azusa pacific university psyd
This course includes a mandatory lab for practice in the administration, scoring, and interpretation of assessment devices. The foundational skills of the relationship competence are further expanded and developed. The PsyD curriculum provides the courses and training necessary to meet the educational requirements in the state of California for licensure as a psychologist. APA membership provides many benefits, including subscriptions to theMonitor on PsychologyandAmerican Psychologist. Produce and comprehend oral, nonverbal, and written communications that are informative and well-integrated; demonstrate a thorough grasp of professional language and concepts. The PsyD program also has a strong commitment to open enrollment. dissertation. Azusa Pacific University has a strong Christian heritage and commitment to integrating evangelical Christian thought into university programs. Individuals from any religious or non-religious tradition may be admitted to the APU PsyD Program. Sacramento, CA 95834 Self-awareness of one's own cultural values and biases, awareness of the patient's worldview, and the application of culturally appropriate intervention strategies are all emphasized. PsyD Student Oak Park, California, United States. The course incorporates didactic instruction, experiential learning, readings, and reflection in order to meet this course objective. In the profession-wide competency of Supervision, students will: Demonstrate knowledge of supervision models and practices. I originally wanted to be a marine biologist because I love the ocean and whales. Education is the directed facilitation by the professional psychologist for the growth of knowledge, skills, and attitudes in the learner. PsyD students may apply for a Master of Arts in Clinical Psychology en route to the PsyD, after completing 57 units in the PsyD and attendance at a child abuse workshop. This course reviews the current literature on dyadic relationships and psychotherapeutic approaches to couples. || APU Undergraduate Career Finale || Fall 2019-Spring 2023 I am proud and blessed to say that I am graduating from Azusa Pacific University with my Bachelor Clifford Young, III, NASM CES LinkedIn: #youngfamilylegacy #classof2023 #apu #apuhonors #apukin #apupsychology Demonstrate knowledge of, and respect for, the roles and perspectives of other professions. This attention to excellence has earned the school notable accreditations. This seminar-style course is the first in a three-course sequence on psychodynamic systems of psychotherapy, which provides instruction and training in psychodynamic approaches to personality, psychopathology, and psychotherapy. (626) 969-3434 | Contact The course provides an overview of the theoretical and applied knowledge of social psychology, which consists of how individuals affect their environment, and how the environment affects individual behavior and social interactions. Students are asked to learn and thoughtfully interact with the content of courses, as well as to reflect on their own beliefs and values as they relate to preparation for professional practice. . This course provides a historical overview of Christian spirituality. Since this is a professional degree, clinical education and application of scientific knowledge to clinical domains are stressed throughout the curriculum, as well as in the clinical practicum experience. This website uses cookies to gather anonymous usage data. View our Students who apply prior to this date will be given consideration for admission after the priority applications are reviewed. The Azusa Campus is situated in the heart of the San Gabriel Valley in Azusa, California. Note: The Master of Arts in Clinical Psychology is a nonlicensable degree. The seven professional competency areas are defined briefly: Objective 1: Develop the capacity to maintain a constructive working alliance with clients. Azusa Pacific University's clinical Psy.D. Students in this course learn an empirically supported model of time-limited psychodynamic psychotherapy. Applicants who are accepted into the PsyD program are notified after the interview process. This course is for students who have have completed Dissertation I-VI and have not yet defended their dissertation. Implement interventions informed by the current scientific literature, assessment findings, diversity characteristics, and contextual variables. Demonstrate the requisite knowledge base, ability to articulate an approach to working effectively with diverse individuals and groups, and apply this approach effectively in their professional work. All Azusa Pacific University programs are accredited by the WASC Senior College and University Commission (WSCUC). Students receive training in the administration and interpretation of assessment devices for the clinical evaluation of couples. Be knowledgeable of, and act in accordance with, each of the following: The current version of the APA Ethical Principles of Psychologists and Code of Conduct. By continuing to access this site, you consent to their use.For more information, view our privacy policy. All students must take 8 units of electives. Students are required to take elective courses during their program; some may choose to take additional courses of interest beyond the unit requirement of the program. Students register for this course during the fall, spring, and summer semesters while on internship. Interpret assessment results, following current research and professional standards and guidelines, to inform case conceptualization, classification, and recommendations, while guarding against decision-making biases, distinguishing the aspects of assessment that are subjective from those that are objective. Students explore the subject matter through lecture, readings, discussion, and videos. Azusa Pacific University Students must demonstrate competency in the following areas: 1Adapted from APA (Am. Depending on your post-graduate-school career plans, different degrees may be suitable for your professional development. Implications for the understanding of religious experience from the perspective of these psychodynamic frameworks is also explored. This course provides instruction and training in the provision of professional clinical consultation. This course is taken during the first year of the doctoral program and is foundational to the curriculum; as such, subsequent coursework builds upon the knowledge, concepts, and skills introduced in this course. Students learn to administer and interpret at least one assessment device for adolescents (e.g., MMPI-A, MACI). Relevant laws, regulations, rules, and policies governing health service psychology at the organizational, local, state, regional, and federal levels; and 3. APU offers more than 100 associate, bachelor's . This course provides an introduction and overview to Multicultural Responsiveness within the context of the psychotherapeutic relationship and through the development of the counselor/therapist. Permission to not seek an APA/APPIC internship must be requested from the director of clinical