aurora university dorm rules
Also, keep in mind that some dorms are alcohol-free regardless of . AU Online. Consumer Information and Student Right to Know, AuroraUniversityUndergraduateCourseCatalog, Aurora University Undergraduate Course Catalog, General Information about Aurora University, Simultaneous Undergraduate Multiple Degrees and Multiple Majors, Course Enrollment and Classroom Environment Policy, Special Educational Experiences and Credit, Transfer and Nontraditional Sources of Credit, Transcripts: Regulations Governing Issuance, Undergraduate Student Classification and Definition, Financial Aid Rights and Responsibilities, Satisfactory Academic Progress Procedures, Conditions for Aurora University Scholarship Renewal, Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 as Amended FERPA, Undergraduate Course Levels and Numbering System, Aurora University Graduate Course Catalog, Aurora University Regulations and Policy Catalog, TITLE IX - SEXUAL MISCONDUCT - DISCRIMINATION. Regardless of whether or not a confidential contact person is provided, local law enforcement will be notified when an on-campus student has been determined to be missing for 24 hours. The Director supervises the professional staff and works collaboratively with other members of the University community to uphold the Aurora University mission and the Office of Student Life fundamentals of excellence. They are available for all students by chat at (, text (630-796-7615), phone (630-844-7534), or by an online appointment with a librarian Librarians can help you research and assist with obtaining articles and books. Move all belongings out of your residence hall room and ensure that your room is clean (if you are not returning for the spring semester). Services for Woodstock campus students are available through both the Aurora and GWC campuses, including courier delivery of materials. By completing this card, the student is providing the Office of Residence Life permission to contact the named individuals in case of an emergency. . Almost everything on campus revolves around them. Living on campus is the best way to learn to balance academic and social aspects of college life at AU. Challenging your roomies to board game tournaments. Room searches will be cleared with the Director of Residence Life, unless unusual circumstances cause a delay. If you are unable to locate an RA, please contact Campus Public Safety to get in contact with the RHD on call. Each hall is equipped with cash-card laundry equipment. Leave a review to help other students figure out where they should live. 815-337-6051 (General Information), Other Locations: AURORA, IL Aurora University unveiled the opening of the new Betty Parke Tucker Center for Neurodiversity, complete with a newly constructed, state-of-the-art dorm . West Hall housing is geared toward juniors and seniors as well as students on the autism spectrum enrolled in the university's Pathways program. My internship was with an executive recruiting firm, which gave me experience managing a website and creating newsletters. Emergency phones are located outside each hall. The center also works alongside students to foster the spiritualneeds of all, and cultivate understanding and insight on matters of faith and religion. Aurora University also offers TimelyCare - a virtual wellness provider that is available to all AU students at no cost. George Williams College If a residence hall key is lost, the student will be charged for re-coring the door and a new key will be issued. Murder/Non-negligent manslaughter. document.write( new Date().getFullYear() ); Aurora University, Consumer Information and Student Right to Know, Dr. Susana Rivera-Mills named 14th president of Aurora University, Take your next steps toward becoming a Spartan. Center: Tucker Hall - AU's newest residence hall - is the home of Aurora University's Pathways to Success program. *The reason why I am putting in the details is because each dorm room at the university is diffe. Find these resources and other available services through the AU library website (, or the GWC Scott Library website ( This continues to be an unprecedented and challenging time. Students are responsible for self-identifying, requesting accommodations, and providing required documentation to the Disability Resource Office to determine eligibility. Under the provisions of the housing contract, the University reserves the right to enter students rooms for routine maintenance or in case of emergency. The primary goal of each Residence Life staff member is to aid residential students in every phase of their adjustment to University life. Violations of University policy will result in disciplinary action. The George Williams College ID card will serve asyour membership card for these programs and facilities. Every night an RHD is on duty, as well as RAs for each area. Printing is available at Aurora University residence halls by emailing the document as a PDF attachment to You may also be asked to include information related to your plan for quarantining. We strongly recommend that students keep a record of serial numbers for valuable items, such as laptops, cell phones, iPods, etc. AU Online 3. . We will adhere to the highest standards of integrity in every aspect of institutional practice and operation. Please keep your door locked at all times to avoid theft or security risks. George Williams College Welcome to Residence Life at Aurora University! learning. It is imperative that all students be concerned with the safety and treatment of all University property, including what is found in public areas of the floor and main areas of the residence hall. You are liable for any damage, modification, or excess cleaning required in your residence hall room or done to any part of University housing. The staff