eeio emission factors
Single sources of data for a given flow are generally insufficient for providing environmental and economic performance at the level of resolution required for v2.0s 400+ industries, and therefore modeling is required to attribute or allocate environmental data from often multiple raw sources to this level of industry resolution. The value added sectors are the wages, taxes, and gross operating surplus for the industries present in the USEEIO model. We use three kinds of cookies on our websites: required, functional, and advertising. Sci. Secure .gov websites use HTTPS Please click here to see any active alerts. U.S. Census Bureau (2019). For Electricity, for example, SO2 and NOX contribute to 57% and 39% of impact, respectively. This methodology modification follows work by Zeng and Ramaswami and is meant to avoid double counting forest land use with grazing land37. & Birney, C. useeior. Electricity and Drinking Water) or construction activities (e.g., Highways, Streets and Bridges, and Utilities Buildings and Infrastructure), which are sectors dominated by domestic activities. Priscilla Halloran, Jarrod Bridge and David Meyer provided input to on USEEIO model updates. The data have been updated for 201729. Bi is the satellite matrix in industry form from Eq. This paper describes the development of the model and accompanies the release of a full model dataset as well as various supporting datasets of national environmental totals by US industry. A set of ~40 v2 models with only greenhouse gas (GHG) satellite tables were constructed using IO and environmental data for varying years (20102016), number of sectors (~400, ~70, ~15) and model formulation types (commodity-based and industry-based) to generate supply chain GHG emission factors1. EPA Report: Supply Chain Greenhouse Gas Emission Factors for U.S. Industries and Commodities Many organizations quantify greenhouse emissions in their value chain. This equation is shown in Eq. Timberland estimates are based on MLUs ungrazed forest land rather than total timberland, which reduces land use attributed to forest. Agricultural chemical use survey. Amazons Carbon Footprint State and local general government is split into education and other services in the 2012 IO tables, resulting in a fall in ranking but occupying two spots in the top 20. Ec is obtained from Ei by multiplying its transpose by the commodity mix matrix, Cm, and transposing the result. Reduction in emissions for ozone depletion potential for manufacturing sectors. CalRecycle - Californias Department of Resources Recycling and Recovery, CBECS - Commercial Building Energy Consumption Survey, CCDD Commercial Construction & Demolition Debris, CRHW - Commercial Resources Conservation and Recovery Act-Defined Hazardous Waste, EEIO - Environmentally-Extended Input-Output, HRSP - Human Health - Respiratory Effects, IWMS - Irrigation and Water Management Survey, MECS - Manufacturing Energy Consumption Survey, NAICS - North American Industry Classification System, RCRA Resource Conservation and Recovery Act, RCRAInfo - Resource Conservation and Recovery Act Information system, USEEIO United States Environmentally-Extended Input-Output Model, USEPA United States Environmental Protection Agency. Figure 2 shows an example progression over time of improvement and expansion. ADS OZON showed decreased or little change in nearly all sectors. For the Waste management and remediation services sector, additional data for the specific flows in the GHG satellite table was assigned using an input file, as specified in the WasteDisaggregation_Env sheet of the primary data record. Environmentally Extended Input-Output Data.EEIO data refers to EEIO emission factors that can be used to estimate scope 1, 2, and upstream Scope 3 GHG Emissions for a given industry or product category.. EEIO data is particularly useful in screening emissions sources when prioritizing data collection efforts. It is the first model version since USEEIO v1.2 capable of calculating potential environmental impacts, resource use and waste generation along with economic impacts, and builds upon the creation of the USEEIO v2 GHG models, which were a series of USEEIO models used to calculate Supply Chain Greenhouse Gas Emission Factors1. Provider. Econ. The IO transactions for the Use table intersection are assigned based on material flows between the disaggregated sectors, using RCRAInfo data as the main data source. Services to buildings and dwellings (561700): the entirety of the 562000 commodity produced by this sector is assigned to the Remediation services sector (562910), as it is assumed that the services provided by this sector deal with site-specific remediation. In v2.0, the USDA CoA land in farms data are used as an allocation source, rather than as a primary data source. For example, if 562HAZ represents 50% of the total economic value of the disaggregated sectors, then 50% each flow is allocated to 562HAZ. This check is performed by using Eq. The Water_national_2015_m1 model does not include water returns, as available estimates for water returns are from 1995 and do not account for advances and updates in machinery52. Depending on the source, scope 3 emissions can be quantified using either primary data specific to the activity within a company's value chain or secondary data such as industry