kybalion and christianity

The Kybalion: A Study of the Hermetic Philosophy of Ancient Egypt and Greece, by Three Initiates , Tags: asclepius, corpus hermeticum, esotericism, hermetica, hermeticism, hermetism, history, kybalion, learning, the kybalion. As above, so below; as below, so above. The Kybalion is purported to reflect the writings of Hermes Trismegistus the personage of the Greek God Hermes and the Egyptian God Thoth from the time of the Greek Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, who was associated with wisdom, learning, and literature. According to the old Hermeticists, everything in the Universe is manifested through Masculine and Feminine principles, on all planes, because all was created from the original separation of goddess into earth and water, and god into air and fire, who then remerged in love to become the material world. [2]. To summarize the Kybalions teaching about the human purpose for us here in the incarnate world: We are all on THE PATH and the road leads upward ever, with frequent resting places.[7], THE ALL is MIND; The Universe is Mental. The Kybalion.[13]. 3. Yin and Yang. The book, SUMMUM: Sealed Except to the Open Mind, is dedicated with gratitude to the Summa Individuals . The thought of The Kybalion is decidedly focused on logos, and this is a central distinction between Hermetic thought and that of The Kybalion. Understanding leads to wisdom. The bottom line is that an understanding of the Seven Hermetic Principles works, and that any system of magick that works, will also be in accord with these principles. [6], "Nothing rests; everything moves; everything vibrates. Posted February 24, 2016 by Reverend Erik. His historical approach to Hermeticism is lucid, easy to follow, and informative. Everything in the Universe is in a constant state of motion, nothing rests, it is all in a state of cycle and change. The Emerald Tablets of Thoth the Atlantean (not to be confused with the extremely short and rather uninspiring/disappointing Emerald Tablet of Hermes) was a quite interesting read; very poetic/rhythmic, which mainly tells the tale of what supposedly happened in Atlantis and afterwards when he settled in Egypt. Mitch Horowitz has done a lot of work exploring this, so his work is worth exploring, too, if youre interested in this material. Hermetic philosophy, or Hermeticism, is based around the teachings of legendary super-mystic Hermes Trismegistus. The first, published as The Way of Hermes, was translated by Clement Salaman and is more poetic without dwelling on the academic aspects. In regards to this Law of Attraction, Nicholas Chapel goes on to say: But the mind spoken of in The Kybalion is not the Mind of the Hermetica. 16-17), introducing citations to additional sources, "The Refiner's Fire: The Making of Mormon Cosmology, 1644-1844", "Hermes Among the Jews: Hermetica as Hebraica from Antiquity to the Renaissance",, Wikipedia introduction cleanup from May 2014, Articles covered by WikiProject Wikify from May 2014, All articles covered by WikiProject Wikify, Articles needing additional references from March 2022, All articles needing additional references, Articles with dead external links from February 2019, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, Van den Broek, Roelof. The Practical Kabbalah also relied upon magic and astrology but focused more on the Hebrew language in its incantations than the general language of Hermetism in general. Some occultists interested in the transcendental magic and magic as a means of spiritual self-actualization think the Kybalion is a good primer on Hermetic philosophy. Attend to your Spiritual Development, which is the realization and manifestation of the Spirit within us. Mentalism. Witchcraft books will often make at least a passing mention of Hermes Trismegistus as the source of The Seven Hermetic Principles however, this is not the whole story. [4] These are, as literally quoted from the book: "The All is Mind; the Universe is Mental. But was the Kybalion actually an extension of Hermeticism, as Atkinson claimed? "Gnosticism and Hermetism in Antiquity: Two Roads to Salvation". Chapel concludes that as a whole, the Kybalion is too bound up with early 20th-century ideas emanating from the New Thought movement to be representative of the broader historical tradition of Hermetic philosophy. Ed. A close reading of the Kybalion reveals a cosmology which is not only very specific, but departs from the Corpus Hermeticum and late-antiquity monotheism. The same is true of these Seven Cosmic laws. If a witch performs any kind