christian domestic discipline testimonials
Christianity is a great world view for men who know very well they are unwanted by most women. Did you tell him why you were leaving? So without knowing it, the type of extreme feminism you promote is currently working toward its own destruction. Not to mention I find it tremendously sexy and attractive. It really is that good. Our church was non-denominational but was charismatic and evangelical. Because my Jack is taking the lead. Whatever you want. THATS JUST WRONG! I soon found out that he was. Jamin wanted me to take a look at his finger nails because he was said his finger nails were too short to leave any marks. I went ahead and watch that whole video of him on that day and it would have been more in context as to what Pat Robertson was sharing. Finally, Daisy be more Christ-like; keep your nose out of my bedroom. His mother had passed away long ago and his father died shortly after our wedding and I never got to talk to him much. Youre filtering Scriptures not only through your experiences, but also a previous assumption that God approves and condones patriarchy, and you read that back into the Bible. And even then, he was only sarcastic in this verse because he was about to perform a miracle before them (the context is that Elijah challenged them to perform a miracle and they failed, they agreed that they would first perform a miracle and that then Elijah would perform one to see who was serving the true God). Wacky science isnt fooling anyone, even if people are not always able to verbalize it, they feel within themselves that something is wrong and this autism makes them explode at some point.. I felt really sorry for the lady who got punished but I can tell you that she has learned her lesson and at Bible study she listens to our minister now. Anderson told Jamin it was strange and very uncommon, for someone to make a statement about having someone walk into their hand hard enough to leave marks on their throat. Send in your testimonials! ), You said, Dont just say my position is not Biblical, argue it, prove it from scripture, of course.. Biblical Principles Which Determine a WomansWeight, Biblical Principles Which Determine a MansWeight. christian domestic discipline A History of the Corporal Discipline of Women January 11, 2023 In this third and final part of my three-part series on Christian Domestic Discipline, we explore how the practice of domestic discipline continue through the middle-ages and even into America up until the mid-20th century. There are many things practiced all over the globe that would not be suitable for Christians. and going through Judges 4:9 all the way to Eph 5:23 and 1Tim 2:12). No, Im sorry, you are acting heartless. We wish we had known of a site like this when we were starting out our marriage. It isnt called getting hit. The Bible does not support your kink. 23 For the husband is the head of the wife, even as Christ is the head of the church: and he is the saviour of the body. In the 70s went screaming for Radio Talk Show Host to interview abused women in the church; we havent come far have we? (also known as gender complementarianism, biblical womanhood, patriarchy) Some men have apparently abused their authority, therefore any men having authority is bad. It doesnt follow. Cant get strength that will defend them a la Roy Rogers, so you get strength that will slap you around a la Gray or John Wayne in his worse moments. I think I would be OK with that, especially if anonymous. Finally, I would suggest that the fix you are suggesting are the reasons domestic discipline has been making a come back lately and is here to stay. There is plenty of information out there, why dont you do your research instead of spreading intolerance and hatry. If Satan can keep you in the past, he will rob you of your future. Thats it. After we got home, I received the worst spanking I have ever received to this day! However, since it would not be good to, myself, come across as as condescending, I will not do that. Why are saddle-wearing men seen as free agents, capable of free thought, in direction of their own life? We are commanded to submit to them. Christianity is about inspiring free hearts, not forcing them with laws. You people that believe that spanking is abuse you have no comperhesion as to what its like deal with a hellish marriage and the damage on children. I dont know what to do?!? Retha I missed Dark Childs comment. Uh oh. At the very least, the reality is miles away from what you are trying to make it, please do your research. Domestic Discipline and the Bible Although defenders of domestic discipline argue that their lifestyle is biblically-based, many Christian religious leaders disagree. They shift shame, fault and blame to the one who has been wronged. Change). Ben and I were miserable and the pastor at his church was no help, so we went to the pastor of my old church and he and his wife were very helpful in instructing us in proper CDD. Does anyone have advice? Anonymous,, 13. You all seem to be very sincere people, but you also seem to be very dangerous ones, because you have decided to be driven by ideology and intolerance. What youre asking for is a form Benevolent Sexism. I was home-schooled and was raised to not even think about college. Just about to board the 2nd leg of my flight to Chicago. It is insidious that this practice has continued in the name of God and Christianity. Well, thats their altar. Certain things like really bad attitude, yelling at anyone in the house, throwing a fit when mad, or being disrespectful (especially in front of others) will all add up to a bad whippin after a while. Yet you call