averages, proxy data, or other generic data. This suggests that trade flows between the disaggregated sectors is an important component of the aggregate sectors input, and its disaggregation was previously discussed. B.Y. Assessing the flows or processes (i.e. s is the product of L and the given final demand vector, y, as shown in Eq. To do so, the following approach was taken: When the underlying data for specific flows is available at the six digit NAICS level, the flow is mapped to the corresponding disaggregated sector codes as indicated in Table6. This significant decreases in agricultural sectors is carried over into the food and fiber sector products, where for instance 90% of the contribution to HRSP for Flours and Malts is from Fresh wheat, corn, rice, and other grains. Industrial and Mining water withdrawals are proportionally allocated using BLS QCEW employment data47. Thus, the flows from the 5-digit sectors must be allocated to the USEEIO sectors. P is a commodity x year currency year adjustment matrix. However, revisions to mappings between SCC codes and sectors, and updates in data collection lead to some notable differences in sector emissions including: Increase in emissions for construction sectors. Quarterly census of employment and wages 2015. (U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2020). ACID in utilities, manufacturing and transportation sectors is largely driven by criteria air pollutant emissions like sulfur dioxide (SO2) and nitrogen oxides (NOX). The result is available in the National Commercial Hazardous Waste Totals by Industry 2017 v1.1 dataset57. In Fig. Domestic water withdrawals are assigned to the BEA code F01000, as no NAICS code represents households. In v1 models, the direct and total requirements were determined from analysis to be adequate in representation of 2013 conditions (see SI1 from Yang et al. v1.2 estimated 2007 mining water withdrawals by scaling 2002 water IO vector coefficients in gal/$M by changes in annual employment53,71. Data are assigned to sectors based on facility-reported NAICS. US Department of Defense led software development for useeior, developed the crosswalk methodology and wrote the associated section of the manuscript, curated all economic input data, performed model validation, and visualized the results. Rehkamp, S., Canning, P. & Birney, C. Tracking the U.S. However, changes in the Make Transactions have resulted in a substantial increase in the quantity assigned to the Corn products commodity; Other basic organic chemicals, which is one of the largest generators of CRHW, supplies a significantly higher share of Corn products in the make transactions, increasing from approximately 4% of total commodity output in 2007 to 37% in 2012. Land use now differentiates urban and rural residential housing land by incorporating values from the Major Uses of Land report36. The direct impacts of a sector in a given indicator unit per model dollar year, can be calculated with Eq. In v1.2, withdrawals were calculated for 37 crops published in the 2008 USDA Irrigation and Water Management Survey (IWMS). Estimating industry land use with the MLU as the primary data source is an update from v1.2, where land use was calculated by summing USDA CoA, Bureau of Land Management (BLM) Public Land Statistics (PLS), EIA Commercial (CBECS), and EIA Manufacturing (MECS) land use with the MLUs statistics for forest land, transportation, national defense, and grazing land38,39,40,41,42. Environmentally-extended input-output (EEIO) analysis provides a simple and robust method for evaluating the linkages between economic consumption activities and . zenodo (2021). The National GHG Industry Attribution Model27 for year 2016 was used for developing the national GHG totals by industry, which is the same flow sector attribution model used for the recently published Supply Chain GHG emission factors1, but is an update from the previous GHG satellite tables included in v1 models. Increase in emissions for landscaping services. Crop Irrigation water withdrawals are allocated proportionally using water use by crop type. Collectively there are small decreases in ACID in most sectors. For example, the 2014 QCEW estimates 279 thousand private household employees, while the National Employment Matrix estimates 821 thousand employees. 26. Improvements in modeling national totals of industry and environmental flows are described. developed the methodology and software programming in flowsa for the air, water and soil releases, integrated environmental data and indicators in useeior, and wrote the associated sections of the manuscript. The construction sectors, Single family homes, Other residential structures, and Housing, have all dropped significantly in the ranking, the latter two no longer appearing in the top 20. In v2.0, Scrap is left in the model to simplify the accounting procedures, but we do not recommend use of multipliers generated from Scrap because of the lack of a clear material or functional characterization of this commodity. Interventions for improved emissions tracking include 1) mapping institutional purchasing account systems by groupings that match or correspond to EEIO emissions factors (e.g., NAICS, UNSPSC); 2) encouraging use of M-Marketsite and incorporating more detailed reporting of purchases when using P-Cards; and 3) updating the mapping of emissions . The first complete and peer-reviewed USEEIO model, v1.0, was released in early 2017 and described in Yang et al.2 and related datasets3,4. Report No. A model configuration file was first created to define all the model input data and characteristics. The core of an IO model is a direct requirements matrix, A, representing the dollar inputs from other sectors per dollar output. The technical model name for the model described here is USEEIO v2.0.1411 following the USEEIO versioning scheme as of model finalization9, but it is referred to throughout simply as v2.0. 