of magick and it works, theyll find that they successfully employed these principles, even if that witch was completely unaware of them. As above, so below. Our realities will eventually manifest to mirror that vision. Nicholas Chapel, who wrote an article called The Kybalions New Clothes, for the Journal of the Western Mystery Tradition in 2013, drew this conclusion: Hermeticism has long appropriated ideas and even entire systems which have not originated from within its own milieu. Hermetic Cosmology story, The Divine Pymander. Hermetism had a strong philosophical influence,[1] especially from Stoicism and Platonism. So, in this way of looking at the world, rather than good versus evil as though it is an either/or distinction, this principle implies that good and bad are not absolutes, they are all relative and on a scale. The Kybalion is a book written in the early 20th century by a businessman who was interested in New Thought (the early 20th century version of the New Age movement). Remember in Hinduism, they call the illusion of separateness Maya, and enlightenment is the ability to see past that illusion, to remember that we are all ONE. Three Initiates, Kybalion: A Study of the Hermetic Philosophy of Ancient Egypt and Greece. I had already planned to get the one by Copenhaver very soon to see how well it compares! Despite that shift of emphases, it was clear throughout the Hermetic texts that mental transmutation was the goal of a practice based in Hermetic philosophy. In 1884, Anna Kingsford, an Englishwoman who founded an organisation called the Hermetic Society, published a book entitled The Virgin of the World of Hermes Trismegistus, which presents an adaptation of the Hermetic texts. by deliberately fixing ones intention upon a more desirable state. He sees ties to Hermeticism in Mormon support for Pelagianism, communitarianism, polygamy and Dispensationalism. In this context, Hermes came to be seen as a 'prophet of science'. These principles should be very familiar to readers of the Kybalion, where they are presented as mental transmutation. In fact, if you look at the principles espoused by the Kybalion in the context of New Thought philosophy, it is clear that many of its ideas originated there.1. That dot is also the key-hole to accessing the true power of any mystery. [10] Depending on your point of view, The Kybalion, which is fabled to have been authored by the three anonymous initiates, is either a bunch of pseudo-scientific, half baked nonsense or it is an essential truth that has survived the ages which is only now being validated by recent breakthroughs in science, like the fourth state of water or the observation effect in quantum physics. The is like manifestation 101, which is all about using your thoughts to shape your reality. Compare the first chapter of John to the Pimander. With both the masculine and feminine working in conjunction and cooperation, there is thoughtful action that breeds success, which shows that both the feminine and masculine fulfill each other. So rather than being upset that Atkinson corrupted Hermetics, I see the hand of Hermes guiding that inspiration into an ever-evolving era of thought. In particular, they believed the Hermetic teachings to have its origins in ancient Jewish sources. [5] Opposed to the basis of the contemporary mystery cults, both texts relayed that the core of religious practice should be done internally through the personal experience of the believer rather than externally through sacramental ritual. Remember that the cosmology story in The Pymander, says we received our bodies and desires from the goddess, so this notion would surely be problematic for God/dess worshiping witches! The universe, The Kybalion tells us, is contained in the Mind of the All: The All creates the Universe mentally, in a manner akin to the process whereby Man creates Mental Images. This idea is central to practically all New Thought teachings. It didnt just end with the Corpus Hermeticum. The tendency of nature is to move in the direction of the dominant activity of the positive pole. Everything at the Macrocosm level of the Universe, mirrors the Microcosm levels of the Universe. This makes all the room we need for every manner of gender identity and sexual expression. These are each further subdivided by 7 sub-planes. Shabbetay Donnolo's 10th century commentary on the Sefer Yezirah shows Hermetic influence, as well as the 13th century texts later compiled into the Sefer ha-Zohar, and in the contemporary Kabbalistic works of Abraham Abulafia as well as of other Jewish