mars in aquarius woman compatibility
Shes a go-getter herself, but knowing that she has someone to support her in every endeavor is important, as well. You may have forgotten to do this for a while, or may just have found a new way to express it, but either way now is your time to actwhile Mars is in Aquarius. And perhaps most important but seldom discussed, the Mars sign in her chart shows the qualities she needs to cultivate within herself as her divine masculine. There will be times when she wants a lot of affection, and times when she wants to be on her own, so she needs someone in her life who will make it easy for her to be herself. One of the typical Aquarius traits is a desire for progress and change, and no one else relates to this as much as a Sagittarius. Your energy is more the type to love someone that can become more perfect through your energy. This makes you highly compatible with intrepid Mars in Sagittarius, but also socially brave Mars in Libra. A Leo man has a light-hearted, exciting, and passionate nature that appeals to an Aquarius lady. She prefers not to involve any exaggerated emotions and feelings into sex, and would rather do it casually, with a newcomer or even with a friend, rather than out of passion and intensity, only to risk her partner to become jealous and possessive. Mars expresses itself differently through men and women, but it is equally important for both. She will not only believe that equality is much more important in any case, but she will act in such a way to promote this mindset. Mars in Aquarius is neither shy nor aggressive. Aquarius, on the other hand, is wild and unpredictable. With Mars in Capricorn you have a strong, earthy and ambitious energy. One of the quintessential Cancer traits is moodiness, and an Aquarius woman wont be able to tolerate a Cancer guys mood swings and temper tantrums. In many ways, curating provides an ideal platform for using this blend of imagination and intellect, allowing them scope for exploration while also demanding precision and attention to detail. is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to and affiliated sites. Few can compete with her intuition and insight. Relationships may not be at the forefront of his mind at all times. His research is focused on making connections between people better, stronger, more meaningful, and longer lasting using technology. Of course, the only way in which you are able to do this is by knowing the facts that come alongside this combination which is where these points that follow will prove to be rather useful. RELATED:All 144 Zodiac Couples Ranked From Most To Least Compatible. He knows exactly what he wants and will go to great lengths to get it. Anger in these watery placements will be emotional and need nurturing understanding. Developing her sacred masculineor animuswould free her from projecting her inner needs onto a partner and would allow her to attract a man who also had a healthy relationship with his sexuality. Which zodiac signs does she get along with the best? The Mars in Aquarius person is the guy or girl who says the most interesting things. This pairing will stay up all night talking and learning about each other and have endless adventures during the day. She knows exactly who she is and what she wants from life. She values honesty, intelligence, and individuality in a partner and is turned off by rigid or boring personalities. Mars in Aquarius man and woman are committed to their tasks but are slow in achieving their goals and aspirations. Mars in Aquarius people are noted for their original and non-conformist approach to life. 3 of 20 4 of 20 Taurus, April 20 to May 20. The connection between Aries and Aquarius is instant, and they are likely to form a fast friendship that naturally blossoms into a romantic relationship. You have a primal need to nurture and protect both yourself and those you love. With Mars in Pisces your energy for compassion and sacrifice could lead you to be quite a tender lover. Scorpio may have the most compatibility with a woman who has her Venus in Pisces. Venus in Capricorn is the provider of the zodiac. She therefore may spend a lot of time protesting against social norms. This will be a very supportive, secure pairing. Your spiritual nature will serve you well, as you go through life with eyes wide open, but your head in the clouds. 2023 Ingenio, LLC. Mars in Aquarius men are quite competitive and need to feel that they are winning in whatever they undertake. 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You must apply all of your energy to nurture the healthy relationships in your life. Expect them to play along with any intimate fantasy you might have. James tended to attract women who were independent and not interested in family life (his Venus is in Aries), but when I explained that he needed a woman to appreciate his Mars, he got very clear about what type of relationship he wanted. They often have a rich lovemaking history and a careful tone to their love life. When it comes to attraction, Mars is key in a woman's chart. In fact, you are likely to become emotionally attached to anyone you sleep with. However, they can also be impulsive, impatient or intolerant of other peoples limited abilities. This is an exciting time when we feel the urge to modernize or change the way we do things. Physical violence is not their cup of tea, but verbal takedowns are, and the women born with Mars in Aquarius are extremely precise and acidic with their words. With time, she will only get better and better, only to leave the competition far behind her. They are also known for being quick and witty with a biting sense of humor, especially when arguing a point. There is no doubt that this combination is going to make you rather strong-willed as a person, but this is a positive trait and it is one that you are going to take advantage of. More on Aquarius Woman Virgo Man Compatibility. Aquarius Woman and Libra Man Compatibility. With Mars in Cancer you have a sensitive and moody sexual energy. If your feathers are ruffled, you don't get get even by being an even greater success. Denise is an experienced practitioner of astrology, interested to discover and share with everyone how astrology can inspire and change lives. With Mars in Aquarius you have unusual ideas and attitudes