carrier 48tc model number nomenclature
All 48TC units comply with ASHRAE 90.1-2010 Energy Standard for minimum SEER and EER requirements. . Rated and certified under ARI Standard 210/240 3-5 ton or 340/360 6-ton, as appropriate. . 0000020536 00000 n Appendix E - Motormaster Sensor. 0000022660 00000 n 2. 0000016172 00000 n Carrier Rtu Model Number Nomenclature Carrier Rtu Model Number Nomenclature 2 Amendment Sheet Date M5ACV 2005 0001. 0000013658 00000 n . . S Standardized components and layout. 50TC Cooling Only Electric Heat Packaged Rooftop Vertical. 0000031004 00000 n S EERs up to 11.1. . 0000004352 00000 n 4 C10292A Fig. . . FEATURES AND BENEFITS S Single cooling stage models are available from 3 - 10 ton. . MODEL NOMENCLATURE FMA4P & FMA4X series FAN COIL MODEL NUMBER IDENTIFICATION GUIDE FAN COIL MODEL NUMBER IDENTIFICATION GUIDE F M A 4 P 2400 A F = Fan Coil M = Multifamily TYPE A = Apartment Upflow INSTALLATION TYPE 4 = Environmentally Sound R 410A REFRIGERANT P = R 410A Piston X = R 410A TXV Standard METERING DEVICE 2400 = 24,000 BTUH = 2 tons 0000008092 00000 n . . . Warranty We're proud to stand by our products and support our systems with strong warranties. %PDF-1.4 % . Below you will find a partial explanation of the alphanumeric identification code (aka Model Number Nomenclature). 0000020658 00000 n 0000031631 00000 n . . 0000009320 00000 n 0000027218 00000 n . . They bring in fresh, outside air for ventilation; and provide cool, outside air to cool your building. 4-----40RM - SI UNIT 40RM 007 SD008 012 SD014 016 SD024 028 SD034 r!]iBs.w$lov`{v~1z.~` -Y;0-(y_y6#7Sk7:Y>SE&=z~txi# G_'PAF,l #A/qE&SU7"(@qR /7kK#7 }Pb@(zASisDkc&cK*9e. . 0000012638 00000 n . . 0000030072 00000 n 0000018153 00000 n . 0000009955 00000 n . . . . . 0000024934 00000 n 4. 2 -- Unit Dimensional Drawing Sizes 08, 09 and 12 48TC. . 0000003174 00000 n Type Trane Lennox Carrier Bryant JCI/York ICP Heil Day and Nigh Goodman Daikin Older . %%EOF . 0000014072 00000 n . . 0000064224 00000 n 0000036288 00000 n 1X]T40:4\j*uELX startxref 0000028669 00000 n . 0000001170 00000 n . 0000010305 00000 n . . 3 -- Unit Dimensional Drawing Size 14 48TC. . . 0000033660 00000 n 0000028569 00000 n 0000023385 00000 n 0000015219 00000 n 0000033976 00000 n . 0000040194 00000 n 0000026385 00000 n 0000079248 00000 n 0000029929 00000 n 0000022976 00000 n 0000032339 00000 n 0000026793 00000 n 0000048065 00000 n 0000060065 00000 n . . . . . 541 0 obj <> endobj Cooling operating range up to 115 F (46C) and down to 40F (4C) using winter start kit Innovative corrosive-resistant composite condensate pan in accordance with ASHRAE 62 Standard, sloping design; side or center drain Exclusive IGC solid-state control for on-board diagnostics with LED error code designation and burner control logic To evaluate code compliance requirements, refer to state and local codes or visit the following website:, Carrier receives a Dealer Design Award for its Rooftop Units with EcoBlue Technology, RTUs with EcoBlue Technology win Silver in C-SE 'Product of the Year' competition, Features and Benefits: Weather Series RTUs with EcoBlue Technology, Start-Up Services & Extended Warranty Protection, Meets and exceeds ASHRAE 90.1 energy efficiency levels, New unit control board with intuitive quick fan speed adjustment, New direct drive - EcoBlue Technology indoor fan system uses Vane Axial fan design & electronically commutated motor, Single-stage cooling capacity 04-06 models, two-stage