will seek permission to enter first; however, if entry is denied (by absence or failure to comply), the responding staff members will key into the room. Alcohol-free. Aurora University is committed to compliance with all applicable federal laws regarding reasonable accommodation to address the environmental barriers. Access to high quality scholarship in academic journals, magazines, eBooks and print books is provided through the AU libraries. The primary goal of each Residence Life staff member is to aid residential students in every phase of their adjustment to university life. Read More about. "The new residence hall is an important part of the universitys effort to integrate students with autism into campus life. There is a $35 charge for replacement of lostor damaged student ID cards. Aurora, Illinois You will be able to plan activities that you and your friends want to see happen. Aurora University is accredited by the Higher Learning Commission. For residents, the security deposit is refundable upon completion of all formal check-out procedures with a Residence Life staff member to include: scheduling a check-out time with the students Resident Assistant (RA) or another member of the Residence Life staff to complete a room inspection and room condition report (RCR); returning all keys to proper departments. 630-947-8955 (Graduate Admission), Other Locations: The University of California Los Angeles (UCLA) defines public spaces very specifically, going so far as . In order to be positive that you are properly following all university rules and restrictions concerning your dorm, check with your university first. Please contact ITShelp at 630-844-4889 or for assistance. Students must bring their own TV and coaxial cable cord. Students who wish to have a phone in their room can request this through the Information Technology Services office. Should a student fail to indicate a roommate preference by the given deadline, a roommate will be assigned by the Office of Residence Life. The present security code is: Aurora_1893, For help connecting your Apple device to the AU wireless, refer to this website: Mothers Day 2023 Brunch: Reserve Now In Aurora, Aurora Elementary Students To Plant Trees For Arbor Day Ceremony, East Aurora School District 131 Wrestling Champions Recognized By City Council, YJWC 18th Annual Spring Craft and Vendor Show, BOUNDLESS with Chicago Sinfonietta Orchestra, Sip & Shop Mother's Day Market @ Noon Whistle Naperville, The Satchmo Show A Tribute to Louis Armstrong ALL SEATS $25, The Music of Chicago WITH DANNY SERAPHINE & JEFF COFFEY WITH SPECIAL GUEST THE BUCKINGHAMS. 347 S. Gladstone Ave. Studentorganizations that are reflective of campus ministry programming include DelightMinistries, Fellowship of Christian Athletes, InterVarsity Christian Fellowship, andXperience Ministries. $27,420 2.47%. Failure to comply with the rules regarding housing assignments may result in disciplinary action and will result in a minimum $25 charge. The Office of Residence Life helps to foster community, plans social and educational activities in the residence halls to meet students' needs, and provides resource assistance. "At Aurora University, we are proud to open the doors of our inclusive institution to new groups of learners," Jennifer Buckley, senior vice president for student success, said in a statement. They undergird our belief in the transformative power of learning. Campus Housing Aurora University has seven on-campus residence halls Centennial, Davis, Jenks, Memorial, Tucker, Watkins, and Wilkinson with accommodations for approximately 700 residents in mostly double occupancy rooms. Leave anonymous identity empty and select PEAP for authentication. The second floor is dedicated to individual work, and students will find study carrels and a quieter environment to stay focused. Students can get their mailbox key by going to the Mail Center to request their key. Career Services advisors support students as they explore and develop their distinctive strengths and aspirations, and then guide them as they transition to the workplace, graduate or professional school, or to service. Woodstock Center students can access free professional writing support for all courses at all levels via the Aurora campus Academic Support Center (ASC), or peer writing assistance at the George Williams College (GWC) of Aurora University location. Any personal property left at the end of the contract period will be removed from the room by Residence Life staff. These inspections are intended to check the life safety equipment provided in each room (i.e. Each students account will be charged for their portion of the associated costs. Additional questions are asked on the contract to help determine the best housing assignment as well. Please be sure to take the time to read through each section of this guidebook completely. 2 . Every student living on campus must sign the agreement. 630-892-6431 (General Information) Contact the Disability Resource Office (DRO) on theAurora campus to engage in a confidential conversation about the process forrequesting accommodations. AuroraUniversityAU-Resnet is the primary wireless network in residential buildings. Each student is an integral part of our campus community and is encouraged to internalize these expectations. Accordingly, we will set high expectations for ourselves, our students, and our university and will work together to attain them. Printing is limited. We will work and live as an organization devoted to continuous learning. Personal belongings (i.e. AURORA, IL Aurora University unveiled the opening of the new Betty Parke Tucker Center for Neurodiversity, complete with a newly constructed, state-of-the-art dorm, to support college students . Your privacy in your dorm room is somewhat reduced. Research university dorm policies. Content-specific tutoring is available in a number of disciplines offered by professional staff and peer tutors supporting undergraduate classes. 