los herreras durango cartel
Mayor Enrquez Herrera had apparently forgotten that Alma Reyes Guerra, the mayor of San Dimas, had just recently watched her father be kidnapped and killed by cartel hitmen in the middle of his mayoral campaign. butttt I think it is more the powers that be above him which control the area. UPI, "Accused drug kingpin added to list," 9/23/97, internet. AFP, "Mexico's foreign minister rejects claim official had part in drug trade," 6/2/99, internet. American law enforcement agents have been strictly forbidden from carrying/using firearms in Mexico. In July 2016, Mayor Enrquez Herrera summoned a number of politicians and government officials from the PAN, PRI and Movimiento Ciudadano political parties to a work meeting at the aforementioned Hospital de Especialidades. The Immigration and Naturalization Service, which began tracking illegal immigrants' gender in 1992, has reported that the number of females apprehended on the Southwest border has increased every year since 1994 to a high of 173,870 for the 1998 fiscal reporting year (Christian Science Monitor, 4/22/99). .The arrest of the alleged drug Get free live access to satellite views of 2023 of Los Herrera. Wren, Christopher S., "Mexican role in cocaine is exposed in U.S. seizure," New York Times, 5/3/96, p. C19. The town of Los Herrera is located in the Municipality of Santiago Papasquiaro (in the State of Durango). States each year. He made the announcement during one of the daily presidential press conferences. Among other voices, United States Senators Paul Coverdell and Dianne Feinstein want to see Mexico more aggressively cracking down on drug barons and assisting in extraditing them to America. His brother, El 02 took over control of the group and continued their drug smuggling operation. Many have suggested, on the basis of vast circumstantial evidence though there is still no hard evidence, that this flow of "cannabis cash" reaches up to the office of the Mexican president. In August of 1999, 26 police commanders were charged with forcing new officers to forfeit 35 percent of their salaries back to their commander (AFP, 8/4/99). He has returned several occasions since, including a visit in October of 2000 (AFP, 10/3/00). Some say he was trying to Chapuliniar. AFP, "Mexican television host murdered for drug debts - prosecutor," 8/27/99, internet. Nearly 600,000 are caught and deported annually (AFP, 9/9/99). Even if the citizenry were to vote an opposition party member into office, the Senate, with the Constitutional power to ratify elections, has been known to place the "appropriate" PRI candidates in office, regardless of the actual vote. Drug use in Mexico has risen from an estimated 1.5 million users in 1988 to 2.5 million users in 1998, with the largest increase occurring among children (AFP, 7/4/99). Newsweek, 3/10/97, p. 36. Very quietly from the American public's perspective, these narco-terrorists have amassed a massive military arsenal, more extensive than the Colombian army. The local timezone is named America / Monterrey with an UTC offset of -5 hours. Fanon, Frantz, The Wretched of the Earth, New York: Grove, 1982. They quietly notified the Bolivian authorities of the shipments, leading to the seizure of 4.1 tons of cocaine by Bolivian authorities on September 26, 1995. Herrera organization ran a farm-to-the-arm heroin operation that cultivated Paternostro, Silvana, "Mexico as a narco-democracy," World Policy Journal, Vol 12(1), Spring 1995, pp. How will the cartels in Mexico and the rest of Latin American respond to this initiative? It has been an important factor in our economy, unquestionably.'" The PRI, and thus the government, has simply been corrupted, and there is little interest or incentive within the PRI to come clean. In response, Mexico as well as representatives from 26 other North and South American countries signed the Manaus Declaration in October of 2000, pledging their mutual cooperation in an attempt to more effectively combat "drug trafficking and transnational criminal activities" (AFP, 10/19/00). Emerging on the scene in early 1994, some 150 people were killed in confrontations between the EZLN and government troops. Brant, Martha, "Most wanted kingpin?" This group may have joined forces with the Federation to expand networks and marketing capabilities. In May of 1998, numerous Mexican bankers were arrested by U.S. officials during Operation Casablanca, a law enforcement effort involving over 200 undercover U.S. Customs