marin county superior court judges

The Hon. word-wrap: break-word; This is a construction defect case arising out of a 2008 remodel project for the replacement of doors and windows at the residence of Plaintiff Elisabeth Therio FIDELITY NATIONAL TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY VS. VIVIAN ALLEN-HUBERT, ET AL, NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS: MOTION TO STAY THE PROCEEDINGS [DEFT] VIVIAN ALLEN-HUBERT, The motion to stay the proceedings led by defendant Vivian Allen-Hubert (Defendant) is DENIED. The company would be allowed seek permission from the city and state to reclassify the park as an recreation vehicle park, and not a mobile home park, if benefits for tenants are maintained. The Judge Records Division also handles the go real destruct of case exhibits, followed the character of court cases. Haakenson received a bachelor's degree from the University of California, Davis, and a J.D. Reach the author at or follow Adrian on Twitter: @adrianrrodri. from the UC Davis School of Law. .widget-value { The owner of the Park would have the right to go out of business even if the City won the lawsuit, Epstein wrote.

float:right; [3], Haaskenson was re-elected with 78.27 percent of the vote. [1], The Marin County Superior Court had a budget gap of approximately $2 million in 2010. Marin Co. Judge Rules City Council Did Not Violate Brown Act, Morrison Foerster: .widget-row { The court laid off six employees (four court reporters, a research attorney and an information technology specialist) in February 2010 in an effort to close the gap. from the University of San Francisco. Marin ordered them to produce all non-privileged documents, from October 1, 2020 to February 4, 2022, related to Fox . Magee was severely wounded, Thomas was shot in the spine and left paralyzed, and one of the female hostages was also wounded. for her birthday party.   The Court draws moving partys attention to Local Rule 1.8(C)2, which requir CRESCENT TECHNOLOGIES LIMITED VS, ERIC HARR, ET AL, NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS: 1) MOTION TO STRIKE 7 ERIC HARRS JURY DEMAND [PLTF] CRESCENT TECHNOLOGIES LIMITED, A CORPORATION, 2) HEARING ON DEMURRER  TO FIRST AMENDED CROSS-COMPLAINT OF ERIC HARR [PLTF] CRESCENT TECHNOLOGIES, LIMITED, A CORPORATION, SFGate: .widget-row.Independent, .widget-row.Nonpartisan, .widget-row.Constitution { NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS: HEARING ON DEMURRER  T0 PLAINTIFFS COMPLAINT [DEFT] AMALFI 135 BELVEDERE, LLC, A DELAWARE LLC, Defendants Demurrer to Plaintiff s Complaint is OVERRULED.  	color: white; 2) MOTION  TO ENFORCE THE SETTLEMENT [DEFT] BANK OF AMERICA, N.A. 	background-color: grey; 	background-color: #f9f9f9; 's office to join the U.S. Attorney's Office for the Western District of Washington as an assistant U.S. Attorney. Click here to contact our editorial staff, and click here to report an error. . It also provides contact information for the judicial officer's court reporter, judicial department, and current assignment. if(document.getElementsByClassName("reference").length==0) if(document.getElementById('Footnotes')!==null) document.getElementById('Footnotes') = 'none'; Ballotpedia features 408,503 encyclopedic articles written and curated by our professional staff of editors, writers, and researchers. Zoom remains available and will continue to for the foreseeable future for non-evidentiary hearings. } .widget-row.value-only { Click here to contact us for media inquiries, and please donate here to support our continued expansion. It looks like were prevailing, resident Gilbert Nichols said last week. There is a crisis in government, as there is in the private sector, of finding qualified applicants. A total of 351 seats were up for election. } Plaintiffwas represented by counsel when she led and served her complaint. 	font-size: 1.2em; The 1,535 judges of the California Superior Courts compete in nonpartisan races in even-numbered years. if(document.getElementsByClassName("reference").length==0) if(document.getElementById('Footnotes')!==null) document.getElementById('Footnotes') = 'none'; What's on my ballot? While residents would potentially have rights under state law to some relocation payments, the application of that law to RVs at a mobilehome park is unclear and in any event it isnt clear these residents could find comparable housing in the area.. The argument hinged on what kind of homes are there.  NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS: MOTION  TO RECONSIDER ORDER DENYING MOTION TO EIGUNGE LIS PENDENS [DEFT] PETER HARPER [DEFT] HELIX HOLDINGS LP, A CALIFORNIA LIMITED PARTNERSHIP [DEFT] SD. NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS: 1) MOTION TO COMPEL 7 PLAINTIFF PETER WAMBAAS FURTHER VERIFIED RESPONSES REQUESTS FOR PRODUCTION OF DOCUMENTS, SET ONE [DEFT] FAA SERRAMONTE L, INC. Pursuant to Local Rule 1.13B, on April 6th, 2021 Jack Praetzellis was appointed to preside as Discovery Facilit MARIA DEL CARMEN REYES-HERNANDEZ VS. AMALFIRISTORANTE, INC.) ET AL. Harmony said they are recreational vehicles and thus exempt from a city rent control ordinance covering mobile or manufactured homes. State Bar Assistance Program, Attorney self-assessment, The Other Bar, AA, NA, State Bar of California, ALMA, MCWL, Legal Aid of Marin, Volunteer for the Lawyers in the Library program, Legal Aid of Marin, Settlement Conference Mediators, Fee Arbitrators, and more, Free 20 minute consultations to the public, Services for those with limited financial resources, YWCA Youth Court, Community Court, Mock Trial, Teens and the Law, Provides funds to financially disadvantaged law students, Join a committee, chair a section, serve on Board of Directors, and more, Provides funds to financially disadvantaged law students pursuing a law degree. This occasion sparked my interest about the history of the Marin County Superior Court. 	