on 07 models, Cooling operating range up to 115 F (46C) and down to 40F (4C) using winter start kit, Innovative corrosive-resistant composite condensate pan in accordance with ASHRAE 62 Standard, sloping design; side or center drain, Exclusive IGC solid-state control for on-board diagnostics with LED error code designation and burner control logic, Pre-painted exterior panels and primer-coated interior panels tested to 500 hours salt spray protection, New unit control board facilitating simple safety circuit troubleshooting and simplified control box arrangement as well as easy intuitive fan speed adjustment, Innovative, easy starting, no-strip screw feature on unit access panels, Optional hinged access panels also available, NEW Direct Drive EcoBlue Technology Indoor fan system uses Vane Axial fan design and electronically commutated motor with beltless design, Same footprint as prior Carrier models for that original fit; reduces installation costs and time, Field convertible from vertical to horizontal airflow configuration, Provisions for thru-the-bottom power entry capability as standard, Single point gas, electric, and controls connections, Full perimeter base rail with built-in rigging adapters and fork truck slots, Scroll compressors with internal line-break overload protection, 24-volt control circuit protected with resettable circuit breaker, Permanently lubricated direct-drive ECM evaporator-fan motor, Totally enclosed condenser motors with permanently lubricated bearings, Low pressure and high-pressure switch protection, Exclusive IGC anti-cycle protection for gas heat operation, Solid-state electronic direct spark ignition system and flame roll-out safety protector, 10 years parts only heat exchanger - aluminized, 15 years parts only heat exchanger - stainless steel, Additional extended warranty packages available, Temperature Sensing EconoMi$er with relief, Humidi-MiZer Adaptive Dehumidification System, SystemVu Integrated Communicating Controls. %PDF-1.4 % Main Category . . . . 0000025295 00000 n . 0000001416 00000 n . 0000070057 00000 n 0000028297 00000 n 0000031993 00000 n . 0000017897 00000 n . 0000033170 00000 n Units are pre-wired and pre-charged with environmentally sound Puron (R-410A) refrigerant at the factory. Opt. 0000001425 00000 n . 4 FACTORY OPTIONS AND/OR ACCESSORIES . Model number nomenclature 48GS - 024 040 3 Model No. 0000065173 00000 n AHRI = Air-Conditioning, Heating & Refrigeration Institute 0000008892 00000 n 106 0 obj <> endobj 0000020308 00000 n . 0000013866 00000 n 0000021020 00000 n . . . 0000031753 00000 n . hb```f````c` @Q,6tV400x\L-q=3WlFj17bf[)LJJi@ ]@1Pa2h2pW@lf1709710\`\l `xS_Zw?`HTBLp0q"#| p1`` @qR MzcLc; Ie@6#% iP Fig. . . . . ROOF CURB Assemble and install accessory roof curb or. . 0000001800 00000 n . 0000123263 00000 n ;=wE{S]6=CZy0s$ . 4. . 0000015321 00000 n . This saves time and money on replacement jobs. Ratings are based on: ASHRAE = American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air Conditioning, Inc. 0000030313 00000 n 108. . 0000029283 00000 n 0000033805 00000 n . WeatherMaker Single-Packaged Rooftop Units with EcoBlue Technology 48FC. . . 0000015527 00000 n ASHRAE = American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air Conditioning, Inc. . S Up to 28% lighter than similar industry units. Exclusive, new EcoBlue Technology was designed to improve performance and efficiency while decreasing maintenance and installation costs. 