agents (Farah, 1998). The lack of cooperative efforts between the American and Mexican law enforcement communities has long been exploited by the syndicates, and not just to run stolen cars, but to run drugs, people, arms and money (Moore and Anderson, 9/8/96). A "femininization" of the migration trend has been taking place (Christian Science Monitor, 4/22/99). AFP, "Mexican economic growth exceeds forecast: finance minister," 2/11/99, internet. Schrader, Esther, "Traffickers Lure Kids to Do The Dirty Work of Smuggling Drugs from Mexico," Los Angeles Times, August 15, 2000, pp. At present, it does not seem to be playing well in the Washington, D.C. political marketplace. Of the seven, all were former Mexican law enforcement agents. Reuters, "7 members of Mexico's anti-drug force arrested," 5/13/97, internet. Larmer, Brook, "A leap of faith," Newsweek, 3/10/97, pp. Los Herrera in Durango (Estado de Durango) is a town located in Mexico about 476 mi (or 766 km) north-west of Mexico City, the country's capital town. AFP, "Zedillo admits to taking money from banker accused of fraud," 5/30/99, internet. Constantine, Thomas A., Testimony before the United States Congress, 2/27/97, internet. Money laundering investigative efforts will also continue, especially in light of the highly successful late 1990s effort, Operation Casablanca. eventually resulted in the seizure of 39 kilograms of heroin, as well as the A heightened sense of professionalism must be developed in the law enforcement community in the international community. the only way they got him was by backstabbing which they did. A inicios de agosto el gobierno mexicano anunci la captura del presunto lder del Crtel Santa Rosa de Lima, Jos Antonio Ypez Ortz, alias El "Marro", como una victoria sobre el narcotrfico y. All of the Mexican cartels do need to cooperate to some degree in the annual certification process, even those that the government turns on, if they want to survive in the long run. The Clinton Administration was initially in opposition to the bill, but now seem to be working with Congressional leaders in an attempt to pass some type of anti-money laundering measure of this nature (AFP, 9/27/99). Will President Fox be successful in his call for the development of a coordinated regional/multinational war-effort against drug trafficking? While there would be many obstacles, there is no compelling reason a similar spirit of cooperation could not be developed in time between agents and agencies throughout the Americas. The DEA estimated that Zarembo, Alan, "People Smugglers Inc.," Newsweek, September 13, 1999, p. 36. He developed a grand master plan and began to put it into effect: 1. Though not politically popular, the data clearly indicates that law enforcement/military interdiction alone cannot solve this problem. Three trucks speeding from the airstrip were caught, accounting for 2.5 tons of cocaine. 2. Gene Hanrahan), North Carolina: Documentary Publishers, 1985. several tons of methamphetamine in the 90's. 4. Hammer, Joshua and Michael Isikoff, "The narco-guerrilla war," Newsweek, August 9, 1999, p. 42. the 1980s investigations against the Herreras continued. The whole notion makes little sense to the Mexican people who currently place this issue in the center of their political radar. head of la Divisin Antidrogas de la corporacin, Ramn Eduardo Pequeo,, said There is very little grass-roots opposition to the cartels among the Mexican people. Taken together, these (and other pro-American positions such as the increased privatization of state-owned industry) will continue to increase his political capital in America, and will certainly result in a number of his initiatives obtaining increased American support (see AFP, 8/19/00; AFP, 9/22/00; AFP, 9/25/00; Cox, 2000; Smith, 2000). Data: In Los Herrera, 32% of individuals have completed secondary education and 16% of households have a personal computer, laptop or tablet. When they are offered an entire years' wages to turn a blind eye, or take a shot of "lead in the head," the money is taken very readily and gladly. It also has access to large vehicles that can easily move large quantities of the bulky weed. C. The State Department continues to obtain information and submits a more complete report to the President, generally by sometime in February. AFP, "Two Mexican drug cartels merge, eye southern U.S. market," 2/16/98, internet. He operated the Gulf Cartel after the arrest of Garcia-Abrego in 1996, but its leadership is now