alfredo hodoyan brother
In the ensuing police raid, Kitty was killed and Francisco Rafael Arellano Flix was arrested. Cristina, 62, rolls her eyes dismissively at any suggestion that Alfredo was the killer, the Wolf described by prosecutors. She died with the person she loved, like a soap opera, her brother Jaime says. CRISTINA PALACIOS DE HODOYAN OPENS THE DOOR TO A FOYER FILLED WITH a large doll collection and other touches of the decorative juvenilia that adults somtimes use to reinforce a sense of innocence. Alejandro Hodoyan vanished a second _ and apparently last _ time on March 5 when two men with automatic rifles jumped out of a van in a Tijuana parking lot, tossed him inside, and screeched away. Kids admired his long hair, his rococo Chinese dragon bedside lamps, and the respect and fear he inspired. Her family says she has since remarried, but the San Diego Union-Tribune reported that she showed up with the children at Kittys sentencing hearing in January as he choked back tears and apologized to society in general for everything I did. His freewheeling life was reduced to clinical legal descriptions of meetings where Ramon plotted violent acts by narcojuniors. He was walking straight into a military trap. saw this guy, he was walking around having a good time,'' Mr. McGivney said. The Ibarra Murders Completely neurotic. It would have been fine with me if they hadnt gotten married at all. This has been a terrible blow, said Amparo de Valdez, Emilios aging mother, who died last year. He is presumed dead. A Mexican drug prosecutor who saw the two men together toward the end of Mr. Hodoyan's captivity said they were ''like father and son.''. He was kidnapped while driving with his mother in Tijuana several days later and has never been seen since. The elegant breakables in the tall glass cases seem too fragile for the tale that Gonzalez is telling. WebI played Alfredo Hodoyan this season, El Chapo's eldest son on El Chapo's series and also played a journalist involved with Hank in Tijuana. As the man in the videotape begins to spill the inner secrets of Mexico's most violent drug gang, he appears nervous, chewing off pieces of his left thumbnail and gulping water. But if being an enemy was dangerous, being a member of his entourage could be a rush. WebAlfredo Hodoyan played by Ivn Aragn (season 3), Alexs older brother and a member of the Narcojuniors. Nationality ''He was crazy, loco, desperate,'' Bertha Hodoyan said. No one knew who they were, Cristina says. They keep meeting these people, in a party, at a disco, they buy bottles of champagne, and they become the new members of the narco-society. One of the flashiest was Ramon Arellano, a leader of the gang who met members of the Hodoyan family at a society wedding in Tijuana. Motor Speedway. By February, Mr. Hodoyan had completed his transformation from hostage to informant. Her new boyfriend was a very polite young man, and very much in love with Ruth, says Montano. Families with such names as Bustamante, Fimbres and Anchondo coalesced into tight-knit circles that formed the core of Tijuana society. agent that Mr. Hodoyan had been blindfolded to prevent him from seeing the American's face, since the prisoner, they said, was a ''dangerous and violent criminal.''. The Arellanos and the narcojuniors were celebrities.. Reached by telephone at his southern California residence, Mr. Randall said he had no recollection of Mr. Hodoyan's case. His mother says a federal police commander pulled Alex out of her car in 1997 and the family hasnt seen him since. As in Los Angeles, the past is not taken quite so literally. You have to prove your loyalty. Tape recordings of some of Mr. Hodoyan's phone calls to his family were made available to The New York Times by participants in the events who requested anonymity. Lina disappeared during the 2000 Thanksgiving weekend and turned up dead. In the bare room, the agent introduced himself to Mr. Hodoyan, blindfolded and cuffed to a bed. According to American officials, the consul general, Thomas L. Randall, told the A.T.F. They would tolerate [Benjamin] at times, if it was a party at somebodys ranch outside of the city. He would pay for a big baptism party., The Arellano Felixes and their entourage became the beautiful people, the 90210 of drug cartels, says Gonzalo Curiel, the assistant U.S. attorney assigned to the case. The embassy official assigned to follow up on the agent's report of a captive American citizen took no action. To do that, you have to kill someone.. But on Oct. 7, the day of Adriana Hodoyan's most urgent appeal for help, one arm of the United States Government learned that the Mexican military knew exactly where to find Mr. Hodoyan. WebAlfredo Hodoyan, 25, the rakish and strong-willed brother who is Alex's youngest sibling, took on a more violent role in the gang, according to his brother and other associates. ''I'll never forget what he said,'' recalled his wife, Bertha Hodoyan. '' Seven