0000074209 00000 n . . . 0000110224 00000 n . 0000009425 00000 n . . 0000034326 00000 n . VxZ 6 STATIC PRESSURE ADDERS . . EER = Energy Efficiency Ratio 0000016882 00000 n . 0000013762 00000 n 0000014427 00000 n 0000028089 00000 n . . Prices are indicative only and may vary by country, with changes to the cost of raw materials and exchange rates. hSmk0+}EolC $i:B>h\;dqw{{N0G{DO*""6 `C"=\ `F+N=p@KrxHe^VRj/\E{=z'Q'9iiQK9+.S!`UUe;N{ =63{tBYYQj|}uA0(v ])4^h$z4 .u=$l_b:7M:5%QiS64:SJ#iyMpW7Bs&YSe{~023,@zBD4\;~TWeK[V5=.rsxZn=]"z"|faD{R3\GFhq~\glkBqTc\ 5`:{Xy30!vwv=_;{,C|;4Ju{V]C'yg}"lpoSw_xs, ~ Carrier 48TCED Service And Maintenance Instructions (98 pages) Nominal 7.5 to 12.5 Tons With Puron (R---410A) Refrigerant Brand: Carrier | Category: Air Conditioner | Size: 6.06 MB Table of Contents Table of Contents 1 Safety Considerations 1 Unit Arrangement and Access 2 Supply Fan (Blower) Section 4 Cooling 6 Puronr (R- - 410A) Refrigerant 8 127 0 obj<>stream Carrier 48TC series Pdf User Manuals. 0000010746 00000 n 0000005664 00000 n AHRI = Air-Conditioning, Heating & Refrigeration Institute . . . . Carrier 25VNA0 2 MODEL NUMBER NOMENCLATURE 12 3 4 5 6 78 9 10 11 12 13 N N A A A N N N N A N A N A N N N 25 V N A 0 36 A 0 0 3 0 Product Series Product Fam. . The main purpose of the Carrier model number lookup is to know the size or tonnage of the air conditioner systems. . 0000002024 00000 n 2. . 0000022515 00000 n %%EOF 0000019783 00000 n 0000032539 00000 n . 0000028398 00000 n X g `K`. . MODEL NUMBER NOMENCLATURE Model Series - WeatherMakerTM TC - Standard Efficiency Unit Heat Type 48 - Gas Heat Packaged Rooftop Cooling Tons 04 = 3 tons 07 = 6 tons 12 = 10 tons 05 = 4 tons 08 = 7.5 tons 14 = 12.5 tons 06 = 5 tons 09 = 8.5 tons 16 = 15 tons Heat Options D = Low Heat E = Medium Heat F = High Heat L = Low NO x, Low Heat M = Low NO . 54. The units are factory tested in both heating and cooling modes. 0000063922 00000 n . . . . 0000017082 00000 n 0000023611 00000 n . 95. 0000011262 00000 n Carrier Model and S N Breakdown HVAC Talk Heating Air. . 0000025547 00000 n 0000025997 00000 n 1-2B. . 38HKS014-121. . 0000057894 00000 n . . 0000015141 00000 n . . Carrier gas heat/electric cooling packaged rooftop 3 to 15 nominal tons (101 pages), Nominal 7.5 to 12.5 tons with puron (r---410a) refrigerant (98 pages), Nominal 3 to 10 tons with puron (r-410a) refrigerant (107 pages), Single-package rooftop unit (rtu) heating/cooling units with puron (r410a) refrigerant (8 pages), Single package rooftop gas heating/electric cooling unit sizes 04-07 with puron (r-410a) refrigerant (20 pages), Single package rooftop with gas heat/electric cooling vertical air flow unit with puron (r-410a) refrigerant (64 pages), Single package rooftop with gas heat/electric cooling (60 pages), Single package rooftop unit with gas heat/electric cooling and puron (r-410a) refrigerant (112 pages), Single-package rooftop heating/cooling units (53 pages), Single-package rooftop heating/ cooling units (8 pages), 3 to 12 1/2 tons gas heating/electric cooling units (40 pages), Single-package rooftop heating/cooling units (40 pages), Single-package rooftop heating/cooling units (44 pages), Manual will be automatically added to "My Manuals", Step 2 - - Plan for Sequence of Unit Installation, Alternate Unit Support (in Lieu of Curb or Slab Mount), Step 7 - - Convert to Horizontal and Connect Ductwork, Economizer Hood Removal and Setup - Factory Option, Two Position Damper Hood