1b, rankings reveal some minor shifting of positions. is a commodity x year price type adjustment matrix prepared using Eq. Official websites use .gov Ingwersen, W.W., Li, M., Young, B. et al. direct emissions, waste generation, or resource use). These values are included the WasteDisaggaregation_Use sheet in the primary data record in the Use table intersection rows. 2-6 digit 2012 NAICS Code File. Monthly Energy Review - 2014. (U.S. Energy Information Administration, 2016). LCIA formatter. These variances are due to methodology changes when allocating land use to 6-digit NAICS. Depending on the table resolution, these categories are further divided into one or more subcategories. Since SIMAP does not have an emissions category for other GHG, these emissions were added to the CO2 emissions factors as CO2-equivalents. Overview Emissions Factors FAQ Data sets Emissions factors 2 files Emissions factors File Updated Download IEA Emissions Factors 2021 15/09/2021 XLS IEA Emissions Factors 2021 (light version) 15/09/2021 XLSB Schedule Prod. The breakdown of these data into the records given in Table2 is not identical to that given in Table1 of the original USEEIO description2, but all these data are aggregated during model construction (see Model Construction section), and therefore the breakdown just describes the form of these data as they are originally processed and imported. Circular 1200 (1998). The reader should refer to Table3 for the source of the impact method characterization factors used to construct the N and D matrices. For v2.0, national totals by sector are modeled by NAICS 6-digit codes. The largest visible change in GHG intensity was seen in the electricity sector, with a nearly 2kg CO2e/$ decrease. Yang, Y., Ingwersen, W. W., Hawkins, T. R., Srocka, M. & Meyer, D. E. USEEIO: A New and Transparent United States Environmentally-Extended Input-Output Model. The name changes are made because BEA uses the same names for commodities as those used for the respective industries (industries and commodities share the same codes), which are derived from the NAICS industry names, and the assignment of names better fit to describe a commodity rather than an industry adds clarity to commodity representation in the model. Therefore, selecting the correct project type is pivotal. The USEEIO Modeling Framework for USEEIO v2.09 provides an overview of the source code along with links to useeior and supporting software packages. - Environmentally-extended input-output (EEIO) database can be used estimating carbon emissions based on the amount of money spent. A selected comparable model result matrix (N) and sector rankings derived from full model LCIA calculations are appropriate for this validation and comparison, because they represent measures resulting from the combination of all model components both at the unit scale (impact per USD) and as a result of total US production and consumption. For instance, BEA code 1111A0 oilseed farming only connects to NAICS 5-digit codes 11111 soybean farming and 11112 oilseed (except soybean) farming in the table, but in fact 11111 and 11112 have single child codes 111110 soybean farming and 111120 oilseed (except soybean) farming, respectively, as well as shared parent codes 1111 oilseed and grain farming, 111 crop production, and 11 agriculture, forestry, fishing and hunting. Technol. The economic outputs also checks for both models, except for the commodities Used and secondhand goods and Noncomparable imports, which have negative uses for balancing purposes in the Use table and therefore failures were expected. To view a copy of this license, visit Total flows or impacts associated with a given amount of final demand are calculated using two perspectives that produce the same overall flow or impact totals but associate the totals with different sectors. The second ranking is done with Hf calculated where y is the US consumption vector, yc (see Eq. 56221: Most of the flows are to Hazardous waste disposal sector. 95% for Fresh soybeans, canola, flaxseeds, and other oilseeds and Fresh wheat, corn, rice, and other grains). These datasets are more current than the IO data, and more closely represent current environmental performance. The Service Annual Survey (SAS) from the US Census Bureau provides estimates of revenue and expenditure data for most traditional service industries21, and is used in the disaggregation of the waste management industries (i.e., Use table columns). 