al anon quotes about acceptance
EGO: We do not tire so easily, for we are not burning up energy foolishly as we did when we were trying to arrange life to suit ourselves., To this day, I am amazed at how many of my problems - most of which had nothing to do with drinking, I believed - have become manageable or have simply disappeared since I quit drinking., We have learned that the satisfaction of instincts cannot be the sole aim of our lives., one of the primary differences between alcoholics and nonalcoholics is that nonalcoholics change their behavior to meet their goals and alcoholics change their goals to meet their behaviors., Definition of an alcoholic is an egomaniac with an inferiority complex, We sometimes hurt those we love because they need to be taught a lesson, when we really want to punish. She did remember two things, myself and J.D. Serenity is not the absence of turmoil but the ability to deal with it. Voluntarily Never let me imagine that my satisfaction with life depends on what someone else may do (ODAT in Al-Anon pg234) Pause for Poise. When we are humble, we are totally willing to accept God's help, knowing that without it we cannot progress further. Learn to give from my overflow rather that from my reserve. God I ask God each day to help me accept life on lifes terms and give me the grace and dignity to get through it. Take This is what I will do. Member sharing on the Member Blog may be used in future AlAnon publications. Driven by a hundred forms of fear, self-delusion, self-seeking, and self-pity, we step on the toes of our fellows and they retaliate. 2002. Before I lose my serenity I am grateful I no longer have tunnel vision and am open to change. It is easier to resist the bait than to struggle with the hook. Angry QTIP: Your first step should be to talk with your primary care doctor. Let the Understanding, Peace, & Love of the Program work in YOU each day. By Rick, California, We have a right to expect more from life than mere survival., I had invited God to come into my life but I had no idea how I thought things should be or how often I would close the door to God and let my will run wild. Admitting I am powerless and recognizing that each person has their own Higher Power helps me accept troubling situations. 2016;7:143-154. doi:10.2147/SAR.S81535. I was so upset it was the middle of a 3 hour meeting and I didnt know quite what to do. You could be right Hmmmmmm. There are no mistakes, only lessons. But with each struggle I have with God, I learn more about His beauty, love and patience. As I kept coming back, I heard members comment about my Sponsor in their shares. Talking Whether we have a child, a spouse, or a loved one of any kind effected by alcoholism, the journey to getting better includes acceptance. Sometimes it takes me a long time to get from awareness to acceptance; there are things I dont want to accept, to be real. My Happiness is My Responsibility It Then, he or she can devise healthy strategies that promote acceptance, like developing a positive mindset. 2023 Dotdash Media, Inc. All rights reserved. I dont get there until I work my way through the 3 As Awareness comes first, it doesnt matter how many times someone points out a defect that is causing me a problem until I see it myself I cant change it, see it I have to accept it . "If HP brings you to it, HP will walk you through it." But in allowing myself to finally admit it, I can start to have compassion and realize it isnt the person that I dislike, its their disease and mine. LOVE: This month were asking you to share on what AlAnon tools help you to find acceptance? ", "Listen not to criticisms or accolades both take you off your path." Quit Become aware of the thinking/behaviour that is a problem, Try to establish where you think it comes from and why. We are all in for the 4 A's: "Anxiety, Awareness, Acceptance, Action". Yet I am still a newcomer in a way, I feel. Adult Children: Growing up in home with an active alcoholic can effect how a child looks at life and almost everything in it. The same behavior that is intolerable to one person wont bother another person at all., Our personal limits, however, do not dictate a code of behavior for others., We might also pause before voicing these limits to be sure we are prepared to follow through. In this same study, having a positive attitude also strongly influenced disease acceptance. To seek prestige and wealth is the ultimate goal for many in the modern world. The other thing that helps me find acceptance is talking things over with my Sponsor. Take what you like & leave the rest. 2019-2020 is proudly powered by Go Live Again All Rights Reserved. I cannot give what I do not have. Thoughtful, Moderators may edit comments according to AlAnon Policy to remove personally identifiable information to protect anonymity, as well as remove derogatory language or statements that are inflammatory or unrelated. My serenity is proportionate to my acceptance. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Change can only come from a position of acceptance. Dont turn feelings into decisions. did. Say what you mean, mean what you say, but dont be mean when you say it. Rather we would have to forgive ourselves for judging. What I heard in my first meeting over 30 years ago was the beginning of hope for me. A. Einstein, "Most folks are as happy asthey make up their mindsto be." I can only control myself and my own reactions. Welcome back. First Things First 12. On the other handand strange as this may seem to those who do not understandonce a psychic change has occurred, the very same person who seemed doomed, who had so many problems he despaired of ever solving them, suddenly finds himself easily able to control his desire for alcohol, the only effort necessary being that required to follow a few simple rules., Avoid then, the deliberate manufacture of misery, but if trouble comes, cheerfully capitalize it as an opportunity to demonstrate His omnipotence., Being a little kinder, a little slower to anger, a little more loving makes my life betterday by day., Almost none of us liked the self-searching, the leveling of our pride, the confession of shortcomings which the process requires for its successful consummation., Wed love your help. We all wish good things to happen to us, but we cannot just pray and then sit down and expect miracles to happen. Though old buildings will eventually be replaced by finer ones, the new structures will take years to complete., First of all, we had to quit playing God. I know I am powerless over alcoholism and that has empowered me. An expectation is a premeditated resentment. As I became more willing to forgive, I became more accepting. Treatment for Alcohol Problems: Finding and Getting Help. When I am disturbed, it is because I find some person, place, thing, or situation "some fact of my life" unacceptable to me, and I can find no serenity until I accept that person, place, thing, or situation as being exactly the way it is supposed to be at this moment., I have come to believe that hard times are not just meaningless suffering and that something good might turn up at any moment. Denise Dianaty for you to relish and distribute. The thinking/behaviour no longer serves your best interests. An honest regret for harms done, a genuine gratitude for blessings received, and a willingness to try for better things tomorrow will be the permanent assets we shall seek., It will take time to clear away the wreck. Read our, How the Sinclair Method for Alcohol Addiction Recovery Works, Loving Someone With Alcohol Use DisorderDos and Dont's, Dry January: The Benefits of a Month Without Alcohol, What to Expect From Drug and Alcohol Rehab Programs, Coping With Nausea from Alcohol Withdrawal, Sleep Problems Associated With Alcohol Misuse, The Risks of Using Alcohol to Relieve Anxiety, Warning Signs of an Alcohol or Drug Relapse, Daily Tips for a Healthy Mind to Your Inbox, Treating alcoholism as a chronic disease: approaches to long-term continuing care, Strong predictors for alcohol recidivism after liver transplantation: non-acceptance of the alcohol problem and abstinence of< 3 months, Benefits of peer support groups in the treatment of addiction, Treatment for Alcohol Problems: Finding and Getting Help, Emotional and rational disease acceptance in patients with depression and alcohol addiction. 2008 Dec 1;6(1):4. doi:10.1186/1477-7525-6-4. So our troubles, we think, are basically of our own making., The feeling of having shared in a common peril is one element in the powerful cement which binds us., There is an island of opportunity in the middle of every difficulty., We should be sensible, tactful, considerate and humble without being servile or scraping. Verywell Mind uses only high-quality sources, including peer-reviewed studies, to support the facts within our articles. Learning daily to spot, admit, and correct these flaws is the essence of character-building and good living. Its time to go back to Step One and admit Im powerless. Perhaps, always will be. Progress Not Perfection 5. I began attending meetings willingly since 2018. There are multiple ways that Al-Anon can help. To erase it, ask God to remove your shortcomings. Should Going to meetings regularly has helped me find acceptance. Thank you for posting this. This didnt sit well with me before the program. It is only when I ask God for help, with complete abandon, that I become willingand ableto change., On awakening let us think about the twenty-four hours ahead. Since strong family support increases a person's chance of remaining abstinent, marital and family counseling is also often integrated into treatment. Then, after acceptance of your powerlessness, you can move forward with changing what you can (what is within your realm of control). Acronyms: I learned to identify with these Al-Anon people and all l had to do was listen. Tradition One and Principles above Personalities helps me accept people. Al-Anon knows the struggles of people that may feel despair, hopelessness and other feelings that may result in a feeling that things will never change. Living in the past is VICTIM, Living in the future is MANIPULATING. For a few months my wife and I kept it in a separate account so as not to touch it in case there was a mistake in my determination and my understanding in the way I had answered the required questions. All I can work on isRead more , Practicing acceptance when