invincible arcs ranked
He was a former member of the Teen Team, and later became a member of the new Guardians of the Globe. And holy shit, that Gon VS Hisoka fight. This issue continued the changing tone of the book, making it darker and more morally ambiguous, while in contrast making Mark's acts seem more heroic. There isnt anything negative to say about this arc but isnt the most important arc in the series. Invincible. At the time of writing this, it has spun 1001 chapters and hasnt dropped a bit in quality. RELATED:5 Ways The Boys Is Amazons Best Superhero Series (& 5 Why Its Invincible). He owns a topless bar and has accumulated a large fortune. We and our partners use cookies to Store and/or access information on a device. He rules his empire with an iron fist. The 4 Yagyu senior disciples realize that the cuts in the stem, one by Musashi and another by Sekishusai, are identical, and grant Musashi a meeting with them. | Cheers to Kirkman and Walker and Ottley for making this the best time reading comics I'd had since discovering Ultimate Spider-Man. The supposed 'death' of Dupli-Kate, coupled with the bloody and gory fight sequences between Rex and the Lizard League went a long way to cementing the already glowering reputation of the book. Your list is really cool we can agree to disagree on LRLL but i respect your preferences. The new emperor of the Viltrum empire is a true hero to the very end. One of the best things in One Piece is the revelations it drops from time to time. It is fun to watch. Visit our corporate site (opens in new tab). A big one, and a superbly well-done arc. But none would have expected the utter defeat that Strawhats would experience in this arc. The Death Of Everyone is a major storyline that takes place between issues #97-100 of the core series. Not since Nolan's betrayal of Earth had Mark Grayson undergone such trials and moral dilemnas. She has the power of Transmutation and is capable of transforming matter into anything . The fight with Buggy was amazing as this is the first time we see two devil fruit users fight each other. Oh on which episode are you on right now, I have also started this anime just recently I am on alabasta arc nearly 120 or so episode. But I genuinely didnt think Ace was going to die especially after Luffy saves him. Posted on November 2, 2021 November 2, 2021 by James. The art, plot, character writing, etc are some of the best the medium has provided ever. Definition of term "Best" Read More, One of the biggest mysteries in the series is how Shanks stopped Kaido from entering the Marineford War. A squad of officers come to Konpuku and arrest Musashi for killing 70 men in his battle. Due to the hiatus, it is incomplete. It was very intense and was the first time Mark was able to show his true potential. His father, Omni-Man, also dies in this arc, truly leaving Mark on his own. Simply put, Conquest is the most visceral, shocking, violent, poignant and emotional reading experience I have ever had. Allen the Alien is a Unopan, a race of one eyed aliens that escaped destruction by the Viltrumites. He was the only member to survive Omni-Man's slaughter of the original team. He blames Invincible for this and has since become a very serious recurring threat to him. Overall one of the best arcs in One Piece. Sabaody Archipelago arc subverts the expectations of the readers. The characters and plot were somehow related to it, and it seperated Invincible from the droves of superhero comics. Using his shape shifting abilities, he impersonated an astronaut and came to Earth, leaving the real astronaut on Mars. To those who know Allen the Alien however, this will not only make sense, but be understood. But on the way there, his arrogant attitude provokes a young man in the street to draw his sword and put it at his neck before he can even react. Panel layout, composition and his clean linework, while usually brilliant, exceeded his previous work for the sheer amount of content packed into this single issue, as well as the appearance of the enormous guest cast. The backstory of Luffy with Shanks is short but fulfills its purpose flawlessly. Thats so cool! Titan. To view the purposes they believe they have legitimate interest for, or to object to this data processing use the vendor list link below. 25. What do you guy think. In fact, this was ranked 1st in our list of best Anime arcs of all time and 2nd in the list of best Manga arcs of all time. In the arcs prologue, a flashback is shown expanding on the backstories of Kojir Sasaki and Khei Tsujikaze. 0 More; Invincible is the tenth and final studio album by American singer Michael Jackson, released on October 30, 2001, by Epic Records. Inheriting his father's abilities he is the half-brother of Invincible and known as the superhero Kid-Omni Man. These include the alliance with Law, making Doflamingo an enemy, the concept of Smiles, artificial Dragons, Momonosuke, an underground network, Aokiji in the underworld, and the plan to defeat Kaido. He was one of the Viltrumites that nearly killed a race of mantis people. While initially I can see the confusion in placing this above Viltrumite and Invincible War, I feel those would have been impossible for Kirkman to write, and for the readers to fathom, without this story. Titan is a loving family man who only works for Machine Head to pay off a debt. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Sabo has supposedly killed Cobra because of Cobra's Tenryubito lineage and is on run. This comic gives readers insight into what Atom Eve and her colleague on the Teem Team Rex Splode were doing before the beginning of the core comic series. At the time of writing this, it has spun 311 manga chapters. Best Arcs, Onepiece One Piece is one of the best Manga ever. Anime almost never makes me laugh out loud, but I laughed so hard at the ultimate robot and Robins reaction that I immediately rewound it just to watch it again. Just read it. Dont be surprised if theres a Davy Back Fight against the Red Hair Pirates coming up and that arc becomes critical setup. The origin didn't really go for 12 issues. However, Scott Lang's turn in the movie brought a legitimate sense of coolness to this traditionally lame superpower. Meanwhile, Kirkman gave us Invincible's best 'team-up', threw in some unexpected twists, and with the consequences of this arc, once more hinted at the direction that Invincible was to take. Luffy screaming in disbelief with a dead Ace in his hands remains the saddest One Piece moment in the story. If you would like to change your settings or withdraw consent at any time, the link to do so is in our privacy policy accessible from our home page.. While it is important, that's not to say that this issue wasn't great; the humour and Stan Lee-ness that imbued this issue was great, and created a great sense of fun. Best Animated Superhero TV Series of All Time, Ranked By Richard Fink Published Dec 3, 2022 There have been many animated superhero shows but these ten remain the best of the best, highlighting. But the loss of Ace and the sacrifice Luffy made from Amazon Lily, Impel Down to Marineford going in vain makes this arc one of the greatest in anime or manga and not to mention the Blackbeards interference at the climax. One Piece has several great arcs and it is a daunting task to rank them. Wing and Zushi are really fun characters. Amber Bennett attended high school with Mark Grayson. Mark's helplessness against his race in this arc said all we needed to know, and praise should be given to both writer and artist for expressing this information in this minimal way, with the lack of wordy exposition. It makes us want to see more of that part rather than a story in the sky. Aces death is more ignoble and ridiculous than Kirks death in Star Trek Generations. This achievement belongs in a large way to Ryan Ottley. Which Guardians of the Globe, Teen Teamers or ordinary folk made the best first impressions?! Ottley and co. really nailed it, and without them, this entry marks the first time that they showed their essential nature to the book; imagining this arc with any other artist is simply too ming-boggling to comprehend. All rights reserved. Arlong Park is the arc that changed One Piece from being a typical goofy Shonen to an actual great story with deep themes. At the Yoshioka school he asks about the master of the school as he wants to challenge him but they say had to fight low ranked warriors first he kills 5 of them, Then the two Yoshioka brothers appear Denshichir, the rank 2; and Seijr, the Yoshioka head, who Musashi recognizes as the young man he met in the street earlier that day. Musashi, in his quest to become Invincible Under The Heavens, intends to challenge the famed Yoshioka swords. The force behind each punch, the abundance of spilled blood and anthill bruises all conveyed to us the high threat level associated with the Viltrumites. Wow. Ultimately they were able to make a floodable rice paddy field. This arc didnt give us one answer to the existing mysteries instead added several more questions. That was the only reaction I was capable of when I read this arc. Overall it is a pretty decent arc. Both of them are really amazing and have no real drawbacks. Copyright 2022. | Much like Nolan (or Omni-Man) did at the start of Invincible #1, Mark Grayson tells his son about his origins. Personally, this is one of my favourite arcs of the entire series. how?!?!?!?! Share via: 0 Shares. Luffy realizes that he still has his crew. But it introduces an amazing set of characters in Fujitora, Bartolomeu, Senor Pink, and the Grand Fleet. Thank you for showing how much punk hazard does for the overarching story, it is super underrated! Manage Settings ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Though this limited series appeared many years later, chronologically it takes place before and during the beginning of the core series. Dupli-Kate is a member of the Guardians of the Globe and a former member of the Teen Team. Musashi defeats Denshichiro and 70 other