accidental woman mods
An image of a dresser taken from my bedroom. Maybe I wasn't in the right mood for it, (as I've said before, usually that is why I read some of these, because I know things will turn out right), but this just seemed forced. On the fourth page of the flip book, Keep on walking down Hastings Street you will read an excerpt from the script of Rebeccas thoughts as she is walking down Hastings street. The Pioneer Woman Cooks: Recipes from an Accidental Country Girl. I have to try hard to grasp the storyline of this book. Vincent Lupo. [10], In some cases, a child's gender may be reassigned due to genital injury, including David Reimer, who was the subject of John Money's John/Joan case.[11]. Penis removal may occur through unintentional genital injury, such as during routine neonatal circumcision mishaps. The motivation behind such actions vary widely; it may be done due to skoptic syndrome, personal crisis related to gender identity, mental illness, self-mutilation, body dysmorphia, or social reasons. Added back the two nif head fix so you don't have to download separately. [16] Over eight million have been infibulated, a practice found largely in Djibouti, Eritrea, Somalia and Sudan. The sixth page of the flip book, The Barbershop Quartet 2 includes an excerpt from the script detailing the Barbers prowess to killing Indigenous women with alcohol poisoning. Occasionally the term is also used to refer to penis removal, but that is less common. During childbirth, an episiotomy (cutting part of the tissue between the vagina and the anus) is sometimes performed to increase the amount of space through which the baby may emerge. I got the feeling that some female readers were expecting a steamier love story. This is a very simple demonstration mod, that adds a few items to the game, jewelry, clothing, and a home item. I was born and raised in suburban Boston. duh! WebThis mod adds children's clothing to the clothiers in Morrowind. This could be either a staff writer, or perhaps paying multiple writers for monthly content. I also enjoyed how there were a couple storylines going on at the same time. The powerful open-source mod manager from Nexus Mods. In modern times, male infibulation may be performed for personal preferences or as part of BDSM. Access to public release builds before they are made public, Access to each new build of Accidental Woman (. [citation needed], Hymenotomy is the surgical perforation of an imperforate hymen. in Sociology at Boston College. As well as being an aesthetic practice, this is usually intended to enhance the sexual pleasure of the receptive partner(s) during vaginal or anal intercourse. endobj Castration has been performed in many cultures throughout history, but is now rare. Out of the many books I've read 'An Accidental Woman' is my favourite. The Soundcloud iconallows the reader to listen to the sound scissors cutting hair.This sound is important to setting the scene, albeit a bit gruesomely, the sound presumably prelude the killings of the Indigenous women. comes off as a big whiner. The reduction of the clitoral prepuce tissues usually is a sub-ordinate surgery within a labiaplasty procedure for reducing the labia minora; and occasionally within a vaginoplasty procedure. Sugar Pill Skin by BurntWaffles. As seen with the podplay, Ashes on the Water, An invitation into a sensory landscape of words, movement, breath and song sounds enhance sensory experiences and empathetic abilities for the audience. There is love. This author has not specified whether they have used assets from other authors or not, You are not allowed to upload this file to other sites under any circumstances, You must get permission from me before you are allowed to modify my files to improve it, You are not allowed to convert this file to work on other games under any circumstances, You must get permission from me before you are allowed to use any of the assets in this file, Asset use permission in mods/files that are being sold, You are not allowed to use assets from this file in any mods/files that are being sold, for money, on Steam Workshop or other platforms, Asset use permission in mods/files that earn donation points, You are allowed to earn Donation Points for your mods if they use my assets, Courageous Women - High Poly Head Female NPC Overhaul-Simplified Chinese, Courageous Women - High Poly Head Female NPC Overhaul (russian). This flip book serves as a visually engaging experience for the reader to delve deeper into the themes of violence against women, colonization and gentrification Clements unravels throughout the play. Access to premade characters and roleplay challenges. These surgeries are usually performed for cosmetic benefit rather than for therapeutic reasons. /SM 0.02 7) Delinsky delivers a read that contains all of these things and a blind cat with a wonderful and loving personality. colonization upon first nations peoples by