mercury conjunct descendant synastry
This fact can help you to understand each other, or, of course, it can get on your nerves from time to time. At the same time, there is a tendency to be too focused in yourself. Synastry:Venus-SaturnAspectsBetweenTwoCharts Maybe that's why he said he found my weirdness to be endearing. This can be constructive depending on whether mercury is well aspected in the comparison. Indeed, the Sun persons overall personality is very appealing to the Descendant person, as it is a mirror to their own personality. If we try to cling on to the status quo within the relationship, we will have no luck. The Sun person also feels very attracted to the Descendant person, not only for their physical appearance, but also for the consideration the Descendant person shows for them. Uranus to the Descendant may cause us to seek what we have never sought before, and, at its best, can awaken us to our own humanity. If someones Mercury is in your 1st House, you will get along well with them from the start. In this relationship, the Jupiter persons honesty and open-mindedness are highly attractive to the Descendant person. Marrying of minds. my moon?) Celebrities with the Mercury as a Rising Planet: Matt Leblanc, Zooey Deschanel. Planets conjunct the ascendant in synastry indicate strong attraction, especially if the planet falls into the first house of the ascendant person. the husband's Ascendant square the wife's Ceres. You may feel like this person does not listen to you. The exchange of thoughts. A practical joke in the right circumstances might be okay, but a tendency to argue for the sake of it could lead to severe disagreements and new enemies. Matching wits. Sun/Moon/Ascendant Synastry Aspects. It may be hard to communicate with someone whose Mercury is in your 6th House, particularly at first. You will both share and interest in friends and activities and a variety of subjects of intellectual interest. In this article, we go over synastry interpretations of planets conjunct the Descendant (or opposite the Ascendant). Uranus conjunct Descendant in synastry indicates instant attraction between the partners. You will receive an email within 24 hours please check spam folder. It will help them to have honest and productive conversations about their finances. You will feel a strong intellectual connection with someone whose Mercury is in your 7th House. When the ruler of one end of an angle is conjunct the other end of the angle, it helps with growth and integration. This is also an excellent time to seek advice from professionals like business people, psychologists and lawyers. When you visit our website, it may store information through your browser from specific services, usually in form of cookies. Uranus on the MC is like lightning hitting a tower, with the electricity running down throughout the chart. They seem to be in and of our blood, the product of our secret fantasies. View celebrities with the Mercury conjunct the Descendant. Indeed, the Descendant person might idealize the Venus person greatly, and see them as the perfect partner. I have his sun conjunct my descendant at 0. Synastry:VenusJupiterAspectsBetweenTwoCharts If one's heart can communicate with the mind of the other, there can be true soul. His Venus / Pluto conjunction is also in my 7th house, and my Sun in his 1stbut ultimately it is the will of two souls that makes or breaks a relationship. A conjunction occurs when two planets are in the same place in the zodiac. Mercury is the mind. Synastry:SunPartofFortuneAspects Home / Aspects / Mercury Aspects / Mercury Opposite Ascendant. It will be important to look at the rest of both of your charts to see if your sense of connection is backed up by other planetary aspects and placements. The angle person could not think of themselves as separate from the partnership, and created an entire persona around the partnershipbut this is usually the case where Neptune is closely connected via the natal chart to the MC or IC of the angle person. With Neptune, there is an initial feeling of perfection that may not have a base in reality, leaving one or the other partner confused and uncertain. You may receive some important news or have meetings and appointments to attend. The 8th House holds the secrets that you keep from others. With Pluto, there is a threat of delicious danger. The relationship may be secretive, taboo or hidden in some way. We at Cosmic Technologies continuously do some research regarding the most important life events (births, marriages, deaths,) and will post and share our results regarding marriages here. This reading will help guide you in areas of your life and help you overcome obstacles and transform toxic relationships. Mercury opposite Ascendant maximum orb 800. Mercury also has to do with connecting with other people. Two-faced. Away from our familiar surroundings (psychological and otherwise), we may not know who we are, and can flail away helplessly, drifting from relationship to relationship until we find an anchor. Despite the high level of attraction between them, the relationship may be unsteady or unpredictable, given the erratic nature of Uranus. The ascendant conjunct descendant synastry aspect is often found in the charts of couples. This conjunction significantly combines their energy. An equal mental playing field. This aspect indicates a high level of attraction between the partners. You are interested in various topics. It provides vivid and detailed modern imagery that can inspire and connect the reader with the deeper tarot meanings easier. Communication functions well in this relationship. For the most part, the Sun conjunct Mercury is a mildly positive aspect in synastry. 