1276 0 obj <> endobj Check out the below table for a deeper look into how students performed - it's also very interesting to look at the average test score over time. Take advantage of this wonderful opportunity not only to learn more about individuals who are different from you, but also to share your own experiences as well. Students are encouraged to consult the RHD with questions, problems, or suggestions. Graduate. More information can be obtained by contacting theDisability Office at 630-844-4225 or visiting their websitewww. A career counselor also reviewed my rsum and cover letter, proofread my writing samples, and did a mock interview with me. AU feels like home. You will have the opportunity to be connected to the larger University. Your Aurora University email account is your official electronic address while you are at AU. About Jenks Hall. As with any community, the potential for conflict exists within a residence hall setting. When completing the housing contract, incoming transfer students have an opportunity to provide information regarding the type of housing preferred and preferred roommate characteristics. The mission of the Aurora University Office ofEmergency Preparedness is to lessen the effects of disaster on the lives and propertyof the students, employees, and visitors of Aurora University Woodstock Center location through planning, coordination, and support of emergency management preparation. $14,586 3.45%. All resident students will be provided with the option to register a confidential contact person to be notified in the case that the student is determined to be missing for 24 hours. The Wackerlin Centerserves as a connecting point for volunteer opportunities in the surrounding communitythrough our bi-annual Morning of Service, Volunteer Fox Valley service sign-up initiative, and alternative spring break service trips. By signing the residence hall contract, you acknowledge Aurora University's ability and right to monitor calls for the above purposes, if necessary. Beginning the third week of the term, residents may submit a roommate or room change request. George Williams College Virtual Event. Officials may be able to search your room with little provocation. Today, as in the past, we prize the twin virtues of character and scholarship and affirm our commitment to the values of integrity, citizenship, continuous learning, and excellence. Students must complete a room condition report. Aurora University is a private university with its own phone system which allows us to collect information, much of which can be used to identify 911 users, fraudulent use, prank callers, harassment calls, etc. Enter your Aurora University username under identity. The Crouse Center for Academic Advising offers advising and mentoring services to support undergraduate students at the Aurora location and graduate students in Plus One programs. We know this is a particularly challenging time but, if we all work together and communicate effectively, it can be an immensely rewarding experience for you. You will have inside information on upcoming activities. Students checking in early will be billed at a rate of $50 per day. When an occasion arises to enter the room for maintenance, the following procedures will be followed: The Office of Residence Life and/or the Office of Campus Public Safety reserves the right to enter rooms and vehicles for issues of safety, security, and suspected policy violations, given reasonable cause. A floors RA is the first staff member to contact if conflict arises. To be eligible to live within Aurora University on-campus housing, each applicant must be a full-time registered Aurora University student. Bring a group for a day of executive planning or schedule an overnight,distraction-free retreat or business meeting. On-campus residents are required to have a meal plan. Total occupancy: 160 students. A room condition report will be completed by you and a residence hall staff member during check-in and check-out. 0 2018: 0 2019: 0 2020: Negligent manslaughter. 0 Students wishing to move into the residence halls prior to their scheduled arrival time must submit a request to stating the specific need for arriving early. To support our students inother meaningful ways and practice the principles of servant leadership, the center ishome to Libby's Place, an on-campus food pantry dedicated to serving students dealingwith food insecurity, as well as the Spartan Attic for those students looking forprofessional clothing attire. Contact: City Clerk's Office, 303.739.7094 To listen in, call. If you disagree with a damage charge assessed to you, you may submit an appeal, via email, to the RHD, by the posted deadline. City CouncilMay 01. 4. At Aurora University, everyone is responsible for creating a safe environment, so it is important for students to report suspicious or threatening objects, people, or conditions to Campus Public Safety. 