black actors who speak french

But let me know if some famous people speak French and whose native language is not English. The list is organized chronologically, grouping actors by their birth year. xoxo, Language Bae, I don"t know why I'm just seeing this comment, but thank you so much! Although she moved away at age five, she's kept up her, The famousactor --and the hottest Norse God ever on the silver screen -- also, Not quitesure where Meester learned French, but she certainly speaks beautifully! Amelia, feel free to contact me! He speaks Spanish and English. as well as other partner offers and accept our, My first sentence of my essay to get into college was like, 'Imagine being blind and deaf at age seven.' 2) Singers Heder spent two years as a. in Japan, where he learned to speak the language. He does have a French name because his dad is French Canadian and speaks fluently French. Actress Diane Kruger was born in West Germany, where she was raised to speak German. It seems like immersion is the key! She impressed Bradley Cooper when she sang La vie en rose. Now, we are at another level. His time spent studying French poetry at Columbia University coupled with his love for cinema were the sparks for Joseph Gordon-Levitts Francophilia. The cherry on top is that he also speaks French! Perhaps French learners might want to try mimicking a bit of French dialogue to work on their own. They ended up living in France or at least spending some vacations there. According to native speakers, her French is impeccable, and she even dubs herself in French translations of her movies. Started theatrical acting in 1950, but was regarded untalented at first, until Roger Vadim discovered him for the movies. Have you seen Lord of the Rings trilogy? Louis Germain David de Funs de Galarza was born on July 31, 1914, in Courbevoie, France. Bullock. His co-stars in the film, Mlanie Laurent and Diane Kruger are also bilingual . Do you speak other languages apart your native one and French? Some long trips to France should be sufficient. He actually learned to mimic Petits idioms in order to perfect his French accent. We use cookies to give you the best experience. To have a better understanding, I focused on 4 main ways they learned this Romance language: * learning at school She speaks English & Spanish. Even if her acting skills dont thoroughly impress you, her language skills should; Natalie Portman is one of the most multilingual movies stars. We can name a dozen French movies with her: Il y a longtemps que je taime, Partir, Elle sappelait Sarah, Suite franaise. The screen veterans third wife, Tarita Teriipaia, with whom he starred in Mutiny on the Bounty in 1962, was French and as a consequence he learned the language to an expert level. She moved to the United States at age 7 but continued to speak Russian with her parents. After graduating from college, Edward Norton moved to Osaka, Japan, and worked for his grandfathers company, the Enterprise Foundation. After all, we always like people trying to talk your language. On the contrary, be inspired! is a show host, actor, author and motivational speaker. Ill talk more about International famous people and not national ones. is an American singer, dancer and actress who speaks English & Italian. Its easy to pretend speaking French. School Of Rock actor Jack Black might have proven his ability to adopt any accent. Therefore shes truly fluent in French. (daughter of music mogul, Quincy Jones), is an actress, vocalist, producer and director, who speaks English and French. You dont believe me? Since then, she has visited and worked in France, as well as delivered her own lines in French films. Hes held on to his French language skills to this day. Interestingly, Jodie Foster insists on doing her own French voice for all of her movies. Herfather was a British subject from Bohemia, and her mother was a Dutch baroness. A number of the world's top pop and country singers speak French, even the singer who made "Rocket Man" famous. Hes still has a lot to learn but Portuguese is similar to French, so it shouldnt be that hard. Copyright 2012 - 2020 Avada | All Rights Reserved | Powered by, These celebrities can speak French (So can YOU! He is most well-known for his voice: he often plays the French voice for English speaking actors like Will Smith, Chris Rock, and Ice Cube in French-dubbed versions of American movies. It might surprise you to know that this American actor actually studied abroad in Aix-en-Provence and was able to immerse himself in the French language. Its always interesting to see how talented celebrities are. Christoph Waltz speaks English, German, and French. According to the