Removal and Setup - Factory Option, Factory- - Option Thru- - Base Connections (Gas Connections), Step 11 - Install External Condensate Trap and Line, Units Without Factory- - Installed Disconnect, Units with Factory- - Installed Disconnect, Factory- - Option Thru- - Base Connections (Electrical Connections), Space Relative Humidity Sensor or Humidistat Connections, Space Relative Humidity Senor or Humidistat, Two Position Damper Hood Removal and Setup -, Factory- - Option Thru- - Base Connections, Step 11 - - Install External Condensate Trap and Line, Units without Factory- - Installed Disconnect, Air Conditioner Carrier WeatherMaker 48TC Series Product Data, Air Conditioner Carrier 48TC*D08 Service And Maintenance Instructions, Air Conditioner Carrier 48TCA04---A12 Service And Maintenance Instructions, Air Conditioner Carrier 48TC User's Information Manual, Air Conditioner Carrier 48TC Installation Instructions Manual, Air Conditioner Carrier WeatherMaker 48TC Series Installation Instructions Manual, Air Conditioner Carrier WeatherMaker 48TC Series Service And Maintenance Instructions, Air Conditioner Carrier WeatherMaker 48TC 06 Installation Instructions Manual, Air Conditioner Carrier 48TC 17 Series Service And Maintenance Instructions, Air Conditioner Carrier 48TF004-007 Installation, Start-Up And Service Instructions Manual, Air Conditioner Carrier 48TF004-014 User's Information Manual, Air Conditioner Carrier 48TF004-014 Wiring Diagrams, Air Conditioner Carrier 48TJD008-014 Installation, Start-Up And Service Instructions Manual, Air Conditioner Carrier 48TJD Installation, Start-Up And Service Instructions Manual, Air Conditioner Carrier 48TJE Series Installation, Start-Up And Service Instructions Manual, Page 7: Step 5 - Field Fabricate Ductwork, Page 9: Step 8 - Install Outside Air Hood, Page 10: Economizer Hood And Two- - Position Hood, Page 13: Step 11 - Install External Condensate Trap And Line, Page 14: Step 12 - Make Electrical Connections, Page 18: Factory- - Option Thru- - Base Connections (Electrical Connections), Page 19: Unit Without Thru- - Base Connection Kit, Page 20: Humidi- - Mizer R Control Connections, Page 25: Supply Air Temperature (Sat) Sensor, Page 29: Space Relative Humidity Sensor Or Humidistat Connections, Page 30: Smoke Detector/Fire Shutdown (Fsd), Page 35: Supply Air Temperature (Sat) Sensor, Page 38: Smoke Detector/Fire Shutdown (Fsd), Page 39: Communication Wiring - - Protocols, Page 46: Step 13 - Adjust Factory- -Installed Options. Nomenclature. Rated in accordance with AHRI Standard 210/240 or 340/360, as appropriate. Lighter rooftops make easier replacement jobs. Product Data Carrier Hawaii. In the USA the input rating for altitudes Table 4 HEATING RATING TABLE - LOW NOX1 GAS HEAT LOW MED HIGH LOW MED HIGH LOW MED HIGH LOW MED HIGH LOW MED HIGH LOW MED HIGH Single Phase Three Phase LOW NOx HEAT EXCHANGER INPUT / OUTPUT STAGE 1 (MBH) ------------------------------------- THERMAL EFFICIENCY (%) NOTE: 1. . 0000024557 00000 n 0000017697 00000 n . . 0000003517 00000 n startxref . . 0000006382 00000 n shipped with this accessory. N#]`yk~iu##G8,5;2e2JD]7!+z @awwCp(/r&qj)%&a |jmhGsBJ,f ~p2CuLiAzgz#ud1,[b@V+H/4cuI=hx+OOE"Zp][$6tEEs(8 &{G F,)`}/>|xz~};gNWv x#SbDp}o"Ma[UX||nXd3h1|z"@[/(6?[T JRF;. H+HJ6WTK\*;t:+&B?b|2:uuuF}yCnEQ-k o7_3/gw2&)Q-W.W"f"{As]SR8C1FZy 5nm%66PfKvTQj8DJ+aoo9,`2/\eR+& 1Rs . 