4) Contraband. The advisor helps students wishing to drop or add courses and helps clarify university rules and regulations . A limited number of single rooms are also available, with priority for these rooms givento returning residents. Before West Hall, the most recent residence hall built on Aurora University's campus was Centennial Hall in 2011. Beasley serves breakfast, lunch, and dinner during the week; brunch and dinner are served on the weekends and select holidays. Aurora University will welcome its first class of college freshmen and transfer students on the autism spectrum into the Pathways Collegiate Program for the 2022-23 academic year, and applications . Aurora University an inclusive community dedicated to the transformative power of . Policy violations encountered during a search are subject to disciplinary procedures. It is vital that this information be accurate and thorough. Residents are given 5 business days from the time of posting to take responsibility for the damage. Students should not give their IDs to anyone else to possess other than themselves. Through the Office of Emergency Preparedness, the GeorgeWilliams College of Aurora University location continues to update its preparedness plans and policies taking advantage of the most recent best practices. If the individual who caused the damage is not found responsible, the community as a group is charged for the damages. athletics, academic unit, etc.) We will exercise the rights and responsibilities of citizenship in an educational community, founded upon the principles of mutual respect and open discourse. Any student who believes the decisions related to the approval of accommodations arenot reasonable, may appeal the determination following the Grievance Procedurebelow: Informal Review: The Dean of the college in which the student ismajoring will review the students complaint and work with the DisabilityResource Office to resolve the complaint. Office of Residence LifeFounders House, 1307 Marseillaises Place (Physical Address)347 S. Gladstone Ave. Aurora, IL 60506 (Mailing Address), Phone: 630-844-7881Email:, 347 S. Gladstone Ave. Student ID cards are available in the Academic ServicesOffice in Meyer Hall. Jenks Hall offers suites with single, double and triple occupancy rooms. Campus Public Safety staff make hourly rounds of campus and respond to issues and concerns in and out of the residence halls. Counseling Serviceshelps students work through the occasional social and personal problems associatedwith orientation to college life. Woodstock. At the center of the Tucker Center for Neurodiversity is the Mesirow Learning Lab, a space for programs designed to help students develop executive functioning skills, social skills and learning strategies. Criminal Offenses - On-Campus at Aurora University Student Housing Facility. is responsible for providing the Office of Residence Life with the names of eligible students: Upon check-in, students will be provided with access to the Residence Life Guidebook and the University A-Book via the Aurora University web page; students are responsible for following all rules and regulations as stated in these publications. Residence Hall Directors (RHDs)Residence Hall Directors work and reside within the residence halls. Dining at this location is offered in an unlimited-servings, cafeteria-style format. The PDF will include all information unique to this page. 25 Reviews. Alcohol is usually banned in any public space. Username and password is the same as your email. You will have the chance to show your school pride. Features WiFi, cable TV, a laundry room, a fitness room, a common area and vending machines. All students are assigned an advisor while enrolled atGeorge Williams College of Aurora University. Emily Rosca 11/3/2021. George Williams College of Aurora University providesa variety of opportunities to foster the total development of the individual in the areas ofhealth and fitness. Contact AcademicServices for information on services available free of charge to students, as well as forreferral information to services in the community. Contact Chartwells Food Service for accommodating specialized dietary needs. If the spare key is not returned within 72 hours or as directed by the RHD, the lock will be changed and the student will be billed for the full amount of the lock change. Requests for early move-ins must be made at least 48 hours in advance in order to be considered. Woodstock. Wilkinson Hall offers single, double, triple and quad occupancy rooms with community bathrooms. Aurora University SAT Requirements. AU provides direction to ensure your growth as a student and a professional. Aurora, IL | Private not-for-profit, 4-year or above. The university partners with Chartwells Food Service to provide serviceat three on-campus dining locations. 800-742-5281 (Admission) As members of the community, RAs are included in the billing of damage charges. Sign up for free Patch newsletters and alerts. Withinthe department, registered nurses are available on campus weekdays for clinicalassessment and treatment, consultation and referral, and immunization compliance. Students without roommates will be given an opportunity to choose a roommate. This information is kept confidential and is used only in cases of emergency. Aurora, Illinois The terms and conditions of the Residence Hall Contract sets forth specific responsibilities relating directly to a students residence on campus and reserves the Universitys right to make changes in the interests of best protecting the campus community, including the policies described in this Guidebook. Simply email with your request. AU Online. 1.01.b. Aurora University is accredited by the Higher Learning Commission. Contact: Beth Yacano,. The five-story building, which also houses the Betty Parke Tucker Center for Neurodiversity on the ground floor, is designed to foster a supportive and inclusive community, officials said Sunday. Students are issued a George Williams College ofAurora University photo identification card after registration. Students who terminate occupancy within the semester should refer to their contract terms for cancellation penalties. The goal of this process is to, as much as possible, have residents adhere to the room type indicated on their student account. The University is not responsible for any damages incurred while doing laundry in the residence halls. 