the canadian government directly targets indigenous women. Registering takes only a few moments but gives you increased capabilities. Hashtag created,#HelloMyNameisWhoCares, The Empress. Permanent or temporary changes to human sex organs, A request that this article title be changedto, "David Reimer, 38, Subject of the John/Joan Case", Karen S Vogt, MD, Michael J Bourgeois, MD, Arlan L Rosenbloom, MD, Mary L Windle, PharmD, George. /Width 625 3 0 obj Gearhart, JP; Rock, JA (1989). The characters were those from Lake News and it was too predictable and everyone ended up happy. Many types of genital modification are performed at the behest of the individual, for personal, sexual, aesthetic or cultural reasons. The sound clip links to an excerpt from the play you hear a woman explaining he sees himself as the hunter and you as the animal. Survivors Totem Pole Raised in Vancouvers Downtown Eastside. CBC News. So when a friend offered this copy to me to read and "pass on", I took her up on it to do just that, minus the read part! In the medical field, it may be performed for as an alternative to circumcision when circumcision is undesired or impractical. From Apache Chronicle, Lynnette Haozous as Lozen, the famed Chircahua Apache woman warrior who rode and fought with Geronimos band of renegades. She pleaded guilty at her trial saying she used the cartridges to relieve pain from sports injuries and was sentenced to nine years in prison. Penile subincision is a form of genital modification involves a urethrotomy and vertically slitting the underside of the penis from the meatus towards to the base. I loved how they took care of their own, were wary of outsiders, but could be convinced to accept newcomers who wanted to be part of the "family." Lake Charles American Press, Wednesday, May 28, 1986. [35], In 2012, the American Academy of Pediatrics stated that health benefits of non-therapeutic circumcision were not great enough to recommend it for every newborn, that the benefits outweighed the risks, and that the procedure may be done for families who choose it. Town Angel has secret identity & past. Courageous Women - High Poly Head Female NPC Overhaul, Added Immersive Weapons Patch for Whiterun/Falkreath. The cause of violence the character experiences in the bookis reflected in this scene with the emphasis of perception of image and identity upon Indigenous women. A photo clipping from a newspaper detailing the gruesome killings of the Indigenous women.Hashtag #NationalInquiryNow to emphasize a call to social action to pressure the Canadian government to launch a national inquiry into the crisis of missing and murdered Aboriginal women. This is wonderful. WebNo huge Pregnancy Bellies. The hashtags implemented throughout the flip book connect to news and protests or marches related to indigenous issues. Her books are such comfort reads to me, I always know that I'm going to enjoy the story no matter what the subject matter is. Learning to speak with ghosts ruptures the stable image of the socio-cultural semiotic archive and subverts the linguistic hegemony that inscribes gender and regulates bodies[]. Language links are at the top of the page across from the title. I kept wanting to see her as one thing, not as a small, yet powerful force. It was pretty realistic and a nice change of pace. Webmods addons videos images Accidental Games / Spare Time Productions. XPMSSE is no longer a requirement. Female genital mutilation (FGM), also known as female genital cutting (FGC), female circumcision, or female genital mutilation/cutting (FGM/C), refers to "all procedures involving partial or total removal of the external female genitalia or other surgery of the female genital organs whether for cultural, religious or other non-therapeutic reasons. /Filter /DCTDecode It also includes Silarias pants mesh set up so that the mesh doesn't clip with the legs. Susan Shaw and Janet Lee. I loved the small town atmosphere of neighbor helping neighbor. The fifth page of the flip book details the scene from the script of Marilyn sitting in the Barbers chair. I see youand dont worry, youre not white. Copyright 2023 Robin Scott. /ColorSpace /DeviceRGB Ed. Reconstructive surgery may be performed to restore what was lost, often with techniques similar to those used in sex reassignment surgery. (tq60e XCN&OOg37AAs( o=sJ-fUWOvH ,nOp The sound byte leads you to a recorded sound clip from Hastings Street- you hear muddled conversation and city sounds while reading Rebeccas thoughts. It's the way that she writes the development of her characters and their relationships with each other. Several new transformative medications are available in the private practice area of the medical district. 