actress, she always makes a New Years resolution to finally master the language. Elton John also sang with a French singer (France Gall) and has a song entirely in French Je veux de la tendresse. , and she learned to speak Spanish fluently. List Of 11 Famous People Who Speak French: #1 Angelina Jolie @Getty Images She is a famous American actress who is known worldwide for her acting as well as for her humanitarian work. The cherry on top is that he also speaks French! top 25 expressions you can use to speak French fluently, My Name Is in French: 6 Ways To Introduce Yourself, Choisir Conjugation: How To Conjugate To Choose In French, tudier Conjugation: How To Conjugate To Study In French. xoxo, Language Bae. However, shes stated that one of the reasons she wanted to learn the language was because she wanted to speak it after winning the French Open Tournament. Louis XIV (1638- 1715) Louis XIV. is a former NBA player of Congolese origin and the first Youth Emissary for the United Nations Development Program. Do you want to practice your listening comprehension with podcasts and sound like your favorite movie star? What you should ask yourself is: how did they learn French (and other languages)? Heres how Ive classified the level of French of our celebrities. In the advertisement industry, celebrities are invited to promote products because they know they can seriously influence people to buy them. This GOOP beauty guru is almost fluently bilingual in Spanish, and gets along in French pretty well. When Ben Affleck was 13, he and his brother Caseyspent a year living in Mexico. is a Swiss-born American actress, model, singer and dancer. Which famous people have the same level of French like yours? (how?). Later she married an Italian man and learned the language. Romney lived in France during the May 1968 workers and students revolt, and he roamed the country as a missionary in service of the Church of Jesus Christ (the mormons). Poet Maya Angelou (1928-2014) traveled extensively during her adult life. She was also a UNICEF ambassadress. He spent a bunch of time in his mothers town, Saint-Briac-sur-mer, and went to school in Switzerland. Hepburnherself wasborn in 1929 in German-occupied Brussels. When Brando married native French-speakerTarita Teriipaia, he had to learn to speak Frenchso he could participate in dinner conversation. As a result she speaks English and French. Most of them learned it at school. It is said he enjoyed the simple life and anonymity that living in France afforded him. Update! Shakira has a passion for France and is interested in French music. Note that this is a list of people from non-French-speaking countries or regions only. However, she moved to England with her mother when she was just 5 and has since lost much of her French language skills. Ben Affleck learned Spanish when he spent a year living in Mexico as a teenager, and he has continued to hone his skills throughout his acting career. He speaks German & English. * learning for work Best Places to Enjoy Dinner & A Movie in Paris, the City of Lights, Camera, Action! She can speak other slavic languages like Serbo-Croatian, Polish and Russian. Then, this American actor who impressed so many fans while promoting A Star is born movie: Bradley Cooper. She speaks English & Yoruba. While on the Berlin set of "V for Vendetta," sheimpressed the crew with her German language skills. As if it wasnt enough, she can speak 2 other languages: French and Castillan Spanish. 1. She learned the language from her mother, German family members, and through her involvement in an opera's children's choirin Germany. Comment? Though born in Texas, she learned to speak Norwegian and German. Learning is far easier when you enjoy the process and not when its a chore. Andrew H. Walker/Getty Actress Diane Kruger was born in West Germany, where she was raised to speak German. He speaks English, French and Yoruba. star is bilingual in English and Spanish, and has said she wants to make sure her future children speak Spanish as well. Do you also think French is romantic? Note that I havent found any video with Natalie Portman speaking French. No wonder why the director Quentin Tarantino chose him for Inglourious Basterds ! Listen to Diane Kruger speak Germanand French. The feedback was, 'She's great but she needs to speak English,'" she said. Because these 3 American actresses are amazingly great at French, I cant say which one is better than the other. He bought the Provencal hameau (small village) Le Plan-de-la-Tour in 2001, but it was listed for sale in 2015 has his French love affair come to an end? This world famous tennis champion decided that she should master French to get