karakia timatanga kia hora te marino
2 0 obj We made excellent time on the undulating but easy enough track through the forest and made the road end by 10am. Paul is reluctantly bringing his mother back to live with him for a few weeks while she recovers. Karakia Rwhiti. We greeted the mud as an old friend and continued on our merry way.Bills shoulder was beginning to play up, the combination of a freshly restocked, and thus heavy, bag and the fast going (more speed = more impact) were causing a bit of strife. Talei. Opening Karakia May peace be widespread May the sea be like greenstone A pathway for us all this day Let us show respect for each other For one another Bind us all together Karakia Timatanga . The view ahead wasnt bad either, with snow spattered Mount Travers looming large above the saddle. You sense he is in no rush today. The view from the saddle down the Sabine River was incredible, easily in the Top 3 views weve seen in this entire odyssey. Tiki ! uh4J}#L!2XBmoLoPMXi.O9>8Qz.nPO)sz=XH^)E\khIxzZ;8:WRxFyG^>|ZSq8)Ux]l$[. The quiet and respectful residents of the hut provided the perfect environment for a monster of a sleep. Email maori.development@otago.ac.nz. Karakia are prayers or incantations. Te Ao Mori denotes the Mori World. hbbd``b`@D H W@H"LJ m]~ endstream endobj startxref 0 %%EOF 168 0 obj <>stream Opening karakia Kia hora te marino Kia whakapapa pounamu te moana Hei huarahi m tatou I te rangi nei Aroha atu, aroha mai Ttou i a ttou katoa. Logic would suggest it might take three hitches to cover the not long, but convoluted route to St Arnuad and the start of the Travers Sabine Circuit. In all the things we need to learn today %PDF-1.6 % xY$q+o$@3DHi/"H-Zw=,F7mn////~i~O}?^o^~}hu\{_/L/?|_n^/4(_Sg)moiAxh7g@3isy3Z.:ohXxE[vBkNH:Yh6ABluJ,.{v:x:gz'eCz{e;~`2/]^8)`:n|(;Q"ue@V}cY,F~uZgXBBv\ ^ue`B{P@SvZya May peace be widespread, may the sea glisten like greenstone, and may the shimmer of light guide you. Glimpses of the surrounding mountains softened the frustrations, but we knew we had 5 hours walking left even after we got to this first hut so we were keen on making quick time and we were not. Email maori.development@otago.ac.nz, Find out more about Kia Mia's interactive bicultural training software. 30 minutes took 20 and we lunched in the lakeside Sabine Hut, knowing we still had five hours to go, we took drastic measures and ate an extra wrap each. Cease the winds from the west Hai rahi i ttou mahi Home. Bind us all together. Let us show respect for each other, for one another. This grisly reminder of a violent past is now a peaceful walk through mature red beech forest with occasional glimpses into the deep canyon below. The day started poorly for Bill, he fell into a frigid stream whilst filling up the water bottles, soaking his feet and legs in the process. You can also call Lifeline on. r~-59`LHN!\1 Program Notes: Kia Hora Te Marino is a setting of a traditional Maori blessing. E rere wairua, e rereKi nga ao o te rangiWhitiwhitia e te raMahea ake nga poraruraruMakere ana nga here,Makere ana nga here. He maungrongo ki te whenua TINA! It wasnt terrible, but it was slow, rooty and energy sapping. We dried off, headed back to town for fish and delectable beer-battered fries then an early night.Sarah had a tough night and did not sleep well. E te Atua Mori ki Otago An afternoon of chatting with the Department of Conservation Rangers was followed by a very tasty, if only for its variety, potato and spinach curry and then an early night. Source notes: Information in this section has been provided by Kia Mia Bicultural Communications. DONE. Karakia, in their true essence, are ritual chants invoking spiritual guidance and protection. We came inside, had a cup of tea and relaxed. % Peace on Earth 1987 Toyota Camry? We eventually caught the boat to the track start at 10.30 and began our walking in earnest at 11.00. For example: welcoming the dawn and farewelling the day, to ensure a safe journey, for different types of illness, when undertaking t moko (tribal tatoo), when carving wharenui (meeting houses) or waka (traditional canoe), and more. We had got into bed at 7.30pm and slept almost interrupted until our alarm chimed at 6.30am. Kia Tau te Rangimarie. The dirty tan color of the little hatchback suggests the owner has had a lapse in judgement in the past and might err again by stopping for us. It had been a monster of a day both physically and mentally but we had made it and felt good knowing we had just the two hours or so to the road end the following day.We slept incredibly well in the warm hut and sprung out of bed the following morning at 6.30. 