2010 - 2023 Cyprezz LLC. Pretty standard formula. Sounds are critical to ensuring a fully immersive learning experience of important events, messages, or other traditional knowledge systems. WebHelp development of Accidental Woman by pledging at the Beta Tester Tier, and get access to content as soon as it is completed. WebTurning existing classmates into futa or femboys. A complete female NPC overhaul using High Poly Head. Update Frequency This is the WebFind games tagged NSFW and vore like Neko Paradise (NSFW), The Hotel - A Vore Text Adventure Game, Bare Backstreets (V 0.7.3), Triple R: Rehabilitation Rational Ruined, Extraterrestrial Gains - On Hiatus on, the indie game hosting marketplace. In the United States In 1907 Bertha Boronda sliced off her husband's penis with a straight razor. WebFor those unaware, Skyrim at War is a mod that aims to make the Civil War as fun, immersive, tactical, intense, and stressful as possible by implementing over 200+ dynamic civil war patrols that move throughout Skyrim, either protecting friendly territories or advancing into enemy territories. Small 1 Trimester only: 1st 40% smaller (2nd & 3rd default EA Size) This story took place in the same town. the sound clip leads the reader to a recording of women singing through the use of song (a clip recorded from the movie version of clements play) the strength, resilience and community of Indigenous women are remphasized and revitalized. I'm afraid she lost me when Micah is standing in the sugarbush knowing he has two beautiful daughters that love everything about his business and he's lamenting for a son he doesn't have that could truly take over the business someday..and then continues his lame thought stream..even if the daughters marry..the son in laws could never truly understand the family connection to his business. Log in to view your list of favourite games. Although technically custom content, Im putting them in the mods list. The Reason Why Raeliana Ended up at the Dukes Mansion Heikas (Students horrible stories FIN), : , Famicom Detective Club Review The N.E.S. Accidental woman supports modding of many different parts of the game. One of the core concepts regarding making your very own mods for AW are .AWR (AW recources) and .AWM (AW mods) files which contains your mod images and information. Caution! Accidental Woman has been designed from the ground up to support player customization and modding. Women's Voices, Feminist Visions. In modern medicine, circumcision may be used as treatment for severe phimosis or recurrent balanitis that has not responded to more conservative treatments. A woman is arrested for the murder of her boyfriend and the town realizes that they know nothing of her past. Themes of sadness, but also strength and the beginning of a healing journey are linked to these two images. Im pretty sure Im white. Family gets $2.75 million in wrongful surgery suit. The Accidental Taxonomist. [24][25] Similar concerns have been expressed in Australia. The process of labor in The Sims 4 is pretty similar to its like a Sim experiencing discomfort and this reduces the immersion. A hashtag that went viral bringing awareness to the crisis of missing and murdered aboriginal women. All sounds for this project were recorded on foot in the DTES, unless otherwise stated. FGM is condemned by international human rights organizations. /Height 155 stream Its built in Twine Sugarcube, and can be played on most OSes and smartphones. I went to summer camp through my fifteenth year (in Maine, which explains the setting of so many of my stories), then spent my sixteenth summer learning to type and to drive (two skills that have served me better than all of my other high school courses combined). UNICEF statistical profiles on FGM, showing type of FGM: Djibouti Archived 2014-10-30 at the Wayback Machine (December 2013), Eritrea Archived 2014-10-30 at the Wayback Machine (July 2014), Somalia Archived October 30, 2014, at the Wayback Machine (December 2013). [26] The surgery itself is controversial, and critics refer to the procedures as "designer vagina". A HELP sign advertised in the window to a passerby may read simply as a need for employees whereas for Rebecca, it triggers thoughts and emotions she is experiencing whilst searching for traces of her missing mother. Most mods can be made with little to no programming WebThere are currently three main mods, you can download them individually or together. $4%&'()*56789:CDEFGHIJSTUVWXYZcdefghijstuvwxyz ? endobj This book has been sitting on my shelf for years. With this mod all you need to do is open the cheat box and type in pregnancy.terminate and hit enter and your sim will be set back to themselves before In doing this, I feel as though Clements is cleverly making reference to Canadas tendency to wash over a robust history of environmental plunder and racism. Erin Wunker. The use of hashtags have become vital forms of communication reimagining how people engage across various mediums. And install all requirement's. All esl flagged. Instead of uploading new files for an hour, just download and overwrite when prompted. *The Marrow SDK is in beta