members of Yoshioka school. I like long ring long land, g5(only this filler), thriller bark. This is a very short arc of just 2 episodes but both these episodes exemplify One Pieces main theme which is an adventure. ngl, i liked enies lobby better than marineford. Musashi and Iori want to take detours to visit other places, but Toyozaemon hurries them to arrive quickly and without detours. Speechless one of the best episodes of anything, TV-MA Another key mini-series that goes back into the history of the Invincible story isInvincible Presents: Atom Eve & Rex Splode. The biggest issue with her comes from the fact that you learn nothing about her. We'll compile into a post! With its adventurous, action-packed story combined with gritty and dark moments, Hunter X Hunter leaves an everlasting impact on the viewers. Punk Hazard is probably an underrated arc since the group doesnt face any big enemy. It was simply organic and natural in its direction and execution. In retrospect, Skypea will be great. Overall, a great arc, and a great read in light of the direction the series took. There are several things that make Marineford amazing. Some bandits attack Musashi but he makes quick work of them. Continue with Recommended Cookies. However, it is not the Guardians of the Globe and Invincible's struggle with the Sequids that made this arc great; it was the parallel threat of the Lizard League, and Rex Splode's fight against them that made this arc, at the time, almost unbeatable. On Yusuke's suggestion, a tournament is held to find the next king for that world. Brit gained his invulnerability from a serum created by his father, he used it to join the army, and now works for the government. The all-out war runs through Guarding the Globe #1 to #6 and focuses on the second version of the Guardians of the Globe superhero team, assembled by Mark Grayson. Every character is intresting, apart from the yeti cool brothers. In fact, Doflamingo ranked 6th in our list of best Manga villains of all time. Nolan's redemption, which began in this arc, has become a fairly integral part of his character and his relationship dynamics, while Invincible's defeat in this arc led to his unprecedented growth in power as the series progressed. Overall, I liked the cat and mouse game this arcs plot undertook and also the portrayal of a Yonko, Big Mom in a different way than expected. It is, without doubt, the best arc in East Blue, touching the theme of racism and oppression. Sinclair, and even Invincible's ear piece proved to be signs of things to come, and indications of Stedman's true intentions. Animation, Action, Adventure, 8/10 The genial blue-skinned hulking duo that seeks to rule over the world: The Mauler Twins are actually one person. But the amount of small plot points set up for the future chaotic arcs alone deserves praise. A great issue overall. The parallel between Luffy and Roger was greatly emphasized and the introduction of Smoker and the mysterious Dragon were some of the highlights in this arc. Zoro cuts 100 bounty hunters by himself and Luffy fights Zoro for the only time ever. Mark could literally fly to Pluto, I wanna see that 8/10 On so many levels, this arcs brings together this entire era of Invincible in such a visceral, dynamic way, that I was shocked when I realised I had forgotten it from my initial list. Another big problem is the very poor antagonist in Kuro and his subordinates. He has been a member of both incarnations of the Guardians of the Globe. Having said that, Wano misses basic storytelling beats that other arcs dont. Vagabond is one of the greatest Manga series ever written by Takehiko Inoue. We and our partners use data for Personalised ads and content, ad and content measurement, audience insights and product development. Wano is filled with so many hype moments such as Gear 5, Adv Conquerors, the fights against Yonkos, etc. I'll probably be inserting an obligatory praise of Ryan Ottley in some way for each entry, but it has to be said (repeatedly) that the man is a master of his trade. It ran for 25 issues between 2007 and 2010 and told the story of Gary Hampton, who had been turned into a werewolf. What arcs/fights would YOU want to see animated? How perfectly wrong I was. On the brink of unexpected, yet whole heartedly welcome. This went a long way in making the book stand out from the rest of its superhero brethren. Overall it is one of the solid arcs that one never considered being the best but isnt a bad arc by any means. Needless to say, Ottley once again proved himself not only the best choice for this book, but amongst the best working artists in the industry. By looking at which characters made the best impression, had the most significant impact on the plot and became the most memorable, we can see what makes this . If not for nothing than the last page of issue 28. In fact, this was ranked 3rd in our list of best Anime arcs of all time and 10th in the list of best Manga arcs of all time. Many didnt like the portrayal of Big Moms