oxford maths interview student room
A good answer to this question aboutAeneid 4might point out that the work contains hints that Didos sister and the people she rules will be devastated by her death: she actually has a lot to live for. It's usually a guided discussion rather than a matter of getting answers right or wrong straight away. Students sometimes say they like studying Spanish, for example, because they 'love the language'. Take a critical view of ideas and arguments that you encounter in your everyday world - think about all sides of the debate. Mathematical Institute The crystals indicate that the rock formed by crystallisation of molten rock from a liquid to a solid. They might be able to tell us about the challenges of translation, about what sorts of things resist literal or straightforward translation from one language to another, and this would give us an indication of how aware they are of how languages work. Shortlisted applicants may have more than one interview with more than one college, For some courses, all interviews will be arranged in advance, In other courses, there will be an initial block of pre-organised interviews which may then be followed by additional interviews, Where additional interviews are possible, the timetable gives the time by which you will be informed about them, and the days they may occur on, You should be given at least 24 hours' notice of any additional interviews, Where times are given in this timetable, they are given as UK time (GMT), Candidates may be asked to attend interviews outside of the timeframes given in this timetable, Should an interview need to be rearranged due to technical difficulties or similar, then the rearranged interview may occur outside of the timeframes given in this timetable. A few candidates were inclined to think that it might be possible to lie without intending to; most reckoned that one could unintentionally mislead. We would then encourage them to think about what interactions the specific compound might make first with octanol and then with water. (submitted by oxf, What should I wear for a University Interview. Student: I see that the path must go along the face of one of the other sides of the cube, and the two faces which the points are on. This question is testing how well you can formalise your own intuitive ideas of maximum and minimum, and using what you already know about modulus. Literature forms an important part of a Modern Languages degree at Oxford, but we know that most candidates won't have studied literature formally before in the language for which they're applying. I want to see how students respond to guidance and how they correct themselves, hopefully less by guessing than by thinking through what they know and what I've told them. Although we are good mathematicians, we are not mind-readers - if you don't say anything, we can't tell what you're thinking! You wont be asked to write out complex mathematical notation. Website Accessibility Statement m(n) = -1 if n is square free and has an odd number of prime factors. Sometimes you might get invited to interview by a college you did not apply to. Some interviews for overseas candidates will take place in the week commencing 5 December. Student: Ah. A candidate might also want to ask what we mean when we say there is a God? Is affirming this statement enough, or should religious or theological enquiry be more specific is talk of God in the abstract as helpful as discussion of particular religious ideas or texts? Hints will continue to be needed, but also there will be plenty of chance to see just how much the student has taken on board from earlier and how well s/he can adapt whats been learned. In many cases, patterns or correlations can help us to identify the underlying mechanisms. These interviews occur in December. (answers in this book), give a vector proof that for a triangle inscribed within a semicircle, the included angle is always pi/2 (answers in this book), Is it possible to cover a chess-board with dominoes, when two corner squares have been removed from the chessboard and they are (a) adjacent corners, or conversely, (b) diagonally opposite. What number will you choose, and why? The question gives candidates an opportunity to apply concepts from their A level geography course to their home area. You are quite likely to have more than one interview. Please be aware that you may only be given a weeks notice that you have been shortlisted. The Truth about Oxbridge Maths Interviews This section will go through three different maths interview questions, with a scripted model interaction between the interviewer and the student working through the solution. They are looking for evidence that you are willing to engage with new ideas, and that you can be flexible in your thinking. Oxford, LSE or Imperial for math and stat? Our Maths interview preparation courses might also interest you, run by our expert specialist maths tutors. You do not need to have a Microsoft account in order to use Microsoft Teams for this purpose. This will give you the best idea of what your own interview is likely to be like and you will also have a chance to see how the technology will work. Wednesday 7 December to Friday 9 December. This can lead them to think about what the dynamics of being an older sibling might be that produce such an effect - they might suggest that having more undivided parental attention in the years before a sibling comes along makes a difference, for example. The sampleinterview timetableis available to view. They want you to feel able to be yourself in the interview, and to allow you to demonstrate your skills and abilities. Most applicants would instinctively answer 'Yes', but it is the 'because.' that interests me, and can help to distinguish critical thinkers. maths competitions/challenges/work experience. We wouldn't expect students to get the right answer on