celtic menstrual rituals
Genesis 9:1213, Another key practice for the Celtic saints was having a soul friend, inspired by earlier desert traditions. Releasing this blood into the earth as a seed of life, which it is, is a powerful way to birth our vision into the ground, to allow it to manifest in the outer world beyond our womb. If youre new to yoni steaming, this is a self care practice dating back to ancient Egypt. Despite all the traumatic episodes I endured, I always believed inMagick;not tricks and seances but actual Magick, the alchemical process of destruction and creation within ourselves and outside of usAs above so below. Does ancestral, karmic, or childhood trauma and grief seem to surface? Ritual reminds us of who our souls long to be. NOW Invoked a prayer to my ancestors for guidance and protection. They likely would have memorized all 150 psalms, as their days were intertwined with their imagery. The first fundamental principlerefers to the fact there is a collective cosmic energy which forms and makes possible everything that surrounds us, everything that exists; both physical beings and non-physical realities, both living and inanimate beings, everything is formed, penetrated, meshed and possible thanks to this collective cosmic energy; as such it is then obvious we are formed by this energy. They found their own threshold places, such as Skellig Michael, a jagged stone island jutting out into the Atlantic on which the ruins of a monastic community are still perched on top. Rituals occur surprisingly often within our everyday lives. The distorted perception that a woman is unclean during her menstrual cycle and thus is banished from temples, ceremonies, and the community at large, traces back to the true sacred ritual of a woman retreating during her moon time not because she was unclean but because she was so tapped into otherworldly dimensions and so connected to her deep power that she needed time and space to integrate her visions, emotions, and downloads. EDUCE The essential ritual in Celtic Weddings is the handfasting ceremony The handfasting ceremony involves 13 ribbons, each with their own symbolic meaning. The hand fasting ritual is a physical bond which unites a man and a woman when getting married. In ancient Celtic tradition this practice would of been performed by the Druids. Celtic rites were often granted by elder women in the community due to the belief that being post-menopausal made you the wisest as you had permanently retained your wisdom blood. When I was in Italy this spring, I met my first Black Madonna in person. She was in a church (Santa Maria Assanto) in the steep cliffside fishing town of Positano. During climax, t is very easy to lose the objective and waste the moment, so rituals fulfill several functions, one of the main functions is to structure the mind- organizing thoughts and ensuring focus, helping the participants of the ritual to beawarethe whole time as to the goal they want to achieve. Im so full of gr agus buochas, love and gratitude, to Bran, to Medb, and to my intuitive-self for following. As we are. You may also wish to create patterns, designs, or art on your skin with your blood. Walking in a circular manner helps to move us out of linear ways of thinking and to open our hearts to receive Gods grace. Therefore, when we have the combination of the energy of a group, the power of the magical ritual will be exponential. WebMenstrual blood is perfect for charging sigils and servitors in Chaos Magick. also in the celtic tradition. Remove the sandals from your feet, for the place on which you are standing is holy ground. SPACE TIME ENERGY MATTER A step-by-step guide to the ancient tradition of sex magic as practiced by generations of Celtic Druids. There was a news story about Dowth Hall, a mansion built in 1760 beside the monumental passage tombs at Dowth, Knowth and Newgrange. And so, the message I was gifted is how my sovereign power and potential in this world is fueled when I surrender to my fears and follow my intuition. Seal with the words, from my womb to the earth womb may all be rebirthed in love.. Thanks to the fundamental principle on which Celtic magic is based, the ritual not only uses as advantage the energy of the people involved but also the energy of the where you lodge, I will lodge; Blessing is an act of acknowledging the gifts and graces already present and offering gratitude to God for them. For this ritual, its very powerful if at the time of ovulation around two weeks before your menstrual cycle, you envision a dream or wish you have for your life or for our world. The druid or druidess would stand on one leg, one eye closed, arm outstretched, chanting an incantation in one breath at the intended victim. This is the time when her unique, inborn gifts and talents are ripe for recognition and in-depth development. Ancient womb cultures all revered the womb as both the Cosmic Creatrix from where all is birthed as well as a womans individual power center, the place where she can incarnate a soul into the Earth plane, and also where she can manifest her dreams into physical creation through her sexual desire. and ask for the ancient paths, In principle, it is assumed that one can take advantage of moments of climax, the problem is during climax there is a great tendency to become unaware, in other words to practice unconscious sex. This time the creatures were nowhere to be seen, and so I followed the hare. When she arrived onshore, she was greeted by her entire village. Much like facial steams help clear skin, open the pores, release tension, and leave skin feeling supple and revitalized, yoni steams offer cleansing, healing, and revitalizing for the womb, vulva, and vagina (yoni). Christ when I lie down, Christ when I sit down As you unravel deeper layers, continue to release entanglements and reclaim your sovereignty over your birthing powers, your creative potential, your lovers, and your right to consciously choose. Our own societys rites of passage seem superficial in comparison. Often we simply need to create an environment for ourselves that feels safe, and then the emotions can move freely and reveal to us their deeper wisdom and power. You who live in the shelter of the Most High, Gregor explains that, A pair of trowsers hung at the foot of the bed had the same effect (4) for some reason. where the good way lies; and walk in it, As within so without. Giving your blood back to the earth is a powerful way to reaffirm your connection with nature, honoring that you are not separate from her, you come from her, you are her, you are her daughter. 