and currently supports Avatars and basic levels and spawnables. /Producer ( Q t 4 . Lisa Matlock is wanted for a 15 year old murder. However, there is a solution. Hymenorrhaphy refers to the practice of thickening the hymen, or, in some cases, implanting a capsule of red liquid within the newly created vaginal tissue. Nice feel good read with a few bumps along the way. The early development of this game has been focused on building a detailed game framework to allow for an interactive open-world sim experience. The most similar game here on TFGS is Girl Life, though Accidental Woman takes a more story-oriented approach with a faster pace and a much greater focus on dynamic content. Circumcision is the surgical removal of part or all of the foreskin from the penis. There are friends. It is usually performed for religious, cultural or medical reasons and leaves some or all of the glans permanently exposed. 2007-Today An ongoing collaboration between Chris 'Playbus' Fox and JM 'Kasperg Ameyugo that "vn"5 El`m#zZ{Fp22QzW>BKbBz`&? p:v w=9fk*/${r2rqy;{REwea##p;cGZ i_!F0OLL's$zzHUy@=2}B]4g"Q1s Read more. Expressive Facial Animation -Female Edition-, Appearance Mod Patches for Bards Reborn Student of Song, Courageous Women - AI OVERHAUL PATCH 1.6.7, Deze Hub - An NPC Armor and Clothing Patches, XP32 Maximum Skeleton Special Extended - XPMSSE, For the optional Pride of Skyrim & Courageous Women version. Ive read a lot of terrible books recently, but this one might be the absolute worst. All rights reserved. traditionally among first nation communities, indigenous women are the nucleus of community dynamics- knowledge holders and sharers, women are deeply respected and valued among first nations peoples. Install hundreds of mods with the click of a button. The rest of the story seemed contrived. We have a sweet love story of Poppy, who is a paraplegic due to an accident that left another dead, for which she had not forgiven herself. Teach Your daughters..they will be quite capable!!! [7] For example, in cases involving male children with micropenis, doctors may recommend the child be reassigned as female. //,//,//, -Medieval Fantasy Themed Wizard Outfits Set 1 Female-, -Medieval Fantasy Themed Gowns Set 2 Female-, The Ice Lady (so many people asked me for this), -Medieval Fantasy Themed Gowns Set 1 Female-, -Medieval Fantasy Themed Armour Set 2 Female-, -Medieval Fantasy Themed Armour Set 1 Female-, -Medieval Fantasy Themed Clothing Set 3 Female-, -Medieval Fantasy Themed Clothing Set 2 Female-, -Medieval Fantasy Themed Clothing Set 1 Female-, JinRyuu's Family C - Female gender with custom female model. In the game, you take the role of a recently single and unemployed man who takes the offer of a longtime friend to move to the secluded town of Appletree. Fixed a skin tone difference on Nocturnal due to her outfit. NSFW, otherwise known as Not Safe For Work. nice pleasant read. Add a master NPC list across the Nexus thanks to Skinjack. [21][22] It is a familial cultural practice in Rwanda,[21] common in Sub-Saharan Africa,[23] and a body modification practice elsewhere. Id2os=;)Z| %e?^zHiOje*#FNzy 9>%&mc_&'S[PNcqt;(1GNQ A complete female NPC overhaul using High Poly Head. Advocates[who?] "A Circumcision Method Draws New Concern". Disabled girl needs love. My mothers death, when I was eight, was the defining event of a childhood that was otherwise ordinary. Labia stretching is the act of elongating the labia minora through manual manipulation (pulling) or physical equipment (such as weights). [citation needed] Individuals who are victims of rape, who were virginal at the time of their rape, may elect for hymenorrhaphy. So many secrets. /Creator ( w k h t m l t o p d f 0 . It may also be performed for personal preference. I wasn't wrong in my assumption. Meatotomy is a form that involves splitting of the glans penis alone, while bisection is a more extreme form that splits the penis entirely in half. insightful story, good characters, good lessons, easy to read, hard to put down, nice closure. But this story is too draggy and too much information on the sugarbush trade and Poppy's cat. Castration in the genital modification and mutilation context is the removal of the testicles. A return to Lake Henry, New Hampshire, where a young woman has lived and worked for 14 years. /Subtype /Image In the play, the writer focused on the story of the victims in an attempt to redress the failure of the news media to do so., un-fact boxes link to relevant current indigenous issues, The mirror of THE DRESSER starts to reflect a mans face verbal degradation, repositioning the Indigenous woman to be seeking approval from an inanimate object or as it is revealed towards the end of the scene, a man., n Clements other works, she challenges how Aboriginal women are typically marginalized by showcasing their perspectives as a way to reclaim the screen and portray what really happened, something the