character but I liked her childish yet monstrous character. Debbie Grayson's husband. Coalition Arc Vagabond Best Arcs All Arcs Ranked From Worst To Best. This entry is distinguished as being the most accurate choice for the statement. Luffy and Zoro doesnt fight with Bellamy. Your email address will not be published. Luffys 1.5 Billion bounty and fight emperor. Overall, Sabaody Archipelago is one of the arcs that make One Piece special. The flashback of Chopper is really amazing and the rest of the arc is pretty solid too. As a character, Shrinking Ray quite easily makes it to the bottom of this list, and it's not just because her power is incredibly lacklustre compared to the other Guardians of the Globe. The Second Yoshioka arc is the seventh of the story arcs in Vagabond, and it shows the events corresponding to Musashi Miyamotos large conflicts against the Yoshioka School when he is 22 years old and returns to Kyto. So Invincible Season 1 is out now, and just like The Boys before it, gives us a whole new look at what it means to be a superhero and what it means to make a superhero show! Some of our partners may process your data as a part of their legitimate business interest without asking for consent. There are seven arcs in the anime and two more in Manga. Read More, My Hero Academia is one of the most popular modern-day anime series. In this arc Musashi tries to improve Loris living standard and offer his help, he faces multiple problems such as flood, Locust swarm and uncovers the reason why the villages land is not producing crops. She has the power of Transmutation and is capable of transforming matter into anything she desires. The peaks it touched are only rivaled by very few other Manga arcs. Viltrumite War was the thematic and narrative culmination of the entire series. This is the reunion arc of the Strawhats after the two-year time skip. For comparison, the Reverie arc, Jaya arc, and Loguetown all span less than 10 episodes with a deep impact on the story. Going Merry gets a proper farewell making us cry and Robin rejoins the crew. But even though he's half Viltrumite, Mark has been tested quite often, pushed both mentally and physically, all while slowly adjusting to his massive strength and ability to fly (and more importantly land). Musashi heads to Ise. Note: I made some of these names up, as some of the mentioned story-arcs had no proper titles. Strawhats losing utterly and getting scattered is something I thought I will never see in the show. The character work showcased in this arc and beyond was simply perfect, and proved that Kirkman had a solid future planned for our favourite hero. Jaya has one of my favorite panels in the whole series, Blackbeard talking to Luffy about pirates dreams. If you would like to change your settings or withdraw consent at any time, the link to do so is in our privacy policy accessible from our home page.. Ok I can hear all of you. It is hard to imagine it only spanned 39 episodes. 25 Invincible Characters Ranked By Powers CBR 2.3M views 1 year ago All 59 MCU Villains Ranked (2022) Sean Chandler Talks About 91K views 4 months ago Thor VS Steppenwolf | MCU VS DCEU |. Luffy has to infiltrate Whole Cake Island along with Nami, Chopper, Pedro, Brook, and Carrot to retrieve Sanji. She's a bland and underdeveloped role with the same attention as a henchman in an action flick. With over 900 odd episodes, One piece has uncountable number of epic moments. Anime: Kingdom Marineford arc is one of my favorite arcs of all time in manga. All the emotional trauma experienced in Water 7 arc gets salvation here. | To those who don't: Allen the Alien was initially, and very briefly, introduced as a foe, though Invincible quickly established that he was friendly observer. Due to her great beauty, she receives many invitations and proposals (including marriage proposals). was incarcerated. Well this one was a long time in the making. In short, this issue represented a perfect relationship between writer and artist, and as always, proved to be an incredibly strong comic book as a result. This isnt a ranking of sagas but arcs that are commonly followed among the fandom. My only real complaint about your list so far is that you didnt include the Pirate Docking as a notable moment from Thriller Bark. He gets wounded in his left foot when he steps on a nail. 3. The main problem in the series is that Hody never looked like a real threat and it took several episodes to defeat him. Let us rank them from worst to best. Cookie Notice 5y. For more information, please see our And the other shows the aftermath of the war and how Luffy takes the death of Ace. This arc is the last one before entering the Grand Line and it served as a perfect farewell to the East Blue. Yet, the end of his war and his . In the final arc, Mark Grayson assumes the mantle of the Viltrumite Emperor and has his final battle with Thragg. The fight scenes between Baroque Works agents (Mr.3, Mr.5, Miss Valentine, Miss Goldenweek) and Strawhats are pretty solid. Obviously