colt police positive 38 ammo for sale
Winners must respond within 30 days of receiving notification or an alternate winner will be selected. Despite the guns name, the New Model was a revolver and was chambered for .22, .32 Long and .38 S&W rounds. If the gun is chambered in 32 Colt, a 32 S&W will not go in the hole. Do not contact us and ask to change an order youve already placed. The .38 S&W is also known as .380 Rim, .38 New Police, Belgian 9mm Revolver, and .38 S&W Corto. Please sit tight. Thank you! Pre-Owned. These S&W .38 Top-Breaks are more than 125 years old, however they still And the third was a stainless-steel variant called the Detective Special II, or D-SII, manufactured from 1997 to about 1999. North Dakota Game & Fish Department, State Agency: Buffalo Bore ammo is stated to be loaded to SAMMI specs and should not harm your gun. The end of the war did not dampen sales of the M&P. To protect the privacy and security of winners, names will not be made public. The second, made in 1993, featured a barrel shroud and neoprene grips. Learn how your comment data is processed. The M1917 Revolvers were six-shot, .45 ACP, large frame revolvers adopted by the United States Military in 1917, to supplement the standard M1911 pistol during World War I. I figured the Winchester stuff would be a pretty close approximation of most pre-war service loads, while the Black Hills stuff would be a good bet for demonstrating the little Colts accuracy potential. To protect the privacy and security of winners, names will not be made public. The 1908 Sears Roebuck catalog lists it at $14. The Battle of the Little Bighorn still captures our attention almost 150 years later. Factory warranties may apply in some cases. Rating (s) (1) Notify. The firearms manufacturer made substantial changes to the weapon, which included major modifications to the internal lockwork, and a locking mechanism designed to engage the free-standing ejector rod. If the shop does not have any 32 S&W or 32 S&W Long, these three cartridges can be used to check for size. But dropping back to 2.5 grains is a more reasonable for these older sixguns 650 fps. Associated taxes and fees are the responsibility of winners. President Garfield never lost consciousness and was able to walk away from the train station where he had been shot, but he was killed by infection of his wounds eighty days later. Sometimes the tree falls pretty far from the apple, I guess. Winners must respond within 30 days of receiving notification or an alternate winner will be selected. Associated taxes and fees will be the responsibility of the winner. The first issue was manufactured from 1926 to 1972 and is quite collectible. Winners must respond within 30 days of receiving notification or an alternate winner will be selected. I will not shoot reloads or modified ammo through this handgun, only factory. In fact, they rave about it. Prizes will not be awarded if illegal in jurisdiction of winner(s). A popular cartridge for handguns in its time, the .38 S&W was used most notably by the British military, where it was called .38/200 ammo. Contest void where prohibited by law. Yet another stainless variant, the Magnum Carry, was introduced in 1998 and was chambered in .357 Magnum. The idea was simple. Factory warranties may apply in some cases. But theres another .38, a contemporary of the .38 Long Colt. Ordinary shooting condition, means ANY revolver that is in condition to fire any factory made, 38 S&W ammo, without malfunction. These are all nice guns, but really, now. This round is. Soldiers preferred it because it was highly reliable and accurate. Just prior to this I came up with two .38 S&W sixguns, a 4 Colt Police Positive and a 2 Colt Bankers Special. My biggest concern is that things will worsen yet more, for a while. Prizes will not be awarded if illegal in jurisdiction of winner(s). Contest open to U.S. residents only. Associated taxes and fees will be the responsibility of the winner. Not for nothing was the revolver called an 'equalizer. This post describes a collector-grade Colt Police Positive revolver, First Issue, Caliber .38 Colt New Police. My ammo menu for checking our Police Positive Specials range performance was somewhat limited. Box 488, Escondido, CA 92033. The order earned the Hand Ejector Model the moniker of the .38 Military and Police Model. Mail-in entries accepted; send postcards (no envelopes) to: GUNS Magazine, GOM June 2023, PO Box 488, Escondido, CA 92033. Deployed military should use stateside address. VINTAGE REMINGTON .32 COLT POLICE POSITIVE SMOKELESS CARTRIDGE AMMO BOX. The result is a lethal cartridge that brings new