortally wounded in combat. Records of such support may be found in county court order books. > Notable battles: Battle of Fredericksburg, Battle of Salem Heights, Battle of Gettysburg, Assault on the Salient, Battle of Cold Harbor, Battle of Cedar Creek, 16. OR > Killed by disease: 191 soldiers (3 officers, 188 enlisted troops) > Killed by disease: 181 soldiers (4 officers, 177 enlisted troops) Washington 1834, p. 2. V04-!]'j!bAB>c_Bj"?6BU!8J_!e:A` 4Z* > Regiment formed in: Plymouth and Detroit, MI in 1861 > Killed in battle: 241 soldiers (14 officers, 227 enlisted troops) To identify the Union regiments that suffered the most losses in the Civil War, 24/7 Wall St. reviewed data from A Compendium of the War of the Rebellion by Civil War statistician Frederick H. Dyer, first published in 1908. > Notable battles: Assault on Petersburg, Cold Harbor, Chaffins Farm, New Market Heights, 23. The Virginia forces, including the 2d Virginia Regiment, would bombard Dunmore's position from a shore battery before launching an amphibious assault on the island. > Killed in battle: 247 soldiers (12 officers, 235 enlisted troops) "[8] Hampered by frequent desertions because of poor supplies, extremely low pay and hazardous duty, Virginia Regiment recruiters went to Pennsylvania and Maryland for men. [16] Sullivan's and Anthony Wayne's divisions attacked first and made some progress, but Greene's wing was late in arriving. 0000035643 00000 n The idea that standing armies are a threat to liberty was stated by Mason in the Virginia Declaration and by Madison in his amendments to the Constitution. 0000038281 00000 n The unit marched to defend Charleston, South Carolina in 1776, but saw no fighting. > Killed in battle: 224 soldiers (16 officers, 208 enlisted troops) The 13th Virginia Regiment was a United States infantry regiment during the American Revolutionary War . Washington said of them, " and not a few have Scarce a Coat, or Waistcoat, to their Backs "[8] Later drafts pulled only those who could not provide a substitute or pay the 10 exemption fee, ensuring that only Virginia's poor would be drafted. When Muhlenberg was promoted to general officer, Colonel Abraham Bowman took command of the unit. At least 2,650 American Continentals were captured in addition to militiamen. 0000002821 00000 n > Notable battles: Second Battle of Bull Run, Battle of Chantilly, Battle of Antietam, Battle of Fredericksburg, Battle of Chancellorsville, Battle of Gettysburg, 10. Greene's Division of Virginians had held off the British advance at the closing of the Battle of Brandywine, allowing the rest of the army to withdraw in good order. His powerful style of speaking was shaped by the evangelical preacher Samuel Davies, to whom he listened as a youth. (Here is a look at the most violent Civil War battles.). Thomas Catlett's. 0000036566 00000 n 1st Maine Heavy Artillery Regiment [3] On 11 May 1777, the unit was assigned to the 4th Virginia Brigade,[1] together with the 4th and 12th Virginia Regiments,[7] Grayson's Additional Continental Regiment, and Patton's Additional Continental Regiment. BU;2i`PRvJ I\Cc,13n1drb4:Z,f)b ,]9(-bbE> [1] James Wood became colonel on 14 September 1778 and led the unit for the remainder of its career. > Regiment formed in: Essex County, MA in 1861 > Killed by disease: 243 soldiers (2 officers, 241 enlisted troops) [24] The Siege of Charleston ended on 12 May 1780 with Benjamin Lincoln's surrender. 0 %%EOF Over the four years of the American Civil War from 1861 to 1865 the majority of military casualties were suffered by Union forces. ,%ILAXD$-|qJ?