8 Ways to Turn Your Empathy into A Super Power, The Nootka people of Canada had a big party right after a girls first period. If your daughter agrees and is enthusiastic about it, I recommend some kind of planned coming-of-age celebration for her (although some girls wont want this coming-of-age ceremony to have anything to do with menarche). If you have a particular deity you call upon, feel free to change names or attributes around where needed. QUANTUM LOVE Weddings are one of the most important of rituals of Celtic life. The essential ritual in Celtic Weddings is the handfasting ceremony The handfasting ceremony involves 13 ribbons, each with their own symbolic meaning. The hand fasting ritual is a physical bond which unites a man and a woman when getting married. For the past thousand years (and likely millennia before this) rituals have been passed down intergenerationally in Ireland, and hidden in myth and folklore, despite the oppressive force of the Catholic church and multiple foreign invasions. WebBeing raised Catholic, I never understood the rituals and ceremonies in church and all the mayhem around them. However, when working with Sexual Magick, there is no fantasizing over outside influences or erotic situations you would like to experience. (1998). This is because the explosive energies of individuation that are released at puberty require some kind of container in which they can be channeled constructively. whether external or internal, in group or as a coupleWouldnt it be possible to perform Sexual Magick without the need for a ritual? NOW Modern science is now beginning to prove what ancient cultures already knew, that menstrual blood contains healing stem cells that can rejuvenate our energy and heal disease. Always. I was petrified. Then a month after that on October 14th, one day before my husband and I were to leave for our Hawaii trip (which has been planned for a year AND 10/15 happened to be our actual 25th), my father, who had been on Hospice due to renal failure, died. Give thanks to your womb for restoration, healing, and new life. When my older daughter (now sixteen) turned eleven, I started thinking about how we would punctuate her coming of age. Down the passageway and into the burial chamber. In ancient times dreams were respected as signs from God. This might be across a doorway, in moving from one activity to another, or the thresholds of the day, especially at dawn and dusk. As with any kind of magic, your ritual can be quite formal, full of ceremonial trappings or it can be you alone with your partner or you alone, breathing and preparing the vessel to channel the energy throughout your beautiful body. Your womb is an oracle and while menstruating the crimson tides that govern our emotional and creative selves are at their peak. WebDepending on the tradition, ritual tools may be gifted at first menses, such as chalices and cauldrons, which represent the woman's genitals and womb. They are taken from the encyclopedia of Wicca and witchcraft as well as other sources.. Together the girl and her family, including the men, prepare an enormous corn cake, which they cook in an earth oven constructed especially for the occasion. Having grown up in unique circumstances; learning about ancient teachings, alchemy and shamanic rituals, one would say sex magick was part of my education. Share with us in the comments below. Before she committed to this ceremony, the sovereignty goddess often appeared in different forms using her shapeshifting powers to test the worthiness of a prospective king. This practice is rooted in the precarious sense people often have of our own existence. Today, modern womb shamans and tantric practitioners describe accessing altered states of consciousness through love making during times of menstruation, for both the man and the woman. When we bathe beneath the moon and the stars, especially during our moon time, it helps us to reestablish our connection with the night and all of her medicine and magic. WebAs far as is known, the Celts had no temples before the Gallo-Roman period; their ceremonies took place in forest sanctuaries. Everyone, whether lay or clergy, man or woman, was expected to have a spiritual mentor and companion on the souls journey. When Abram was ninety-nine years old, the Lord appeared to Abram, and said to him, I am God Almighty; walk before me, and be blameless. Just as God can speak through the words of the scriptures, so can we hear the voice of the divine in the elements and in creatures. Just as our Earth, the underworld, our feminine mythos, magic, and ancestral rites became barbaric, dirty, sinful, and shameful, so too did our blood, one of our greatest powers to restore and to heal, become a curse filled with taboo. Ritual is a conscious act or performance that transitions us from everyday life into a world of possibility, where the limitations of the everyday can be renegotiated and If it speaks to you and you feel supported and safe, explore receiving your beloved during this time as