their own, and in fact that's not the point: the point is to see how they apply their understanding of social and cultural factors in health and illness to a problem of epidemiology. For example: Can you write down for me. However, you do think you would be able to concoct enough false evidence to convince a jury that he killed the young woman and sentence him to death. #tomrocksmaths #BBCone #BBCtheoneshow, NEW VIDEO: I'm interviewed by my student Fred about what it's like to study @oxford_uni, and why @StEdmundHall is the best college (of course as a tutor at Teddy Hall I may be 'slightly' biased)! do we need to know something about the historical context to understand it differently? Would you go into the machine? So, in posing the overall question what makes this political? wed want the candidate to start thinking about what one means in applying the label: what aspects of a work does it evoke? First college interviews will take place on Monday 5 and Tuesday 6 December. Andrew Tate arrested for human trafficking, Official LSE Postgraduate Applicants 2023 Thread, university of cambridge foundation year 2023, Dealing with shame of wetting myself over 20 years ago, i'm very tired, but i'm doing my best :Cherryblossomed's GYG -, AQA GCSE Biology Paper 1 Higher Tier [16th May 2023] Exam Chat, Official: University of Bristol A100 2023 Entry Applicant thread. what kind of vocabulary and writing style are chosen? This pair of questions allows the interviewer to deal with historical material from any period the candidate is studying or knows about from more general reading. Second college interviews will be on Monday 12, Tuesday 13 and Wednesday 14 December. If you could save either the rainforests or the coral reefs, which would you choose? Interviewer: Stephen Goddard, St Catherine's College. and scientific reasoning, based on information provided by the interviewer as the interview progresses. Make sure you have done any pre-reading sent to you - normally this will be emailed to you the day before your interview. That might include -how does the author choose to begin or end the work and why? Copyright The Student Room 2023 all rights reserved. (Part 2), [Official] Gonville and Caius Applicants thread 2021, University College London Applicants' Thread 2022, Can I still get into oxford? Once we have chosen what information we will consider, how can we combine it? Would it matter if tigers became extinct? In some subjects, you will be invited to interviews at more than one college before your interviews start. One candidate suggested that no one should be allowed to stand for parliament unless they have dependent children, with the thought that this would ensure a personal motivation towards longer term thinking on a variety of matters. Explain why this might be a reasonable way to represent his preferences. Candidates may have come across examples of viruses that jump from non-human animals to human hosts in this way. After all, even in Oxford only a handful of people properly understand Andrew Wiles's proof! They teach and research at the University and decide who studies here. Interviewer: Brian Harrington, Keble College. Sketch the velocity of the ball as a function of time, from start to when it hits the ground. This means that, on any given day, he tends to give extra weight to the current days spending when he makes his spending decisions for that day. This should be somewhere you have reliable access to the required technology and a quiet space, free from distraction. Place a 30cm ruler on top of one finger from each hand so that you have one finger at each end of the ruler, and the ruler is resting on your fingertips. Yet another recovery - This time, unexplained Vertigo, Official University of Edinburgh 2023 Applicant Thread, Official King's College London 2023 Applicants Thread, HELP - starting Religious Studies revision, Brownies, books and planning a wedding - your favourite fiancs 2nd blog . For example, can you take a car without driving it, or even without moving it? Second college interviews will take place on Friday 9, Monday 12, Tuesday 13 and Wednesday 14 December. Question: How would you define the maximum of two real numbers, x and y? Our focus is on the candidate's reasoning how he or she formulates an initial definition, and how he or she then applies and refines that initial definition in response to hypothetical examples provided by the interviewers. If you are given the chance to ask your own questions at the end of the interview, this does not form any part of your assessment. Our top tip is to practise speaking about your subject and your thoughts about what you've seen or read - these don't have to be formal 'mock interviews' - instead they could be chats with teachers, friends, or family. Interviewer: Lynn Robson, Regent's Park College. Have a copy of your personal statement or any written work you submitted to hand if you like, but don't let these distract you from the questions. Second college interviews will be on Friday 9 or Tuesday 13 December. 