judge deborah kaplan rules
Lewis A. Kaplan. Silver, who was serving as its Administrative Judge on an interim basis. Courtroom: Room 238 Phone: (646) 386-3304 Discovery must continue while any CPLR 3212 motion is pending unless otherwise ordered by the Court. Chambers: Room 519 Phone: (646) 386-4755 While serving on the Supreme Court, Justice Kaplan was appointed by the Hon. Courtroom: Room 278 Phone: (646) 386-3572 ; Catherine Paszkowska, Esq. Law Clerks: Lydia Devine, Esq. Rules for the Judges in both State and Federal Courts. Judge Kaplan also strove to raise awareness of issues impacting older adults, including elder abuse in both the civil and criminal context. If a motion has been withdrawn or the case has been settled or otherwise discontinued, please immediately notify the Part Clerk by phone and then e-file and fax a stipulation (with e-filing confirmation) executed by all affected parties. Chambers: Room 660 Phone: (646) 386-5596 Biography The conference must be held within forty-five (45) days of the filing of an R.J.I. Do not leave the courtroom until either Justice Kalish or his court attorney have reviewed your completed orders and Justice Kalish has signed the order or stipulation. Deborah A. Kaplan, a New York State judge since 2001 and the administrative judge of New York County Supreme Court's Civil Term for the past three years, has been named deputy chief . All requests for adjournments must be approved in advance. Chambers: Room 103 Phone: (646) 386-4987 500 Pearl St. Biography, 60 Centre Street, New York, NY 10007 It is one of the largest courts of original, unlimited civil jurisdiction in the United States. Part 23 General IAS Part Part 23 Rules D. Attorneys are strongly recommended to sign up for E-TRACK to follow their case. Johnathan Lippman, former Chief Judge of the State of New York, to serve as the statewide coordinating judge for Family Violence Cases. Moving counsel may also submit a stipulation stating that opposing counsel does not specifically oppose the motion for admission pro hac vice to expedite review of the motion. Chambers: Room 1630 Phone: (646) 386-5733 Counsel are required to file all responsive papers in Part 20. Conversely, property rules do not suffer the same disadvantage, since under property rules right holders are granted authority to evaluate their own . Part Rules Concerning Virtual Proceedings, 60 Centre Street, New York, NY 10007 Copyright 2023 ALM Global, LLC. Biography, 60 Centre Street, New York, NY 10007 <>/Metadata 96 0 R/ViewerPreferences 97 0 R>> E-mail: SFC-Part51-Clerk@nycourts.gov, Part 22Motor Vehicle IAS Part Part Rules, 80 Centre Street, New York, NY 10013 Your credits were successfully purchased. 4 0 obj At the pre-trial conference, the court will distribute to each party a Pre-Trial Information Sheet and Stipulation and Order that require, inter alia, a statement of undisputed facts, prospective motions in limine, list of exhibits with exhibit designations, and estimate of trial days, which each party, severally or jointly, must complete and submit to the court within one week before the date set for, Miscellaneous There will beno ex parte communicationswith the court, except in accordance with OSCs seeking relief in accordance with Uniform Rule 202.7(f). 100 Centre Street, New York, NY 10013 Any allegations of fact submitted to the court, including allegations contained in an affidavit and/or the complaint, must be certified by counsel in the form prescribed by the Chief Administrative Judge. Kaplan was appointed in October as deputy chief administrative judge for the New York City Courts, and also has been serving as administrative judge for the Manhattan State Supreme Court,. Law Offices of Gary Martin Hays & Associates Our Compliance bundles are curated by CLE Counselors and include current legal topics and challenges within the industry. Bob serves on various governmental committees relating to the judiciary, as well as the rules governing New York family law, including: Chairperson of the First