in the hands of Oziel Cardenas Guillen as noted previously. AFP, "Mexico City's mayor to resign, concentrate on presidential bid," 9/17/99, internet. As events unfolded, it turns out that the financial crisis had its roots in the drug trade. There he fought to expand Sinaloa Cartels territory in Gomez Palacio, Lerdo, Torren, and places as far as Matamoros. According to a federal press release, the Cabrera brothers started out initially focused on marijuana planting and cultivation in the mountainous area of the state of Durango. They quickly began working under Joaquin Guzman, El Chapo, and Ismael Zambada, El Mayo, of the Sinaloa Cartel. High level officers are just as vulnerable to the corruption it seems. This unilateral certification process is the quintessential example of condescending arrogance, smacks of blatant imperialism and is clearly based solely on American self-interests. Though hardly a new market per se, money laundering continues to grow as a major activity of the cartels and their conspirators. AFP, "Mexican drug ring bust yields 93 arrests," 9/22/99, internet. Eventually a percentage of those funds will be floated back to the political leadership. The climate is an arid dry steppe, with very high temperatures in the summer and very little rainfall. In addition to the macro-economic implications, there were numerous political killings, and street crimes skyrocketed during the "coca-buck" pullout period. Carlos Hank Gonzalez and his two eldest sons, Carlos Hank Rhon and Jorge Hank Rhon, have been the target of a American investigation since 1997. AFP, "Madrazo, Labastida share victory in debate of Mexican hopefuls: polls," 9/9/99, internet. In the past few years, the Mexican military has become more and more aggressive in the border regions, shaking down ethnic Mexicans with impunity, regardless of citizenship and regardless of which side of the border they were on. These numbers would suggest that the flow is far beyond what the Beta Group can handle. Mexico is now the major producer, though it is thought that the Mexican cartels still use the American motorcycle gangs to transship the basic ingredients into the United States, where labs convert those ingredients into meth. This is not a new market of course, but the scope of this industry is expanding of late, and has the potential to even surpass the drug trade in time. Pequeo, the amount of the drug to be introduced would reach more than two Will Puerto Rican cartels, enriched with the hundreds of millions they have accumulated from their mid-1990s trans-shipment operations, rise up and challenge Mexico for the control of the American markets? While Mexico's economic growth for 1998 was greater than expected with a gross domestic produce (GDP) up about 4.8 percent, 45 percent of the population still live in poverty, with more than one-fourth of the population living in extreme poverty (AFP, 2/17/99). More research needs to be undertaken into the structures, techniques, and impacts of organized crime on society. Interestingly, as 1994 dawned, two men stood in the way of Ernesto Zedillo attaining to the presidency - Luis Donald Colosio and Jose Francisco Massieu. Mexican presidents have successfully strengthened their office over the course of the last 70 years and now enjoy tremendous power. Any serious effort to root out the cartels likely needs to await the emergence of a greatly improved Mexican economy; they are just too deeply entrenched within the fabric of the Mexican socio-economic culture. AFP, "Mexico denounces backlash in Costa Rica over Hank affair: ambassador," 6/10/99, internet. The current mayor of Mexico City, for example, is from an opposition party. AFP, "Mexican opposition, ruling party running neck-and-neck: poll," 8/30/99, internet. As much as $30 billion a year is now being laundered in Mexico (Reuters, 2/16/98). Amin, Samir, Capitalism in the Age of Globalization: The Management of Contemporary Society, 1997. As a response to this changing market, the cartels will need to both diversify, and get involved in other markets. Colombia on the other hand, currently has a relatively weak cartel presence, but an overwhelmingly powerful terrorist presence. CONCLUSIONS: THE FUTURE The Mexican cartels have historically been very adaptable, professional and efficient operations. In addition, given that financial turmoil has often accompanied changes in the presidency (most recently the above noted Salinas to Zedillo transition), these funds will be able to ease