when it comes to sex and your energy will be rather eccentric as you pursue your desires. But after a little conversation, I felt it was important to encourage Laurie to get to know her Mars. No one can hold a grudge like an Aquarius Mars individual. A man who has his Mars in Aries may be most compatible with a woman who has her Venus in Leo. Some of the typical Virgo traits are honesty, cleanliness, and rationality. Even though the planet that rules your zodiac sign is either feminine or masculine, each zodiac sign has both feminine and masculine energies within them. Whether you are an Aquarius lady yourself or you want to help one find her perfect match, you need to know the Aquarius womans compatibility with each star sign. She is never afraid to take risks or explore new boundaries when expressing herself. This power in your words is most assertively used in matters of love and sexual gratification. It is true that Mars governs how we express ourselves sexually and physically, and often it also shows how we demonstrate our anger or deal with conflict and aggression. Sexual fantasies are strong with Mars in Pisces and the ideal lover is a dream that you somehow always search for, yet never seem able to grasp. Mars also represents how a woman likes to express her sexuality and have that expression validated. Cancer is very protective, loyal, and nurturing all things Taurus looks for in a partner. And lets be real, nobody wants to be around someone who is always trying to push their agenda and never listening to anyone elses thoughts or feelings. If you have Mars in Aries you want what you want but don't seem to consider any consequences. She knows that a relationship has to be more than just physical intimacy it also needs good communication, quality time spent together, and a solid foundation. Venus in Pisces needs someone who will take care of her and keep her grounded. It's more accurate to say he's observant, and if he's into you, he'll have identified that "thing" about you that's unique. Her rigid mindset and refusal to bend can lead to missed opportunities for growth and progress. Thanks to Mars in Aquarius, women that are influenced by this combination are going to tend to be rather outspoken when it comes to sharing their views and opinions on the world in general. Some zodiac signs are more in tune with this planet, which helps explain why we are compatible with other zodiac signs and why we are not compatible with others. When it comes to compatibility, these two planets are extremely helpful in helping you figure out not only why youre compatible with who you like, but how are you can make a relationship with someone work. While an Aquarius has its own sense of individuality, a Sagittarius will follow along. Mars entered Aquarius on November 9th, of 2016. They are intelligent, independent, and always keep you guessing. When it comes to the typical Aquarius traits, a female born under this sign is a free spirit. Mars in this sign endows you with great perseverance and determination. With this combination, there is a good chance that you are going to be rather spiritual, but that does not always have to then translate into you being religious. When he looks for the right partner to be with, he looks for someone who can appeal to his social and intellectual sides. Mars in Aquarius: Those who have Mars in this sign are free and original. An Aquarius man and woman may be like ships passing in the night because they dont see whats right in front of them. An Aquarius can be harsh and brutally honest, which hurts a Pisces mans feelings and makes him retaliate. He is an extreme humanitarian dedicated to creating a better world for all living creatures. The first planet to look at when dealing with compatibility is Venus. Likewise, you might be frustrated with a Taurus around you all of the time, as they can be stubborn and domineeringthrowing you off of your positive path towards love and fulfillment. She is the kind of person who knows how important flexing that mind is, and she can be the one to stimulate his brain. You are spiritual but not necessarily religious. Conflicts will arise because both are so ferociously set on their agendas. Although these two signs may be drawn to one another initially and can learn a great deal from each other, they are ultimately too different for a long-term relationship between them to work. If you don't feel mental arousal, it's impossible to have physical stimulation. You have very little problem verbalizing your needs in sex or telling a partner that you want to try something new. She is also strongly empathetic toward other people because she knows how it feels to be different in an unfavorable way. There is no better match for an Aquarius woman than a Libra man. She may be most compatible with a man whose Mars is in Aquarius. He has no interest in following the group, although he may not be an obvious rebel. This pairing can also be intensely obsessive but in the best way possible. The second most important planet to look at when we talk about relationships and compatibility is what sign Mars is in. Gemini is ruled by Mercury, the planet of communication and intellect. He wants a partner who has no reservations about being with him all she wants is a lot of intimacy, romance, and passion. To really understand your chart in comparison with another, contact an astrological advisor on Keen. by Ryan Hart | Updated on July 25, 2021 | Post may contain affiliate links. These natives are especially clever about getting what they want. Independence and a free-flowing mind are the top two characteristics of her ideal partner. By taking the time to know and understand your own Mars placement, you can gain greater self-knowledge. Cancer Man & Aquarius Woman Compatibility: Perfect Match? A double Aquarius relationship is a wild card that will either be extremely successful or an abysmal failure. I explained to Laurie that she had to learn to nurture herself, to have compassion and softness towards her own sexual needs, and to do some healing work around her conflict between spirituality and sexuality. Libra Man & Aquarius Woman Compatibility: Perfect Match? Cancer does not like to express directly and may take time to get to the point. A woman who appreciates his straightforward but sensual approach to sex and