usefulness to these old pistols. Chrono'ed a 5-shot string at 990 fps from my 4" S&W Mod. These older cartridges seem to have more power than the regular 38 S&W shells made today by Remington or Winchester. Hollow Base Wad Cutter(HBWC) is cheap and very accurate with 1.8 gr. $1,699.00. Happy to say these fit the bill. Ammunition must ship UPS ground. Gun #: 954405348. The Police Positive was very popular, and it and a short-barreled version called the Detective Special remained in production until the 1980s. .38 SF-VI: This was basically a stainless-steel Detective Special chambered in .38 Special with a modern transfer-bar safety and a 2- or 4-inch barrel. Eventually the U.S. Cavalry would give the .38 S&W field trials, and it was officially adopted as a service cartridge by Great Britain, most of her former colonies, and Israel during its war for independence. I have less, much less money invested in these five historical sixguns than many have spent on just one black rifle. In 1908 Colt introduced the Police Positive revolver chambered for the ".38 Colt Special," which was nothing more than the .38 S&W Special cartridge with a different headstamp. For the .38 S&W Top-Breaks I stick with black powder or a black powder equivalent. bullets respectively, for many decades. Hottest .38S&W ammo available. Hard Cast FN @ 1,000 fps 20 Round Box ITEM 20.5A After countless customer requests for ammunition that will make the 38 S&W cartridges lethal to humans, Buffalo Bore is delivering. I will give a three day inspection period, can ship to a C&R or FFL holder, shipping is 50.00. (III) Giveaway winner(s) chosen by random drawing. Alphonse Gabriel Capone was a Chicago businessman and notorious gangster who became famous during the Prohibition era, and was the co-founder of the Chicago Outfit, a mafia organization. Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency, State Agency: was almost on a par with the Winchester 158s. Oswald shot Officer Tippit four times at point-blank range. Judging from the frequency with which I find Police Positives on the used-gun market, Colt must have made a billion of them. Last week on gunbroker I found 3 full boxes of 38 Colt New Police ammo for sale. At the time, the .38 S&W round, a 200 grain lead bullet (.38/200 or the .38 Super Police), was popular among the U.S. military as well as civilians. Heres a bit of the accompanying copy: Has a splendid grip, smooth working action, blued steel finish with fancy rubber handle, but may be fitted a pearl handle It is the revolver which is adopted by police departments of New York and other large cities.. 38 Colt New Police also is correct but has not been produced in 40 years. Nice old Colt that lock up tight. Maximum firepower ammo. Whatever long-ago Colt craftsman regulated these sights knew what he was doing. As a result, Smith & Wesson made a modification and began offering the M&P with a new chambering, the .38 S&W Special. Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation, State Agency: All shooters are being inconvenienced with what is happening to our society and the rush it is causing on ammo supplies. Lets be serious. The first issue of the Police Positive was manufactured from 1907 to 1927. (II) Limit one entry per household. Oregon Department of Fish & Wildlife, State Agency: Manufacturer: COLT Model: OLD MODEL DETECTIVE SPECIAL, POLICE POSITIVE SPECIAL Product #: 1970900 $193.35 Add to Cart Add to My Saved Parts Eligible for FREE shipping * Barrel, .38 Spec, 2", Nickel Manufacturer: COLT Model: POLICE POSITIVE SPECIAL, OLD MODEL DETECTIVE SPECIAL Product #: 1185870 $76.17 Add to Cart Add to My Saved Parts About 25 years before Colt brought the curtain down on the Police Positive Special 1969 to be exact it was listed at $93.50 (blued). (IV) Winners must undergo a background check (if needed) and comply with all other federal, state and local laws. No ammo is tamper proof! It was imperative to find a substitute that would be equally effective, but wouldnt sacrifice the accuracy necessary in battle. If our web site allows you to order any item, that means it is in stockWE DO NOT TAKE ORDERS FOR ITEMS WE DO NOT HAVE! Like the previous model, barrels could be purchased in 4-inch, 5-inch, 6-inch, and 6.5-inch lengths. No purchase necessary. The Smith & Wesson Model 10 came into existence in 1899. 