thinkers influenced by Kabbalah[27] such as Isaac Abravanel who used Hermetic Qabalah to affirm the superiority of Judaism. THE KYBALION - A Study Guide For Hermetic Philosophy - Full esoteric audiobook w/ Text + Images. Roxanne Starnik is my good friend, old roommate, constant beacon of light on my spiritual path, as well as an amazing musician! At its most basic, Christianity is the faith tradition that focuses on the figure of Jesus Christ. The Universe, and all it contains, is a mental creation of the ALL. Atkinson published as many as 100 books during the last 30 years of his life, under his own name. Four years after the original publication, Atkinson claimed to be the sole author in a 1912 entry in Whos Who In America. Without the feminine, the masculine is apt to act without restraint resulting in chaos. Others, such as Yohanan Alemanno, claimed that the Hermetic teachings were part of a primordial wisdom of the ancients and put the writings of Hermes as being equal to those of King Solomon. When we have the right thoughts, the right action will follow. A spiritual tradition is based, certainly, on timeless and unchanging truths; but the application to which these truths are put will vary from age to age, in accordance with that ages need. This influence led to the 1908 publication of The Kybalion by Three Initiates. The Kybalions philosophy is the epitome of seek the truth within. This is the welcome shift that appeals to witches. This isnt so much a karma thing, as that implies a judgement. The Kybalion begins with this sentence: "The lips of wisdom are closed, except to Understanding." In order to understand, there must be "light}. [10] Dualism plays a strong part in each of the two works. Mentalism. Ha! The Kybalion Def Ed. 24 (March 2013). The Kybalion outlines, with commentary, seven universal principles which govern the function of the Cosmos on all levels. Everything is Dual; everything has poles; everything has its pair of opposites; like and unlike are the same; opposites are identical in nature, but different in degree; extremes meet; all truths are but half-truths; all paradoxes may be reconciled. The Kybalion.[17]. Everything is in motion. Imprint Publisher St. Martin's Essentials ISBN 9781250619280 About the Creators Author $14.99 The Kybalion 00:00 As a heavily syncretic movement both in ancient and modern times, it incorporates an eclectic mix of topics. Thus it is possible to trace out a lineage for The Kybalion: the original Hermetic texts, which have been known in the Western world since the fifteenth century and which have existed in English versions since at least the seventeenth; and the digest of these texts as presented by Kingsford and Maitland in Victorian London. If youre more interested in history and how Hermeticism fits into modern philosophy and religion, check out The Quest for Hermes Trismegistus: From Ancient Egypt to the Modern World by Gary Lachman. In the passage quoted above it does day, Like is understood by Like. In this way, physical disease could be cured, mental and emotional illnesses re-balanced, happiness, wealth, love and spiritual attainment could all be realized. 24, Vol. Hi Randy! [1] It is possible that Atkinsons choice to publish anonymously, and with such mystery, was a bid for greater acceptance of his ideas. It is more like a slider-bar that completely depends on relative relationship. "The All is Mind; the Universe is Mental." The Kybalion. Very interesting. The New Thought movement originated in 19th century America, and was originally known by many other names, such as Christian Science and Mental Science. [26], The relationship between Judaism and Hermetism has been one of mutual influence and a subject of controversy within the Jewish religion. What is the Kybalion and the 7 Hermetic Principles? And indeed there are intriguing resemblances between these works and The Kybalion. The Kybalion Definitive Edition, Page 92, [3], [4], [5], [6], [8] Physical, Mental, and Spiritual are not separated but instead flow in the same line with different degrees of existence. As above, so below; as below so above. The Kybalion.