'You are the sheriff of a small town on the American frontier 150 years ago. Some candidates might be tempted to go into the machine, on the grounds that a good life is a pleasurable life. Interviewer: Sian Pooley, Magdalen College. Discussion may well lead into areas which could crop up during a degree in philosophy, including questions in ethics, the philosophy of mind and of language. ; but would also be happy to see candidates investigate some of the assumptions underlying the question: Is English a global language? Student: [pause to think] The maximum is x if x is bigger than y, and it is y otherwise. Crystals with poorly-defined shapes may have formed last, fitting into whatever space was available at the end of the process. Friday 9 December to Wednesday 14 December. How might we go about finding and characterising such viruses? If the interview cant proceed then dont worry - the college will rearrange it as soon as they can. Decisions regarding additional interviews will be communicated to applicants by 5pm on Friday 9 December. When I've used this question in live audiences, sometimes people say they'd pick the number 100 just because it'd throw a spanner in the works for everyone playing the game rationally. We advise you to do lots of problems, on and near your syllabus, so that you really understand the mathematics you are learning. This question gives candidates an opportunity to demonstrate a wide understanding of chemistry and there is no simple, immediate answer. Interviewers may wish to show you a document by sharing their screen, by pasting it into the Miro whiteboard, or by holding something up to the camera for you to see. The stylus does not need to be a smart or active stylus like an Apple Pencil. If you do not get shortlisted for interview, unfortunately that means that your application has not been successful. There may well be more than one right way to answer a question in which case tutors will be more interested in exploring your thought process. Can't decide between Natural Sciences, Biomedical Sciences, or a Maths course. This is a good question as it helps us to see how candidates think about both languages and literature. The middle rung of the ladder has been painted a different colour on the side, so that we can see it when we look at the ladder from the side on. One approach to this question is to first consider the flat regions of the graph. I agreenot to record interviews (in either audio or video format), or to permit others (including but not limited to teachers, family members, etc.) You might be asked to show any rough working on your own camera. Sometimes tutors may suggest an alternative way of looking at a problem. During the interview, your interviewers may wish to show you a document by sharing their screen, by pasting it into the Miro whiteboard, or by holding something up to the camera for you to see. We use this question to open a discussion that could go in a number of different directions. The interview is not meant to test candidates' knowledge of Philosophy, since more often than not, they have not studied this subject before. For example, if running lights was only illegal when it was dangerous, this would leave it to each persons assessment of dangerous, so we could never be sure when someone would run a light, leading to chaotic traffic. This can be a tablet, or a touchscreen laptop/Chromebook and should have a screen at least 8 inches in size, so a mobile phone is not likely to be suitable. Download thefull transcriptof the Tier 3 video. Imagine a ladder leaning against a vertical wall with its feet on the ground. As well as revising material you have studied recently, explore your subject in the wider world, for example via newspaper articles, websites, videos and TV programmes. We could use this as a way into exploring with them whether the fact that something is illegal is itself a reason not to do something, over and above, perhaps, the harm the rule is aiming to prevent. They need to demonstrate that they have recognised the various issues that arise. pls help me to understand the application process in UK, Oxford Postgraduates: MSc Energy Systems 2023, Oxford postgraduates: Waitlistters 2023/24, Oxford History Applicants 2023 - Undergraduate & Postgraduate, Christ Church College Applicants 2023/24. Most first and second college interviews will take place on Monday 12 December and Tuesday 13 December. Any good suggestions for Mathematics Degree without Further Maths? Don't worry if the students seem confident and articulate, remember they are used to tutorial teaching now and tutors will not expect you to be as familiar with this sort of academic discussion. You will also need a touchscreen device and basic universal stylus so you can access and write on a Miro whiteboard. What do we lose if we only read a foreign work of literature in translation? Possible explanations for the glow would be discussed with an expectation that applicants might recognise that the light could be generated within the eye or alternatively that light entering the eye is in some way reflected back out. What would you need to control for? Similarly, Britain actually has the second-highest mortality rate because of the age structure of its population: we are a relatively old country and a majority of deaths occur in older people. Most first college interviews will take place on Monday 5 and Tuesday 6 December. Analytical Services; Analytical Method Development and Validation Does being good at a sport affect your chances of getting into Oxford? Friday 9 December and Tuesday 13 December. Some people's first guess is 2/3 of 100, i.e., 66 or 67, in which case I'd ask them what numbers everyone else would have to pick for them to win. In some cases, interviews are expected to take place in schools, and so you and your school will need to check that you have access to the required technology listed on this page. A nice extension is what happens when we look at a point 1/3 or 2/3 up the ladder. Theology and Religion doesn't require A-level Religious Studies, so we always want to find issues that enable us to see how a student is able to handle and unpick a question, relating the particular to more general concepts. Why do you think an English student might be interested in the fact that Coronation Street has been running for 50 years? The study of music is about more than just examining composed works, and a question like this gets at that aspect of the course. Problems living on land include extra support for the body, avoiding desiccation, the need for more complex locomotory systems (legs, wings etc) and hence better sensory and nervous systems etc. They will probably ask you a few simple questions to begin with: perhaps about something in your