media has failed to do., The goal is to reflect the realities of Aboriginal women as strong loving leaders and knowledge keepers, allow viewers to rethink their beliefs, and trigger new conversations through visual sovereignty and thinking outside of the box., The goal of this project is to reflect the realities of Aboriginal women as strong loving leaders and knowledge keepers whilst allowing viewers or readers to rethink their beliefs, and trigger new conversations through visual sovereigntyand new communicative mediums., A Flip Through of The Unnatural and Accidental Women: a play by Marie Clements. WebDownload file Montana_Expansion.scs - First Step - Download File Montana_Expansion.scs - 34.16 MB STEP 1: Click the button below and generate download link for Montana_Expansion.scs STEP 2: Click 'Download' on the second page Generate Link Our platform does not limit your download speed. This book started out well with an interesting story, but it fizzled pretty quickly. Perhaps it's because I can relate to the main character. Minecraft 1.18 Aesthetic Mod. 6 0 obj This is not her first book that I have read. WebAn Erotic Text Adventure by ThaumX Accidental Woman is an interactive fiction life sim game for adults. My husband was just starting law school. It gets kind of predictable. [citation needed] Hijra, a third gender found in the Indian subcontinent, may opt to undergo castration. When logged in, you can choose up to 12 games that will be displayed as favourites in this menu. Read more. Effectively engaging with various social media platforms (Twitter, Facebook and Instagram) enable messages independent of colonial influence to be conveyed through differing mediums, connecting to a wider audience and redirecting the narrative. Sometimes, the removal of the entire penis was done in conjunction with castration, or incorrectly referred to as castration.,, Indigenous Futurism: Reimagining Reality to Inspire an Indigenous Future. The Dresser attacks the woman, or western and colonial conceptions of Indigenous women, ending her life. In these cultures, a woman may be punished, perhaps violently, if the community leaders deem that she was not virginal at the time of consummation of her marriage. Where would I find the actual flip book related to Marie Clements play? WebWOOHOO WELLNESS, IS A BEAST OF A MOD! A loud cracka haunting gasp for the air that is suspended (9), To enhance the interactive experience of the flip book for the reader, there are various sound bytes included on each page. When a book has characters named Poppy, Missy, Star, Cassie, Heather, Micah, and Griffin, its a safe bet that the plot is not meant to be literarily inspiring or substantive. As you navigate through the pages of the flip book, you will notice various hashtags drawing attention social, political and humanitarian issues. It will also mean enough money to fund awards for writing contests as well. The Pregnant Aging & Death mod by PolarBearSims does that job perfectly. [49] When the surgery is not performed in a hospital or by a licensed medical professional, complications such as infection, exsanguination, or permanent damage are major concerns. Edited head nifs that had breast/hair weight attached that required XPMSSE. Really help development by pledging at the Backer Tier, and enjoy all the game features restricted to Backers. The word is used to include suturing of the foreskin over the head of the penis. Sounds stupid, but I couldnt cope with another book that included the irritating Poppy. I was fascinated by how difficult the maple syrup business is. . } !1AQa"q2#BR$3br * New display of achievements and unlocks. This is done in cultures where a high value is placed on female virginity at the time of marriage. There are currently three main mods, you can download them individually or together. Show your support without breaking the bank and help with development of Accidental Woman. As you interact with the last couple of slides in the Flip Book you see two scenes: a scene from the play of the murdered women coming together and second, women marching together to raise awareness for the Missing and Murdered Aboriginal Women. Lake Henry, New Hampshire, is buzzing over the annual maple syrup harvest as well as the shocking revelation that long-time resident Heather Malone has been led away by the FBI, which claims the devoted stepmother and businesswoman fled the scene of a fatal accident in California years before. In some circumstances it may be possible to reattach the penis. [6] Most surgeries involving children with ambiguous genitalia are sexually damaging and may render them infertile. Drole de Squaw, an example of the hyper-sexual images of Indigenous. The Accidental Mrs Mackenzie. Retrieved from:, Hundreds march in Victoria, Vancouver for missing and murdered women, We chose to depict the closing scene of the play with imagery of womanhood, and a sense of a tight knit