a powerful act of reclaiming the sacred red river and opening to what deep wisdom your menstrual blood wishes to awaken within you. There is a unique term for this wandering: peregrinatio pro Christo, or the call to wander for the love of Christ. With that said, in Tantra as within Celts; there is a respect to those of a much shy nature, as such a couple is taught and encourage to practiceConscious Sexualityso they may use that energy to heal themselves or asMagickto achieve a particular goal; needless to say both partners got to be at the same wave length, meaning the sameIntention. The enchantment is nothing more than the clear, direct and simple expression of the intention; using words that have great vibratory power,this explains why normally enchantments were cast in native languages such as Celtic Gaulish, Latin, among others. These rituals use the intentional use ofthought frequencyand the forces of nature and the cosmos; which in this particular case, is the energy generated by the sexual act. Celtic pre-Christian culture, dating back to 500 B.C.E., permeated the land, and these beliefs also strongly influenced Celtic spiritual practices. Please use your own discernment when reading the content shared on this website. St. Columba of Iona asked God for three things: virginity, wisdom, and pilgrimage. 05 The next time you make a sigil or servitor, empower it with menstrual blood. How do you honor your moon time each month? I consider this a mermaid ritual, honoring the emotional self, the watery self, the lunar self. I soon realised I had been practising ritual my entire childhood spent going to mass in a Catholic church. One more important thing to point out is Sexual Magick, is not something to practice to try to bring harm to another, usually if that is the intention, the person desiring to cause harm will end up receiving exactly what he or she desired for another; in other words, if you desire harm, ultimately harm will come to you. The Original Celtic Druids disappeared a long time ago, but their practices and beliefs were passed down generation to generation and have been rebuilt for about two and a half centuries. One of the best ways to remember your dreams is to place a journal and pen by your bed at night and then ask God for a dream before sleep. Samhain marked the end of the harvest season, and the beginning of winter. The intention is the engine, the desire, the goal you want to achieve through the magick ritual. A marriage between the king who represented people and culture, and the sovereignty goddess who represented nature and the land. And we will try to imagine what it looks like, TheNOWTeam says: Corrguinecht translates as crane-killing or heron-killing. Let your daughters mood and personality determine what is best. Jeremiah 31:33. Dreams play a significant role in scripture, with guidance and direction often arriving in these night visions. And yet, we live in a world that does not allow much space for the yin. Already. When we climax we release powerful energies which can be directed or channeled to achieve an objective. I find that the enjoyment of my menstrual cycle largely depends on the preparations that precede it. or is it that our subconscious knows there is more to the story? something beautiful and powerful meant to help us transcend when properly used. And so, I decided to take it out of my dreamworld and into my awake time, creating a ritual around it. Cranes were the sacred birds of the druids, kept as royal pets, and revered for their mystical characteristics. How have you been invited to surrender into trust? QUANTUM KEY Crane and heron are the same word corr in Gaeilge. However, many others view handfasting as a ritual of betrothal, part of the Year and a Day custom, so you might see it at either type of ceremony. 6, pages 1217). The wandering saints set forth without destination, often getting into a small boat with no oars or rudder, called a coracle, and trusting themselves to the currents of divine love. You can extend this circle beyond yourself to include your family, your community, your country, and the earth. Instead of trying to get somewhere specific, simply pay attention to the world around you and how God might be speaking to you. You may be surprised by what is still living there. By Kristen J. Sollee. Throughout the ceremony, the girl is expected to take on a new level of responsibility for herself and others. I agree to the Privacy Policy and This is the immense gift, honor, and privilege weve inherited as women at this turning point in humanity. Especially if you have children or live You could also simply bleed freely while swimming naked in the water and recite any blessings or prayers or invocations that come to you. This is when wearing a moon cup is especially helpful as you can just remove your cup directly into the water while swimming, restoring the connection between the womb of Gaia and the womb of your birth. Talk with her about why she does or doesnt want to celebrate, and use this as a chance to pass on your own wisdom about having a female body. It could even be one of the suggested texts in this article. The landscape can become a theophany, or place of divine manifestation. Travelers especially faced dangers at night from thieves or wild animals with only fire and prayer as protection. Where you go, I will go; What many of us may forget in the busyness of our lives and the normalcy of menstruating monthly, is that each time we bleed it is a birth. We all walk at our own pace, for me sexuality is something beautiful, sacred (not in the religious sense of the word) and healing; something to be honored while utilizing it (we honor sexuality by our motivation) not something to be hidden, separated from spirit or demeaned.
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