personal statement or why you have applied for a particular course. It's by no means limited to classical music I'd welcome answers which deal with musical styles and tastes of all kinds (and which are produced/consumed in all places). Mathematical Institute And I think Rowling deserves a mention as I am sure that there are many people applying to study English at university this year who became avid readers because of her books. The virtual whiteboard is accessible via the Miro website or app atwww.miro.com. It is more useful for us to see how the candidate applies their chemical knowledge to a problem they are unlikely to have considered before, how they justify their conclusions and whether they are capable of considering alternative possibilities. For this question, you are given a hand sample of rock to examine, and are asked to describe what you see. Rather, we're interested in seeing how people think through a problem, figure out what are the relevant factors, respond when new information is provided, and so on. Interviewer: Martin Galpin, University College. where might its meaning be ambiguous? Can you think of any other examples of a multiplicative function? First interviews, usually just with a first college, will take place on Monday 5, Tuesday 6, Wednesday 7 and Thursday 8 December. There might be other questions too: does the biography of the author have any relevance to our interpretation? Your college will explain this to you beforehand. Physics interview questions often start with a question like this which looks as though it could have come from the Physics Admissions Test. Top tip: Unlike in A-level the interviewers are more interested in the process not the exact numerical answer; an answer in the form above should suffice. The ideal student will, even though in unfamiliar territory, be able to understand and apply the definition in order to calculate and prove later results. Online interviews should take place where applicants feel able to perform at their best. Historians are always interested in explaining continuity and change over time, so I might then ask the candidate to compare what historians can know about Tudor England to another time period or place that interests them. If you hear the same tracks live, at a festival or concert, what factors change how you hear and think about the music? A good candidate would, with assistance, begin to construct categories of when violence looks more and less political. For each one you will be sent a separate Microsoft Teams calendar invitation, which you will need to accept by clicking Accept, Yes or equivalent (depending on your email client). Others insteadmight argue that real blame requires feelingsof some kind onthe part of the blamer: anger, or resentment, for example. So if a candidate mentions s/he has read a few short stories, we might begin by asking them which they found the most engaging (or, for instance, the most challenging) and why. Student: The path must be a straight line of each of the faces. The idea of shortest paths around a solid or in space is called a geodesic. I would also push them to think about other cases: for example, the bombing of Dresden (one jet fighter less makes no difference to the collective outcome so why not go and fight); or voting (why should I vote in a general election, given that my vote makes no difference)? They dont expect you to know everything. For instance, a candidate might start off by saying that they had been studying Tudor England and historians don't know much about the lives of the poor because they were less likely to be able to write. Is it a valid opposition to make? You must not research online any materials shared with you as part of a pre-interview task unless explicitly permitted to do so by the interviewers. Interviewer: Continue. Copyright The Student Room 2023 all rights reserved. (Submitted by Oxford Applicant) Comments, Differentiate x^x, then sketch it. First college interviews will take place on Tuesday 6, Wednesday 7, Thursday 8 and Friday 9 December. In some cases, particularly if we have not done a quantitative question already, we might then proceed with a quantitative analysis of forces and moments. (submitted by oxford university applicant), Show that no number in the sequence 11,111,1111,11111 is a perfect square (submitted by oxford applicant), If you found these sample interview questions for Maths useful, please remember to submit your questions, post interview, to oxbridgeinterview@gmail.com, Recommended reading (click images for Amazon price). During the interview your interviewers may wish to show you a document by sharing their screen or to hold something up to the camera for you to see. This would be suggesting that the law is based on preventing harm. Candidates will then be encouraged to offer and test-out more sophisticated proposals about the nature of blame. This question invites candidates to think about a public health question and epidemiology that can be approached in many different ways, without necessarily knowing anything about specific mortality rates around the world. Interviewer: Lorraine Wild, St Hilda's College. Other typical questions might be about why so much of theOdysseyis about Odysseus return to Ithaca, rather than the adventures at sea that everyone remembers, or whether Achilles or Hector is the real hero of theIliad? Is there a better way for Brian to allocate his spending and, if so, how might he achieve this better outcome? These can include the nature of the self and personal identity; the rationality (or otherwise) of religious beliefs. In addition to running Microsoft Teams on a computer or similar, you will need a Miro virtual whiteboard. Interviewer: Rebecca Cotton-Barratt, Christ Church. I'd want to start with something the candidate has already identified as something they want to talk about (so be honest on your personal statement!).