630-892-6431 (General Information) You also can e-mail the Office of Residence Life at or access us on the web at Whether you are a first-year student, a transfer student, a graduating senior, or anyone in between, we hope you will find a home away from home in our residence halls. Aurora University Reviews. 347 S. Gladstone Ave. The Disability Resource Office (DRO) is designated to ensure access to education at Aurora University for all students with disabilities as mandated by the Americans with Disabilities Act and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. If a member of the Aurora University community is concerned about the whereabouts of a resident student and believes that student may be missing, the Office of Residence Life and the Office of Campus Public Safety should be notified. Residential students are required to complete an emergency contact information card upon checking into their assigned residence hall. ft. space has seating for more than 250 students. The television must be equipped with a QAM tuner in order to be able to receive cable channels. 630-844-5533 (Admission) 630-947-8955 (Graduate Admission), Other Locations: Through the Office of Emergency Preparedness, the Woodstock Center location continues to update its preparedness plans and policies taking advantage of the most recent best practices. The ID card is required for the use of university facilities and services. Students who are locked out of their residence hall and/or room should contact Residence Life during business hours (8 a.m.-5 p.m.) or Campus Public Safety during non-business hours for access. Please contract with a local company if you need storage space. 630-844-5533 (Admission) Bothundergraduate and graduate students, whether resident or commuting, are eligible toorganize a student group and apply for recognition and funding. Medical housingaccommodation requests should be made with the Disability Resource Office and willbe awarded based on space availability. Both undergraduate and graduate students are eligibleto participate in on-campus and off-campus programs. As a resident, you will have easy access to classes, study groups, the library and campus activities. Both undergraduate and graduatestudents, whether resident or commuting, are eligible to organize a student group andapply for recognition and funding. Aurora University Regulations and Policy Catalog, Consumer Information and Student Right to Know, Aurora University Undergraduate Course Catalog, Aurora University Graduate Course Catalog, General Information about Aurora University, TITLE IX - SEXUAL MISCONDUCT - DISCRIMINATION. 47%. The community damage charge is assessed by taking the total cost of repair/replacement (parts & labor), and distributing the total equally among all residents of the floor or residence hall, including Resident Assistants with a minimum community damage charge of $5 per resident. All steps must be completed or the security deposit is forfeited and an improper check-out fee will be applied to the students account. This will notify the residents of the exact amount charged and the nature of the damage. Should questions arise, the student will need to complete a release of information form with the Office of Residence Life before any information is provided. The first class of the Pathways program which is meant to help college students with autism "reach their potential in their studies and in their careers" starts this fall, Patch reported. Accepted students can click here to complete this step. Serve Your Community in a Uniformed Service, Guilty Verdict For Aurora Man Who Shot 32-Year-Old To Death: Mosser, Bomb Threat Reported At Waubonsie Valley High: Aurora Police. The safety and security needs of the Aurora Universitycampus are addressed by Campus Public Safety, a sworn police department. An incident report is completed and filed. Roommates, neighbors, and hall members will not always agree. Only RHDs may authorize a room change. Features WiFi, cable TV, a laundry room, common room, vending machines and an elevator. Christopher SmithDirector of Residence Life. George Williams College of Aurora Universityencourages and promotes participation in student clubs and organizations. The advisor helps students wishing to drop or add courses and helps clarify university rules and regulations . For more information, please contact your RA, RHD, or any member of the Student Life staff. Roommates are jointly responsible for damages, and the associated charges will be divided equally among all contract holders of the assigned space, unless one person takes responsibility or the Residence Hall Director determines responsibility. During the first two weeks of each semester, Residence Life implements a room freeze. This waiting period is in place to allow residents the opportunity to adjust to their new living situation. Any changes must be made within five (5) days of the receipt of the room condition report. Campus Housing Aurora University has seven on-campus residence halls Centennial, Davis, Jenks, Memorial, Tucker, Watkins, and Wilkinson with accommodations for approximately 700 residents in mostly double occupancy rooms. With the current COVID-19 pandemic every member of the campus community, including all students, will share with the University a responsibility for helping to maintain the health and safety of the campus community. 630-947-8955 (Graduate Admission and Other Inquiries), Woodstock Aurora University has a long history of excellence in intercollegiateathletics. Aurora, Illinois The Spartan Spot serves hot and cold menu items including grilled items. When it comes to alcohol, first, only students of legal drinking age can drink. 800-742-5281 (Admission), Orchard Center: This policy does not preclude implementing these procedures in less than 24 hours if circumstances warrant a faster implementation. You also are responsible for any damage caused by your guests.