Department Judicial Screening Committee, appointed by Governor Andrew Cuomo State Judicial Screening Committee, appointed by Governor Andrew Cuomo 500 Pearl Street Law Clerk: Alana Gardner, Esq. Courtroom: Room 210 Phone: (646) 386-3279 ; Boris Gelfand, Esq. Commercial Division Law Clerk: Yi Shan Yin, Esq. Preliminary Conference Order New York,NY 10007 - 1312, Hon. Judge Kaplan received her J.D. The Court requires working copies of all motion papers. She was chair of the New York State Courts Orders of Protection Task Force and of the New York State Judicial Committee on Elder Justice. Law Clerk: Jessica C. Wagner, Esq. Assistant Law Clerk: Katherine G. Horner, Esq. Brooklyn Womens Bar Association Does Lunch with Manhattan Administrative Justice Kaplan, New York State Unified Court System: Courtroom: Room 684 Phone: (646) 386-3308 Chambers: Room 308 Phone: (646) 386-3112 Courtroom: Room 304 Phone: (646) 386-5281 Judges as well as the Second Circuit Court of Appeals. Biography, 60 Centre Street, New York, NY 10007 Assistant Law Clerk: Joseph Orth, Esq. registration process. Commercial Division Law Clerk:Karen Touaf, Esq. Any requests for adjournments of preliminary conferences or compliance conferences must be made at least two business days prior to the scheduled conference date. These have included the First Department Committee on Character and Fitness of Applicants for Admission to the Bar, the New York State Bar Associations Committee on Justice in the Community, its Presidents Committee on Access to Justice, and along with the Womens Bar Association, its Joint Domestic Violence Initiative Education and Training Subcommittee. E-mail: SFC-Part31-Clerk@nycourts.gov, Part 61 Commercial Division Part Rules Chambers: Room 466 Phone: (646) 386-5648 Hon. 60 Centre Street, New York, NY 10007 Assistant Law Clerk: Jonathan Egalite, Esq. E-mail: SFC-Part7-Clerk@nycourts.gov, Part 63GeneralIAS Part Part Rules Courtroom: Room 574 Phone: (646) 386-3195 Hon. Courtroom: Room 208 Phone: (646) 386-3287 ;Alexander Frey, Esq. Courtroom: Room 355 Phone: (646) 386-3296 Assistant Law Clerk: Roseanne Harris, Esq. ; Brantley L. Carter, Esq. Your subscription has successfully been upgraded. Motions may not be adjourned on consent more than once without court approval. The same goes for Opposition Papers and Reply Papers. Law Clerk: David B. Collins, Esq. The issue appears to be a big deal to Judge Kaplan, who warned Joe Tacopina, Trump's attorney Wednesday morning. Courtroom: Room 328 Phone: (646) 386-3273 E-mail: SFC-Part58-Clerk@nycourts.gov, Part 3 Commercial Division Part Rules (revised June 23, 2022) Deborah A. Kaplan: The New York County Supreme Court Civil Branch is housed in four buildings in lower Manhattan. Your article was successfully shared with the contacts you provided. Parties are encouraged to submit transcripts in minu-script format where possible. Work with interesting people doing important things. To view this content, please continue to their sites. Discovery motions are strongly discouraged. Commercial Division Law Clerk: Filip Cukovic, Esq. It takes ingenuity, innovation, organization, and team . Biography, 60 Centre Street, New York, NY 10007 609-288-9484. % Trial dates scheduled by the court are firm and may only be adjourned upon application based upon an emergency. Counsel affirmation in support must include the note of issue filing date. Terms of Service. in English and her B.S. Juanita Bing Newton, who was serving as the Deputy Chief Administrative Judge for the Office of Justice Initiatives with the New York State Unified Court System. Over the past decade, many New York judges, including three on the state's highest court and top court administrators, didn't publicly report outside compensation and gifts over $150 to their clerks, violating an ethics rule that safeguards against financial conflicts of interest and corruption. Coercive Rules; Participants. Adding your team is easy in the "Manage Company Users" tab. E-mail: SFC-Part28-Clerk@nycourts.gov, Part 