0000098814 00000 n 0000022018 00000 n . The very best way to ensure you're getting the correct specs is to download the owner's manual which should contain all the information you need, including full specifications of your Carrier 48TC. . . 0000003254 00000 n . . . . . 0000032429 00000 n . . 0000034381 00000 n 0000003788 00000 n . . . . 0000034162 00000 n . . rooftop Series Model TC = Standard Efficiency Heat Size D = Low heat E = Med heat F = High heat L = Low NOx, Low heat M = Low NOx, Med heat N = Low NOx, High heat S = Stainless steel, Low 2. . . Cooling Standard: 80F (27C) db, 67F (19C) wb indoor air temp and 95F (35C) db outdoor air temp. endstream endobj 542 0 obj <> endobj 543 0 obj <> endobj 544 0 obj <>stream They exclude delivery charges and customs duties and do not include additional charges for installation or activation options. . 0000023054 00000 n . V?Oy]_h]6]cWhs|')&%WCgkGVooR c <0M$]GE^C)>OA 0000025037 00000 n . 0000002623 00000 n SEER = Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio, NOTES 0000002204 00000 n ;zO}>OwF6%l4gpd2)X8p1::|2_'gA9NjQ|8tSx49M1b2$-rs?p164~bVEyPRLC\" 0000026999 00000 n 0000027672 00000 n FACTORY OPTIONS AND/OR ACCESSORIES (cont.) . . . 0000011926 00000 n . 0000017762 00000 n 0000011459 00000 n . . . . . 48TCED08A2A5-0A0G0 48TC = Gas Heat Packaged Rooftop E = Medium Heat D = Two Stage Cooling Models 08 = 7.5 Tons A = No Smoke or CO 2 sensor 2 = Belt Drive, Medium Static Option A = Al/Cu - Al/Cu 5 = 208-230/3 0 = Electro-mechanical Controls can be used with W7212 A = No Air Intake or Exhaust 0 = No Convenience Options G = 2-Speed Indoor Fan (VFD) Controller 0 = Standard Packaging 0000057401 00000 n 48TC_D04-D07, 48KC_A04-06 579A 036-060 580C 036-060 580D 036-060 580F 036-060 580J 04-06 581C 036-060 . 0000000736 00000 n 85. . 0000104551 00000 n . . These couplings eliminate roof penetration and should Table 2 AHRI COOLING RATING TABLE UNIT COOLING STAGES COOLING STAGES IEER WITH SINGLE SPEED INDOOR FAN MOTOR IEER WITH 2 SPEED INDOOR FAN MOTOR LEGEND AHRI ASHRAE EER IEER N/A SEER --- Air Conditioning, Heating and Refrigeration Institute Test Standard --- American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air Conditioning, Inc. --- Energy Efficiency Ratio --- Integrated Energy Efficiency Ratio --- Not Applicable --- Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio NOTES: 1. 0000025650 00000 n . 0000013104 00000 n . Single Package Rooftop Unit with Gas Heat/Electric Cooling and Puron (R-410A) Refrigerant, Single Package Rooftop with Gas Heat/Electric Cooling, Carrier Gas Heat/Electric Cooling Packaged Rooftop 3 to 15 Nominal Tons, Single Package Rooftop with Gas Heat/Electric Cooling Vertical Air Flow Unit with Puron (R-410A) Refrigerant, Single Package Rooftop Gas Heating/Electric Cooling Unit Sizes 04-07 with Puron (R-410A) Refrigerant, Single-Package Rooftop Unit (RTU) Heating/Cooling Units with Puron (R410A) Refrigerant, Sigle-package Rooftop Unit (RTU) gas Heating/Electric Cooling Units with R-410A Refrigerant, Single Package Rooftop Units Gas Heating/Electric Cooling Select 12.5 to 27.5 Ton Flue Discharge Deflector Accessory, Carrier 48TC series Service And Maintenance Instructions (112 pages), Staged Air Volume (Sav) Control: 2-Speed Fan with Variable Frequency Drive (Vfd), Changing Fan Wheel Speed by Changing Pulleys, Round Tube Plate Fin (RTPF) Condenser Coil, Coil Maintenance and Cleaning Recommendation, Routine Cleaning of Evaporator Coil Surfaces, Resetting Alarm and Trouble Condition Trips, Carrier 48TC series Installation