can a laicized priest return to the priesthood
Gay and his cruises. Or they dont prescribe to the liberal agendas being pushed forth? As far as well-endowed parishes go, again, I dont see evidence that this is the norm. If a man is a widower, he too may be ordained, provided that he has not remarried, and he may not marry after his ordination. But he didnt. Take care and God bless, It is unlikely that the Church will change this teaching at all, or any time soon, because of the many positive and practical benefits of celibacy. Lets take driving as an example. The truly devout will find their way to the Traditionals or the strict Protestant (who in many ways are more Catholic than what the church is today) and then one will have to decide what is Catholic and what is not Catholic and where they trust their childs soul to be placed in care of as our time on this earth is short and our Lords teachings are clear, as was the past teachings of the church, John, FROM ANON: However, I believe you are wrong to say it is the norm. Chris K, He really has no credibility. Jesus said: And everyone who has given up houses or brothers or sisters or father or mother or children or lands for the sake of my name will receive a hundred times more, and will inherit eternal life (Mt. Some of these limitations may be relaxed according to the judgment of the local bishop[14] including the teaching of theology in schools or universities (both Catholic and non-Catholic), maintaining contact with the parish where the priest used to serve, and administering the Eucharist. Yes, there will be some who will find it more appealing for those who have a problem with the celibacy requirement and would like to have a family in addition to being a priest, but does anyone here think itll be a cure-all for the vocation problem that we face? Gay in hiding based on some folks posts here! She founded this website to provide clear answers to canonical questions asked by ordinary Catholics, without employing all the mysterious legalese that canon lawyers know and love. dispensations from celibacy, and could lead to proposals for changing Tell it to Jesus. Inocencio To return to the particulars of Davids question, can a laicized priest get married? [3] While the ritual removal of the vestments no longer exists, canon law still prohibits the wear of a clerical collar by laicized priests. But your average diocesan priest, especially those who have been ordained over 10 years, have a fully developed personal life that has nothing to do with their priesthood and, as time goes on, usually is valued more than the priesthood. It also means that the Church no longer has the same sort of obligation to the now-laicized priest. Or Francis. And as we have seen so many times before, canon law is in complete accord with theology on this subject. It was only a few years later that I received effective treatment. Removal from the clerical state is sometimes imposed as a punishment (Latin: ad poenam),[5] or it may be granted as a favour (Latin: pro gratia) at the cleric's own request. If there were married priests allowed (and lets say for the sake of argument that there are parishes able to provide this strong financial support you speak of for such priests), you mean to tell me that these married priests should be given a sort of preferred status and be specifically selected to serve at such well-endowed parishes over the celibate priest? But even then, if the Church had ever decided to remove celibacy as a requirement, i was against allowing men who had left the priesthood to marry to return to their priestly roles. Maybe thats what scripture meant, through the Holy Spirit, when it speaks to putting ones hands to the plow and never looking back. I am glad to see that priestly vows still count for something in spite of the abundance of dispensations in this Age of Annulments. These requests are sent to Rome, and if they are approved, the laicized priest is able to marry validly in a Catholic ceremony. But if he is granted that dispensation, the answer is "yes.". Can a Laicized Priest Return to the Priesthood? To sum up, we can see that both Catholic theology and canon law acknowledge that sacred ordination is forever, but there are real-life situations where it is possible for an ordained priest to live as a layman and still be a Catholic in good standing. Inocencio, with all due respect, you are arguing beside the point. While theres no question that this is a sad occurrence for the Universal Church, which thereby loses a priest in active ministry, the priest who is laicized in this way nevertheless remains a Catholic in good standing in the eyes of the Church. catholicism - Can a priest resign? - Christianity Stack Exchange I've spent 30 years counseling priests who fall in love. Here - Vox Its up to our free wills. Often it is even grounds for annulment. Like the sacrament of Baptism, it can never be eraseda baptized Christian can cease to practice his faith, and even publicly deny Christ, but he can never undo his baptism. In 2009, the church laicized Emmanuel Milingo, a former exorcist, faith healer, and archbishop of Lusaka, Zambia, who had already been excommunicated from the church three years earlier. I