yourself a child. Watts' first-hand experience of Fundamentalist Christian male dominance is pretty sobering. I personally do not support enforcing religious views by law because I believe in God-given freewill. James truly believed in If nothing else, take that away with you. General: Dont like scripture when it disagrees with your prejudices, you guys, do you? I cannot begin to identify with you in your suffering. They then work out a document, a 30-page document describing every aspect of the relationship (the superior/inferior nature and all its practical implications, when and how spanking is to be performed, what the man can and cannot do, what the woman can and cannot do etc). There you will get a bit more info why I believe this is biblical. I dont think a Husband has the right to ask his wife to sin.But we are not given the wisdom God gives our husband they are superior to us, we are inferior my Minister teaches us this in our Wives and young girls Bible class Bible class. Really? And make no mistake about it, any husband, pastor or other supposed Christian who claims the right to exercise coercive authority over another, excepting only to counter evil, is an abuser. Why cant we just boldly say spankings is always abusive, because hitting people is abusive? Deborah cursed Barak for not taking his proper male role, and the Apostle Paul, knowing all about Junia, still says a woman may not usurp authority over a man. I dont know how wide-spread the practice was, but I remember my parents had no problem threatening me with discipline where other people from our church were within earshot and dont remember ever hearing any kind of shock or outrage from anyone else. Christian Domestic Discipline, wife spanking, Christian Patriarchy Movement, Spanking of Adult Children, Denominational Practices and teachings Two summers ago, I received a phone call from a pastor who shared his growing concern about wife-spanking in his family of churches. I remember being mortified our wedding night and wanted to find something sexy that would make me feel good (and I thought he would like, too). For your prescription is to amputate all arms because some hands could possibly get infected at some point in the future. The wife-beater will remember our image before he raises his hand to punch his wife, not after he is jailed. But over it all was always this sense of control and he was the man. My wedding vows included a vow to obey and he would often remind me that God commanded wives to submit and obey their husbands as they were supposed to do towards Christ. It never occurred to me to suppose that 100pinkapples might not be a Christian. And I also do not agree with her getting spanked in front of others. The ones who claim they enjoy it have psychological issues, but its not due to wanting to be abused that is sick. Now ( standard marriage) she refused to wash the until tomorrow as a result of this and her attitude the marriage is over. and going through Judges 4:9 all the way to Eph 5:23 and 1Tim 2:12). Advocating for women being in leadership is asking for equality and for what the Bible teaches; that is not feminism.. Men ruling over women was a result of the fall, of sin entering humanity it was never Gods intent. Many people even literally proceed in the manner I have just described. They have since been removed from YouTube. As for other men, besides the father to spank her, that isnt right. Unless the woman is locked in a basement like something on an episode of CSI Special Victims Unit, she is there by choice. I have traveled to Africa, Asia, and many parts of the world. Never, dear Julie Anne, not for one second, did I imagine you would have the remotest understanding let alone any empathy for what I was trying to express. Like when my HOH was contemplating experimenting with our maintenance schedule. God told the Israelites to pass laws and enforce them. [redacted] never told anyone at that time, and there is no photographic evidence of the bruises or any witnesses. And they have no right to it. Cooler heads prevail and your words are so helpful, not just for A Lone Voice, but to anyone else who may stumble across this old thread. If accusations of anger are routinely hurled as thought stoppers by Christian tyrants everywhere, just think how effective wolf must think it will have been to accuse you of rage. I guess I fail to see how the one couple in the galaxy that can carry this on consensually should override the millions of women that are in domestically violent relationships. But having said all that, you have something practical, but difficult, which you must do. Oh, come on, JA; Daisy of course speaks for all of us, which is why Daisy debates many of us, I believe myself included. For instance, those who practice domestic discipline often cite scripture that calls for wives to submit to their husbands. The one thing that surprised me was how happy all the married couples were. I do not and will not oblige him in his depravity. He demanded that his wife call him sir.. Bike Bubba, when your wife dresses as a french maid, you still see her, albeit as a french maid, and not Kim Kardashian or some other woman (and I really fear for your taste as well Kim Kardashian of all people). Male headship is followed all over the world. 