dr david martin butterfly of the week
hb``f``=ADXa , a}X ,b !C G\*z*T0~e}2H3c} (@B*f (Video), Belarus Refurbs Memorial for the Nazi/Ukrainian-Conducted Genocide in Khatyn, All Hell Breaks Loose As Democratic Congressman Starts Screaming At Jim Jordan Demanding That Witness Testimony Be Stricken From The Record During Weaponization Hearing (Video), The same Manhattan chief prosecutor who is secretly forcing the Trump indictment is notorious for giving hardened criminals a pass. Woe to you, have fear, senior Orthodox bishop tells Zelensky, The Republican Party Shows Its True Loyalties Toward the Apartheid State of Israel, New Covid booster planned for this Spring even though, China, Brazil strike deal to ditch U.S. dollar for trade, Zelensky Dissed by Austrian ParliamentBIG TIME! Dr. David Martin has transformed business, governments and personal relationships for over 3 decades in over 120 countries by introducing wobbles. ], Biden Crime Family Exploits Open Border To Facilitate Nationwide Child Sex Trafficking Operation, TRANSGENDERISMS GLOBAL CRIME SYNDICATE EXPOSED, Doctors Warn: Occurrences Of Rare Brain Infection In Children TRIPLES After Covid-19 Lockdowns, Look at what someone sent me regarding.., Doctors Were Bribed for COVID Vaccination Coercion, Bidens Re-election Announcement: THE HIDDEN BUT BLATANT MESSAGE TO AMERICA, The Three POTUS Traitors Expose Their Own Treason, The Illuminatis Favorite Day to Make Mischief and Manufacture Mayhem, The collective insanity engulfing our world threatens our very existence.., HERES HARD PROOF THEY BRIBED YOUR DOCTOR TO INJURE YOU, U.S. CONGRESS: A Khazarian-Controlled Global Crime Syndicate, The Greatest Congressional Criminal Conspiracy in U.S. History, Epic Rant Against Societal Suicide Being Aggressively Facilitated by the Biden Administration. Deep States Withering Weather War Against Florida Amped Up BIG TIME!!! Price Foundation. These measures are apparently here to stay. Well, yeahbecause there really is no vaccine. This deliberately stage violence by trans bolsheviks is being used to create an aura of untouchability just as BLM and Antifa enjoyed virtual impunity. Debt-Limit Package Gives Away The Store, Twitter will SHADOWBAN you for telling the truth about transgenderism, America Has Entered The Most Perilous Times In Its History, Genetic and biological weaponry continues to be deployed across the food supply, Ex-acting CIA director reveals he had 50 spies sign a letter saying Hunter Biden laptop scandal was Russian disinformation to help Joe win the presidential election. Jeffrey Epstein lawsuit against JPMorgan Chase drawing in all the biggest pedovores. By David E. Martin. DR. DAVID E. MARTIN DROPS SHOCKING COVID-19 TRUTH ON CANADIANS. Corporate Advisor | Entrepreneur | Financier | Storyteller | Professor | Inventor .Welcome to the official channel of Dr. David E. Martin. If you listen carefully, you will notice they talk about cases now, not deaths. BREAKING TOMORROW! Dr. David E. Martin Discussing Informed Consent - Carrots, Sticks and Syringes. Asking these questions will get you a felony conviction in 88 different countries! This is what a full-time Khazarian-installed Democrat bolshevik looks and sounds like. We have a Khazarian-installed financial terrorist and monetary saboteur running the Department of Treasury. Butterfly of the Week, 27 April 2020: Under House Arrest as a Result of a Crime Committed by the CDC - 4-28-20 . Moira, Its right at the top youtu.be/GuhAKXQTc04, Your email address will not be published. Boy, are they determined to blow up churches across the USA to scare folks from their church-going. Please do your own research and trust yourself when reading and giving consideration to anything that appears here or anywhere else. 1.The Governor of Virginia could not have known that there was a virulent outbreak caused by a single pathogen (reportedly SARS CoV-2) when declaring the State of Emergency; 2.No scientific evidence has been offered justifying the declaration mere reporting of mortality and morbidity based on pneumonia symptoms does not an epidemic or pandemic make; 3.The Governor failed to provide adequate testing to confirm or deny the presence or absence of a novel coronavirus and, based on recent reports from incarcerated persons, it would appear that positive tests COULD NOT have been based on community transmission as 96% of confined persons have tested positive according to Reuters; and, 4.No effort has been made by the Governor or regional health authorities to overturn