weeks earlier, gunmen for the Arellano organization had bungled a plot to assassinate Amado Carrillo Fuentes, the leader of a rival cartel. Court documents say Ramon was named godfather of their son, Emilio Alfredo, in 1991, though relatives say he didnt show up for the baptism. His testimony, which produced eight hours of videotape and more than 200 pages of transcripts, is viewed on both sides of the border as a law enforcement triumph, a breakthrough in Mexico's flagging fight against drug traffickers. One by one, friends the Hodoyans had known since childhood were drawn into the Arellanos' circle of riches and violence. At midnight, Montano says, the nuncio went to speak with then-president Carlos Salinas: Ramon wanted to meet with him, too. Soon after, Mexican officials sent their American counterparts information developed by General Gutierrez Rebollo indicating that Alfredo Hodoyan, Alex's brother, was a triggerman in the killing. nothing out on the street).Prevention by programs directed at children and teens to understand drugs and addiction.Of course there will always be persons who choose to make use of legaly available drugs and will be fucked by the drugs (albeit clean drugs are much less harmless than dirty drugs), but those persons alone (and their immediate family as also now is the case) will bear the burden of their abuse and not society as a whole. His life changes drastically when he is recruited into Ramn Arellano Flixs Narco Juniors gang. But General Gutierrez Rebollo kept Mr. Hodoyan incommunicado for the next two months, mainly in a vacant army base on the outskirts of Guadalajara. IN THE LAST 50 YEARS IT has been transformed from a dusty backwater of 65,000 to an electric border boomtown whose official population tops 1 million, though many believe it is twice that size. Mrs. Hodoyan has said that she visited her son last fall at a military installation in the western state capital of Guadalajara, where she said he was being held secretly by the generals men. ``Yes, thats him! ''My son, it's a trap -- you're in a trap, try to understand,'' Cristina Hodoyan entreated in a phone call on Dec. 10. Emilio Valdez Mainero seemed an appropriately upper-tier husband, but he too allegedly found employment in the Arellano Felix organization, recruiting young assassins who belong to Tijuanas upper class-some of them his childhood friends. He had been granted formal immunity from prosecution in Mexico in exchange for his testimony. Other wives, like Lina Literas, hunkered down and became one of the boys-but she was not crazy about Ramon. He was doubtful of Alex truly being a citizen -well, he sure as hell had ways of confirming his citizenship.These brothers knew they were breaking the law & working 4 some badass people -everything has consequences -whether good or bad -like the bible says "Money Is The Root Of All Evilness ", Great post love to here about los arellano past, Alex Hodoyan is the gay guy in the movie traffic. Emilio told her family he wont rest until he finds out what happened, a relative says. How could you not know him? Agustin asked after Alfredos arrest in 1996. 2 official in the embassy, Charles H. Brayshaw, who sent him to the consul general for Mexico City, a senior diplomat who handles problems involving United States citizens. ''I don't want them using me,'' he said, cursing the Arrelanos. Mexican Tale: Drugs, Crime, Torture and the U.S., Leaked Images of Gulf Cartel's Rules of Conduct for Hitmen, Sinaloa Cartel Uses Drones With Explosives As It Fights For Territory In Jalisco, Hitmen of Gulf Cartel's Primito Caught Red-Handed Kidnapping in Daz Ordaz, Tamps, 8.5 Tons of Liquid Methamphetamine Hidden in Tequila Bottles Seized from Manzanillo Port, Cartel Arellano Flix Member "El Dani" Killed. Then, several officials said, Mr. Randall did nothing further about Mr. Hodoyan. He told them that he had been tortured, but said he could not discuss the details. Drug Enforcement Administration officials say Benjamin Arellano Felix first appeared on the radar for a petty 1982 drug arrest in Montebello; he was with his former wife and brother Eduardo. En un reportaje publicado en 1996 de la periodista de Los Angeles Times, Marie-Anne Connor, Cristina Palacios de Hodoyan aseguraba que su hijo no era un matn; no obstante, Alfredo Hodoyan fue arrestado adems por delitos contra la salud, por ser sealado de participar en un cudruple homicidio. Mexican anti-drug agents flew Mrs. Hodoyan from Tijuana for the hearing. Little by little, they get to know a lot of people.. Mermaids hold out conch shells with tiny freshwater pearls. My work as a priest is one thing, but to act as an authority is another.. But when Lina became pregnant, her family reluctantly consented to their marriage, a relative says. The troops had no arrest warrant and filed no report to the police. ''I'm sure I would have done whatever needed to be done,'' he said, calling it ''convenient'' that