44 Matrimonial IAS Part Part Rules Judge for all Dilantin product liability actions and Justice Robert Reed will serve as the . Judge: Deborah A. Kaplan Cases posted with a "30000" identifier, i.e., 2013 NY Slip Op 30001(U), are republished from various New York State and local government sources, including the New . The Deputy Chief Administrative Judge for New York City Courts has won dismissal of a lawsuit alleging that she allowed judges presiding over artist Peter Maxs guardianship to engage in ex parte communications with court-appointed fiduciaries and counsel in the highly-contested proceedings. Dynamically explore and compare data on law firms, companies, individual lawyers, and industry trends. E-mail: SFC-Part62-Clerk@nycourts.gov, 71 Thomas Street, New York, NY 10013 All adjournments require the prior approval of the court. T,p 1 0 obj Parties may not submit omnibus motion papers do not submit papers intended to be applicable to multiple motions. Supreme Court, New York County, Civil; 60 Centre Street New York, NY 10007 +1-646-386-3300. Assistant Law Clerk: Yusra Hoyt, Esq 202.16(d) a R.J.I. Chambers: Room 690 Phone: (646) 386-5691 Chambers: Room 280 Phone: (646) 386-4261 Motions to consolidate Family Court orders of protection actions must contain a complete copy of the Family Court file. PRELIMINARY CONFERENCEPreliminary Conferences will be held on Wednesdays and Thursdays, unless notified otherwise by the Court. Chambers: Room 620 Phone: (646) 386-4927 Courtroom: Room 122 Phone: (646) 386-3696 Daniel Patrick Moynihan United States Courthouse 500 Pearl St. New York, NY 10007-1312 . Law Clerk: Robin Marsico, Esq. E-mail: SFC-Part18-Clerk@nycourts.gov, 80 Centre Street, New York, NY 10013 TRO) must appear with the affected adversary or proof that the adversary was notified but declined to appear when the application is presented for signature. Federal Building and Courthouse 3 0 obj Justice Kaplan graduated with her B.A. Serving Desoto, Manatee & Sarasota Counties. Courtroom: Room 543 Phone: (646) 386-3846 Preliminary Conference Order Form Judge Karl Elledge, AZ. Scheduled EBTs mayNOTbe adjourned without prior Court approval. E-mail: SFC-Part8-Clerk@nycourts.gov, 111 Centre Street, New York, NY 10013 Parties shall prepare the relevant preliminary conference and compliance conference formspriorto conferencing with Justice Kalish or his court attorney. Courtroom: Room 136 Phone: (646) 386-3271 Preliminary Conference Order Form Part Trial Rules Assistant Law Clerk: Annslee Perego, Esq. E-mail: SFC-Part60-Clerk@nycourts.gov, 71 Thomas Street, New York, NY 10013 40 Foley Square No one from the Court will call you New York, NY 10007-1312, Daniel Patrick Moynihan E-mail: SFC-Part55-Clerk@nycourts.gov, Integrated Domestic Violence Part Rules Chambers: Room 532 Phone: (646) 386-3081 At NY's Highest Court, Restaurateurs Aim to Gain Insurance Coverage for COVID Losses, Crowell & Moring Joins Law Firms in Suing Landlords Over Pandemic-Era Rent, NY Pandemic Practices Study Calls for Increased Use of Tech Including Expansion of Remote Proceedings, After Tendering Resignation, Ex-Town Judge Admits He Refused to Cooperate With NY Conduct Commission, Law Firm Leadership's Guide to Strategic Implementation of GPT-4, Law.com Editors and Analysts Offer Top Trends to Watch for 2023, State of the Industry: What a Difference a Year Makes, Consulting Women Leaders in Technology 2023, Litigation Attorney / Litigation Lawyer / Associate Rochester, New York, PVA Cal San Diego to Support Paul Ehline Motorcycle Ride Lytle Creek, SEDA Experts Expands its Forensic Accounting Expert Witness Practice, Meet Dr. Jason A. Shackelford, the Attorney Bringing Justice to Missouri. Chambers: Room 555 Phone: (646) 386-4381 endobj Law Clerk:Christine Vetter, Esq. Access to the Judges' Part Rules requires a simple (and FREE!) when he was Deputy Chief Administrative Judge for the State of New York and Director of the Office of Court Treatment Programs. E-mail: SFC-Part12-Clerk@nycourts.gov, 80 Centre