did not mean the comment as a nasty one (in fact, I credit JPII for being instrumental in my growth to take my faith seriously), but I just realised it had little to do with the topic of the thread, and might be seen as nasty, so I asked it to be yanked. When a priest is laicized, he is prohibited from performing sacraments, such as hearing confession or blessing and bestowing the Eucharist (also known as Communion). : Holy Orders is a character sacrament; once validly received, it is never invalidated for any reason.Despite the fact that the cleric has been laicized and no longer serves as a deacon, priest, or bishop, he retains the sacramental character of Holy Orders. Consequently, only a comparatively small number of priests would likely be admitted to public ministrycertainly not enough to help in any appreciable way with the priest shortage. Several other popes and regional councils, particularly in Gaul, present day France, continued to recall the tradition of celibacy and punish abuse.,, A Series Of Papers Prepared By The Holy Synod Of Bishops Of The Orthodox Church In America Concerning Contemporary Issues. Considering the relatively large number of pedophiles that were attracted to the job (Because in their case it was a job and not a vocation. The argument that it would be discriminatory to pay priests with families more than priests without families is applying a market model to the priesthood which is really inappropriate. That of itself may speak of a mindset that views the granting of these dispensations as a more pastoral matter concerning individual members of the clergy rather than a matter that needs to be handled by the CDF or the CDW. The vocation and mission received on the day of his ordination mark him permanently (CCC 1583). [24] Milingo had threatened to form a breakaway church without a rule of priestly celibacy, and had himself married. When this occurs, and a priest is released from the clerical state, he is still technically a priest, but as canon 292 notes, he may no longer exercise the power of orders. until his election as pope in April 2005, had responsibility for this It is entirely possible that such a laicized priest received permission to marry before John Paul II had established his practice of refusing such requests; or perhaps the priest constituted an extremely rare exception to this unofficial rule. In the East, married men are eligible for priesthood (there are restrictions varying from place to place, e.g., a higher age than celibates [e.g., 30 or 35]; consent of the wife; sometimes ordination only after the first child is born, etc.). The difference between Mass and confession, why the former would happen but the latter would not, is that for a confession to be valid, a priest must be given the specific faculty, or permission, to hear confessions from his bishop (Canon 966.1), and a priest loses that faculty if hes laicized. What was the nature of Pope St. John Paul IIs devotion to Our Lady? ), the introduction of altar girls to be PC and so on The popes job description involves being the ecumenical center of the Church that holds it together, and from the perspective of the occupant of Peters see, schisms are a Very Bad Thing. Indeed, in the very storms in which we are tossed, there is a certain hope of achieving future tranquility and greater serenity in the Church. Laicization occurs automatically when a priest, deacon, or monk marries or joins the military without permission. I agree with Ed that the rush to anoint him as Great is worth a discussion. A ll of this raises some interesting issues should Trent's priestly celibacy requirement ever be revoked. Whenever I teach a class on the sacraments, theres one point in particular that gets brows to furrowing. Its as pains in the neck who bother them with minor problems and dont give enough in the collection basket or, on a good day, take them out to a nice country club for a round. I cant return to the Diocese I am from, and cannot approach the Diocese in which I lived. It is entirely possible that such a laicized priest received permission to marry before John Paul II had established his practice of refusing such requests; or perhaps the priest constituted an extremely rare exception to this unofficial rule. Most priests are married to something else besides the Church, even if its not a woman. He was a master at exposing the cruelties many nuns suffered quietly under the absolute rulers loving care. Fr. This was not the case, and to clear up confusion on this point, the Vatican press office released the following communique: The Holy Father has convened for Thursday, November 16, a meeting of the Please check the Archives firstits likely your question was already addressed. It isnt all that different from women with a husband who wishes to really be with another woman and already is thinking of just what conditions will have to apply first before the possibility of fulfilling that desire! In fact, a lot more than 1,200 priests have been readmitted under canon 293 over the years. Perhaps in old age if I were a widower (my wife is older than I am)? The fact of the matter is that there are those here who have been applying the Protestant model where