embassy officials had heaped all of the blame on the one person involved who was no longer in government service. Last When her father found out she was expecting twins, he said, Shes getting married. Then-Tijuana Mayor Federico Valdes said he officiated at the wedding. not sorry for parents, just the little girls,..but Mr. Curiel and other U.S. The american agent that interviewed him -just left an american citizen 2 b tortured?? As a subscriber, you have 10 gift articles to give each month. Grandparents rolled their eyes when ostentatious gifts from the godfathers arrived at childrens birthday parties. According to Mr. Hodoyan, the soldiers forced soda water spiked with searing hot chile peppers up his nose until he was nearly asphyxiated. According to American officials, she said there were reports that Alex had been detained on Sept. 11 by the military authorities in Guadalajara. Other officials confirmed that it was Mr. Randall, who was recalled from Mexico to Washington late last year and retired from the Foreign Service in January 1997. The agent later told colleagues that it bothered him that he could not see the prisoner's eyes. Ramon walked out of the crowded party and shot and killed his sisters boyfriend and two friends parked outside. Portrayed by A large middle class feeds a pulsing youth culture of crowded discos and hip rock bands. Male Like he was going to scare us, or [was] joking around. Mr. Valdez became a top operative in the organization, arranging drug shipments and assassinations, the Mexican and American police have charged in court. El Lobo permanece en libertad y se especula que regres a vivir a San Diego, California. And the parents of these rebels without a cause found themselves the subject of unwelcome scrutiny. Episode count But the chain of dark destinies did not end there. Endir y Henain Meza Castaos, los dos hermanos narcojuniors sufrieron el embate de Ramn que comenz a asesinar a todos aquellos que queran quitarle el control. THE ARELLANO FELIXES, A PROSPEROUS FAMILY OF SEVEN BROTHERS AND FOUR sisters, were from Sinaloa, the Pacific Coast birthplace of many Mexican drug traffickers. After two hours, the official said, the agent believed that he ''had a live one.'' In March 1994, Mexico City federal police flew into Tijuana again and handcuffed Javier Arellano Felix, a little brother with a campy nom de narco, the Little Tiger. Tijuana police were curiously unhelpful: Javiers state police bodyguards opened fire and spirited Javier to freedom, leaving a federal police commander and four others dead. Not Alfredo-tall, good-looking, bilingual, U.S.-born; a graduate of the prestigious St. Augustine Academy in San Diego. He waited 13 days before visiting Mr. Hodoyan. En los ltimos das de 2016, Hodoyan Palacios recobr su libertad a solo 14 aos de haber permanecido tras las rejas en tres diferentes penales federales de mxima seguridad: del Altiplano en el Estado de Mxico, en Tamaulipas y en Chiapas. ''He even bought new clothes for me.''. Donald R. Hamilton, the embassy's spokesman, otherwise defended its handling of the case, saying Mr. Hodoyan did not complain of torture to any American official in Mexico or suggest that he was under duress. She was very young. He joined one of the cartel's hit squads and is wanted on murder charges in Mexico. "HEARST" and "Redlogarythm" for Borderland Beat This week, a pamphlet showing the rules of conduct given to hitmen in "Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat The United Nations warns in a new report that insecurity in the capital has reached levels com "Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat Video translation is as follows: Five days after the shootout in Teocaltiche, Jalisco, images w "HEARST" and " Redlogarythm" f or Borderland Beat Hitmen who work for Cartel del Golfo boss "El Primito" were "Socalj" for Borderland Beat A K9 sniffer dog alerted inspectors to a load of over 11,500 bottles of tequila bound for export. He replied, ''This is more than I want to hear.''. Newspaper and TV reports said that Ignacio Weber Rodriguez, of the now-defunct National Institute for the Combat of Drugs, was charged Tuesday at a high-security prison outside the nations capital. Gonzalez shakes her head. Father Montano says he was not the only one who was stunned to discover that the Arellanos were drug traffickers. ''I was born in San Diego,'' he said. Mexican officials say his disclosures have already prompted the dismissal of ''several dozen'' detectives and police commanders accused of ties to the Tijuana-based organization, which is led by the Arellano Felix brothers. But mostly Benjamin would have his own parties, and the juniors would show up with their girlfriends, the protected witness says. Now hes trying to sell his story to Hollywood. 