the French public at Roland Garros securely on her side for the French Open tournament. He studied journalism at Ithaca College and has an MBA from NYU. Damon later married Argentina-born Luciana Barroso, furthering his connection to the Spanish language. He can also express himself in Italian. (born Jennifer Yaa Akoto Kieck) is an Afro-German singer-songwriter of Ghanaian descent. Made in NYC. Cline Dion, for example, is not on this list because she is French-Canadian. He speaks English and French. Kunis later detailed the difficult transition she faced in the school system to the LA Times: "My first sentence of my essay to get into college was like, 'Imagine being blind and deaf at age seven.' His cousin is none other than the French politician Brice Lalonde. Babs Olusanmokun is an actor, best known for Denis Villeneuve's Academy Award-winning Dune (2021), Star Trek: Strange New Worlds (2022 - ), Nicolas Winding Refn's Too Old To Die Young (2019), Black Mirror (2017). "But I got over it pretty fast.". Mitt Romney lived in France for 2 years and half to practice. He even spent six months in a university nearAix-en-Provence in France. When Jane Fonda married Roger Vadim or Johnny Depp married Vanessa Paradis and had children with her or when Natalie Portman moved to Paris to live with her French husband and childthey all chose to learn French. Elton John is yet another celebrity that is fluent in french. Shes spent many years learning the language, including attending a French preparatory school. There's nothing here, click here to continue shopping. His pronunciation and flexibility are one of the kind. If he were my student, Id would teach him how to sound natural and relax the muscles on his face. She is a former Miss Union Africaine 6me Region. We might be able to name every film theyve starred in or what they wore to the Oscars this year, but their foreign language abilities may come as a surprise. Access your favorite topics in a personalized feed while you're on the go. , is an actor, producer, narrator AND a pilot. You may know their movie credits by heart, but did you know these famous actors can speak more than one language? What a heartthrob. Our next celebrity is a very motivated actor who keeps talking in French despite the fact he lacks some words: John Travolta. She speaks French pretty well but has some issues with making the gender of adjectives agree. They studied and practiced in a French speaking country. For even more inspiration check out Treehut's Instagram, Facebook, Pinterest and our website today! Im sure youve been impressed by these celebs like me. But how well do we really know our favorite U.S. movie stars? Sandra Bullocks mother was a German opera singer and her father was a U.S. Army employee. 3. 1. I was kind of pushed into a corner when I got here, my English was very poor. It might be hard to imagine having the same struggles as an actor, musician, or famous athlete. Speaking languages helps diplomatic relationships, Learn the gerund and imparfait in this French song. Bullock was raised in Nuremberg, Germany, for 12 years of her early life, where she learned to speak German fluently. Her language ability certainly came in handy for her character, Blair, on, Hugh Jackman is already someone that everyone loves. (2021, December 6). While very little information exists on Jada Pinkett Smiths language skills, it appears she may have learned on her travels, including, When Matt Damon was a teenager, he went on language-immersion trips to Mexico and Guatemala. However, many may not know he could speak at least two more languages fluently in addition to English. The former Prime Minister Tony Blair often goes to France for vacation. The German-American model-turned-actress speaks excellent French and was once married to leading French actor Guillaume Canet, whom she met after filming Joyeux Nol. They can utter some words or simple sentences. You can listen to Sigourney Weavers French here. 1. After high school, he moved to Paris, where he studied French at the Sorbonne, art at the Paris American Academy, then theatre at the renowned physical theatre schools of Jacques Lecoq and Marcel Marceau. Her language ability certainly came in handy for her character, Blair, on Gossip Girl and her role in the 2011film Monte Carlo. is a Belgian born, French professional NBA player of African-American and Dutch descent. Team, ThoughtCo. Born in present-day Ukraine (the Soviet Union at the time), Mila Kunis. My only piece of advice would be to work on the r to sound less American. Nonetheless, knowing these foreign languages allowed him to understand also the culture and the people in order to be a perfect secretary