his practical achievements will win his heart. They may have explosive sexual chemistry, but their compatibility starts and ends there. A Virgo man is steady, stable, and constant. The personalities of these two signs clash, and while they may enjoy a casual sexual relationship, they probably cant even be friends. Knowing that he has someone like Virgo in his life to care for him and be cared for the way he needs will make this relationship last a very long time. With Mars in Aquarius you have unusual ideas and attitudes when it comes to sex and your energy will be rather eccentric as you pursue your desires. These two zodiac signs are definitely a power couple status when theyre together. The least compatible signs with an Aquarius woman are generally considered to be Scorpio and Cancer. These women dont like sitting at home doing nothing as they get bored easily. A Cancer man wants his partner to be his constant companion, which makes an Aquarius woman feel smothered and annoyed. A Mars in Aquarius woman is a unique blend of independence and innovation. An Aquarius lady always has her head in the clouds, so she may not notice when someone is attracted to her. As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases. Mars is the planet ruling our actions, sex drive and desires. In fact, what turns you on is likely to confuse the average person. They are creative, innovative and intellectual. They will often choose paths that are traditionally considered male-oriented. They sometimes make decisions without considering all angles of a situation. These men love a good conversationespecially if they can be both intensely intimate and somewhat detached. This, along with their progressive thinking, usually mean this man will be a big fan of a hotline. You are a spiritually-minded individual, although you may not claim any religionMars will empower you on your lifelong journey for universal truthsespecially when Mars enters Aquarius. All rights reserved. This pairing is all about give and take, which is an understated, yet hugely important part of any good relationship. Mars is also a masculine planet, which means that it affects our masculine sides. Venus is the planet that guides romantic desires and love. Mars in Scorpio is very much concerned with the deeper significance of sex and love. Scorpio is one of the most controlling, emotional, and combative signs of the zodiac. The way she brings everyone up to speed with her innovative ideas and actually gets them to support it, its mind-numbing. Venus in Water, Mars in Air (Romantic Water, Airy Desires): You are a study in contradictions when it comes to love! You thrive under the spotlight, and you never tire of playing host to the bright minds of your friend circleplay on your strengths and host a get-together when Mars is in Aquarius. Relationships dont always have to last forever for them to be exciting and fun. She just can't understand the expression "it is how it is". Her most compatible match is a man whose Mars is in Virgo. Virgo tends to date with finding The One as her main goal. You are eccentric but well-rounded enough to consider multiple viewpoints on most topics. Aquarius is a very quirky and eccentric sign, and an Aquarius woman cherishes her freedom and individuality. She may be most compatible with a man whose Mars is in Pisces. They dont always have to be going after the same goals, but they definitely need to have drive in their life. You seek meaningful love but burn out easily once you find it. Y. ou may feel more detached if many Air signs are in your chart, or less so if you have Earth in your chart, featuring heavily. The qualities of Mars by sign and house placement will show the type of person she finds attractive. Pisces Man & Aquarius Woman Compatibility: Perfect Match? Although its important for her to embrace this side, she feels suffocated by a Capricorn mans dominating and controlling presence. 2. The Mars in Aquarius woman is highly independent, probably more so than any other woman. With Mars in Scorpio you have a magnetic energy and desires that run so deep they might intimidate other people. When faced with difficult decisions, this woman shows courage as she stands up against injustice while maintaining compassion and kindness. Aquarius is a very quirky and eccentric sign, and an Aquarius woman cherishes her freedom and individuality. Your worst . Mars in Scorpio knows how to take passion to the extreme. Some people may see you as combative, but they'll be happy to have you as an ally or even an advocate. You may resort to manipulative or subversive tactics to accomplish this if you feel love is threatened. Mars in Aquarius can signify a powerful combination of enthusiasm, willpower, and creativity. Born with Mars in the romantic mutable water sign Pisces, you tend to sit back and see what direction life flows in, preferring to sit in the moment and dream about your goals. When you look deeper into how the planets affect our personalities, you will find that certain planets help explain why we are compatible with other zodiac signs and why we are not compatible with others. This can make Mars in Cancer a sign that becomes too self protective and even passive aggressive in the pursuit of desires. You don't need anything fancy to get you in the mood since you're the most sensuous of all the signs. Venus is also a feminine planet, which means that it affects our feminine sides. Mars in Aquarius is least compatible with Venus in Taurus. She also needed her Cancer Mars to be validated. Mars can help us cut through layers of societal and family conditioning to get to the truth of ourselves. She is particularly gifted at using technology (computers, databases, etc.) There is a real feeling of you believing in equality, and you are of the opinion that this is at the absolute root of your being. They place a lot of value in freedom and individuality-theirs and yours. The ideal partner for Mars in Aquarius would be the Moon in Gemini. They have a natural connection thanks to their shared element. This relationship will be just as fierce and passionate as both of these fire signs are. Mars in Libra sets the tone for respect and romance in relationships. Unlike Mars in Fire, Mars in Air natives are quite capable of adopting airs and tactics to get and do the things they want.