38 S&W or (38 COLT NEW POLICE) 125 gr. (I) Giveaway ends July 31, 2023. Felt like a .380 ACP round and accurate . Description. Colt liked to talk up the accuracy of the Police Positive and emphasized that its cylinder rotated toward the frame, unlike the revolvers of a certain Springfield, Mass., gunmaker, whose cylinders rotated away from the frame. No purchase necessary. Note: This information comes from the manufacturer and is for informational purposes only. Associated taxes and fees will be the responsibility of the winner. Have a competent gunsmith check your revolver for ordinary shooting condition if you have doubts, as many of these revolvers are very old and some imports were made of questionable quality as manufacturing techniques and materials were not advanced one hundred+ years ago. Colt police positive target double action revolver .22 long rifle, 6" barrel, in really good condition s/n: 36763 Please call (530) 768-1111 for information or to purchase. I'm really glad someone makes a serious round for this efficient little cartridge. The fps is notably higher with the BB ammo, won't this cause damage? Nonetheless, it is a solid, accurate and. Contest void where prohibited by law. Manufacturer: Colt Condition: NRA Excellent (Modern Gun Standards) Caliber: .38 Spl. Police Positive - For Sale :: Shop Online :: . The firearm remained in use by the Air National Guard throughout Operation Desert Storm in 1991, and with U.S. Navy security teams until 1995. Employees and agents of Publishers Development Corp. are not eligible. Once, I left it in my car at a gun show along with half a bag of cold White Castle sliders. Contest open to U.S. residents only. It will have been one year on June 23 since the U.S. Supreme Court handed down its landmark ruling in New York State Rifle & Pistol Association v. Bruen and Have you ever stopped to consider the self-defense challenges of dealing with somebody who isn't wearing clothes but, Connecticut Department of Energy & Environmental Protection, Kansas Department of Wildlife, Parks & Tourism, Massachusetts Division of Fisheries & Wildlife, Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation, Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources, West Virginia Division of Natural Resources, Virginia Department of Wildlife Resources, South Carolina Department of Natural Resources, Rhode Island Department of Fish & Wildlife, North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission, New York Department of Environmental Conservation, Mississippi Deptartment of Wildlife, Fisheries & Parks, Minnesota Deptartment of Natural Resources, Michigan Deptartment of Natural Resources, Maine Department of Inland Fisheries & Wildlife, Louisiana Department of Wildlife & Fisheries, Kentucky Department of Fish & Wildlife Resources, Hawaii Department of Land & Natural Resources, Florida Fish & Wildlife Conservation Commission, Alabama Department of Conservation & Natural Resources. I've been shot." The duplicitous practice of using extra-long laboratory barrels to develop published velocities is deceptive to the customer. Factory warranties may apply in some cases. And with so many guns chambered for this cartridge, its hard to imagine that it will ever disappear off the market. Yet today, the Police Positive isnt remembered for the gun that it was but rather for the guns it inspired. Colt made minor adjustments to avoid crediting S&W with the round. The .357 Magnum and .44 Magnum filled a niche at the right time. This is a hot load in which I would feel completely confident with in the event of a break-in. If you have a question about an item, please call or e-mail for more information before placing your order. This ammunition is safe to use in ANY solid frame revolver that is in ordinary shooting condition. NONE OF THESE are the correct cartridge. Also, ballistics can vary from lot to lot with the same brand and type load. Eight major concealed carry insurance programs are now available to the millions of Americans who carry concealed. All entries must be received by giveaway end date. Mike W.Thank you for the prompt service. Ammo 9mm 6.5 Creedmoor.223 Rem 5.56x45mm . All entries must be received by giveaway end date. Excellent crack free black grips, mint bore. (III) Giveaway winner(s) chosen by random drawing. Despite the popularity of semi-automatic pistols, revolvers remained the weapon of choice, because of their reliability and the fact that they were easier and faster to reload. Get the best deals for colt police positive box at The second issue ran from 1928 until 1947. $650 .Click for more info. After World War I the British Government had determined that the .38 caliber sidearm was a better choice than the .45 due to its reduced recoil. 