of state. Team, ThoughtCo. In addition, he speaks conversational Korean, Mandarin Chinese, and Russian! So, in this post youll discover who is internationally known, rich, influent..and can speak French from some words to perfection. is an English actor of Ghanaian and Nigerian origin. (ne Florence Ifeoluwa Otedola), is a Nigerian Music Producer and daughter of Billionaire Femi Otedola. But he can also speakGreek!!! :4 Hacks to Visually Identify the Gender of French words. Beautiful and intelligent. Today, he doesnt miss an opportunity to do an interview in French, or to sing a song by Brel! Viggo Peter Mortensen is a Danish-American actor, photographer, poet, painter and musician. From the "Terminator" and a famous television chef to some of the top American acteurs(actors) andactrices(actresses), this group of French-speaking personalities is surprisingly large. Watch her mastering French and reaching perfection: What about you? Apparently, Jack Black taught himself how to speak both Spanish and French. To summarize, these famous people can talk to you in French without any difficulties. First, we have the British actor Freddie Highmore. Brando played an unforgettable Italian in The Godfather, but it was in fact French that he had to learn to speak out of necessity. How many of us can relate to that? The tennis superstar, who owns an apartment off the Champs de Mars in Paris, has been learning French since her teenage years but has lacked the confidence to speak it publicly. She learned to speak Hebrew and English fluently, and she is also conversational in Spanish, French, German and Japanese. is a former marine reservist, a former Major League Baseball player and is currently a Major League Baseball manager. They are intermediate / advanced. She speaks English & French. Baseball manager Dusty Baker speaks Spanish fluently. DOUBTS ABOUT THE GENDER OF FRENCH WORDS LIKE CELEBS? is an actress, dancer, choreographer, and a member of the President's Committee on the Arts and Humanities. He says he spends a lot of time, in front of the mirror and that he enjoys making the shapes with his mouth, particularly with the word, The other half of the Smith power couple also speaks Spanish. Apparently, Jack Black taught himself how to speak both Spanish and French. Aside from his native English, "The Avengers" star Tom Hiddleston can speak Spanish, French, and Greek, the latter of which he learned while studying classics at the University of Cambridge. In a nutshell, celebrities obtained a lot by speaking French: important roles, leading positions in politics, rich collaborations with others, communicating with their family in French. Second, Im going to introduce you 2 men who can speak 4 languages beside their native one. Another American actor who is bilingual too in my opinion: Joseph Gordon-Lewitt. (born Julian Williams), is a German soul singer of African-American descent paternally. And at the age of 15,Kruger moved to Paris topursue a modeling career, subsequently picking up the French language. He was mostly raised by his mother, who was born in Germany, and was close with his German grandmother. Shes even starred in some French films and dubs herself in the French language version of her other films. Born in present-day Ukraine (the Soviet Union at the time), Mila Kunis grew up speaking Russian. Vanessa is a French teacher who lives in Cancun, Mexico where it is as hot as Runion island where she was born. She is the only child of Avner Hershlag, an Israeli-born doctor, and Shelley Stevens, an . Follow me is my second video on celebrities who speak French.I hope you'll like it! The screen veteran's third wife, Tarita Teriipaia, with whom he starred in Mutiny on the Bounty in 1962, was French and as a consequence he learned the language to an expert level. No offense Oliver, your French is already amazing! ), in China (Gong Li and others). She showed off her Spanish in an interview on Univisions morning show. Theron has admitted to being self-conscious about her English, detailing her language struggle in America on Piers Morgan's talk show. Sometimes you dont exactly choose to learn a language but you feel the obligation (then the pleasure) to learn a new language. He can also express himself in Italian. is an actor, director author and diplomat of Bahamian descent and unconfirmed Haitian ancestry. She lived there for a few years before going back to England. Thanks for stopping by. with a Spanish course and then stayed with a local family. He speaks Latin, Russian and Mandarin fluently. Her first language was not even English! Everyone was surprised when he started speaking french in an interview for the movie X-Men Origins: Wolverine. As a result of her multinational background, the, Levitt learned French (both the language and a bit of poetry) through his studies at Columbia University. She speaks Dinka, Arabic and English. Id be delighted! There, he lived with a host family and completely immersed himself in the language. Gwyneth Paltrow is an American actress and won an Academy Award for her role in Shakespeare in Love (1998). How have your studies been going in the meantime? The most known to be able to speak French is Jodie Foster. 