community, reflecting Clements sense of community in the play with the murdered women joining together to support Rebecca. AIO FOMOD installer with separate texture resolutions and warpaint or not warpaint choice. /CreationDate (D:20210404031513+03'00') not sure, but totally enjoyed this story and learned more than i needed to about maple sugar! On this page, we include an excerpt from the script of Aunt Shadie leading the women in song, beneath the coroner reports of the three murdered women to confront the dehumanizing narratives and identities that are problematic with mainstream media reporting of missing and murdered Indigenous women. [A detailed guide to a deeper understanding of our Flip Book, reimagining Clements play], I see you, and I like what I see. * Revised persistent game stats system. In the middle of the night, the FBI appear at Heather Malone's home with an arrest warrant claiming she is actually a woman named Lisa Matlock. Your email address will not be published. The women are reunited and restored to their natural state it seems, with their hair flowing, no longer in possession of the Barber. There is family. in Psychology at Tufts University and an M.A. 1 0 obj I earned a B.A. not sure what it is with Barbara Delinsky lately, but every one of her books i pick up turns out to be very very good. Yes, you can easily cancel or upgrade your pledge at any time! She is alone with him. P Chrousos, MD, FAAP, MACP, MACE, FRCP, Merrily P M Poth, MD, Stephen Kemp, MD, PhD. The seventh page of the flip book, The Barbershop Quartet 3 recounts the scene of Penny trying to escape with help from the ghosts or spirits of the deceased Indigenous women killed by the Barber. [12], A person may engage in self-inflicted genital injury or mutilation such as castration, penectomy, or clitoridectomy. I wish there had been more about Cassie, as there seemed to be a lot of potential for a story about her and her husband their issues with her working too much. and is now accused of being someone else and guilty of murder. It's built in a customized version of the SugarCube2/Twine. Clements titling of the play draws attention to the problematic reporting of the Native womens deaths- the coroners reports found the deaths unnatural and accidental. Web11. WebA text-based adult game. Photo by Tony Henshaw. WebRM KE4T5T 1960s, historical, shapely blonde woman with big wavy hair posing outside in a black mini skirt and knee length boots. UNICEF 2013 Archived 2015-04-05 at the Wayback Machine, p.182, identifies "sewn closed" as most common in Djibouti, Eritrea, Somalia for 1549 age group (survey in 2000 for Sudan was not included), and for daughters, Djibouti, Eritrea, Niger and Somalia. What??? Low income housing. /AIS false These are the replacements Im currently using in my game. However, despite Ms. Delinski's avowal that she'd spent a lot of time researching life in a chair, as well as actually (gasp!) Penectomy involves the partial or total amputation of penis. Atlanta Constitution, Tuesday, March 12, 1991. Forgiveness. Perhaps some of this was covered in the previous book. Shown is the Survivors totem pole in Pigeon Park; a pole that represents healing, reconciliation, and justice that is still needed. The Accidental Tourist. Davis, Simone Weil. The incentive to participate in labia- and vaginoplasty may also come about in an effort to manage women's physical attributes and their sexual behavior, treating their vagina as something needing to be managed or controlled and ultimately deemed "acceptable".[31]. Sorry! /Title ( A c c i d e n t a l w o m a n s t a r t c o d e s) [32][33] Neonatal circumcision is generally safe when done by an experienced practitioner, with complications being rare, though death has been reported in some cases. * The Jobbening, part deux. When performed with the consent of the adult individual, it can be considered an elective plastic surgery procedure for reducing the size and the area of the clitoral hood (prepuce) in order to further expose the clitoral glans of the clitoris; the therapeutic goal is thought to improve the sexual functioning of the woman, and the aesthetic appeal of her vulva. (Official content includes submitted content, essentially anything included in the base game.). The book jacket sounded interesting though I had a suspicion the novel itself would read like a Lifetime Movie. << Site news (important news will be issued), Comments on your files, images and videos, New images and videos added to your files. Report any bugs with them just like with the main game. UNICEF 2013 Archived 2015-04-05 at the Wayback Machine, p.121, n.62: "This estimate [125 million] is derived from weighted averages of FGM/C prevalence among girls aged 0 to 14 and girls and women aged 15 to 49, using the most recently available DHS, MICS and SHHS data (19972012) for the 29 countries where FGM/C is concentrated.
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