color: white; Cross-Complainant John G. Warners (Warner) Applications for Writ of Attachment for properties owned by Cross-defendants Mark Cunningham, Daniel Morgan and T CSM ENTERPRISES VS. DAVID A. DERUFF, ET AL, NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS: 1) HEARING ON DEMURRER # TO DERUFF FIRST AMENDED CROSS-COMPLAINT [CRDF] DR, ROBERT TEASDALE [CRDF] CSM ENTERPRISES, 2) MOTION TO STRIKE 7 THE DERUFF FIRST AMENDED CROSSCOMPLAINT [CRDF] CSM ENTERPRISES [CRDF] DR, ROBERT TEASDALE, QUALITY CAR SHIPPERS LLC VSR SOUTH COUNTY OF MARIN, LLC, NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS: MOTION TO STRIKE  DEFENDANTS ANSWER TO COMPLAINT [PLTF] QUALITY CAR SHIPPERS LLC. Defendant Curd V. Fowler (Fowler) led a Claim of Exemption on June 24, 2021, Plaintiff led a Notice of Opposition on July 8, 2021.  Judge Sweet was not sure how long Zoom appearances will be allowed. He was re-elected in 2014 for a term that expires in January of 2021. 	padding-left: 10px; Judge Adams was born in Racine, Wisconsin but grew up in South Bend, Indiana. .infobox { [DEFT] SELECT PORTFOLIO SERVICING, INC. Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to email a link to a friend (Opens in new window), San Rafael settles rent litigation with low-income complex, Marin Transit to end some services amid low ridership, Sausalito serves as setting for new Apple TV+ show, San Rafael private high school slated to close, San Rafael robbery target shot in Canal area, Novato wetland renamed following petition by park ranger, Facebook owner chops more than 1,500 Bay Area jobs as tech layoffs soar, Tam district stops all classes for anti-fentanyl webinar, Marin officials envision training, housing center for firefighters, Mill Valley parents, teachers protest class cutbacks, contract talks, Marin workforce training program for Latinos bolstered by $524K grant, Terra Linda's Solstice Loop  a favorite for mountain bikers  is a tough, rough and steep hike, Do Not Sell/Share My Personal Information. 	width: 150px; [7], A ballistics expert would later testify that Haley was hit in the face by a shotgun blast fired within the van, as well as in the chest by a bullet from a .357 magnum that one of the gunmen had taken from a deputy. The Hon. Free shipping for many products! Once judges are appointed, they compete in the next general election following appointment. In light of the appeal filed by Defendants Ehab and Linda Habashi et al, in this matter, their motion to stay enforcement of the judgment in this case is moot and is ordered off c HOUSING GROUP FUND 401K PENSION PLAN VS: R: SCOTT OSBORNE, NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS: HEARING ON DEMURRER 7 MOTION FOR DEMURRER [DEFT] R. SCOTT OSBORN.  	font-weight: bold; when new changes related to "" are available. For the rugby player, see, University of San Francisco School of Law, "Courtroom Escape Attempt; Convicts, Trial Judge Slain; 2 Other Wounded", "A Shotgun That Miss Davis Purchased Is Linked to the Fatal Shooting of Judge", "Frank Lloyd Wright Designs an Icon: Marin County Civic Center", "Law degree marks victory over drugs, poverty, abuse",, This page was last edited on 20 April 2022, at 18:37. Please wait a moment while we load this page. The United States District Court for the Northern District of California has jurisdiction in Marin County. 	background-color: grey; Appointed By: Gov. In an email, Sherrie Johnston, chief operating officer of Harmony Communities, said the compromise will make it economically feasible for park management to continue operating the park as an RV park, rather than redeveloping it into another use., Now that all parties have agreed that this property is exempt from rent control for every new resident who moves in, we can move forward with clarity, she said. Marin has hired people from other courts and the private sector including from Tesla, Google and Amazon. Each judge serving on the Bench was a practicing attorney for at least ten years before taking office. Please wait a moment while we load this page. 	background-color: green; Appointed By: Gov. How to run for office | LLC and Fox Corporation, filed in Delaware Superior Court, warrant the broadening of discovery, as discussed further below.  from Stanford Law School in 1970. State legislature | Parties who r CARINA CIFUENTES, ET AL VS: DEBORAH SHEA, ET AL, NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS: HEARING ON DEMURRER 7 TO COMPLAINT OF PLAINTIFFS [DEFT] EAN HOLDINGS, LLC. NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS: CLAIMS OF EXEMPTION 7 ENFORCEMENT OF JUDGMENT [PLTF] UNIFUND CCR PARTNERS, A NEW YORK GENERAL PARTNERSHIP. Again this year, there was no lunch and no gathering  just a Zoom meeting that over 130 of you attended. try clicking the minimize button instead.  Stephen P. Freccero Appointed to Marin County Superior Court, Office of Governor of the State of California: The Courts website is also being updated to be accessible from all devices, accessible in multiple languages, and to allow a user to increase font size in real time. This is a wrongful termination and discrimination case. try clicking the minimize button instead. The Court specifically disclaims any and all liability if the Public Index is obtained from a third party entity. 

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marin county superior court judges

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