15 reasons why Christian domestic discipline is a terrible, anti-Christian idea | Biblical Personhood,, His wife helps with the teaching too. These abused wivesare treated as children or objects to be owned. Do not expect her to be silent through this experience though. In a certain sense, your intolerance will only amplify the problem and at some point people will throw the baby with the water even though not everything you say about the need to protect vulnerable people generally speaking is off the mark (in my opinion). As far as I can see, no one in this conversation is opposed to the Bible or its teachings, but to your interpretation of them. Its not called beatings or abuse, which is what it is. Careful, Julie Anne, true alpha females dont go over the top. She really messed up questioning her husbands leadership, our Minister said at Bible study that this had to mean a good spanking or other wives might think they had the right to do this, Ben says that all women need to learn to be humble in the presence of their leaders, and good wives are examples of how God wants us to behave, even when we have to be punished. This is not some sort of dark movement where people are held in chains in basements. Let me start at the beginning. Previously I have shown Domestic Discipline to be both a Biblical concept as well as a historical practice amongst husbands for thousands of years on my Instagram page @biblicalsexandiscipline and on my blog as well as podcasts series on To say that I consented to be spanked, or to say that even an adult woman consents to being spanked simply because she remains in that situation is to make a mockery of the word consent. In other words, they basically say, you may be in pain, and you may have been wronged, but F___ you. All you have to do is go along with it. Kirsten,, 2. Are you insisting that your reading of these passages is the only possible correct one? And I expect I was twisting or misinterpreting scripture with the Mark 11 quote, wasnt I? Men who push the defend women because women are little delicate flowers view rarely to never actually defend women. Yes, many Muslims and Hindus follow male headship. These women are most of the time mature, mentally strong and educated. Regarding your link, Id actually view the success of 50 shades as a consequence of so many women not having an example of real masculinity in their lifeso they go for the fake, which is Christian Gray or whoever. (ShhGod is referred to as an Ezer in the OT), But if one has a spiritual male head then I would have to assume they need the qualifying phallic guidance for such things. Thats too much? Sis has been married 3 times already, and bro is still married, but is miserable as his wife treats him the same as mom treats dad. How boring. The safety plan needs to be reviewed and modified whenever the situation changes e.g. You are going to have to move to a place of forgiveness.. So the real question is, do you want to be shortsighted, or do you want to position the cause your serve in a way that will allow it to pass the test of time. Its the word of God: 5 But if her father forbids her when he hears about it, none of her vows or the pledges by which she obligated herself will stand; the Lord will release her because her father has forbidden her. So husbands are not unilaterally to refuse conjugal relations to the wives, nor vice versa. I know some of each do as a weapon. The article I linked to at 4:14 PM distinguishes between unforgiveness and grieving. When I got married my husband didnt believe in spanking me and this allowed to me act out and disrespect him This went on for about a year but one-day I got home late from shopping long after I should have made dinner for my husband to find my dad waiting for me with a strap in his hand. Youre the one admitting on a public blog that you like to be spanked. For better or worse, most states had laws restricting what was allowable between husband and wife in the bedroom. He may try using a different name, or he may try some other such subterfuge, but he WILL be back. Tell him to clear off out of your life. As believers, we arent allowed to dictate to people outside the faith how they should live their lives, or deal with their suffering. Have a great day. Do you care if it hurts women and little girls? No wife who has ever been spanked by her husband submitted out of fear? As a matter of fact, I get yelled at on occasion by homosexual marriage supporters on other sites for politely stating I disagree with how homosexual marriage supporters bully those they disagree with over the homosexual marriage topic.). I shall expect some racist comments. How does a husband exert authority over a woman? You have decided that you are better than everybody, however humility and open-mindness are the beginning of knowledge. But to broaden that out and say that no woman should ever be spanked tramples on individual conscience. God made us women to serve and obey our husbands because he knows they needed help mates. The professionals are the ones to turn to. And I was told that since I was acting immaturely, this was the consequence. campaign, Christian Domestic Discipline/Loving Wife Spanking in a Christian Marriage is not satire -- and I just can't get it out of my head. But unlike the "Cry U.S.E." Please go and speak to a pastor in a completely different church from the one they were in (I should recommend a sister in a Pentecostal church, but thats just my personal suggestion). When I got older and was being bullied or harassed by other men or women, you know who defended me? How do you feel about men that have a fetish to be demeaned and abused in the bedroom by women? . The size difference between you and he is considerable and would be very threatening. Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. Its quite amazing that she had the strength to leave. But for her husband, and possibly her father, if that is what him and her husband agree on, then I dont think it is wrong. Jesus said to the Pharisees, That is inappropriate and now you are now in the doghouse. A lot of people, especially women who have been sexually abused by self professing Christian men or abused by a husband, are rejecting Christianity because of your sexist, un-biblical views. Did you meet your ex-husband at church or was he from outside the church? Is it a Sin for a Christian Not to Live a HealthyLifestyle. Im sure youd find plenty of support in those cultures. I can see from your posts that you have major issues with men, but please dont filter the Bible through your own experiences. Oh boy, here we go. I want any other women reading this to know that your (Lone Voices) position is NOT biblical, and God created women to lead and teach men if he gifted them in those areas, and God created women to be equals with men in marriage. The first thing we were told was a regularly scheduled spanking, and maintenance spanking, was needed, and it should be daily in the beginning. WebThen I went to college and met my husband James, and became a Christian. Our marriage is energized. 13 For Adam was first formed, then Eve. These three core values are essential: Communication, Consent, & Compassion. I suggest that there is no sin in anger born of grief. He began by making a case for many years. Hes not a victim, hes a kinky dude with odd underwear. I would find that approach must less objectionable. You go to great lengths to make it a mental sickness and an abuse which it isnt. Pat Robertson talks about moving to Saudi Arabia, so that makes me want to tell Lauren to move to Canada. [redacted], and his wife, [redacted], were in the room while I was talking with [redacted]. Since then, the most common search term whichbrings people to the blog iswife spanking. Some of the search phrases make me want to vomit. Er . Classical Conversations #7: Business or a Non-Profit; Cult or a Christian HomeschoolGroup? From what you describe, it sounds like he had a sense of entitlement over you you were an object to be owned rather than a cherished wife to be treasured and loved. You went from your father as protector/provider/authority to your husband as protector/provider/authority. While he never threatened my life physically and I still think he would never have that in him, the fact is that the abuse did threaten my life in terms of making me feel very alone and afraid not very good inside. Its important to note that Lauren was spanked as a child through adulthood. Im a happy happy wife! Anonymous, experience, 12. Those who advocate domestic discipline do so on the basis of several passages taken out of context and wildly interpreted. I WASNT SCARED!!!! So what you hear from a survivor in one State or one County or one Country, may not necessarily apply in your friends case. your general philosophies do not do much to help relationships work as is evidenced by the disfunctional state of marriages. They want to give. I debated putting this in the Godly ladies' thread but decided that I would risk my reputation to be thought of as forward because this is just too good to keep from men. Jesus, gracious and merciful savior, the one who didnt punish me for my sins, but sacrificed yourself on a cross so that I could be forgiven before your just and holy father, in whose name I love and cherish my dear wife and sister in Christ, please help me as I beat her black and blue for disrespecting me!! He was seeking my input when I offered that this was his decision to make and I would just have to deal with it, and that he should just do what he thinks is best. How did you finally put it all together that wife spanking was wrong? At first Ben was not consistent, and didnt spank me nearly hard enough. But God does miracles and he can deal with your pain, as bad as it is. Most of these husbands never believed their wives would ever accept CDD, but today the majority of their wives do. The church needs to know this is going on. A question to everyone here: If a man treats his sex partner as a child he should discipline, does that make him a quasi-paedophile? Pastor then took over and showed Ben that I wouldnt break if I was spanked properly, and I got my first real spanking of my life. Daisy, just where in the Gospels did Christ say, I say Genesis 3:16 is not to be followed any more? You write as though no woman in the Bible had any learning. And the thought of a Pentecostal being in to kinky, spanking fetishes is hilarious. It took a long time for me to have the strength to leave him. No, no previous assumptions, just submitting to the plain word of God will do for me. I dont consider Christian mutuality to be the same thing as feminism, though there may some Christian women in the egalitarian community who are fine using the word feminism for themselves. One of our problems was that Ben wanted to go to his church, where they didnt believe in CDD, so we had no support system, but my pastor told me that I had to be submissive and that God would work all out in the end. 50 SHADES OF GREY AND PATRIARCHY: WHAT EXACTLY DID WE EXPECT? But he is a wonderful, loving husband and father, a great provider and well, being in charge just suits him. BeenThereDoneThat: Ive heard that put-down of those who quote scripture before. No this isnt the argument at all. I disagree with secular feminists on most topics and am not politically correct., (Speaking of being Un-Politically Correct: Sometimes, he will seek my input about rules or behavior standards. We have a page for cybersafety in our Resources section too. Feminism and egalitarianism everywhere-everytime are very new concepts. Church youth group leaders would tell young ladies that modest is hottest and make it clear that exposing any kind of skin somehow made a woman loose or of a