157, 104795, (2020). Other agricultural commodities show the inverse change in v2.0, where the agricultural output in v2.0 is higher and thus the pesticide release and related impact intensities are lower. Comparing rankings may also be used as another form of model validation that incorporates the demand vectors and the indicators as well as the model result matrices. The M or N coefficient matrices may be used for estimating direct plus indirect (supply chain) impacts or embodied carbon, energy, land or water associated with purchases. Scope 3 emissions, also referred to as value chain emissions, often represent the majority of an organizations total greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. Once all the requirements are installed, the generation of v2.0 takes place in a single buildModel function to load the various data components and build the model. Article For v2.0, we derive two primary final demand vectors, a production vector and a consumption vector. Environmentally-extended input output (EEIO) models estimate energy use and/or GHG emissions resulting from the production and upstream value chain activities of different sectors and products within an economy. In v1.2, MLUs Total Timberland was assigned to timberland, while in v2.0, MLUs Forest-use land not grazed was assigned to timberland. The most common sources listed in the table are: To apply the EF Hub scope 1 and 2 factors, the organization can first define the GHG generating activity for each relevant source category, then apply the appropriate factors for stationary combustion, mobile combustion, fugitive emissions, electricity, heat, or steam. If a facility reports a NAICS code that is no longer valid, emissions are allocated equally across one or more relevant NAICS from the 2012 schema. This follows from the use of the value added directly from the 2012 Use tables and the Leontief price model72 that the sum of all direct and indirect value added equals the index price. Emissions from purchased goods and services and capital goods represent a significant emissions source for many organizations. This adjustment results in different allocation factors from the Use table columns, and are included in the WasteDisaggregation_Use sheet of the primary data record in the VA disaggregation rows. For calculating any domestic result (see sec. J. Figure 1. U.S. EPA Office of Research and Development (ORD) (2021). The largest consumers are residential users (F01000, Personal consumption expenditures final demand) at 24% of total consumption; state and local governments (GSLGO, State and local government and other services) at 13% of total consumption; and Other real estates (531ORE) and the Waste management and remediation services sector itself, both at 8% of total consumption. The equivalent value is 1.44E-5in v1.2 (sheet B, cell D681 of)71. Mercury emissions to air drive the increase seen in Cement (9% contribution to HTOX), that arenot due to change in emissions, but rather toxicity characterization that was not present in v1.2. 2012 Economic Census: Administrative and Support and Waste Management and Remediation Services: Subject Series - Product Lines: Product Lines Statistics by Industry for the U.S. And States: 2012. (U.S. Census Bureau, 2013). USEEIO v2.0, or referred to solely as v2.0, is the latest edition of the US Environmentally-Extended Input-Output (USEEIO) model for assessing a full suite of potential life cycle impacts of US goods and services. Inventory of u.s. Greenhouse gas emissions and sinks: 19902016. 6 above, but using the commodity gross output chain price index in place of the industry gross output chain price index. All nomenclature used is defined in the Table 4. Edelen, A., Hottle, T., Cashman, S. & Ingwersen, W. The federal LCA commons elementary flow list: Background, approach, description and recommendations for use. L, the Leontief inverse, or the total requirements matrix, is obtained from A, using Eq. Additionally, the use of Electricity and Truck transport by agricultural sectors are the greatest contributors to SMOG from non-agricultural sectors. When there is additional data available for specific flows which are not adequately reflected at the 6-digit NAICS to USEEIO mapping (as per Table6), a manual distribution of that data is specified as an input to the disaggregation algorithm. If the index price is assumed to be equal to the sum of the inputs, then that index price is ~1. Birney, C., Conner, M. & Ingwersen, W. National water withdrawal totals by industry 2015 v1.1. zenodo (2021). 32, where the sum of industry value added, w, after normalization and transformation to be in commodity form, multiplied by the total requirements matrix, L, results in ~1 for each sector, i. The literature assessing the environmental impacts of household consumption is mostly focused on developed economies, thus, leaving a critical gap when it comes to assessing the impacts of household consumption and of related environmental policies in developing countries . The scope 3 emissions for one organization are the scope 1 and 2 emissions of another organization. Chemical releases reported by facilities in these datasets include toxic releases, metal compounds, nutrients, and organic pollutants. Although these emissions are not under the organizations control, the organization may be able to affect the activities that result in the emissions. Advancing sustainable materials management: 2014 fact sheet. Red text indicates an update from the 2018 version of this document. Livestock water withdrawals are allocated proportionally using water use by animal type, calculated from the USDA