1. He spent several summers visiting her in the small town in Germany where she lived. Like Levitt, Williams is also a self-proclaimed Francophile -- in more ways than merelywinning five French Opens. And now he speaks it fluently. When Matt Damon was a teenager, he went on language-immersion trips to Mexico and Guatemala. Hes admitted to having trouble with French conjugation, but that doesnt stop him from doing his best in French interviews. The celebrities Im going to mention are fluent in French. Woody Allen (American director and actor) Cristiane Amanpour (British reporter) Halle Berry (American actress) Orlando Bloom (British actor) is the Founder and CEO of Travel Noire. In 2009, the actress turned businesswoman launched a Spanish-language version of her lifestyle style blog, GOOP. Not only do they already master French but they also thrive in another language. She even taught the language to her kids, Apple and Moses, in an effort to raise them bilingually. Shes won an oscar. Id love a movie in which he would portray different characters speaking several languages, kind of the learning languages scene in the movie The 13th Warrior . The other amazing example that one can be polyglot is the British actor Tom Hiddleston. You dont have to be completely fluent in another language to make your music more accessible to your fans around the world. Lucien Jean-Baptiste is a French actor, director, and writer. I cant believe I missed him for few years since I studied in Aix as well, As you can see people in this list are real inspirations. In the case of the American actor Kevin Kline, I hesitated between this category and the next one. Fans of Netflixs popular Sex Education, in which Mackey plays fiesty British high schooler Maeve, may be surprised to learn that the actress was born in Le Mans to a French father and English mother, and speaks French fluently. She grew up speaking Hebrew and English, but also knowsconversational French, Japanese, German, and Spanish. Even if her acting skills dont thoroughly impress you, her language skills should; Natalie Portman is one of the most multilingual movies stars. The Gravity actress speaks fluent English and German. Here are 9 celebrities that speak French (or check out the Frenchly compilation video to see 8 of them in one video). Later, when they got children together, Johnny Depp studied French seriously to understand everything. Like Hugh Laurie, he lacks some naturel. They would ask for some specific words but they can understand everything. She speaks French & English. This is the highest French civilian award! is the first African-born player in the big leagues of baseball! John Kerry masters superbly French and said to be able to speak Italian, Portuguese, German and Spanish. I got goosebumps when I heard her French. Aself-proclaimed Francophile, he set out to further improve his skillsin preparation for his role as Philippe PetitinThe Walk(2015). "The Lord of the Rings" stargrew up in Buenos Aires, Argentinawith a Danish father and American mother, and was raised speaking Spanish, English, and Danish. Speaking fluently French with an accent: excellent! Privacy Policy. He surely has a very good ear because he sings and can speak French very well. (born Lovette Ajayi), is an author and digital strategist. He speaks English and French. films, Emma Watson was actually born in Paris. Top editors give you the stories you want delivered right to your inbox each weekday. From Hollywood actors to tennis superstars, meet some unexpected celebrity Francophones. Oui, oui. They were not born famous but became famous. This Australian has won our hearts on and off the screen with his extremely charismatic personality. Trs bien monsieur Highmore! He said he started his trips with a Spanish course and then stayed with a local family. Jane Fonda did the same in Et si on vivait ensemble? You can listen to Elton John singing in French here. Another actor Id love to have as a student is Keanu Reeves. The question is: How good are they? Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0; additional . and worked for his grandfathers company, the Enterprise Foundation. Thats why he learned several languages such as French, Spanish and Italian. Jodie Foster was lucky to attend the lyce (high school) franais de Los Angeles. Just like Bradley Cooper, what is brilliant is when he adds these little words only native French people know like quoi at the end, euh in the middle. Levitt learned French (both the language and a bit of poetry) through his studies at Columbia University. Even Cristina Yang, herGrey's Anatomycharacter, speaks French. In celebration of Liberty, Fraternity, and Equality, we've curated a list of 15 celebrities who speak the language of love. Enjoy this whole interview in French with an impeccable Jane Fonda: As I told you, were reaching perfection. Who is famous? She speaks French, English, Dutch, German, a little Chinese, Swahili & Kirundi. But some stars have perfected more than their native languages. He cites this to his expectation that everyone doesn't speak English, so he always tries to interactwith his fans in their native language. Another reason why French is the language of love! But when it comes to learning a language, celebrities are just as likely to forget vocabulary and mispronounce words as anyone else, even if they seem like perfect French speakers on screen. She even taught the language to her kids, Apple and Moses, in an effort to raise them bilingually. s an award winning journalist and correspondent for CNN, who is based in London and of Sudanese origin. Shes capable to give full interviews in both languages like this: Time to talk about 2 actors whose native language is German. The actor best known for his roles in The HangoverandSilver Linings Playbookstarted learning French in school. The result is he can speak fluently: Spanish, French, Danish, Italian he understands Norwegian and Swedish. Leo often visited his maternal grandmother in Germany, where he was able to learn and practice his German. What matters is her intention, so lets cheer her up: Continue Shakira! Most of them have English as their native language. Despite not living in France for over twenty years, his French is still fresh, and he even conductsinterviews with French journalists. You can even sing a song in a language you dont speak like opera singers They perfectly speak 2 Foreign languages. Kevin Kline, maybe you dont know it but I offer 30 minute-classes where you could practice with me. She also ownsan apartment off the Champs de Mars and once dated a hunky French coach. The losing candidate in the 2012 presidential election and foe of President Donald Trump, Mitt Romney not only speaks French, but hes a huge Francophile (which clearly didnt help him get elected). Others speak Spanish or German. In this list are famous people who speak only French. Another reason why French is the language of love! Cookies collect information about your preferences and your devices and are used to make the site work as you expect it to, to understand how you interact with the site, and to show advertisements that are targeted to your interests. She could learn more idiomatic phrases and tweak her pronunciation to go to the next level. Despite living through a car accident that nearly took his life, he retained he good memories of the country and an ability to speak French. He learned to speak French fluently and showed it off when he played the French high-wire artist Philippe Petit in The Walk. You can book some classes with me Hugh Laurie! Hes even shown off his Spanish abilities in interviews and, Jodi Foster attended a French-language prep school in Los Angeles, which is. She speaks English, Spanish, Japanese, Italian, German and French. Were a group of language nerds and language geeks who enjoy building and experiencing community every day. Are you at a beginner stage, shy or full of energy and willing to make mistakes to learn? Celebrities theyre just like us! In the video clip above, Kunis uses her language skills to defend Justin Timberlake when a Russian journalist questions him during a press conference. The first one is the former United States secretary of state (2013-2017), John Kerry. * the je ne sais quoi that makes you French (interjections). "But I got over it pretty fast.". 8. "I was kind of pushed into a corner when I got here, my English was very poor. Watch this: Time to talk about these 3 actors who have been married to a French spouse. Denzel Hayes Washington, Jr. was born on December 28, 1954 in Mount Vernon, New York. Finally, Lady Gaga and Shakira achieved their dream to sing in French. After the premier of A Star is Born, lead actor Bradley Cooper made quite an impression by giving interviews to the French media in French.

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