[15]. There are two great English translations of the Corpus Hermeticum available today. Each year we learn of individuals and couples that sense God's call and leading to serve in ministries across Kentucky. I was looking for recommendations on where to start and asked a friend (Matt) and he pointed me to This culminated in a wide use of Hermetic texts for the use of theurgy and talisman construction. Every quality has its opposite, but they are ultimately identical in nature. Inspiration Bites is a place for you to come for a feast of inspiration, motivation, positivity and uplifting content. The Corpus Hermeticum is the best collection of actual Hermetic writings, but its not an easy book to jump into. [] foundation of many modern esoteric traditions and societies. [30], Secondly, Jewish scholars of the Middle Ages attempted to make use of treatises on astrology, medicine and theurgy as a justification for practicing natural magic forbidden by a number of commandments in the Torah and reinforced by prophetic books codified by rabbinic authorities. The wise student of magick will learn these principles well, and then put them to beneficial use in their lives with purpose. I have a sneaking suspicion that this is the business of the Greek Trickster God Hermes, himself, and he likes it this way! They noted the wonders performed by celebrated biblical figures such as the patriarchs and King Solomon and which were seen as a God-given and condoned use of natural magic. The Kybalions New Clothes: However, what appears as dualism is but unity in disguise. The Kybalion 101: a modern, practical guide, plain and simple (The Ancient Egyptian Enlightenment Series Book 3) - Kindle edition by Barnes, Matthew. While it glosses over some of the nuances of Hermetic philosophy, it hits all the major points quite well. If anyone is looking for a book similar to The Kybalion, I suggest The Arcane Teaching by William Walker Atkinson (the same author of The Kybalion). I get what you are saying, but I very respectfully disagree. As always, I recommend to all student of magickal craft to read the original sources for yourself. 11-12), (Van den Broek "Gnosticism and Hermetism in Antiquity" from Gnosis and Hermeticism: from Antiquity to Modern Times pp. [25] In the same period some Muslims started to identify the Qur'anic prophet Idrs (the Islamic equivalent to the Biblical Enoch) with Hermes. The book explores the Seven Hermetic Principlesincluding the Principles of Causation, Mental . The fingerprints of these principles may be easily found throughout. The book states that it makes its appearance in ones life when the time is appropriate, so make of that what you will dear reader. "The lips of wisdom are closed, except to the ears of Understanding."The Kybalion. Schreiberhauer Strae 30. The use of mind power as we find it in New Thought seems to be very much an innovation of the nineteenth century. The Complete Idiots Guide to Alchemy: The Magic and Mystery of the Ancient Craft Revealed for Today (Complete Idiots Guides) [] [], [] Arnemancy What to Read Instead of The Kybalion: []. There was an tangible, demonstrable Is-ness within these principles. 9-10), (Van den Broek "Gnosticism and Hermetism in Antiquity" from Gnosis and Hermeticism: from Antiquity to Modern Times pp. There are, to my knowledge, no copies of it in any form that predate the 1908 edition, but that does not mean there were none. The feminine alone is apt to constantly reflect and fail to actually do anything, resulting in stagnation. The Kybalion begins with this sentence: "The lips of wisdom are closed, except to Understanding." In order to understand, there must be "light}. The dot held within each side is their strength. Connect with her on Facebook: Witch on Fire, and follow her on Twitter @HeronMichelle13. [13] Though she relays that a scholar named Angus believed that the two would be more similar if they had the same proportion of Hermetic writings as Christian writings. I would correlated these with the shamanicpaganism three-world view as: Physical Plane = Middle World We do not have real evidence that the real writings where written by Hermes himself. Free delivery for many products! The early Mormons, most notably Joseph Smith, were linked by Brooke with magic, alchemy, Freemasonry, divining and "other elements of radical religion" prior to Mormonism. Moreover, within Divine Mind, all our lifetimes are considered one big path that our spirit is treading upward as we evolve, so the effect in this life could very well be caused by something in a previous life. As an aside, the New Thought Movement also gave us Christian Science and New Age works like "The Secret". While scholars such as Moses ibn Ezra, Bahya ibn Paquda, Judah ha-Levi, and Abraham ibn Ezra specifically brought up Hermeticism to integrate into their philosophies, others such as Moses ben Maimon (Maimonides) specifically rejected anything Hermetic as being responsible for counterparadigmic views of God.

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