1 Alex Hodoyan is a typical teenager living in Tijuana. A cuatro aos de su liberacin, El Lobo permanece en libertad y se especula que regres a vivir a San Diego, California. Thirteen days later, when Mr. Hodoyan was driving in downtown Tijuana with his mother, armed men blocked the path of their vehicle, dragged him out, shoved him into another car and sped away. Soon after he arrived in the United States, Mr. Hodoyan, his 32-year-old wife, Bertha Gastelum de Hodoyan, and his mother met with the American prosecutor who was handling the extradition of his brother. Francisco Flores was in fact inspired by Alex Hodoyans story but not 100%, it is the General plus the three stars gives it away..just saying not sure. It is the story of her daughter Angelicas first marriage. He never considered turning the brothers in because this was a matter of conscience. In return they gave him loads of cocaine and marijuana to move across the border, allowing him to keep the proceeds, he told Mexican prosecutors. A few months after his sons arrest in 1996, Alejandro Hodoyan pointed out that Alfredo wasnt the only one in Tijuana rubbing shoulders with the Arellano Felixes. El doctor Ibarra Sants haba declarado sobre el poder, los negocios ilcitos y los contactos que tenan los Arellano Flix y se comprometi a detener a los llamados narcotraficantes, pero no pudo complir con su cometido. Is General Gutierrez Rebollo. Mr. Curiel declined to be interviewed, noting that he is barred from discussing pending cases. Alex confessed that he was involved in the Arellano-Felix cartel and the confession was videotaped. But Kitty, with his jeans, T-shirts and irresistable grin, was considered the coolest guy in his Instituto clique. Abductions since last night have been reported in San Fernando, Reynosa "Sol Prendido" for Borderland A man identified as Guillermo Daniel Mndez Madrigal, 25, who allegedly belonged to a cell of the A Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels. On Oct. 7, when Alex Hodoyan had been missing for nearly a month, his sister called the consulate again. In 1986, Ruth Serrano Corona, the granddaughter of a top federal official in Tijuana, married Benjamin Arellano Felix. Ramon roared through the streets on a motorcycle, wearing splashy Versace shirts, black leather pants and an easy smile. Tho "Sol Prendido for Borderland Beat The war begins in Tamaulipas. Cristina Palacios de Hodoyan alguna vez declar que si Alfredo necesitaba un carro, ella se lo compraba y paga su gasolina, y si estuviera en quiebra, ella misma tambin le pagara la cuenta de su tarjeta de crdito, segn informacin de El Universal. His mission, he later said, was to find a new ''safe house,'' a local base for the group's operations. Mexican military officials announced the arrest of General Gutierrez Rebollo. He was recruited by Arturo "El Kitty" Pez to smuggle drugs across the border, but was caught by the DEA on his first run. Before dawn on the morning of Feb. 20, Mr. Hodoyan committed what a United States official described as ''totally irrational and suicidal act.'' Join Facebook to connect with Alfredo Hodoyan and others you may know. Trending pages Benjamn Arellano Flix Ramn Arellano Flix Alex Hodoyan Enedina Arellano Flix David Barron Corona Alfredo Hodoyan Arturo Pez Alicia Maria Arellano Flix All items (15) # A B C D E F G A new federal police commander, Ernesto Ibarra Santes, put down his bags in Tijuana in August 1996 and promised a revolution against the Tijuana drug cartel. These boys are from good families, known to all of Tijuana. Alex's father suggested to his son that he was suffering from Stockholm syndrome, which occurs when kidnap victims become attached to their kidnappers. The surname occurs predominantly in The Americas, where 66 They have new cars and they invite the girls to a disco and meet their cousins. But it wouldnt have mattered. Alejandro Hodoyan By the time Ramon was killed in Mazatlan in February, at least 25 young Tijuanans from established families had been killed or jailed in a 15-year period, all because of their connection to the cartel. On Feb. 18, the fragile world Mr. Hodoyan built as an informant imploded. WebAlfredo Hodoyan (Died 1995), also known as El Lobo was a Mexican-American drug trafficker and a narcojunior of the Tijuana cartel . REPUTATIONS WERENT THE only things damaged. In May 2001, Arturo Kitty Paez, 34, became the first accused lieutenant of the Tijuana drug cartel to be extradited to the United States for cocaine trafficking. In December, after General Gutierrez Rebollo was promoted to head Mexico's antidrug agency, he offered agents from the United States Drug Enforcement Administration a chance to debrief his informant. Authorities said terrible things about other neighborhood boys, too. I believe it was the Arellanos strategy to infiltrate the young so they could establish themselves in society.. the fat crazy looking guy in military or police outfit in the middle? He was just like a little child, crying and crying.''