some of you won't agree, and I would be more than happy to engage in some discourse in the comments. Musashi regains consciousness in the Konpuku temple. Overall Water 7 is one of my all-time favorite arcs ever in manga or anime and aptly ranked at No.3 here. | | Read it again if you have to. The Yagyu arc is the fourth of the story arcs in Vagabond, and it shows the events corresponding to Musashi Miyamotos challenge against the Yagyu. Btw loved marinarc, i totally agree, just finished the arc and it was so anticlimatic after hearing all the hype around this arc, you forgot to add luffy using conquerors haki on the marine ford arc you clown. Baiken accepts Musashis challenge and was defeated by him. What a treat this issue was. When you're a teenager it pays to be - Invincible. Norman, Emma, and Ray live at the Grace Field House, where they learn that the orphanage is essentially a human Read More, Update (May 20, 2022): Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. The arc is filled with so many important characters that it is amazing that Oda manages to use everyone efficiently. Though Musashi has much less skill than Denshichir, they fight to a standstill. Luffy uncharacteristically asking everyone to just escape still remains one of the most heartbreaking moments in the show. D.A. Luffy and the Dressrosa group finally join Nami and others in Zou. But Musashi stays nonetheless, and Denshichir decides to fight him. It has spun 1001 chapters at the time of writing this Read More, My Hero Academia is one of the most popular modern-day anime series. Fans looking ahead to the future story of the animated series will likely find clues to its direction in these key issues from the comic books. Your email address will not be published. Like the best stories on this list, it was extremely personal, and followed in the wake of Invincible's largest defeat-Invincible War. What better way to kick off the list than to not make the first entry about Invincible? Seijr Yoshioka knows his brother Denshichir doesnt stand a chance against Musashi, so he sets to secretly assassinate Musashi before the duel. [1] They discover that one of their teachers has been turning students into bombs and has also turned himself into a bomb. Future Publishing Limited Quay House, The Ambury, Bath BA1 1UA. This anthology-style series ran in 2013 with stories by Phil Hester and art by Todd Nauck. The consent submitted will only be used for data processing originating from this website. The arc emphasizes the fact that Grandline is a graveyard for pirates and shouldnt be taken lightly, and how weak Luffy and Zoro are compared to the elites of the world. Even read without words, this story holds itself up as revolutionary to the series. I Read More. The concept of a head ruler in Im, Kumas situation, Shanks motive, a giant Strawhat, etc are some examples. Not sure tbh. 46 min Therefore, it would stand to reason that the issue that introduced us to this character and sowed the seeds for the series' future would be on the list of the Top 10 arcs. Travessa Prat de la Riba, 91-95, 08849 Sant Climent de Llobregat, Barcelona, Spain. Privacy Policy. I can see some disagreement over my top 3, but stick with me. Basically, this arc was to set the pathway for future arcs and focused on the character development of Musashi than fights. I really liked the whole upbringing of Kojiro shown in the arc. To view the purposes they believe they have legitimate interest for, or to object to this data processing use the vendor list link below. Without further ado, the list. Whole Cake Island arc is another arc that is divided among the fandom. It shows the long-awaited war between Whitebeard Pirates and the World Government of Navy and Warlords. Whole Cake arc is one of the most ambitious arcs in One Piece. On the way there, he continues training and challenging fighters. Thanks for making this list though as it has come in handy for me as a new viewer and fan of One Piece. Both of them are amazing characters and both fought hard in their own way to combat this discrimination. This critical story arc sets up the invasion of Earth by the evil Viltrumite Empire, the alien race from which Omni-Man originates. Jailbreak Arc One Piece till Water 7 is great with loads of action, adventure, comedy, sad moments, etc. I also watch multiple times. The evil father is a trope as old as stories, but many times it's more melodramatic than psychologically complicated. Sinclair created the cyborg menaces dubbed the Reanimen. RELATED:10 Best Animated Comedy Series' Of The Decade. But Reverie took it a notch up and had six breathtaking chapters of just information with no action or adventure and doesnt focus on any of the Strawhats. I mean, this is an entirely different superhero universe to Marvel and DC before it, a whole, whole lot more graphic and brutal, but still filled with tons of heart and emotion. Also, the whole early One Piece is slow talk is definitely due to Syrup Village and hence I put it last. The introduction of Ivankov and his group and Blackbeard pirates added another level of excitement to the arc. Angstrom Levy was a man with the ability to travel to alternate realities who had a horrific accident with the technology that allowed him to do so. The scenes revealing Brooks history with Laboon and Binks sake moments are exactly the reason we love One Piece. The series follows numerous characters, including the Guardians of the Globe, Tech Jacket, the Astounding Wolf-Man, and more, in various adventures that help fill in the blanks about the broader world of the story. 