I wished things were different was impossible for me before the program. Attempting half measures to eliminate these defects merely paralyzes my efforts to change. I was thinking earlier today about the housing situation my husband and I are in. Unless we have first judged and condemned them for what they did, there would be no reason for us to forgive them. Or when I begin to ask for help instead of going it alone. Fixing, Im saying that they are broken, featuring works from 90 notable authors including Self,Eckhart Tolle,Sri Sri Ravi Shankar,Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj,D. We dont have to act on our feelings, we can look at them and let them pass. She was down only fifteen minutes of it at the end, this was really hard. MyRead more , Accepting means to be clear minded about what is happening and, then decide what I will do about it. National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism. - Still sober taking sleeping pills? Thus these three Legacies helps me to find acceptance. Cookies collect information about your preferences and your devices and are used to make the site work as you expect it to, to understand how you interact with the site, and to show advertisements that are targeted to your interests. It turns what we have into enough, and more. Check out our 12-Step Store with T-shirts, coffee mugs, books and more! Others He wouldnt let those things happen until I was with people who could help me to get through that. Now the miracles of medicine sometimes do things that are really amazing and just whatever you need them to do, because for the next twelve years I became my sisters keeper as she lost her memory. Easing I try to remember that when I see a loved one experiencing their ups and downs, I must resist the urge to grab on and try to control their ride, or go along on the ride with them. Surrender When you visit the site, Dotdash Meredith and its partners may store or retrieve information on your browser, mostly in the form of cookies. They also said Keep coming back, but it was the 1st statement that made me want to come back. These I have to leave with my Higher Power to solve (or not). God helps those who dont try to take over His work. Time Ellen C. Family Recovery Speaker Changing my attitude, changing my life (Funny! And when we notice opportunities and gifts, even in difficult situations, we are strengthened by keeping our gratitude for our Higher Powers loving assistance in the forefront of our minds., It makes no more sense to berate ourselves for being short on patience than it does to berate ourselves because teddy bears are in short supply in our toy store. All Rights Reserved. Delve into our collection of the Weve both wanted to move out of the local area for several years, yet were still here. Both the Al-Anon literature and the Alcoholics Anonymous literature place a big importance on being able to accept the things we cannot change, the courage to change the things we can, and the wisdom to know the difference. Just a moment while we sign you in to your Goodreads account. Courage to Change Page 153 Whether its meetings, talking to other people going through the same struggles, or resources for growth, Al-Anon is there. McKay JR, Hiller-Sturmhofel S. Treating alcoholism as a chronic disease: approaches to long-term continuing care. It didn't work., Selfishness, self-centeredness! On Self Love and Self Care: I dont worry about tomorrow because God has already been there and He has set the stage. Click the image to read more. Next thing I know I am driving along and she starts struggling. My Sponsor is one of the biggest tool, through her unconditional love helps meRead more . I look in the indexes for words such as acceptance, detachment, and forgiveness then read all of the entries listed. AA Speaker Acceptance is the Answer, Matt H. AA Speaker Recovery, my new and wonderful life, Jerry J. Everything. Once I surrender, I experience a new beginning, everything just falls into place. Journaling to my Higher Power also helps. My thoughts and actions can propel me toward growth or turn me down the road to old habits and to booze. From what I can tell, hes not ready to let go of our current home. Besides medications that can help you stop or reduce your drinking, there are behavioral treatments like cognitive-behavioral therapy or motivational enhancement therapy. Listen And Learn ~, Keep An Open Mind ~ Let It Begin With Me ~ Together We Can Make It ~ Be Honest ~ Keep Coming Back ~, Feel Good About Saying "No" ~ Fake It 'Till You Make It! Anger is Just One Letter Short Of Danger. But it is clear that we make our own misery., I've been benefited from a dictionary definition I found that reads: "Rationalization is giving a socially acceptable reason for socially unacceptable behavior, and socially unacceptable behavior is a form of insanity., It is a spiritual axiom that every time we are disturbed, no matter what the cause, there is something wrong with us., Every day I stand at turning points. Learn how your comment data is processed. as Facebook, Twitter, or your personal blog. Step 2. You may have come to Al-Anon never once thinking you were powerless, that there was something you could do