any economic disruptions that may arise during the next transition. This group is headed by Carlos Hank Gonzalez who is best known for his expansive and profitable transportation, construction, and financial empires in Mexico. AFP, "Mexico to get 23.7 billion dollar financial aid package," 6/15/99, internet. Reuters, "Eight killed in Mexico drug war," 1/12/98, internet. Federal police agents present Jaime Herrera, alias "El Viejito," In the summer of 1995, the Colombian cartels fell under a renewed attack and received even more pressure from the Colombian National Police, who were aided by the American CIA and DEA. They may in fact be adhering to the tactical terrorist philosophies of Frantz Fanon (1982) and Carlos Marighella (1985), a philosophy that proved successful in the overthrow of Cuba some 40 years ago. As of 2/98, an estimated $30 billion a year was being laundered in Mexico (Reuters, 2/16/98). As would later be revealed, Carrillo Fuentes even had Mexico's law enforcement drug czar, Gutierrez Rebollo, in his pocket. For the past 70 years, all major political officials have come from one political party, the Institutional Revolutionary Party or PRI. Feeding off of this virtual uproar emanating from the Mexican populous, President Fox has issued several calls for the opening of the border, though to date the notion has not played well in the U.S., even among his American political allies. though they did get RR. with the cartel of the Arellano Felix in 2001 for having used the the transfer A similar, though less publicly discussed account is given of the previously mentioned March 1994 assassination of Luis Donald Colosio. Some financial operators under El 02 & 03 are said to be named: Candelario Beltrn, aliases "El Grande" and El Cande. Warning! Reuters, "Mexican says U.S. drug certification unacceptable," 2/4/98, internet. Atrocities went un-reported, as did unfavorable economic news. In November of 1991, for example, a United States Customs Service plane trailing a Mexican police plane in pursuit of a plane transporting drugs recorded an extraordinary scene using long range infrared video equipment. Once everything that has to be done in the domicile where this activity took place is concluded, the detainee will be transferred to the facilities of the federal Attorney General's Office [in Mexico City].. AFP, "Mexican president testifies in Colosio murder case," 8/5/99, internet. Amado Carrillo Fuentes (/ f u n t s /; December 17, 1956 - July 4, 1997) was a Mexican drug lord who seized control of the Jurez Cartel after assassinating his boss Rafael Aguilar Guajardo. drugs, weapons and other items will be made available to the Federal Public Oscar Malherve emerged as the next leader of this cartel, and due to his Juarez Cartel connections, seemed poised to move the Gulf Cartel back into a position of prominence, but he was arrested in 1997 and remains behind bars as of this writing. At around 7:00 am on Friday, January 20, 2023, Crescencio Sandoval, the head of the Army announced that an operation to capture an important Sinaloa Cartel - Los Cabreras figure was currently being carried out in Durango. They grew up in the small town of Vasco Gil, in the state of Durango. There is a third component that also must be in place. In November of 1995, Attorney General Lozano ordered the firing of all 60 Federal Judicial Police in the State of Chihuahua after a probe into illegal police activities by the Mexican Attorney General's Office revealed that they were involved in the drug trade. "We need bridges," Bush said, "not walls" (AFP, 9/3/99). Good job AMLO, That asshole prodding AMLO received gots him working earnestly, Ovidio snitched!Like father like son, puro snitching. As a result, a relatively brisk trade in narco-dollars has arisen in the U.S. Large amounts of cash are given to American brokers who smurf the money into various American bank accounts. Their impact is felt in the United States as well, with many U.S. officials now calling them the premier challenge facing U.S. law enforcement in the 21st century. The Jalisco New Generation Cartel (CJNG) operates in Mexico City and 27 states, and is the dominant criminal organization in six states, according to a report by the United States Congressional . AFP, "Mexico banks get strict regulations," 9/21/99, internet. That time arrived in they year 2000 when then president Ernesto Zedillo stated that he would not participate in the process of designating his own successor; effectively