in certain Protestant circles, the church that a minister pastors actually support that pastor and his family, as correctly mentioned by J.R. (which I myself am acquainted with as well due to my friends who are, in fact, members of such Protestant churches). He that is without a wife is solicitous for the things that belong to the Lord, how he may please God. institute, he does not have to be ordained again because once a priest, always a (See Code of Canon Law, #293. Ideally, of course, the realization that it will be impossible to live and work as a priest for the rest of ones life should be reached when a man is still a seminarian, during the years of theological study and spiritual formation leading up to his ordination. Since that is impossible such men then are obediently following within the Churchs guidelines therefore, obedient unlike those here who wish to tell the Church how to manage such vocations and being at least disobedient in spirit. And, yeah, married Latin-Rite priests are already here and it looks like what happened at the meeting is that some laicized priests will get reactivated-sorry, whats the term? Commonly, this practice is called laicization, meaning returned to the state of the laity. (Code of Canon Law, #290-293.). Please, tell me Id be really interested. The word derives from the Latin . He said all this, mind you, during the reign of his predecessor, when the topic was most definitely off the table, which says something about his own willingness to reconsider the matter, as does the fact he allowed it to be discussed at the Synod on the Eucharist before the Milingo crisis even happened. One of the points on the agenda reportedly relates to requests for readmission of priests who left the ministry to marry: "It seems that while many seek permission to return to active ministry, some requests come from priests who are now old and would like at least to be allowed to celebrate Mass once again, even if they cannot return to public ministry (SOURCE.). Is it Valid If I Marry Him Just For His Money? He also automatically loses his offices, roles and delegated powers. I would not be justified in taking a suspect in for questioning, nor would I be required to. He could have chosen another form of ministry or work after leaving the Anglican church. Answer: It is only partly correct. Be the first to rate this post. Because a celibate priest does not have the obligation of a wife and children, he can give of himself more easily, including his own life, if necessary. Perhaps this is what B16 is thinking of doing. There is a question about whether JP2 was great. +PPB Married Priests Now! Yes, from a Catholic viewpoint, this may appear to be correct. Thats the funniest thing Ive read today. When we put money in the collection plate, it is (in part) to support them in their ministry, not to purchase their services like one would those of a lawyer or a plumber. You had better get acquainted with all of the many stipulated sacrifices that have always been ordered and still are, even when exceptions have been granted in history. The religious life, and the requirements that come with it, do not have to be chosen by anyone. I am even more adamantly opposed to readmitting the laicized. We like to use numbers as the excuse for not hearing what we just arent open to hear whether there be a tripling in the vocations or not. uhIll take b). Your last post went past argumentative to nasty. I dont know I dont think a priest with a temper is so bad. Jimmy was born in Texas, grew up nominally Protestant, but at age 20 experienced a profound conversion to Christ. Sorry to mistake you, Esau; its a long post. "The Other JA") notes. Just a simple, country apologist. But sometimes life simply doesnt work that way. And all of the things youve mentioned here, like the priest having an affair with the housekeeper or other any other possible female associate, the possible homosexual affairs, etc., that these are typical of the average priest? We dont know Jamess full story, but perhaps he is being led by Him to do the same? Since our Blessed Lord gave us not only His example but also the recommendation for celibacy, it goes back to the beginning. (See Celibacy and the Priesthood for more on this.) Some have raised the Protestant model. Youve been listening to media concentration only on one area for its own purposes! Take care and God bless, Strictly speaking I have never been married, as it were. Part I.) One might presume that once a priest has been reduced to the lay state, his obligation to remain celibate ceases. Frequently Asked Questions: Laicized priest returning to the priesthood. Were talking about people who really strive to be like Christ not the excuses. Laicization is a process which takes from a priest or other cleric the licit use of his powers, rights, and authority. Somehow here we have people wishing to make all of the exceptions the rule! Sacramentals used for Exorcism in the Catholic Church and their Purpose. I arrived too late to read Tims comment, but it sounds as if hes troubled by the JPGreat title. Im a Catholic content creator and catholic blogger. They just cant support the pastors and their families financially, sending the kids