. Cristinas older son, Agustin Hodoyan, would wave when Ramon drove by in a red sports car, rock-and-roll booming from his stereo. ''He didn't tell anybody above, below or alongside,'' a diplomat said later, calling Mr. Randall's performance ''a clear case of nonfeasance.''. ''My stomach is starting to hurt,'' he said as he raged at the Arellanos. The priest says he repeated the rendezvous with Benjamin in January 1994. Nope, it would be awesome. Benjamin opened a nice seafood restaurant in town. Since then, the military has dismissed and is investigating 33 other officers, including four generals, on corruption and narcotics charges, defense officials said. The government put him up at a hotel, where he talked with federal agents and prosecutors. Weber Rodriguezs arrest was the latest twist in the story of Mexicos former drug czar, Gen. Jesus Gutierrez Rebollo, charged in February with being on the payroll of the late drug lord Amado Carrillo Fuentes. American Federal agents arrested Mr. Valdez and Alfredo Hodoyan on Sept. 30 in San Diego, and at Mexico's request United States prosecutors opened an extradition case to return them to Mexico for trial. Benjamin was very well-mannered, very cultivated and gracious, always very gracious.. he said. In 1980, Francisco Arellano Felix, owner of a Mazatlan disco, failed to appear in a San Diego court to answer charges of selling half a kilo of cocaine. In one conversation his father asked him what he wanted to tell his brother Alfredo and his brother's lawyers. Tijuana citizens have acquired a reputation for being extroverted, unpretentious and open-minded. ''We would have no reason to call the military,'' an American official said, explaining that the armed forces do not usually detain people under Mexico's legal system. He was killed by the Tijuana Cartel and his body was hanging on an overpass. Alfredo Hodoyan era apodado como El Lobo tuvo una estrecha relacin con los hermanos Arellano Flix en Tijuana. Its the same now: You go to a party, you meet these guys and you dont even know their names, just pseudonyms. I don't think one single drug trafficker took to the "business"on their own,the next suspect,their enemiesnooo,then who could have dragged them to the life?? Perhaps they were grateful enough to ignore the fact that Benjamin had begun to move about with an armed security detail, rare for an ordinary entrepreneur. General Gutierrez Rebollo's officers, he said, warned him before the interview that if he told the A.T.F. They were Emilio Valdez Mainero and Alfredo Hodoyan. Looking up, I see Ramon sitting there with a scope, like an M-16, pointing at us surfing, the witness says. He was fun.. Lets face it, it was often for the money. Deceased Season count The scar, he said, was where skin peeled away when his duct tape blindfolds were changed. ''Prior to the murder the witness's brother arrived at the hotel,'' the record of Mr. Hodoyan's testimony reads, referring to the April 1996 killing of a Mexican boxer said to have encroached on the Arellanos' turf. They released photographs showing that as drug czar he had lived in a luxury apartment owned by Amado Carrillo Fuentes, the leading trafficker. agent he believed that Mr. Hodoyan was probably one more Mexican trying to get out of a jam by claiming to be an American. ''He is talking, talking, talking. Ramon was shot to death by Mexican police in February. You have women all over the place. Alex Hodoyan (died 1997) was the younger brother of narcojunior Alfredo Hodoyan. Their lawyers have asserted that the statements of Alex Hodoyan and other witnesses provided by Mexico were obtained through torture and are thus invalid. Mr. Hodoyan made it clear that General Gutierrez Rebollo had promised him that his statements against Alfredo could not be used in any Mexican or American court because they were brothers. Once, Agustin served as a translator for Ramon and an attractive young American at a party given by Lina Literas boyfriend, Emilio. Mrs. Hodoyan said she felt torn apart by the clashing interests of her two sons. Worried about incriminating his younger brother, Alejandro Hodoyan left a few days later without telling his hosts and returned to Tijuana. Mexican authorities believed that gunmen led by Ramon Arellano Felix mistook the archbishops car for that of a rival druglord, Joaquin El Chapo Guzman. ~ Emilio was convicted of orchestrating drug shipments from behind bars in San Diego in 1998. !Legalization by sale and consumption in controlled spaces (i.e. General Gutierrez Rebollo set out to convince Alex Hodoyan to testify against his friend and his brother. Been there and still living it. Cristina Palacios de Hodoyan said her son Alfredo, a graduate of St. Augustine Catholic school in San Diego, is the manager of family rental properties, not a gunman. Authorities managed to swoop in and arrest Francisco Arellano Felix in 1993 in Tijuanas tony Chapultapec hills. They just want to help me now because they have problems with the military and the police. It is also a story of kidnapping and coercion