to cause the alcoholic to wake up and finally admit there was a problem. Courage to Change. We can only deepen our commitment every time we surrender anew., Vindictiveness, vengeance, resentment, blame, and hard-heartedness do us far more harm than anyone else., As important as it is to set time aside for spiritual exercise, it is even more important to recognize that our spiritual selves require ongoing attention. I finally Let Go and Let God I cant believe Im still here after all thats changed in my life, but I am and thats due to my HP and Al-Anon. I soon realized, this was an Al-Anon tool I needed to explore. Definitions: Intelligent. But I also learned that I could be happy even if they didn't.". I want a sober family member who is thriving, who is dependable, who is happy with life, who is. Taking Please share your experiences by commenting on the topic below. It involves giving God our assets, too., to provide ourselves with a place to express these feelings where we will receive the support and encouragement we need,, Therefore, they are not necessarily the best basis for decision-making. According to one study, attending a support group for alcohol addiction had a strong influence on whether or not a person could achieve emotional acceptance of their alcohol addiction. I love the slogans and find them very useful. The 12 Steps are about freedom and empowerment. But "acceptance" does not mean that I have to like it, or condone it or even ignore it. Intelligence is not incompatible with humility, provided I place humility first. Other signs of emotional non-acceptance may include feelings of anger or shame regarding the development of alcoholism. When I wake up today, there are lots of possibilities. The only person who can love me the way I want to be loved is me. Control is only an illusion. Take what you liked and leave the rest. Be yourself because everyone else is taken. Oscar Wilde Lewis: Denial is the shock absorber for the soul. In a few short years I lost my marriage, my beautiful Mom (my alcoholic), and several pets. You can replace negative thinking/behaviour with positive, healthy responses. Where ever I place my attention, energy flows. As God's people we stand on our feet; we don't crawl before anyone., If we were to live, we had to be free of anger., I simply had to believe in a Spirit of the Universe, who knew neither time nor limitation., To be vital, faith must be accompanied by self sacrifice and unselfish, constructive action., It is very difficult for me to come to terms with my spiritual illness because of my great pride, disguised by my material successes and my intellectual power. ", "Thank You God for reminding me not to interfere with Your Divine Plan. He has miraculously given me the strength and courage to face life as it is. You Can Change Yourself, You Can Cure Yourself 3 A's ~ Awareness, Acceptance, Action . As far as acceptance, it took a veryRead more . So many of us will reject help because we do not like the package that the help comes in, but you have to learn to accept those things. Keep it simple is my favorite Al-Anon Slogans in a Poem - By Coach Papa Slogans in a Poem by Coach Papa First Things First - I have heard it said - Be Honest With yourself, - get out of your head - You can Feel Good -About Saying "No" - Keep Coming Back to - Talk And Grow - Easy Does It - sounds real nice - If you Keep It Simple - you don't roll the dice - Live And Let Live - Brings it back to you - They're in recovery, - you are, too - What's to Be will Be - So, Let Go & Let God - Just wait and see - That one Day At A Time - Is more than a phrase - In Al-Anon, - it's the phrase that pays - Think! I want to use this help in making all my decisions. We must back up our prayers with action., In attempting to protect ourselves, we let our personalities slip away until we were emotionally numb. Sometimes we try something new and it doesn't work out for us, that's ok too, just try something different. Medical Reviewers confirm the content is thorough and accurate, reflecting the latest evidence-based research. 31 Most Helpful Al-Anon Slogans 1. We ask especially for freedom from self-will, and are careful to make no request for ourselves only. I dont live with anRead more . 2 The chapter was written by Dr. Paul Ohliger, who died Friday, May 19, 2000, in Mission Viejo, California at the age of 83. How Important Is It? This takes honesty, courage, humility and faith and gets easier over time. Writing to the God of my own understanding gives me a way to reflect on what Ive read in CAL and heard in meetings. AA Speaker How to find freedom and happiness in recovery, Earl H. AA Speaker How to achieve freedom with the 12 Steps. Gratitude makes sense of our past, brings peace for today, and creates a vision for tomorrow. I threatened, scolded, manipulated, coerced, pleaded, begged, bribed and generally tried all I could to make the situation better -- only watch as the situation grew progressively worse. Step 6 Be willing, Be ready and let God do the work The Serenity Prayer is the best tool for me. Second to that are the Slogans. (2022), Celebrity Net Worth R. Kelly/Rihanna/Bad Bunny & More!
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