training and/or the Clinical Training Committee. The Doctor of Psychology in Clinical Psychology program educates, prepares, and trains students to become practitioner-scholars in clinical psychology with professional competencies in relationship, research, assessment, intervention, diversity, consultation, supervision, integration of faith/spirituality and practice, and systems thinking (family psychology). Integration of Faith/Spirituality into Clinical Practice (Interdisciplinary Integration): A Christian values orientation that provides a structure for the integration of ethics, theology, and psychology. Students explore several prominent group therapy models and begin to develop clinical competency in group therapy. The course will highlight empirically validated treatments in work with children and adolescents; however, general treatment approaches will also be discussed. Foundational issues such as forensic ethics, multicultural considerations, basic forensic assessment methodology, and assessment of response styles and dissimulation are covered. Accreditation. This is the first and foundational course in a series of four elective courses in the family forensic psychology elective concentration. Conduct research or other scholarly activities. School of Behavioral and Applied Sciences, Integration of Faith/Spirituality into Clinical Practice (Interdisciplinary Integration), The Seven Core Objectives/Competencies of the PsyD Program, Student Admissions, Outcomes, and Other Data, Student Admissions, Outcomes, and Other Data(PDF), Yellow Ribbon and Military Friendly School, Competency/student learning objective 1a: Ability to form therapeutic relationships with client, Competency/student learning objective 1b: Ability to demonstrate empathy, genuineness, and non-possessive warmth, Competency/student learning objective 1c: Ability to maintain appropriate boundaries and awareness of countertransference, Competency/student learning objective 2a: Knowledge of standardized psychological tests, Competency/student learning outcome 2b: Knowledge of legal and ethical principles and guidelines involved in assessment and knowledge of potential courses of action, Competency/student learning outcome 2c: Ability to write an integrated report and give feedback, Competency/student learning outcome 3a: Knowledge of theory and its application in personality, psychopathology, change processes, and the interaction and influences of social, environmental, cultural, and physiological factors, Competency/student learning outcome 3b: Awareness of and compliance with legal requirements of practice (e.g., mandated reporting, confidentiality rules) and the APA Ethical Principles of Psychologists and Code of Conduct, Competency/student learning outcome 3c: Ability to use diagnostic nomenclature in diagnosis and formulation of treatment plans, Competency/student learning outcome 3d: Ability to relate to clients of different ethnic, racial, cultural, religious, or sexual orientations from him/herself, Competency/student learning outcome 3e: Understanding of the therapeutic process within a given theoretical orientation, Competency/student learning outcome 3f: Flexibility in the use of intervention techniques appropriate to needs of client, Competency/student learning objective 4a: Ability to critically evaluate clinical research, Competency/student learning objective 4b: Evaluate, conduct, and use clinical research in compliance with ethics guidelines, Competency/student learning outcome 5a: Knowledge of theory and its application of the following concepts: multiple identities; power, oppression and privilege; and individual and cultural differences, Competency/student learning outcome 5b: Provide culturally competent services, and understand and implement ethical issues pertinent to individual and cultural differences, Competency/student learning outcome 5c: Knowledge and awareness of self with respect to personal cultural identity and impact of this on clinical practice, Competency/student learning outcome 6a: Knowledge of evidence-based theories, models, and interventions related to consultation and education, Competency/student learning outcome 6b: Ability to develop consultative and educational relationships, Adapted from Bent, R. (1992). Empirical support for the efficacy of psychodynamic psychotherapy will be presented. Certain courses or mandatory seminars may be scheduled for Saturdays. In addition to providing students with an interdisciplinary framework from which to understand psychological theory and practice, the emphasis also facilitates and enhances the development of competency with respect to addressing religious and spiritual diversity in clinical practice. Washington, DC: APA. Recipients of the assistantships receive $9,000 tuition remission per year for the first four years of the program for a scholarship total of $36,000. Various types of clinical dissertations are presented and discussed to assist students in developing their clinical dissertation proposal. Furthermore, this course addresses the role of the psychologist working internationally. Students seeking the Certificate of Completion in Forensic Psychology must complete a unique section (specifically for students in the forensic psychology concentration) of PPSY775 Assessment IV: Integrated Report Writing and the following two-course sequence of electives: For more information, contact Marjorie Graham-Howard, PhD, at In the profession-wide competency of Individual and Cultural Diversity*, students will: An understanding of how their own personal/cultural history, attitudes, and biases may affect how they understand and interact with people different from themselves. Establish and maintain effective relationships with the recipients of psychological services. Modify and adapt evidence-based approaches effectively when a clear evidence base is lacking. Azusa Pacific University has a strong Christian heritage and commitment to integrating evangelical Christian thought into the university programs. Modifications in state law shall be reflected in program changes to ensure training consistent with the current practice of psychology. The ability to integrate awareness and knowledge of individual and cultural differences in the conduct of professional roles (e.g., research, services, and other professional activities). Students who receive more than three written notices while in the program may be dismissed from the program. Relationship is informed by psychological knowledge of self and others. Students are expected to meet regularly with their dissertation chair; to complete specific goals, objectives, and tasks; and to demonstrate satisfactory progress toward completion of their dissertation. This course will utilize a developmental psychopathology model; therefore, both protective factors and risk factors for children and adolescent mental health will be covered. Research and evaluation comprise a systematic mode of inquiry involving problem identification and the acquisition, organization, and interpretation of information pertaining to psychological phenomena.