749 charts of men (Rodden Rating "B" or better) with birth dates ranging from January 29, 1874 - July 13, 1978, coupled with their female partners charts, calculated for noon, whose birth dates range from November 28, 1873 to May 13, 1987. What do you think of what I think? Being married to your brother or sister. Avas Neptune is prominent in the first house and makes hard aspects to Sun, Moon, and Jupiter. Your Month of Birth Reveals Your Marriage Partner. i can`t say who was more involved, maybe both, but he was the only who was always afraid of losing me(maybe it`s his saturn oppo. no offense, to anyone with a Scorpio Asc, but Scorpio Risings are like the biggest power trippers of the zodiac.. regardless of their sun sign oh God everything becomes just a power play. 'North Node' synastry aspects indicate that you feel that you and your partner are destined to be together because you're moving in the same direction and come from a similar place. Through the relationship with the Venus person, the Descendant person learns a lot about relationships, relating, equality and harmony. We often talk about aspects to the Ascendant, but what about the Descendant? 2022 can bring new adventures, new roads to explore, and new successes to reach! You can look at that persons birthchart and the rest of the synastry they have with you to assess the likelihood of that possibility. Click here to readNorth Node conjunct Descendant, Click here to readNorth Node conjunct Ascendant, Click here to read Vertex conjunct Descendant in Synastry, Click here to return to theSynastry Page. However, it can be a great addition to a romantic relationship is there are other, more sexual indicators in the chart. Marrying a liar, a thief, or a crook. Pluto on the Descendant often deteriorates into power plays within the partnership that resemble tugs of war with no resolution. Mercury conjunct Descendant in Synastry indicates a high level of intellectual compatibility and attraction. The Mars person is also very sexually attracted to the Descendant person, and will want to pursue the Descendant person. With the Mercury conjunct ascendant synastry aspect, you enjoy talking to each other and you get along well. Mercury has many functions in astrology. These aspects happen when two celestial bodies are 90 degrees apart. Their Jupiter conjunct your Midheaven: Unless their own Jupiter is in a world of trouble, this is almost always a benefactor, generous in their support without a lot of strings attached. Needing a partner who likes to keep up with moment by moment fluctuations in activity. This person will help you develop your creativity and will be a good person to bounce ideas off of. There will be a need to merge with the partnership, and often a subsequent pulling away as we struggle with questions of who we are both in and out of the relationship. The Venus person is ideal to the Descendant person; the Descendant person loves the Venus persons style, beauty, and the way they express love and affection. The point opposite the ascendant is the descendant. This makes their influence over the synastry chart much more meaningful. You are likely to talk about money with this person, even if it is not a normal topic of conversation for you. Mercury Conjunct Ascendant - Synastry, Transit, Composite. With someone's ascendant conjunct the other person's ascendant, the ascendant can fall into the seventh house of the descendant person. It is highly variable, however, and can be negative in some circumstances. The Astrology of 2023: This Year in Astrology. You will tend to feel very close to someone whose Mercury is in your 4th House. As one of the visible planets, the planet located the closest to the Sun, Mercury has been known to humans since the earliest days. Her upcoming book, The Inner Wheel, takes a new look at interpreting secondary progressions. This is a friendly placement for Mercury, and this person will be a valuable ally to you. However, it is essential not to let your joking get out of control by teasing people. Think of this post as an evolving online astrological journal of thoughts on planets and things in the twelfth house. Synastry:Venus-NeptuneAspects You dont notice the needs of other people, which is one of the weaknesses of the Mercury conjunct ascendant natal aspect. Nurturing will tend to be part of your character. This makes this planet one of the primary planets in a synastry analysis. Mercury-Ascendant aspects will dictate how intelligent, witty, and curious you appear. View more . The 12th House holds the secrets that you keep even from yourself. In fact, they may even be obsessed with each other! Two peas in a pod. This aspect suggests that you have lots of hobbies and interests. You have great conversations with each other, but you are friends with this aspect rather than potential partners. It is easy to dominate in a conversation, what can make your partner feel bad. Of course, differences in mental outlook can be stimulating, too. For example, with Mercury conjunct ascendant in Aries you can expect a more fiery discussion than if they are placed in critical, analytical Virgo, or in harmony-seeking Libra. Synastry Aspects Quick Guide . You may become uneasy or anxious during overly emotional or intimate moments in close relationships, and your partner may see this as a lack of seriousness or commitment. Mercury on the ascendant, especially in the first house, sometimes fails to see other people. 2023, part of the Hopnetic network. Mercury opposite Ascendant natal is also called Mercury conjunct Descendant and Mercury Setting. When it is in contact with the ascendant in the birth chart, you can expect a bubbly, witty person, eager to connect with others. Synastry:SunNorthNodeAspects Synastry:MoonUranusAspects If we are vulnerable to that energy, its influence may be life-changing, and lasting. Mercury/Pluto = Generally is a source of frustration. Anything that conjuncts the MC will touch you out in the open, in your relationship with society. However - and fortunately so - we are not alone in this world and other astrologers are doing serious research too re astrology marriage indicators. I have the sextile with someone and I know that this is true. As with any Uranian contact, some people will find it stimulating, and others will find it disruptive. mollis inter appling codon paling Faucibus in hoeng, Download the free AstroMatrix Horoscopes