2 Thragg's Final Fight In The Sun. Anissa is a Viltrumite warrior sent to Earth to help prepare it for takeover. TV-MA But the fight between Luffy and Usopp broke everyones heart. Have updated till the last finished arc. At the time of writing this, it has spun 311 manga chapters. He is surrounded by Ots, Jtar, and Takuan. Arcs like Jaya serve as an information dump for world expansion. The story is about Ei Sei who intends to unify all the states of China and Hi Shin who aims to become a great general. Read More, Yu Yu Hakusho is one of Togashi's earlier works. We get to explore the lifestyle of the warrior race, the giants. Perhaps the centerpiece of the entire Invincible run, the Viltrumite War sees Mark Grayson and his friends trying to defend the Earth against the invading Viltrumites, led by Regent Thragg. The Immortal is a member of the Guardians of the Globe. 4. When Luke Skywalker learns who his real father is, he's . But Roger laughed moment and Gear 5 are two of the greatest things ever and I am placing the arc high because of those two moments. I took the arcs list from the Naruto wiki and they split war arcs into several mini-arcs and I will follow that for this Read More, Gintama is one of the best and one of the most unique anime of all time. But here it goes, all 29 arcs ranked from worst to best. But, some do it better than others. But none of the arcs prepared us for what was waiting in the Water 7 arc. The Post-Yoshioka arc is the eighth of the story arcs in Vagabond, and it shows the events concerning the aftermath of the large conflicts between Musashi and the Yoshioka clan. With being the best selling of all time, it has a huge fan following all over the world. In this arc, Musashi is looking for Baiken Shishido, to challenge him but when they meet they realised that they know each other as Baiken was the same bandit who saved his life 4 years ago. Turned into a cyborg by mad scientist, D.A. It is a Japanese Manga that tells the adventures of Monkey D. Luffy, a boy who wants to become the Pirate King. And what a pay-off it was. Asuna. Oda manages to handle Luffy phenomenally even in this situation as his actions and achievements never come off as plot armor. Post-Enies Lobby part is also amazing with events like a new ship, new bounties, and the reveal of Luffys family. I won't spoil anything. All signs were leading to it, yet I, personally, didn't see it happening until the last issues of the book. Luffy saves Nai and Sanji after climbing the mountain. In this storyline, Mark Grayson appears to die at the hands of the supervillain, leading to critical series of events that set up the finale of the overall story. This arc focuses on a contest between the Straw Hat Pirates and the Foxy Pirates, called the Davy Back Fight. RELATED:Amazon's Invincible: The Most Likable Characters, Ranked. In retrospect, it should have been expected especially after Sabaody. 1. The Kojiro arc is the sixth of the story arcs in Vagabond, and it shows the events corresponding to Kojiro Sasakis early years. The horror of the story was perfectly captured by Ottley, and I daresay this arc owed it's success to the artist. 42 min This arc reveals a lot of information and also takes one step closer to the end goal, One Piece. Thanks for your heartwarming comment. Then in arc 3, dozens of characters get introduced, every single one of whom is far more competent and far more motivated than Subaru is. It was Jackson's sixth studio album released through Epic, and his last released before his death in 2009. Invincible is an American comic book series written by Robert Kirkman, illustrated by Cory Walker and Ryan Ottley, and published by Image Comics.Set in the Image Universe, Invincible follows the coming of age of superhero Mark Grayson / Invincible, a Viltrumite and first-born son of Omni-Man, the most powerful superhero on Earth.The series began publication on January 22, 2003, concluding on . This is the first arc in the series and still remains one of the best introductory arcs to a Shonen series. This is one of the best East Blue arcs that happen after the slow and boring Syrup Village arc. This arc isnt finished yet, so it is hard to rank it higher. Second Yoshioka arc is truly one of the greatest Manga arcs of all time. Invincible #1 came out in 2003, written by Robert Kirkman, the creator of The Walking Dead comic book franchise. 8/10
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