that highlights some of the perils for the United States in working with the secretive Mexican military, which has been given a central role in the drug war despite its lengthening record of corruption and brutality. WebAlex Hodoyan (died 1997) was the younger brother of narcojunior Alfredo Hodoyan. Murdered by the Tijuana cartel. El Lobo Hodoyan fue acusado de participar en el asesinato del doctor Ernesto Ibarra Sants quien era sealado como un hombre incorruptible que fue comisionado en 1996 por la PGR a la plaza de Tijuana. He was fighting Mexicos attempt to extradite him for the murder Mexico hopes to have him extradited to face trial. Get the day's top news with our Today's Headlines newsletter, sent every weekday morning. THERE ARE STILL SOCIETY KIDS WHO brag that they know two of the younger Arellanos, Eduardo and Javier, who, some DEA officials believe, are living under armed guard in Tijuana, trying to stave off competitors and paying $1 million a week to police. They were elated but deeply worried. The nuncio blessed Ramon, and they left. I dont think theyll fool them again, Tijuana Country Club president Dario Garin said. At one point, the elder Mr. Hodoyan told his son that a Mexican lawyer who had defended the Arellanos was offering to help get Alex out of military custody. And they go around spreading it everywhere. Shortly before the generals arrest, American law officers allegedly approached Hodoyan. That was when Mr. Hodoyan, who had spoken throughout the interview in Spanish, announced that he would not need a visa. Their eldest son was in the custody of powerful Mexican military officers who, Alex hinted, would think nothing of killing him. The D.E.A. But they warned Alex that he would have to reveal that he had been tortured by the troops. Alfredo Hodoyan and one other gunman ''were responsible for finding the victim, whom they murdered in the hallway that connects the restaurant and the bathrooms of the hotel.''. Boys who played with Cristinas sons at the Tijuana Country Club years ago. After returning to Mexico, he went to meet his brother at a safehouse used by the Tijuana Cartel. The account of Mr. Hodoyan's experiences was pieced together from interviews with his family, American officials in Mexico, and Mexican justice officials who knew him as an informant. She would have kept seeing him. I made my own research with the info thats was out there about the Hodoyan's. I just want to say; I always read the article first then comment. Mexico City sent authorities to ransack the Hodoyans house, and houses belonging to Emilio, Kitty, Benjamin and Ramon were seized. It wont be so easy now.. And with his disappearance, a promising window into the inner workings of one of who is he? Ramons habit of treating everyone to champagne endeared him to the Instituto set. Connect with the definitive source for global and local news. He immediately implicated his brother and himself in a number of crimes. But I never wanted to ask him for a favor, Agustin said, because nothing is free. Not everybody had those reservations. Witness Protection Program in exchange for his testimony against the cartel. ''He was a very confident guy who projected the sense that 'we're the military -- we're going to get the job done.' Alex exploded, saying: ''I don't matter to them! The protected witness returned to the scene of an all-night drinking session and found two hungover gunmen playing soccer with a ball that, upon closer inspection, turned out to be a third gunmans head. ''Every time the D.E.A. U.S. officials say the cartel executed him. He said, Dont talk to Ramon that way. Because Ramon did not forgive. Lina told her family: Im afraid of him. I never saw anything strange about them in the religious meetings, the priest says. He was Ramon Arellano Felix, the blue-jeaned kid brother of a big family new to Tijuana. Anyone can read what you share. He moved freely about the headquarters of the federal drug agency in the capital, where General Gutierrez Rebollo had been transferred. The Mexicans said Alfredo was hiding out near San Diego with Emilio Valdez, the godfather of Alex Hodoyan's daughter, who was wanted in Mexico on another murder charge. had been told of Mr. Hodoyan's military detention more than a month earlier by the A.T.F. General Gutierrez Rebollo won the fight for Alex Hodoyan's allegiance. Biographical Information What parent doesn't wish for their kids to live a positive life. Follow Border City podcast I wondered sometimes about the fine line that separated safety from danger in Tijuana. Its like this big adult playground. They seemed small-time. Speaking to the police video camera in measured words and abundant detail, he accused his brother Alfredo of taking part in not one but several killings. General Gutierrez Rebollo played his prisoner with a maestro's touch, according to the officers who testified in the trials against him.
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