the established science published in JAMA that facemasks should not be worn by healthy individuals (https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jama) and that social distancing that involves the confinement of healthy individuals has neither been tested nor validated with any science whatsoever. British, Canadian and US Diplomats Outright Interfering in Russias Criminal Justice System, Lets be blunt legal weed is turning New York workers into zombies, Marjorie Taylor Greene Drops Bomb on Biden Crime Family Oversight Committee Has Evidence of Biden Family Connections to Human Trafficking of Prositututes from US, Russia, Ukraine, MUST SEE: Mother Of Murder Victim Unloads On Alvin Bragg During NYC Hearing, Gets Applauded (Video), VIRAL MOMENT: Mother Of Homicide Victim Excoriates Dan Goldman, Democrats In House Judiciary Hearing (Video), Another Mysterious Spiral Appears Swirling in Alaska Sky Amid Aurora Borealis (Video), Mysterious spiral appears in night sky over Hawaii captured by Subaru Telescope (Video), Fed Persecution of Conservative Catholics Will Involve Infiltration, Says Lawyer Who Uncovered FBI Infiltration Playbook, Boom! Alvin Bragg Prepares the Ultimate Frankenstein Indictment. Facebook gives people the power to. I dont know, but Im not interested in putting it to the test. Under no circumstances should President Trump surrender to his malevolent enemies in New York. We are releasing the medical technical ninjas to develop a Covid-19 vaccine in record time. 137 0 obj <>stream If you are looking for something that will scare you into incontinence, these injections are good candidates. Wind Power Fails On Every Count Eminent Oxford Scientist, Desperate Zio-Anglo-American Axis warmongering greatly accelerates Eurasian integration, The Suspended Stanford Law School Diversity Dean Exposes Cultural Marxist Takeover of Americas Elite Universities, Russia will place nuclear weapons in Belarus Putin, Berlin weans itself off Russian gas to become US LNG addict German MP. Over 10,000 FBI Agents Can Access Data From Secretive Surveillance Program: Inspectors General. Wasnt this latest EXTREMELY DRAMATIC distraction the perfect way to divert everyones attention from the utterly fake and draconian TikTok bill?! Operation Warp Speed sounds very Star Trekvery high-tech, very advanced. Push Them Up: New Leaked J6 Footage Shows DC Metro Cop Encouraging People To Go Towards The Capitol, Trans woman left sobbing in JFK airport after TSA agent hit her testicles: report, State Sanctioned Kidnapping California Democrat Pushes Bill That Would Allow Therapists to Snatch Children From Parents Without Trial, 20 CONFIRMED INCIDENTS AND OPERATIONS: The DOZENS of Feds, FBI Agents and State Operatives Who Infiltrated the Trump Crowds on January 6th at the US Capitol and Led the Protests, Kiev now conducting drone attacks deep inside of Russia, An Immense Geomagnetic Storm May Be The Only Way To Quickly Deweaponize Space, The Witch Hunt Against Me Is DEAD Donald Trump, State Department Colludes with the COVID-19 Bioweapon Perps to Keep Secret Unclassified Documents (Video), Toxic Nanoforms inside Pfizer-Biontech Covid Vaccine. David E. Martin PhD is the developer of several innovation-based quantitative indices of public equities and founder of the Purple Bridge Funds and M-CAM International. Cal. Everything posted on this site is done in the spirit of conversation. Talk about an unparalleled psyop to justify a pre-emptive strike against the American people! BEWARE EHS PEOPLE! This has got to be a very bad BBC joke yes Yes? What The Vaccine Industry Says Behind Closed Doors About Vaccines (Video), How Just One Trans Influencer Is Taking Down Corporate America (Graphic), Thats A Lie!: Bill Cassidy Harshly Lambastes Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen (Video), Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene Completely Tears Apart Homeland Security Secretary Mayorkas (Video), WATCH! Oh, and how does this fake injection work if it doesnt work the way vaccines have typically been defined to work? Butterfly of The Week - Kim & David Martin Butterfly of the Week, a weekly event where we go live on Facebook to break down and discuss a contemporary topic, with viewer participation greatly encouraged. (Video), Racist Nominee STUMPED By One SIMPLE Question Faces REJECTION Instantly (Video), Watch how an independent journalist handles unlawful detainment (Video), Heres how the WEF is cynically using the celebrity society to sell their bug diet to all off us plebesand Nicole Kidman is not even really eating any insects as the strategically timed cuts confirm. endstream endobj startxref Surely DeSantis will take Trumps inelegant advice TO STAY THE HECK OUT OF THE RACE!!! aH BM^A;T%FP(`J IXB%(.K6Qx:Y)`LkuP)IxBgkObxw0;HY=G| ruA"8!