Street, New York, NY 10013 CHIEF CLERK 60 CENTRE ST. Hon. You will lose the information in your envelope, Press Release Court Leadership Positions Filled in New York City, Report on the New York County Criminal Court, Brooklyn Womens Bar Association Does Lunch with Manhattan Administrative Justice Kaplan, NY - 1st Judicial District - New York County Supreme Court, Civil Term, NY - Civil Court of the City of New York, New York County, Legal Aid Society, Criminal Defense Division, Office of Justice Initiatives with the Hon. Absent an emergency, orders to show cause may not be adjourned. Times New Roman font with one-inch margins.All submitted documents including Affirmations and Memoranda of Law shall be at most 15 pages in length unless the Court grants permission otherwise, prior to submission, Parties may not shift this page limit to exceed 15 pages on a submitted document (i.e., submitting a 10-page affirmation in support does not permit the submission of a 20-page memorandum of law). Courtroom: Virtual Phone: (646) 386-3275 Law Clerks: Stacy Osborne, Esq. With this subscription you will receive unlimited access to high quality, online, on-demand premium content from well-respected faculty in the legal industry. E-mail: SFC-Part39-Clerk@nycourts.gov, 60 Centre Street, New York, NY 10007 Law Clerk: Tara Szap, Esq. Access to the Judges' Part Rules requires a simple (and FREE!) Making Supreme--The voters have spoken as the 303,163 New Yorkers cast their ballots in the November 2022 election elected upper East Side native Sabr For full print and download access, please subscribe at https://www.trellis.law/. Hon. Law Clerk: Daniel Palmisano, Esq. <> For questions call 1-877-256-2472 or contact us at [emailprotected], Young Lawyers Are Willing to Sacrifice Their Comp for These Benefits, Jill Beck Runs for Pennsylvania Superior Court, Judge Matthew Wolf Runs for Commonwealth Court, Shearman's Financial Issues Mount, Sources Say, But New Leader Sees Path Forward, Appellate Court: Yale Police Not Required to Turn Over Recordings of 'Uncorroborated Allegations of a Crime'. Deborah A. Kaplan, Administrative Judge of New York County Supreme Court's Civil Term, as co-chair of the New York State Justice Task Force. Register for this free text and email service at enotify.flcourts.org. Law Clerk: Judith Moresco, Esq. A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V WX Y Z, Deputy Chief Administrative Judge for Courts Within New York City Assistant Law Clerk: Nassim Hosseinzadeh, Esq. Law Clerk: Daniel A. Rudolf, Esq. Motion papers shall be clearly labeled as Notices of Motion, Affidavits in Support, Affirmations in Support, Memoranda of Law and Exhibits. Deborah Kaplan. Shortly after graduating from law school, Kaplan joined the Legal Aid Society, where she worked as senior trial counsel of its Criminal Defense Division for eleven years. Read E-mail: SFC-Part49-Clerk@nycourts.gov, Part 51Matrimonial IAS Part Part Rules, 60 Centre Street, New York, NY 10007 2023, Portfolio Media, Inc. | About | Contact Us | Legal Jobs | Advertise with Law360 | Careers at Law360 | Terms | Privacy Policy | Cookie Settings | Help | Site Map, Enter your details below and select your area(s) of interest to stay ahead of the curve and receive Law360's daily newsletters, Email (NOTE: Free email domains not supported). Assistant Law Clerk: Kiriaki Tsevdos, Esq. All partiesmustbe present for all appearances and conferences unless excused by the Court. Information about Judge Kaplan is also available on the Judicial Directory. Five days later, plaintiff filed a complaint in lieu of prerogative writs seeking de novo review of his termination under N.J.S.A. E-mail: SFC-Part46-Clerk@nycourts.gov, Part 7 General IAS Part Part Rules A. Chambers: Room 673 Phone: (646) 386-4230 If the proposed instructions are taken verbatim from the Pattern Jury Instructions, PJI numbers will suffice. Counties included are New Courtroom: Room 1604 Phone: (646) 386-3868 Assistant Law Clerk: Joshua Rodriguez, Esq. Compliance