through college and all, so few churches want a full-time pastor. One of the largest, if not the largest parish in the Diocese of Fort Worth is pastored by a married priest, Fr. What a whitewash. sources reckon that the number of priests who actually leave the The laicization of a priest is a bit like that, albeit at the soul-level. I hate to go off point in comboxes, but once in a while: I wasnt worried by tims post, though he might have meant it (originally) as nasty. But not so fast. I am an inactive priest, laicized by rescript and married in the Church. Alsoand this could have been an even bigger factor in the decision to announce the agendathey may have been trying to send Milingo a signal that he shouldnt do anything precipitous (like announcing the creation of a new churchi.e., a schism) at his New York conference next month. Frankly, if all that is mentioned in Jimmys assessment were truly being seriously considered all of a sudden . Therefore, since love is said to be there in each, it entails a similar degree of love in each; which is not at all true! The term defrocking originated in the ritual removal of vestments as a penalty against clergy that was eventually codified within the Roman Pontifical. Maybe the time has finally come to dust off the old canonical tomes and look into the process for bouncing a bishop out of the clerical state This is, of course, totally in keeping with the theological concept that an ordained priest always remains a priest. Now, if theres one thing that popes hate worse than almost anything, its schisms. my $.02 worth: This canon states that any priest, even one who lacks the faculty to hear confessions, can validly and licitly hear the confession of anyone who is in danger of death. And I think your average Catholic parish would be very happy to each pony up a couple dollars more a week if they know its going to support the priest and his family and not Fr. Celibacy is not the problem selfishness is the problem. (Canon 986.2), These facts may strike us as odd, but they testify to the reality that the Sacrament of Holy Orders truly effects an ontological change, so that a man becomes a priest forever, in the line of Melchizedek.. Which is going to happen B16, as Jimmy pointed out, is not closed to changing this. - Vox. All rights reserved. It is well and good to have general laws concerning things like celibacy, but I think we should also look at individual cases and have a method in place to make exceptions where it is deemed right to do so. Then who is really in error here?! So, things are never as black or white as they may appear or as one would like to easily sum up! My name is Ofomah Stephen. St. Augustine This is, of course, totally in keeping with the theological concept that an ordained priest always remains a priest. the sacrament of Holy Orders, like the For obvious reasons, the Church does not want undecided men easily moving back and forth, in and out of the priestly state! Mind you, the Eastern Church, the Orthodox Church have historically had an infrastructure in place that have served them appropriately throughout time as far as their married clergy is concerned. the lack of support from factions in the church parish (be they liberal, ultra-conservative or just the fact that there is a shortage of members) Yeah, like I can really see the droves of young men out there lining up to become priests, merely waiting for that celibacy requirement to be lifted! Christ's office is granted once for all. I dont think Catholics would have any problem supporting a priest and his family. Dupanloup then administered the last rites of a bishop to Talleyrand. by insisting on this unscriptural, unnatural discipline, is driving men away from the priesthood, and discouraging many qualified persons from joining it. They are obviously willing to do so in the Eastern Church, and have been for centuries. increased in recent times, and some suggest it has even reached an It is clear that the Holy Father sees fit to uphold the ancient tradition of clerical celibacy in the Latin rite. In technical theological lingo, the sacrament of Holy Orderslike Baptismeffects an ontological change in the person receiving the sacrament, who is henceforth permanently different. Take care and God bless, I believe that all of the side issues of married priests, salaries, which canon laws can be stretched to serve the needs of these times only show just what state the faith is in within the hearts of the faithful these days. Do wives feel that their marriages are whole and with normal/natural expectations of both the spouse and their Church? Contemporary Latin Catholic canon law does not contain such a ritual,[1] leading some to consider it an inaccurate description of laicization. So, how can you even say that I actually so-called refuse to acknowledge this when this was, in fact, the very first time I was ever presented the information in the first place? FROM JACK: Thats what priests who have left know. Is celibacy a good thing spiritually? That choice involved another person who just may feel that she remains secondary to the underlying and remaining desire of the ex-priest husband.
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