|s{3! Compiled Service Records are also available on microfilm at the Library of Virginia. > Killed in battle: 227 soldiers (13 officers, 214 enlisted troops) It was relieved from the 2nd Virginia Brigade on 4 December 1779 and assigned to the Southern Department. The Revolutionary War in Virginia Daniel Morgan (in white uniform near front of cannon) led Virginia riflemen that targeted British officers successfully and led to the surrender of British General John Burgoyne's army at Saratoga, New York on October 17, 1777 Source: Architect of the Capitol, Surrender of General Burgoyne(painted by John Trumbull) > Killed by disease: 185 soldiers (2 officers, 183 enlisted troops) 0000039774 00000 n The Americans were outnumbered by about 8,000 to 4,000 men. 0000039822 00000 n > Killed by disease: 260 soldiers (0 officers, 260 enlisted troops) 2nd Vermont Volunteer Infantry Regiment > Killed in battle: 241 soldiers (9 officers, 232 enlisted troops) Virginia had been divided into 16 military districts which took their names from the predominant county in the grouping; for instance, Prince William District included Fairfax and Loudoun Counties as well. [18], The number of companies in the regiment was reduced to eight on 1 November 1777. [1] > Killed in battle: 250 soldiers (15 officers, 235 enlisted troops) Troops served under state authority in units known as the Virginia State Line, enlistingfor three-year terms beginning in 1776. Given the number of men fit for duty, these "regiments" are not really "regiments" at all any more, yet they are still named as such. Field officers at Valley Forge were Colonel William Heth, Lt. 0000039497 00000 n > Notable battles: Second Battle of Bull Run, Battle of Antietam, Battle of Fredericksburg, Battle of Chancellorsville, Battle of Gettysburg, Battle of the Wilderness, 20. The men of Gaskins' Battalion were reorganized in December 1781 under Thomas Posey, another former 2d Virginia Regiment officer, and join General Anthony Wayne's detachment sent south to South Carolina and Georgia. Lt. These papersinclude payrolls and receipts for Clarks troops. > Killed by disease: 113 soldiers (1 officer, 112 enlisted troops) 0000036259 00000 n Private James Amberson, previously of Capt. > Notable battles: Second Battle of Bull Run, Battle of Fredericksburg, Battle of Chancellorsville, Battle of Gettysburg, Battle of the Wilderness, Battle of Cold Harbor, 12. This record is an attempt to present a bird's-eye view of the field movements of the Revolution, which concern Virginia. Virginia Revolutionary War Service Records Virginia Revolutionary War Records Roll of troops who joined at Chesterfield Courthouse since 1780 (Acc. 0000038864 00000 n Catalogue of Revolutionary Soldiers and Sailors of the Commonwealth of Virginia, U.S., Revolutionary War Pension and Bounty-Land Warrant Application Files, 1800-1900. 0000004647 00000 n The regiment served in the French and Indian War, with members participating in actions at Jumonville Glen and Fort Necessity in 1754, the Braddock expedition in 1755, and the Forbes expedition in 1758. The Virginia Regiment was formed in 1754 by Virginia 's Royal Governor Robert Dinwiddie, as a provincial corps. Including death from disease, total fatality counts exceed 600 in some cases. Explore a virtual tour of The Story of Virginia. > Notable battles: Battle of Cold Harbor, Siege of Petersburg, Appomattox Court House, 1. > Killed by disease: 140 soldiers (1 officer, 139 enlisted troops) 3d Virginia Regiment. Virginia also created a State Navy with personnel enlisted for three-year terms. Colonel Thomas Gaskins, Lt. Virginia Independent Companies Regiment of Guards Search Virginia Revolutionary War Rolls, 1775-1783 fromThe National Archives: NARA M246. 6th Wisconsin Volunteer Infantry Regiment 0000033765 00000 n Virginia in the Revolutionary War 14th Virginia Regiment Contents 1 Brief History 2 Colonels 3 Companies [4] 4 Other Officers 5 Other Sources 6 Websites 7 References Brief History [ edit | edit source] The 14th Regiment was formed in February 1777. Guide to researching Virginia military service in the American Revolutionary War,, search 7th New York Heavy Artillery Albany County Regiment or Seymour Guard > Killed by disease: 207 soldiers (3 officers, 204 enlisted troops)