*/dTa'; The St. Francis-aspiring Pontiff Imposter morphs into a Beau Brummel. PROOF that Zelenskys Nazi Regime really wants a nuclear catastrophe and/or war on Ukrainian soil! Elisabeth Te Au. David Martin looks behind the curtain at the details of all this, and he doesnt seem very excited. Organizations core values keep things spinning along. The U.S. has completely corrupted the United Nations and totally destroyed the international rule of law. WINDY CITY WACKINESS: Democrat Madness on Full Display in Chicago as UsualWOW!!! Photo of NYC Skyline on Good Friday 1956 Shows How Much the US Has Changed.. In the Pits of Hell, Innocent Men are Steadfast in Faith in God J6 Political Prisoner William Chrestman Tells Gateway Pundit FBI Is Paying Criminal Confidential Human Sources $30k A Month To Set People Up Please Help This Man on Easter Weekend (VIDEO), BUDWEISER Wins Get Woke, Go Broke Award of the Year with Dylan Mulvaneys LGBTQIA Commercial (Video). You thats right, one person can make a difference. MASS EXTERMINATION: Is the global population already one billion less than it was before Operation Warp Speed? POSTERS The only deaths that matter are COVID deaths (diagnosed with a fraudulent test). Notice how these convicted LGBT criminals are always spared prison time or harsh sentences. Powered by MCAM Future Of.. Wow. Paris is Burning: Macron Survives Vote of No-Confidence-Pension Reform Will Become Law Without a Parliament Vote-Massive Protests Throughout France, Physician Assistant Fired After Reporting Adverse Reactions to COVID-19 Vaccine to VAERS, 700 NYPD Riot Cops Mobilized, Steel Barriers Deployed Ahead Of Potential Trump Arrest, BREAKING LEAK: Georgia Prosecutors Considering RICO and Conspiracy Charges Against Trump Over His Effort to Challenge 2020 Election, The Federal Reserve Set to Launch FedNow Payment System in July (Precursor to CBDC), WATCH! WOW!!! His mathematics helped unravel the way the human body processes hormones and led to the detection and treatment of many diseases. Kids are Grown for Children Sex Brothels and for Organ Harvesting Video Interview. WATCH! Kim & David Martin Mar 21, 2022 Sneak Peak on Next Butterfly of the Week!! Trumps Attorney Joe Tacopina Discusses Looming Indictment As Naked Political Prosecution By A Weaponized DA Office (Video), They Are Attacking Christianity Woman Pushes A Priest Off The Stage During A Live Mass Broadcast (Video), NWO Weather Warriors Targeting Conservative Midwest and Christian South with Unrelenting Acts of Geoterrorism. (Video). (Video), USS LIBERTY SURVIVOR SERGEANT BRYCE LOCKWOOD REVEALS THE TRUTH ABOUT THE FALSE FLAG ATTACK BY ISRAEL (Video), Both American Political Parties Have Adopted Lenins Strategy for the Destruction of Capitalism, CANADIANS WERE FORCED TO GET VACCINATED AGAINST THEIR WILL!! Wednesday, April 05, 2023 5:00:28 AM David Martin's Proposed Legal Action This information came from David's Video, shown below Here's Butterfly of the Week #5, a weekly event where we go live on Facebook to break down and discuss a contemporary topic, with viewer participation greatly encouraged. If DeSantis ever wins POTUS its only because of the same reason that Trump won. Russia assumes UN Security Council presidency to the chagrin of Ukraines Nazi regime, Trump indictment is GODS PLAN to transform America through TRIAL BY FIRE (Video), I Would Not Be Surprised Harmeet Dhillon: NY DAs Office May Try to Silence Trump with Gag Order To Prevent Him from Campaigning (VIDEO), Jim Jordan And Stacey Plaskett Have Super Dramatic Clash Over Her Questioning Of Taibbi, Shellenberger (Video), Zelensky [INCREDIBLY) explains why he wont withdraw from key Donbass city, Disney Pulled Fast One On DeSantis, Used Royal Lives Clause To Preserve Power, It look like the Gladio-directed Trans terrorist targeted this truly heroic Christian school headmaster. REPORT: John Fetterman Has Missed Over 80 Percent of Senate Roll Call Votes Since Checking Into Hospital. Where Are the Jan 6 Videos? As always there is a Soros-supported Khazarian agent behind every highly consequential and outrageous travesty of justice like this one. (Video). Where Is the Investigation into DCs Corrupt US Attorney? imperfections are most probably our projection of absent from the