3,015 Location South Shore, MA Jan 7, 2016 #1/21 First of the new year; a 1921 Colt Police Positive. Hello all, first time posting! Mail-in entries accepted; send postcards (no envelopes) to: American Handgunner Magazine, GOM DIY 2022, P.O. Both these models feature heavy frames and robust latches that resist deformation. Used in Iver Johnson cadet, only giving 4 stars due to packaging is clumsy and hard to get rounds out of box. Best ammunition for pistols and handguns for sale. The second, made from 1973 to 1986, had a shrouded extractor and ramp front sight. Buffalo Bore. Massachusetts Division of Fisheries & Wildlife, State Agency: Here are the collectible offspring of the decidedly noncollected Colt Police Positive. Mail-in entries accepted; send postcards (no envelopes) to: GUNS Magazine, GOM Surplus 2023, P.O. A forum community dedicated to Colt firearm owners and enthusiasts. However, with a lighter bullet like a 125gr., you will find that your gun will be printing low to the point of aim by about 6 inches at 10 yds. Modifications included a heavier frame and a serrated top strap designed to reduce sight glare. Iver Johnson was a motorcycle and bicycle manufacturer from 1871 to 1993. Prizes will not be awarded if illegal in jurisdiction of winners. You have entered an incorrect email address! Large numbers of the M&P revolver were issued throughout World War I. The use of jacketed expanding ammunition in this weak cartridge would be a mistake as even if you could get a jacketed bullet to expand at these velocities, doing so would limit penetration significantly enough that the bullet would certainly under-penetrate and as a result would likely not be deadly to humans. Winners will be notified by certified mail on official letterhead. The gun's instant success spawned many imitators, and manufacturers throughout Europe began to produce firearms chambered for the .38 S&W round. Normally, the word Colt is pure magic to collectors. From what I can tell, it's the .38 S&W (Colt New Police?). JavaScript seems to be disabled in your browser. There are no products matching the selection. I think this is an 'original' .38 and takes the .38 Colt Short ammo. All of them said thanks but no thanks. Alaska Department of Fish & Game, State Agency: GI#: 102276436. (I) Giveaway ends June 30, 2023. It was manufactured from 1905 to 1941. Encountering this revolver in the handgun case of a local gun shop was totally unexpected. 5 stars. Contest open to U.S. residents only. President Garfield died on September 19, 1881. Associated taxes and fees are the responsibility of winners. It is a Colt Police Positive, First Issue, in caliber .38, that is, .38 Colt New Police, which is Colt's name for the identical One of the reasons 38 S&W is loaded on the lower end of power is because of the many top break revolvers chambered for it. Winners will be notified by certified mail on official letterhead. Mail-in entries accepted; send postcards (no envelopes) to: American Handgunner Magazine, GOM Concealed Carry 2023, P.O. Hopefully, we can serve you all. Maine Department of Inland Fisheries & Wildlife, State Agency: Ordering and delivery went smoothly. Associated taxes and fees are the responsibility of winners. while Colts preeminent duty revolver, the .41-Frame Official Police weighs in at 38 oz. Ruger Revolvers and 45 Colt +P Ammunition, HEAVY 10MM OUTDOORSMAN Handgun Ammunition, Heavy .38 Special +P Pistol and Handgun Ammo. The best shooting one, though, is a well-worn example and it appears to have been used extensively. I recently inherited Colt Police Positive .38 (SN #335***) from my grandpa. Also, hard cast bullets are more slick than jacketed bullets and hence generate more velocity at less pressure than comparable jacketed bullets. The collectibility of the Police Positives descendants proves, however, what a sound design the old-timer really was. OEM Colt Police Positive 38 . Contest void where prohibited by law. Since this is pretty much a standard load for .38 Specials I dont want to go this high, and instead my top load is 3.0 grains. Employees and agents of Publishers Development Corp. are not eligible. These pistols, sometimes called Lemon Squeezers, were popular for concealed carry, pest control, and plinking. With every purchase, donates to an organization that shares our values. The gun is scarce, and it was only made from 1955 to 1956. One of the visible cues differentiating it from earlier versions was a shrouded ejector rod. Giveaway prizes may have evidence of being test fired or exhibit minor handling marks. The M&P was renamed as the Model 10. Full Details More from this Seller. Attention!You must be 18 or older to order ammunition. Swing out cylinder with ejector rod. No substitutions or transfers to third parties allowed. (III) Giveaway winner(s) chosen by random