Instructions Manual (60 pages), Package Removal (Factory Option Sizes 07-14), Two-Position Damper Hood Removal (Factory Option Size 16), Factory-Option Thru-Base Connections (Gas Connections) (Sizes 07-14), Factory-Option Thru-Base Gas Connections (Size 16), Units with Factory-Installed Non-Fused Disconnect, Units Without Factory-Installed Non-Fused Disconnect, Factory-Option Thru-Base Connections (Electrical Connections) (Size 07-14), Factory-Option Thru-Base Connections (Electrical Connections) (Size 16), Completing Installation of Return-Air Smoke Sensor, Carrier 48TC series Product Data (101 pages), Factory - Installed Options and Field - Installed Accessories, Heating Rating Table - Natural Gas & Propane, Minimum- Maximum Airflow Ratings - Natural Gas & Propane, Selection Procedure (with 48TC*A07 Example), Economizer, Barometric Relief and PE Performance, Electromechanical Units with no Economizer, Electromechanical Units with an Economizer, Optional Humidi- - Mizer Dehumidification System, Gas Heat/Electric Cooling Packaged Rooftop, Carrier 48TC series Installation Instructions Manual (64 pages), Alternate Unit Support (in Lieu of Curb or Slab Mount), To Field Install the Nfd Shaft and Handle, Factory-Option Thru-Base Connections (Electrical Connections), Carrier 48TC series Installation Instructions Manual (20 pages), Step 2 - Plan for Sequence of Unit Installation, Step 7 - - Convert to Horizontal and Connect Ductwork, Step 11 - - Install External Condensate Trap and Piping, Step 13 - Adjust Factory- -Installed Options, Carrier 48TC series User's Information Manual (8 pages), Carrier 48TC series Installation Instructions (2 pages). 0000008214 00000 n 0000025205 00000 n 0000017491 00000 n 0000012648 00000 n . . 0000002155 00000 n . 0000022095 00000 n ]V5Tu# W|li[/0,d Uc9$(j^8]JsY{$1)AY>xPzSE !18WO:^cAi*9(6N=$g=%MmSsK`Y!S>SDP2d;8-(g;pw(k$CBT+mJ . 0000001235 00000 n 0000002783 00000 n 1.10 Aquasnap Model Number Nomenclature Chart. . %PDF-1.6 % 0000003019 00000 n . . 0000027335 00000 n 0000013558 00000 n . Ductwork. . 0000050906 00000 n 72. Appendix C - Fan Performance. . 48TC. Residential air conditioners usually range from 1.5 to 5 tons (or, 18,000 - 60,000 BTUh). 0000019273 00000 n 0000064802 00000 n . . endstream endobj startxref 0000020900 00000 n 0000006940 00000 n . 563 0 obj <>stream . Accessory Propane/High Altitude kits are also available. . . 0000026585 00000 n . 0000030681 00000 n . All 48FC units comply with ASHRAE 90.1-2016 Energy Standard. <]/Prev 620794>> 0000029851 00000 n 0000021409 00000 n T- - 55 space temperature sensor provides a signal of space temperature to the PremierLink control. 0 0000013458 00000 n . 0000009567 00000 n . MODEL NUMBER . K'#InmiK"?lC`rF6GX . . 4aj{@5I`-+jWjZ* n,hhb8X]- rt0tt40ptt R . . 0000033449 00000 n 0000036265 00000 n 0000085179 00000 n 0000014782 00000 n . . Connect the 4 to 20 mA terminal to the TB3- - 13 terminal of the 48TC**16. 0000002514 00000 n . . . . 0000010041 00000 n 0000007912 00000 n 1G>.a vT_\+)?lR6z 4i!i}cn 0000032126 00000 n . Carrier Rtu Model Number Nomenclature Carrier Rtu Model Number Nomenclature HS26 060 1P GCS16 090 350 2Y Lennox. 0000009815 00000 n . . MODEL NUMBER NOMENCLATURE Coil Options For Round Tube/Plate Fin Condenser Coil Models Only (outdoor-indoor-hailguard) A = Al/Cu - Al/Cu 0000010604 00000 n 0000022187 00000 n 2023All rights reserved unit N - Low NO x unit Nominal Cooling Capacity 018 - 1 1/2 Tons 024 - 2 Tons 030 - 2-1/2 Tons 036 - 3 Tons 042 - 3-1/2 Tons 048 - 4 Tons 060 - 5 Tons Heat Level (Btuh) 040 - 40,000 060 . 