App, What obstacles you may face in regards your work life, health and relationships using your Birth chart & Transits. Lindas Neptune is conjunct her Sun and her North Node. We find the Uranian unusual and fascinating, and are willing to go down any number of new roads, as long as the relationship remains interesting. The Descendant person feels the Sun person is their ideal match, and feels magnetically attracted to them. This person is in the Worthy Opponent category and will force you to bring your A Game to the table. They may not feel as close to you as you do to them. When a planet hits an angle, that planets power becomes magnified when the angle person is around. Even if they do, you can easily sort them out. It is mandatory to procure user consent prior to running these cookies on your website. Depending on the other planetary placements and aspects involved, it may be hard for you to engage in small talk with this person. You will most likely be in a talkative, interested, and sometimes humorous mood. On this astrology marriage page we will look at marriage indications by assessing and comparing two natal charts: it's about a synastry between you and your sweetheart. A smart partner. With Uranus contacts to the Ascendant, there can be a sudden, extreme attraction that blows hot and cold, or the relationship has an exciting, electric, unstable tone right from square one. You may have an online relationship with them that is as close or closer than your face-to-face relationships. Attraction to a sibling. The Moon person is also very attracted to the Descendant person, and takes an active interest in their well-being. Pretty little liars. The karmic meaning of synastry Mercury in the 7 th House. The house in which Mercury is found in synastry will show the areas of life in which you can communicate with the other person. Synastry:SunNeptuneAspects Unusual circumstances and unusual interference from others may also plague the partnership. Commercial talkers. These Plutos used to be called generational and it was assumed that they didnt carry much impact in the relationship. Our readers support us. The ascendantalso called the rising signis the zodiac sign that came up on the eastern horizon (as seen from the place where you were born, at the moment of your birth). Synastry:VenuswithAscendantAspectsBetweenTwoCharts When the Moon in one chart forms an aspect to another person's Mercury Moon conjunct Mercury in synastry: You enjoy long, intimate conversations, confiding in each other, sharing your inner feelings and thoughts. Intellectual partnership. Synastry:Mercury-NeptuneAspects It will be easy to find things to talk about with this person, and you are likely to feel listened to, at least at the start of the relationship. An intellectual lineage. Mercury transits to the Vertex are exciting connections in synastry as the Mercury person stimulates the Vertex person's mind and way of speaking, which means they can both engage in long and wonderful conversations that will leave each other thinking about them long after they are over. The reasoning ability of the Mercury person affects the persona and sense of identity of the ascendant person. Giving away your intellectual power. Partnerships with outer planet contacts there can shake us to the core emotionally, and mess with our sense of security and belonging. They are giving you excellent feedback, which will almost always be useful to you. Gossip draws you together. However, dont let boredom lead to the teasing or provoking of others. On the good side, the Uranus person teaches the Descendant person to be more independent and detached in relationships. Solar Eclipse April 20, 2023 Crisis of Confidence, Saturn Sextile Midheaven Natal and Transit, Mercury Retrograde April 21, 2023 Psychic Talent, Saturn Conjunct Neptune Natal and Transit. Mental gymnastics. In astrology, synastry techniques show the relationship dynamics between two people. Whos the better thief? The Astrology of Sex, Love and Relationships. On the downside, the Descendant person may feel their Saturn partner is too stuffy or cold, or even parental, towards them. JavaScript is disabled. It may not display this or other websites correctly. The ascendant person, on the other hand, finds the Mercury person very smart and enjoys their sense of humor. The Neptune person brings a dreamy, compassionate, sensitive energy into the Descendant persons relationships sector that feels both fantasy-like and confusing. Synastry:Mercury-PlutoAspects Each aspect is worth 1 point. Mercury conjunct ascendant in the first house suggests intellectual attraction, rather than attraction on a physical or emotional level. Venus conjunct Descendant in Synastry is an incredibly powerful aspect to find in a relationship chart. Over time, the Descendant person might not feel they can rely or depend on the Uranus person in times of need. Click here to view the Sinatra-Gardner biwheel. My DC is ruled by Libra and he has his sun in Libra. Sun sextile/trine/conjunct Moon is often found in marriage synastry charts. Turned on by the thought of marrying someone with a bevy of degrees. You won't be able to hide your intelligence or mental faculties. Your chart is a blueprint of your personality, facets and penchants and the whole chart is 'potential' for development. Intellectual marriage. You will be able to express your concerns clearly and diplomatically. It was meant to shift our views of our place in the world, and to shake us out of our conventionality and complacency. The wife's Sun and Mars often oppose the husband's Juno; the husband's Venus, Mars and Mercury often trine the wife's Juno. the wife's Vesta sextile the . With this reading you receive. Giving away your intellectual power. Checking if your sibling agrees with you. Synastry:MoonMercuryAspectsBetweenTwoCharts You are using an out of date browser. He's on the outside. Neptune conjunct Venus synastry is a powerful aspect that can create an intense connection between two individuals.
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