animal inventory and national median water intake rates by animal type48,50. Many organizations will improve the accuracy of scope 3 emissions over time and expand to include more categories as adequate data become available. The new commodity names assigned to the BEA codes are part of the primary data record, in the commodities_meta sheet. Res. The Make table columns represent which commodities are produced by different industries. Alameda Countys Supply Chain Sustainability Report, developed using the USEEIO, provides a guide for how government purchasing can be a catalyst for matching sustainability with advancing the health and wellbeing of its citizens. Heijungs, R. & Suh, S. The Computational Structure of Life Cycle Assessment. In v1 models, a base economic year of 2013 different than the IO year of the economic data was used. Article AC-17-A-51,_Chapter_1_US/usv1.pdf (U.S. Department of Agriculture, 2017). Out of the total inputs to the waste management industry, 51% is due to value added sectors, with employee compensation being 29%, suggesting that waste management is a labor-intensive sector. Emissions are assigned to industries based on the NAICS reported by each facility. The calculated per capita GHG in the US production view of 15.57 MTCO2e/person is reasonably close to a World Bank tabulated estimate of 15.77 MTCO2e/person in 201266, considering USEEIO v2.0 is a mixed year model with the GHG emissions data representing 2016 intensity in 2012 USD. Sign up for the Nature Briefing newsletter what matters in science, free to your inbox daily. ERR-288 (U.S. Department of Agriculture, 2021). The BEA Use table reports the data for final US demand by these consumers, grouping them at varying levels of resolution depending on the level of resolution of the Use table (i.e., sector, summary or detail). (2019). BLM/OC/ST-08/001+1165 (U.S. Bureau of Land Management, 2008). This model was based on the 2007 input-output data with 385 commodities and mixed-year environmental data with the latest representing 2013. v1.1 added additional satellite tables and made methodological updates to some existing tables5,6. Purchaser price reflects the producers price plus sale and transportation margins11. Direct SMOG impacts have decreased across most agricultural commodities, especially crops (e.g. The Use table also includes imports, exports, and change in inventories of final commodities as a part of final demand. 17, 19) matrix, representing total indicator amount for each indicator. 2014 National Emissions Inventory Technical Support Document. However, annual tables are also published at a more aggregated level of detail and with less reported data but with only a ~12 year time lag to help address the time lag limitations12. 8. United States Environmentally-Extended Input-Output (USEEIO) Modeling Framework for USEEIOv2.0. Here we describe updates made for eight satellite tables to reflect new methods for flow sector attribution modeling. This use applies the same ranking approach used in Fig. Environmentally extended input-output (EEIO) models have been developed to evaluate the linkages between economic activities and environmental impacts as well as the embodied emissions in goods and . If fuel activity data are available, the fuel-based method should be used, so the factors presented in Tables 2 and 3 would be applicable. 10. The national release estimates for pesticides were not updated in v2.0, where data on application for these chemicals to vegetables was from 2010. Equation24 is given below for the commodity form of the model. Water use for crops originally used acreage data for 37 crops accessed through the USDA Irrigation and Water Management Survey (IWMS)49. Truck transportation, Water transportation, Rail transportation are commodities in set m for transportation). CAS You are using a browser version with limited support for CSS. Emissions from purchased goods and services and capital goods, referred to as Scope 3 emissions in the Greenhouse Gas Protocol Scope 3 Accounting and Reporting Standard, represent a significant emissions source for many organizations. Household emissions or other final use emissions are not included in B. A full list of model commodities is presented in the primary data record. Three standard national level demand vectors were created for use with the model to calculate potential impacts of US consumption, production and consumption from households., DOI: 1a, Electricity followed by Fresh wheat, corn, rice, and other grains remain in the top two places, but Cattle ranches and feedlots has moved into the third place. Report No. State and local government other services (GSLO): the 562000 commodity produced by this sector is split between the Solid waste collection, Solid waste landfill, Solid waste combustors and incinerators, and Material separation/recovery sectors (562111, 562212, 562213, and 562920). 28 for all flows at a 1% tolerance, with a <1% difference assumed to be expected due to rounding errors65 both for the full model and the domestic model, where Ld Eq. For v2.0, Waste management and remediation services is disaggregated into the seven sectors shown in Table5. & Balassiano, K. EPA Data Commons v0.1. The result is available in the National Criteria and Hazardous Air Pollutant Totals By Industry 2017 v1.1 dataset32. Form EIA-923 detailed data.