certain kind. My parents had total veto power over what I could wear. Instead, they wanted to know what I had done wrong to need to be punished and felt that I had abandoned my wedding vows when I left him. It is not a defense of Domestic Discipline. JULY 1, 2015 @ 8:50 AM This 3. There is no longer a power struggle between two people who both want to be in charge. It is a confession of our dependence on one another and an acceptance of our natural roles.Do you submit to the wishes of your boss? Im an adult who is in control of her own life. WebBDSM provides a helpful framework for communication and safe, consensual exploration. He thinks this makes me more submissive, and thus more available to learn from Gods word. I write about marital discipline in a Christian home at my website There is a great website written by a former feminist who now lives this life with her husband, as well as their daughters with their husbands. Even if I were to make a pledge, my father would have nothing to do with it. I got a terrible strapping, my behind was on fire when my husband put me in the corner. No, you didnt misinterpret Mark 11, but I suspect you misapplied it. It was not like he was drunk and beating me with his fists. 10 Things Every Christian Husband MustUnlearn, Give Your Husband the Gift He Actually Wants forChristmas. Just 3% of those (thats 0.1% of Americans) went to Africa and Eastern Europe isnt even mentioned:, Gary W: It is not because you happen to discover it now that it is new thing. Its perverse secular culture which advocates and promoted S&M kinky bedroom games not the Bible. But it gets even worse. Jennifer, I moved your comment to a new post so more people could see it and respond. Yup, just like the playground bully. (1 Cor 7:4), the husband does not have authority over his own body, but the wife does. My husband tells me all the time how proud he is of the woman I have become. Muslims and Hindus follow male headship. Were they surprised by it? Nor, based on his presentation here, did it ever occur to me to just assume that Lone Voice is a Christian. the problem with domestic discipline, as with teacher/student sexual assault is that it is improbable that there was true consent. In Laurens situation, she described her husband as calm and never in anger, yet he referred to her in demeaning terms, little girl, as a father would say to a child. Example please? I grew up in a home that practiced CDD, my mom was no stranger to dads strap that he kept on a hook is his study. to conduct what is know as Risk Assessment and from there, in conjuction with the victim, develop a personalised safety plan. Thanks, Gary. Its heartbreaking to read your accounts both here and elsewhere and if you were not in a rage it would be nothing short of miraculous. So dont quote the half of a verse which you like, miss out the half you dont and then accuse me of distorting verses when all I did was quote them! But just like a chocolate addict will eat carob in moments of dire necessity. (LogOut/ You should address your own problems before aspiring to protect people against themselves. I am sorry, but that is beyond distasteful. He was so different than the other Christians I had met, many of whom tormented my Jewish best friend and my completely secular family. I think youd be surprised at how educated these people are. None of the firearms are locked up. This perception betrays the fact that you are hating what you do not even understand. If he is afraid, he can call the cops. We need to consider the importance of thecorrelation ofspanking of children through adulthoodand also the transfer of headshipfrom father to new husband when a young lady gets married. Finding resolve amidst the dissonance of "churchianity". None of us ever dared. I offer personal advice and mentorship in marriage to men or women who contact me. Since then our relationship has grown into the most beautiful and wonderful one that I could ever imagine. christian domestic discipline A History of the Corporal Discipline of Women January 11, 2023 In this third and final part of my three-part series on Christian Domestic Discipline, we explore how the practice of domestic discipline continue through the middle-ages and even into America up until the mid-20th century. If you are currently living (or have lived) the Christian Domestic Discipline lifestyle and you would like to share how it has helped your marriage or relationship, please email your story and mention that you wish to share your experiences with other people. That jerk exploited me financially and was a self absorbed loser who took no interest in me or my career: he made the entire relationship about him and getting his needs met and didnt care about meeting my needs. Just 3% of those (thats 0.1% of Americans) went to Africa and Eastern Europe isnt even mentioned:. Im issuing a trigger warning for this subject. There is a judge and there is a criminal, the judge proclaims a sentence against the criminal which is carried out. When it comes to twisting, and even mistranslating, Scripture it is amazing how [s]ome people believe with great fervor preposterous things that just happen to coincide with their self-interest. Coleman v. CIR (791 F.2d 68 at 69 (7th Cir. My daughters and I attend Sunday school that our pastor does for all the women who get spanked when they are bad. States have laws restricting consent to marry a person who is already married. And lastly the women whose fathers are not involved in these domestic discipline Lifestyles for your father to applaud your husband for laying his hands on you thats not normal none of this is normal.
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