amputating the finger (AFP, 2/27/99). He was then taken from the residence and put into a helicopter waiting outside, which flew him to the Durango airport. The drug wars in the Americas continue, with nothing even resembling a denouement on the horizon. that "old man" makes some good shit.. ;). UPI, "Mexican security forces corrupt/abusive," 1/30/98, internet. Diaz's observation proved to be tragically profound. The President may recommend: c. grant a vital national interest certification. The six primary Mexican syndicates with international capabilities currently operating are as follows(2): 1. Meth production does have its problems(12), however, but with the proper equipment it is relatively easy to make, has a significant profit margin (as much as 1:10; see Arax and Gorman, 1995), and is going through a huge surge in popularity in the United States. Belmont, CA: West/Wadsworth, 1998. The town of Los Herrera is located at 15.6 kilometers from Santiago Papasquiaro, which is the most populated locality in the municipality, in the Southwest direction. The right wing vigilante groups have the potential to be an even greater risk to the sovereign government of Colombia than do the left-wing organizations. "When I came here, I realized the key to success in this job would be working with Juarez," said El Paso Police Chief Leach (Larmer, 1997). AFP, "More than 350 Mexicans died trying to enter US illegally in 2000." Additionally, two other candidate hopefuls pulled out of the preliminaries as soon as Labastida announced his candidacy. There will be no public interest in ridding Mexico of the cartels, at least until a replacement for the lost $40 billion can be found. AFP, "Mexican opposition parties discuss on alliance," 5/25/99, internet. In September of 1994, 16 officers of the National Institute for Combating Drugs were arrested for accepting bribes for overlooking cocaine shipments. The intelligence documents allege that a young and aspiring politician named Jos Enrquez Herrera ran into some trouble early into his career, while he was serving as Secretary of Health for the state. 2008 Jaime Herrera had three aircraft in Baja ,California for transporting President Fox has continued to seek American cooperation/assistance in the drug wars, but sensing its lowered priority in the Ameican political agenda, he has turned his attention southward and called for a unified Latin American effort to deal with the trafficking. AFP, "Mexico's ruling party to adopt more open system for picking candidate," 5/17/99, internet. I felt badly throwing the tiny bit of info up there this AM but that was all there was. No claims of illegal contributions made during the 2000 presidential campaign have been forthcoming as of yet. The wasn't his dad hard line against any use. the Herrera organization imported 746 pounds of pure heroin into the United Associated Press, "Fox draws from left-wing, conservative sides," 11/24/00, internet. The Mexican cartels control perhaps 80 percent of the American meth trade, and appear to now be expanding operations into Asia, Europe, and the Middle East. With the changing political winds, Excelsior is now paying the price for its years of prostituted reporting. An important Sinaloa Cartel - Los Cabreras figure named Gerardo Soberanes Ortiz, alias "El G1", was arrested in Durango. Is that due to the fact that all of the candidates were on the take or was this a relatively clean election? He was tied to Raul Salinas, the brother of former Mexican President Carlos Salinas (president from 1988-1994) (Reuters, 1996). La fiscal, Sonia Yadira d la garza Fragoso, ? Lupsha, Peter A., "Transnational narco-corruption and narco investment: A focus on Mexico," Transnational Organized Crime, Spring 1995, pp. Travelers' Choice. They also used the mid-1980s, the family's gross income had reached approximately $200 million According to recent estimates, 4 percent of the citizens of Mexico City now use cocaine, up from an estimated 1.6 percent just four years ago (Reuters, 3/19/98). Foreign Relations Committee and several Congressional appropriation subcommittees. Consider this parallel example from another Meso-American nation. The investigation in question took place in December 2020 and the documents were leaked to reporters scar Balderas, from EME, and Luis Crdenas, from MVS Noticias. Fuentes died in June of 1997 while undergoing plastic surgery. Remember government knows where all the cats hide just waiting on green light from high commands.