drawing. It might partially explain S&Ws eventual dominance in the LE market. Texas Parks & Wildlife Department, State Agency: The Police Positives virtues are many: Its rugged, stylish and just about foolproof. It is our mission to deliver your ammunition quickly at a great price all while helping to support those who protect our freedoms to do so. Manufactured: 1923 Value: $400-$450 Despite its renown for producing some of the first and best. RNFP Cowboy ammo clocked a hair under 800 fps from our century-old PPS. We have utilized flash suppressed powder so the shooter will not be blinded by his/her own gunfire in low light situations and this can be an important advantage as the criminal element and wildlife are much more active in the darkness. I acquired a Colt Bankers Special a few months ago but noticed it was not easy to find ammo or empty brass in my area. No purchase necessary. (II) Limit one (1) entry per household; multiple entries will disqualify entrants. They eventually became known as the Smith & Wesson Victory Model. I ordered a set of Lee carbide reloading dies for the .38 S&W and found them to be quite similar to other dies I had as the sizing die is marked .38 Auto; so this older .38 S&W uses the same sizing die as the .38 Super. The .38 New Police was just Colt's proprietary name for the .38 S&W, and originally loaded with a flat-nosed bullet. South Dakota Game, Fish & Parks, State Agency: Police Positive Target: This was a .32- or .22-caliber version of the Police Positive with a 6-inch barrel and adjustable front and rear sights. Paul S.Everything as ordered, showed up as promised I will use again, thank you!. By comparison, the larger blued Official Police was going for $110, while the also-heftier competition Model 10 was bringing S&W a somewhat friendlier $76.50. Prizes will not be awarded if illegal in jurisdiction of winners. Normally Im the first guy to piss and moan about tiny, fixed U-notch-rear/blade-front vintage sighting arrangements like this one, but Im gonna keep my mouth shut here good bifocals and a nice group or three will do that! We have LOTS of ammo in stock and are making more at a huge volume on a daily basis. The Police Positives name sprang from its positive that is, foolproof internal hammer-block safety, a feature that had been conspicuously absent from its predecessor. I found the website easy to navigate. 1 Image (s) I once had a 4-inch Police Positive .38 I could not give away. The first issue of the Police Positive was manufactured from 1907 to 1927. The late Dan Shideler was a senior editor for Gun Digest Books from 2004 until 2011, best known for his entertaining prose and knowledge and insight into firearms history, trends and pricing. This mid-60s specimen sports the relatively rare 3" barrel plus the signature rounded grips. It wasnt a dog, either, but a nice 80 percent specimen from 1923. Winners must respond within 30 days of receiving notification or an alternate winner will be selected. If you are able to find ammo and discover you like shooting the revolver you may have to reconsider you position on reloading. While Democrat Washington Gov. The revolver featured Colt's standard hard rubber grips. With this old S&W from the 1880s, muzzle velocity is right at 600 fps and at seven yards will put all five shots into 1. Winners must respond within 30 days of receiving notification or an alternate winner will be selected. To protect the privacy and security of winners, names will not be made public. Winners will be notified by certified mail on official letterhead. I just wish they were cheaper. Prizes will not be awarded if illegal in jurisdiction of winner(s). Mail-in entries accepted; send postcards (no envelopes) to: GUNS Magazine, GOM April 2023, P.O. Malones gun has been a part of the Follow the Money exhibit at The Mob Museum, the National Museum of Organized Crime and Law Enforcement in Las Vegas. No substitutions or transfers to a third party are allowed. Giveaway prizes may have evidence of being test fired or exhibit minor handling marks. In 1877, Smith & Wesson introduced .38 S&W (9x20mm) ammunition designed for its First Model, a single action, spur-triggered revolver. All entries must be received by giveaway end date. You must have JavaScript enabled in your browser to utilize the functionality of this website. There are several spots of oxidation starting in places. HOW WILL THIS (name any) AMMO FEED AND FUNCTION IN MY GUN? The .38 was able to offer more power than the previous rounds, making it more appealing to the military as well as the general public. My three loads were Winchester 158-gr. JavaScript is