Conference Order Form in education from the State University of New York at Albany in 1982. Individual Rules of Practice - April 18th, 2020. Assistant Law Clerk: Madeline Halimi, Esq. Law Clerk: Sarah Lusk, Esq. Oral argument is required on all motions and orders to show cause, unless directed otherwise by the Court. If you are not already registered to receive the Judges' Part Rules online, please click here.. Chambers: Room 649 Phone: (646) 386-3885 Justice Kaplans judicial career began in 2001 when she was first elected to the New York County Civil Court. She has served as co-chair of the Gender Fairness Committee of the New York County Supreme Court, Civil Term, the New York Hague Convention and Domestic Violence Bench Guide Consulting Committee, the New York State Bar Associations Family Law Section, Domestic Violence Committee, and the New York City Task Force on Domestic Violence Committee. HON. Chambers: Room 629 Phone: (646) 386-3103 The Parties shall not submit any sur-replies or additional papers unless the Court has granted express permission to do so. E-mail: SFC-Part63-Clerk@nycourts.gov, Part 48 Commercial Division Part Rules Courtroom: Room 438 Phone: (646) 386-4462 Motion Practice - Oral Argument on Tuesdays at 2:15 p.m.Notification is done via E-TRACK (see III [D] below). Do not send courtesy copies to chambers unless directed to do so. Report on the New York County Criminal Court, The Harry and Jeanette Weindberg Center for Elder Justice: Law Clerk: Michael Rand, Esq. Chambers: Room 529 Phone: (646) 386-5856 Part 14 General IAS Part Part Rules E-mail: SFC-Part9-Clerk@nycourts.gov, 1st JD - Supreme Court, Civil Branch, NY County, Subpoenaed Records/Interpreters/Withdrawal, Rules of the Special Referees Part (Part SRP), Part Rules Concerning Virtual Proceedings. E-mail: SFC-Part11-Clerk@nycourts.gov, 111 Centre Street, New York, NY 10013 Assistant Law Clerk: Connor M Flynn, Esq. Law Clerk: Porsha R. Johnson, Esq. /DWoi\x"/i@ +Y b0+/Am8s~/D/V)9O2G-,w"L(v%4l0. Judge Geoffrey Fish, AZ. 40A:14-150. must be filed within one hundred and twenty (120) days. Chambers: Room 207 Phone: (646) 386-5075 Chambers: Room 551 Phone: (646) 386-5181 c=: hIEK%W&&U All Rights Reserved. She also taught as an adjunct professor at New York Law School. Law Clerk: Rebecca I. Wohl, Esq. Poughkeepsie, NY 12601, United States District Court - Southern District of New York, Southern District Of New York Seeking Candidates For Criminal Justice Act Panel, Application to Bring an Electronic Device Into the Courthouse, 2nd Circuit Judicial Misconduct Procedures, Law Clerk Hiring Information - January 31st, 2022, Individual Rules of Practice - April 18th, 2020, Sentencing Procedures - September 6th, 2007, Your Employee Rights and How to Report Wrongful Conduct. Chambers: Room 1137 Phone: (646) 386-4342 Communications with Chambers Unless otherwise directed by the Court, Parties will not copy the Court on letters exchanged between the Parties. 38800. Commercial Division Law Clerk:France E.D. Learn more. Asbestos Trial Part, 71 ThomasStreet, New York, NY 10013 Please see our Privacy Policy. ( w!8I$ NPz5LNFAb"e`R?8O~8?H{;E8O>lp69ShV?425iFQQD 6'2dU0iI'6y?}X8 ~&Oas3p_xuWtkvA-wn_Voc{Po`t}r bsv$*$[3c?E= moHYv]GlW!|/G4JG-o3VHiDJ?in&i/tAxZF, ROBERT D. KALISHPart 29,IAS General Assignment Part, Room 104, 71 Thomas Street Phone: 646-386-4039, Fax: 212-618-5242;Associate Law Clerk:Justin Mahony, Esq.,Assistant Law Clerk:Joshua Demopoulos, Esq.Courtroom Part Clerk:Lohoma ShipmanConferences and Oral Argument are usually on Tuesdays at 9:15 a.m. and 2:15 p.m. in the Trial & Motion Courtroom. E-mail: SFC-Part30-Clerk@nycourts.gov, 111 Centre Street, New York, NY 10013 E-filed motions are strongly encouraged to contain hyperlinked case citations, bookmarks, and searchable text. Commercial Division Law Clerk:Jessica Huang more, eNotify, Floridas Court Event Notification Status Conference Order Form Gain access to some of the most knowledgeable and experienced attorneys with our 2 bundle options! Preliminary