0000024885 00000 n 0000016407 00000 n 0000008865 00000 n . 0000027453 00000 n 10 SOUND PERFORMANCE TABLE . Carrier 24ACB7 Performance 17 2-Stage Air Conditioner 24acb7-2pd. Please contact your local Carrier sales office for the weights of single skin units. 714 0 obj <>stream . 19 The Carrier rooftop unit (RTU) was designed by customers for customers. 0000032787 00000 n 0000024091 00000 n Sys. When coupled to CO2 sensors, economizers can provide even more savings by coupling the ventilation air to only that amount required. 0000007430 00000 n 0000023132 00000 n . 0000023833 00000 n 0000012196 00000 n . . 0000001784 00000 n 0000032484 00000 n Model Number Nomenclature. TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE MODEL NUMBER NOMENCLATURE . 0000031136 00000 n 0000030499 00000 n . 0000031509 00000 n . 0000026184 00000 n 0000023499 00000 n 83 0 obj << /Linearized 1 /O 86 /H [ 6529 923 ] /L 626942 /E 477790 /N 9 /T 625164 >> endobj xref 83 295 0000000016 00000 n 0000015318 00000 n . 50TC Cooling Only Electric Heat Packaged Rooftop Vertical. . 0000034489 00000 n Factory - Installed Options and Field . . . 0000014113 00000 n 0000057917 00000 n A ton of air conditioning equals 12,000 BTU. 0000116637 00000 n . . 106 22 0000018411 00000 n Appendix B - Physical Data. 3 carrier web carrier how to identify your system make model size age and type web a 2 5 ton system would have 30 000 btu s these are reflected in the model numbers . 0000019939 00000 n . 0000032632 00000 n . With a gauge plug, centralized control center, plug & play accessory board, "no-strip screw" collars, and handled access panels, we've made the unit easy to install, easy to maintain, and easy to use. . Flue Discharge Deflector Thru- the- Base Connections - The flue discharge deflector is a useful accessory when flue gas recirculation is a concern. Other enhancements include a new control board and coil technology, permanently lubricated motor bearings, tool-less filter access doors and more all available on this multiefficiency offering. 0000008471 00000 n 0000015834 00000 n . . 0000026285 00000 n . 0 48TCEA06A2A5-0A0A0 48TC = Gas Heat Packaged Rooftop E = Medium Heat A = One Stage Cooling Models 06 = 5 Tons A = No Smoke or CO 2 sensor 2 = Belt Drive, Medium Static Option A = Al/Cu - Al/Cu 5 = 208-230/3 0 = Electro-mechanical Controls can be used with W7212 A = No Air Intake or Exhaust 0 = No Convenience Options A = No Electrical Protection 0 = Standard Packaging . . 0000477191 00000 n . . . 0000033883 00000 n . 1. 0000019845 00000 n For information on propane or altitudes above 2000 ft (610 m), see the Application Data section of this book. %PDF-1.5 % 0000033263 00000 n xref 48GS - Single Package Gas Heating/ Electric Cooling Low NO x Indicator - - Std. 0000347504 00000 n 0000028484 00000 n 1 -- 48TC 08--12 Model Number Nomenclature (Example) 48TC. Provides a pre- engineered and sized mounting bracket for applications requiring a unit mounted fused and non- fused disconnect of greater than 100 amps. . 0000019701 00000 n . . 0000009678 00000 n 0000009678 00000 n 659 0 obj <> endobj 0000015628 00000 n . . 0000011841 00000 n . trailer . . 0000014664 00000 n . . . . 0000009045 00000 n . 1.9 York Equipment Nomenclature Chart. 0000012093 00000 n 0000014899 00000 n 0000035565 00000 n Standardized components and MODEL NUMBER NOMENCLATURE 4 Unit Heat Type 0 Packaging & Seismic 0 = Standard 1 = LTL 3 = CA seismic compliant 4 = LTL & CA seismic compliant 48 = Gas heat pkg. . 