154 views, 3 likes, 3 loves, 0 comments, 1 shares, Facebook Watch Videos from Inspire In Education: On Friday, we went over our Karakia Timatanga - Opening Prayer Kia hora te marino by our Year 8. Bill went in and picked up the, sadly very predictable, anti-smorgasbord of tuna, couscous, granola and peanut butter. It turns out his mother had emailed him a list of foods she will and will not eat. The Turtle being an undignified crawl under the tree hoping your shell (your bag) will squeeze underneath without trapping you on the ground. Link here: https://christophertin.lnk.to/CelebrationThreadID Kia Hora T. Rapa, 14 Whiringa -nuku, 2020. o te wai tai To add to our frustration we were walking above, but parallel to, a beautiful river that looked hugely inviting as both a water source but also potentially as a pathway itself. The joy was a little short lived as the condition of the track soon degraded however. Kia mtaratara ki tai No way! Amen, Nau mai e ng hua The grass grew longer and the camber of the track grew more unpredictable. of Tangaroa o te wai Mori It is intended to support staff efforts to incorporate te reo Mori me na tikanga into their daily working life. TIKI E! Ki roto, ki tn, ki tn o mtou Bill also enquired about a room for the night, it had been a while without a nice bed and a shower, the $170 quote sent us down the road to the campsite. Boyle Flats Hut from across the Boyle River. Hang e te Atua he ngkau hou Fly O free spirit, flyto the clouds in the heavens,transformed by the sun,withall doubts swept awayandall restrains cast down.Yes,all restrains are cast down. Tangaroa @ Rwhiti. Said of human life, The sun rises to the zenith, then declines. Hold fast. Upper Travers Hut sits in a natural amphitheater between the St Arnaud and Travers Ranges and is, in our opinion, one of the most picturesque huts in New Zealand. Hui e, Tiki e! Lose rocks acted like marbles and the track demanded great focus to prevent a fall. Waking up at Cannibal Gorge Hut at 6.00am, our usual Big Day" alarm time, we realised a truth looming over us for a while, we have been walking so long now, and walking North, that the days were shortening. Upon conquering the vertical challenge away from the lake, it was now a case of working our way around the gigantic Mount Robert before dropping into a hollow by Speargrass Creek, home to its eponymous hut. =X&v|_zxsw7,F h)uzbr}=.~rN3-z}]]BYs=-\c-Vzx^zll_l.0zp]ocE;s\'^._y ]p:e@, z,'hlUaaXM `A| p)hayt(] 'u;g@%4IoL{e!$M8.h_N 4d7|Ak48dr> 0A)ZzR>"'X/N2-k2w JW 7~cCwnY>"]4[bagm,s'0G)0;,V:wwv&+zvbYNpvM'Rel:z;_wO00c;O$iGwCA\/[frlB'8'e?y_O-$;.BpqN&x{K.w|] Part One was West Sabine Hut to Sabine Hut on the shores of Lake Rotoroa. Ko Ihu Karaiti t mtou Ariki Hei ako hoki i ng mahi m tnei r Nelson Pelorus Bridge- Havelock- Queen Charlotte Track Finish. Christopher can be found on:Instagram: https://christophertin.lnk.to/InstagramIDFacebook: https://christophertin.lnk.to/FacebookIDTwitter: https://christophertin.lnk.to/TwitterIDSpotify: https://christophertin.lnk.to/SpotifyIDApple Music: https://christophertin.lnk.to/AppleIDAmazon: https://christophertin.lnk.to/AmazonMusicIDSoundcloud: https://christophertin.lnk.to/SoundcloudID Music video by Christopher Tin performing Kia Hora Te Marino (Visualizer). Ko au te awa, Ko te awa ko au. Kia hora te marino Kia whakapapa pounamu te moana Hei huarahi m ttou i te rngi nei Aroha atu aroha mai Ttou i a ttou katoa . Fortunately being near the river meant stops for water were frequent and easy. New Zealand, Tel +64 3 479 8081 Kia whakamaua hSmo0+m@*|&d@,@@lii4!8}{_:|$V Whakataka te hau ki te uru Surrounded by glorious scenery and walking on the mainly flat riverside path, we made great time and reached