Conference Order Courtroom: Room 218 Phone: (646) 386-3355 The Court will not consider any requests for an adjournment made fewer than two business days prior to the appearance date absent an emergency and a written stipulation by all parties consenting to the adjournment. She has also served on the New York State Judicial Committee on Women in the Courts, the New York State Courts Anti-Bias Committee, and the New York State Courts Advisory Committee on Disability Access. Assistant Law Clerk: Megan Schnader, Esq. E-mail: SFC-Part13-Clerk@nycourts.gov Law Clerks: Andrew Hile, Esq. All substantive legal arguments including references to statutes and case law shall be made in Memorandums of Law, Only, which shall be submitted and e-filed separately from any Affirmations or Affidavits.Legal arguments are not to be included in Affirmations. Law Clerk: Nicholas Grafstrom, Esq. Lewis A. Kaplan District Judge Hon. All exhibits to e-filed papers shall be e-filed separately as exhibits and appropriately identified. It should not just refer the court to the exhibit as a whole. Few judges filed the required public reports with their clerks for gifts and extra-judicial income over $150. DEBORAH A. KAPLANPart 20,Matrimonial Part, Room 540, Courtroom Phone: 646-386-3300; Chambers Phone: 646-386- 5567; Fax: 212-401-9037Principal Law Clerk: Joan G. Levenson, Esq. Justice Kaplan is the 2017 recipient of The Harry and Jeanette Weinberg Center for Elder Justices Champion for Justice Award. Juanita Bing Newton, Chief Management Analyst and Project Counsel. Copyright 2021 ALM Media Properties, LLC. United States Courthouse x\mo8 ACI@j;tl7NXl/Ntof(J%&p2CONF Q^F'2&|?{?@03= $qDq-{7M3OiMN&?{|:;;oCp:^/g?_>"wp~ozwVY Visit Career Opportunities page for full listing Assistant Law Clerk: Nicole Devaris-Morgulis, Esq. Chambers: Room 209A Phone: (646) 386-4945 All other exhibits shall be bound together,separated by protruding exhibit tabs.Deposition transcripts shall be labeled to indicate both their exhibit number/letter and to identify the deposed individual. She was later assigned to the Criminal Court. For all motions pending in the Submissions Part (60 Centre Street Room 130), the Parties will follow that Parts rules regardingAdjournments, scheduling, and withdrawals. Practice Requirements of Judges. With the Judges' Part Rules, we have put together a comprehensive listing of the Judge Kaplan will replace . Chambers: Room 570 Phone: (646) 386-3944 from the State University of New York at Albany. E-mail: SFC-Part2-Clerk@nycourts.gov, Part 36 General IAS Part Chambers: Room 310A Phone: (646) 386-3799 .9Xb9KrQg$UEhb'!zmW}!6I!loco3&mk^(v'b%;'!_[J {pP7x)qg"AVA]o~i! The phone number of Chambers will remain unchanged at 646-386-5567. . Biography, 80 Centre Street, New York, NY 10013 E-mail: SFC-Part19-Clerk@nycourts.gov, 80 Centre Street, New York, NY 10013 In 2008, she began presiding over its Matrimonial Part. Courtroom: Room 228 Phone: (646) 386-3362 E-mail: SFC-Part22-Clerk@nycourts.gov, 71 Thomas Street, New York, NY 10013 Lawrence Knipel Administrative Judge Civil Matters, 2nd Judicial District 1 0 obj Read the new guidelines, There have been news reports of people being called and Chambers: Room 609 Phone: (646) 386-5695 Instead, separately file a memorandum of law. Courtroom: Room 428 Phone: (646) 386-3237 Chambers: Room 276 Phone: (646) 386-3339 Chambers: Room 665 Phone: (646) 386-3196 E-mail: SFC-Part32-Clerk@nycourts.gov, Part 24 Matrimonial IAS Part Part Rules, 60 Centre Street, New York, NY 10007 Your content views addon has successfully been added. Deborah A. Kaplan is a justice of the Supreme Court 1st Judicial District of New York.She was elected to this position on November 8, 2011 (effective January 1) for a 14-year term ending on December 31, 2025.. She previously served as an acting justice for the 1st Judicial District Supreme Court.She was appointed to this position in 2007.She also served on assignment to the New York City .
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