0000002101 00000 n 0000040899 00000 n . hbbd``b`Y@q` " !$330A+@ \ 0000012862 00000 n . . . 0000017147 00000 n . 0000018964 00000 n 0000028193 00000 n 0000021677 00000 n 0000030774 00000 n 0000052180 00000 n 0000005480 00000 n 0000014189 00000 n 0000010995 00000 n 0000021542 00000 n . . Model number nomenclature 40RM-016SD B5 0 1 ED 40RM Commercial Packaged Air Handler Cooling Coil -Direct Expansion S Chilled Water Nominal Capacity Tons (kW) . 0000063395 00000 n 0000013214 00000 n 9 HEAT RATING TABLE . Packaged Rooftop _ 3 to 15 Nominal Tons turn t0 the ^J&? Carrier gas heat/electric cooling packaged rooftop 3 to 15 nominal tons, Single package rooftop unit with gas heat/electric cooling and puron (r-410a) refrigerant (112 pages), Single package rooftop with gas heat/electric cooling vertical air flow unit with puron (r-410a) refrigerant (64 pages), Single package rooftop with gas heat/electric cooling (60 pages), Single package rooftop gas heating/electric cooling unit sizes 04-07 with puron (r-410a) refrigerant (20 pages), Nominal 3 to 10 tons with puron (r-410a) refrigerant (107 pages), Nominal 7.5 to 12.5 tons with puron (r---410a) refrigerant (98 pages), Single package rooftop gas heating/electric cooling unit with puron (r-410a) refrigerant (48 pages), Single-package rooftop unit (rtu) heating/cooling units with puron (r410a) refrigerant (8 pages), Single-package rooftop heating/cooling units (53 pages), Single-package rooftop heating/ cooling units (8 pages), 3 to 12 1/2 tons gas heating/electric cooling units (40 pages), Single-package rooftop heating/cooling units (40 pages), Single-package rooftop heating/cooling units (44 pages), Manual will be automatically added to "My Manuals", Factory - Installed Options and Field - Installed Accessories, Heating Rating Table - Natural Gas & Propane, Minimum- Maximum Airflow Ratings - Natural Gas & Propane, Selection Procedure (with 48TC*A07 Example), Economizer, Barometric Relief and PE Performance, Electromechanical Units with no Economizer, Electromechanical Units with an Economizer, Optional Humidi- - Mizer Dehumidification System, Gas Heat/Electric Cooling Packaged Rooftop, Air Conditioner Carrier WeatherMaker 48TC Series Service And Maintenance Instructions, Air Conditioner Carrier WeatherMaker 48TC Series Installation Instructions Manual, Air Conditioner Carrier 48TC Installation Instructions Manual, Air Conditioner Carrier 48TCA04---A12 Service And Maintenance Instructions, Air Conditioner Carrier 48TC*D08 Service And Maintenance Instructions, Air Conditioner Carrier 48TC**16 Installation Instructions Manual, Air Conditioner Carrier 48TC User's Information Manual, Air Conditioner Carrier WeatherMaker 48TC 06 Installation Instructions Manual, Air Conditioner Carrier 48TC 17 Series Service And Maintenance Instructions, Air Conditioner Carrier 48TF004-007 Installation, Start-Up And Service Instructions Manual, Air Conditioner Carrier 48TF004-014 User's Information Manual, Air Conditioner Carrier 48TF004-014 Wiring Diagrams, Air Conditioner Carrier 48TJD008-014 Installation, Start-Up And Service Instructions Manual, Air Conditioner Carrier 48TJD Installation, Start-Up And Service Instructions Manual, Air Conditioner Carrier 48TJE Series Installation, Start-Up And Service Instructions Manual.
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