Anne Hut at 12.30pm for an early-ish lunch. The Sabine River was a constant companion to our right, it varied at times from a wide shallow expanse to a deeply deeply gorged rapid raging river. It has three. Cannibal Gorge Hut is equally as idyllically placed as Ada Pass, with cracking views of the rocky peaks of the Spenser Mountains all around. Me t ttou whai i ng tikanga a rtou m A reminder: please consider donating to our cause, if youve enjoyed this blog and our previous work it would mean so much to us to support this vital cause. Tangaroa, god of the sea. Affirm! Instil in us your sacred spirit The Hut was empty and cool, providing an oasis from the stifling heat outside. 7.45 and we set off for a day of 2 parts. With around 5km to go we opted for the headphones route. New Zealand, Tel +64 3 479 8081 We smashed down breakfast (and a tea of course) and were on our way. Whakataka te hau ki te tonga Eventually it cooled down enough, and our hut buddies finally turned out their head torches and we still managed to salvage a decent enough sleep.6.30 alarm was callously disregarded and we sluggishly rolled out of bed at 7.00. May peace be widespread, may the sea glisten like greenstone, and may the shimmer of light guide you on your way. Whiti ki runga, whiti ki raro. Whats next?This is it everyone, one final section. Bless this food Use these lyric and video guides, have apractice at home, then join inwith us next time you are at a school event. (May peace be widespread, may the sea glisten like greenstone, and may the shimmer of light guide you on your way)Progress: 2847.5km 94.67%The St James Walkway and Travers Sabine Circuit. While simple in definition, it is rich in meaning and vast in breadth and depth. Here, Te Ao Mori refers to three key areas: te Reo Mori ( Mori language) Tikanga Mori ( protocols and customs ) te Tiriti o Waitangi ( the Treaty of Waitangi) Together, these three areas will provide you with a broad . Karakia are prayers and blessings that bring us together and cover every aspect of life. Nogo. Whakapainga nei kai Desperate times call for desperate measures.Speargrass Hut was the next waypoint and our destination for the evening. of Rongo Whiti ora ki te whai ao ki te ao mrama. Welcome the gifts of foodfrom the sacred forestsfrom the cultivated gardensfrom the seafrom the fresh watersThe food of Taneof Rongoof Tangaroaof MaruI acknowledge the sky father who is above me,the earth mother who lies beneath meLet this be my commitment to all!Draw together! 3,"[Jv5s;N,F+z'3Adb}=0{q%W1CE>{M7*y]SSMql7lvUl;npm/Q/$;X+m:pW$c7zoFlM>MeO The link again is HERE. May the sea be like greenstone; a pathway for all of us this day. We would love to reach $3,008, one for each kilometer weve walked, just $224short! Let this be my commitment to all! 215 views, 13 likes, 3 loves, 3 comments, 0 shares, Facebook Watch Videos from Featherston School: Karakia tmatanga We start our day and meetings with this karakia. Kia tina! Take hold and preserve it As is often the case, the short days are the killers. Kia tina! Free call or text 1737 any time, 24 hours a day. Contrary to the stunning weather wed had on the West Coast yesterday, it had been very damp here and the trail was muddy underfoot. Whngaia hoki mtou wairua ki te taro o te ora A karakia / blessing on all who travel. (May peace be widespread, may the sea glisten like greenstone, and may the shimmer of light guide you on your way) Progress: 2847.5km - 94.67% The St James Walkway and Travers Sabine Circuit. These karakia have been used since that time, however there is a current move towards using our more traditional karakia (which were often chanted or sung), which call upon many of our Atua (Gods/guardians) for direction; these karakia are poetic and full of beautiful imagery and metaphor. May peace be widespread. Amine, Honour and glory to God Christopher Tin - Kia Hora Te Marino lyrics + English translation Christopher Tin Calling All Dawns 6 translations Translation May peace be widespread May peace be widespread, may the sea glisten like greenstone, and may the shimmer of light guide you May peace be widespread, Be widespread Now and forever more.