disabled. It is also not interchangeable with the .38 Special due to its shape and diameter. The gun is highly collectible, with 35,000 manufactured from 1926 to 1943. The .380 British, .38/200, .38 Colt New Police and .38 S&W are the same round. Deployed military should use stateside address. Employees and agents of Publishers Development Corp. are not eligible. (II) Limit one (1) entry per household; multiple entries will disqualify entrants. Colt Police Positive Target .22LR. Muzzle velocity approached 620 feet per second, and muzzle energy was less than 200 foot pounds. In todays market, the .32 version actually seems more desirable than the .22. You must be 18 or older to order ammunition. In a 4 barrel my cast bullet loads using Lymans #358 311RN and #358477 SWC as well as the Oregon Trail 158SWC loaded over 3.0 grains of Unique generally give muzzle velocities well over 800 fps. The best bet for effective double-action shooting with the old PPS was to take up the slack and pull straight through quickly. Check local laws before ordering. Strictly big bore. Factory warranties may apply in some cases. (I) Giveaway ends July 31, 2023. The Colt New Police round is the same, except using a flat nose lead boolit instead of RNL in S&W version. New York Department of Environmental Conservation, State Agency: And although it has been surpassed in popularity by other cartridges such as the. DOES BBA MAKE AMMO TO SAAMI SPECIFICATIONS? Cowboy lead RNFP, Black Hills 148-gr. Buffalo Bore is now offering serious self-defense loads for the .38 S&W. Good luck! Box 1926, Escondido, CA 92033. Mail-in entries accepted; send postcards (no envelopes) to: GUNS Magazine, GOM July 2022, P.O. (II) Limit one entry per household. FREE SHIPPING - Purchase 12 or more boxes & get FREE SHIPPING! Worked just fine in a hundred years old H&R American Double Action. Most .38 S&W cartridges featured round nosed bullets while Colt flat-nosed their version. Deployed military should use stateside address. Giveaway prizes may have evidence of being test fired or exhibit minor handling marks. Buffalo Bore. While not as accurate as the Black Hills Match Wadcutters, this is nothing to gripe about. Wyoming Game & Fish Department, State Agency: (III) Giveaway winner(s) chosen by random drawing. Get 12 Issues a year of the country's best firearms writing. Well, were talking about 11 lbs. The Police Positive is the one glaring exception. On Oct. 13, 1912, New York poet and saloon keeper John Schrank, fired his .38 S&W revolver at President Theodore Roosevelt. Hawaii Department of Land & Natural Resources, State Agency: I will be sure to keep it clean and stored safely so the next generation can enjoy, just as my grandpa did for me. Factory warranties may apply in some cases. It was manufactured from 1950 to 1973 in both issues. Trigger-wise, the Police Positive Special really shined in single action 3.5 lbs. Prizes will not be awarded if illegal in jurisdiction of winners. perform well with black powder loads. Come join the discussion about performance, gunsmithing, troubleshooting, reviews, accessories, classifieds, and more! No substitutions or transfers to a third party are allowed. The firearm, when fully loaded, weighed less than a pound, and its three-inch barrel was the perfect size to be carried in a gentlemans coat pocket or a ladys purse. The Buffalo Bore ammo is a substantial improvement over those brands. Winchesters 158-gr. I duplicate these velocities using the Lyman #358311 round-nosed bullet with 2.5 grains of HP38, or for even easier shooting loads at about 100 fps less, I go with the same charge of Hodgdons Trail Boss. Box 488, Escondido, CA 92033. $36.99. Connecticut Department of Energy & Environmental Protection, State Agency: Despite the similarities, the round should not be confused with the .38 Special. It was designed primarily for sale to federal, state or local law enforcement agencies. That same year, Smith & Wesson introduced the .38 Smith & Wesson cartridge chambered in their spur trigger revolvers, and then in the early 1880s it was chambered in their line of Top-Breaks. The .500? The 100-page speech was folded twice and placed in his breast pocket along with his glasses. The innovation of .38 Smith & Wesson ammo was using a large bore cartridge for small- to medium-size revolvers. Using Our 38-55 Ammo in 375 Winchester Chambered Rifles; Ammo Discounts; . Remington has some 146gr Lead RN @ 685 fps, and Buffalo Bore has a new self defense version that is 125 gr HC-FN @ 1000* fps. The gun was designed primarily for law enforcement agencies.
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