military pageant platforms

Cheslies desire to help other women with their wardrobe stems from years of internships and full-time experience in corporate America. In your introduction, you want to entice your judges by reading more. Weve decided to give you an overview of some success platforms from the past few years so you can see how the pros have implemented their platforms to have the biggest impact. Teresa is now making her mark as a mentor and full-time public speaker, continuing to focus on the two areas of pageantry that she initially fell in love with: continued personal growth and development and being able to reach and impact other people. Won the 1848 election. Milagros Day Worldwide, is a non-profit organization that empowers survivors of Domestic Violence through leadership coaching and mentorship; and a commitment to turning abuse into success. You know for a fact that this gown is the one that you want, and you know it was meant for you. Its very impressive for a 16 year old girl, isnt it? And, then the fact that you can sew, is a huge money maker! A couple of interesting organizations that support survivors of assault or domestic abuse are The Global Sisterhood and Milagros Day Worldwide. Photo American Bazaar Online. Once you have the proper tone and diction down, your essay will write itself! If your platform is a local, grass roots charity that will only really interest the occupants of your town or community, then it is not the type of platform that can be leveled up. However, there has been a general downward trend over the last decade. And its a skill that you can become very accomplished at, even if it is a bit out of your comfort zone initially. Miss Universe 2018 Catriona Gray in the slums of Tondo. Since 1921, the Miss America pageant with the exception of a few years in between has called Atlantic City home. But, that didnt stop this queen. Then, she arranged for all of the proceeds to go directly to benefit The Childrens Miracle Network. But, we suggest that if you do adopt this subject as your pageant platform, that you really think through what you want to do with it, and make sure that you have a solid connection to the topic. I want them to know that they are perfect just as they are, and they dont need to compare themselves to anyone. Thats just what Miss Washington Teen USA 2019 Lily Lloyd did. Dutchtown's AnnMarie Brumley competed for her International Junior Miss Louisiana title in January. Pageant Planet - that's right. She shows up for the homeless, the ignored, the forgotten, the invisible and for the disenfranchised. She then pulled on her creative design skills and her proclivity as a social media influencer, and ultimately forged a service oriented purpose and platform that was undeniably her own. And, as a survivor of the disease, she is committed to trying to raise awareness of the debilitating nature of eating disorders, and to spread the message to young girls that "Self-confidence is the single most important thing in the key to happiness. The butterflies were then attached with a note of encouragement and placed in hospitals, cancer centers, nursing homes, etc. Ma Thuzar Wint Lwin hopes to use her international platform as a pageant contestant to criticize the countrys military coup and support the pro-democracy You can have t-shirts made, along with stickers, custom made pens, buttons, bumper stickers and wrist bands. Unfortunately, there are a plethora of diseases and illnesses that afflict human beings. If you are currently employed in a corporate environment or you are working towards a business related degree, then you likely have endless contacts available to you that can help support your platform work. Once it comes time for your pageant, youll be able to speak about your platform and incorporate yourself into the conversation with ease! Who is going to solve this? Now, the opportunity is in your hands to make that change! You could of course tutor someone, like a student in Spanish. May 1, 2023 10:04 am. She is an active advocate for people with disabilities and her platform The Ability Beyond Disability is concentrated on autism and other disabilities. It would still promote literacy but it opens up the platform to include all children, yet at the same time, it keeps it very close to your heart because you have a connection with it on a deep level. The Miss Universe Organization partners with several different charities related to medical issues as well. Lets find you the perfect platform! Every person has their own personality, style and temperament when it comes to communication, and there are multiple ways that you can communicate about your platform that will be comfortable for you. Miss America 2015 Kira Kazanstsev. When we talk about promoting your platform, were not talking about renting a vehicle with a speaker on the top, and driving throughout your neighborhood yelling at people to give canned goods to their local food bank. The category of health and disease related platforms is probably the largest and most diverse of all of the platform categories. Are you kidding! Just ask them what they think that you are really gifted at. Facebook has set up a system where you can create a personal post on your Facebook account and you can check a box that will allow people to donate to a cause. Another titleholder whose platform came from her own medical experience is Miss Washington World America 2019, Shree Saini. The introduction to your essay should begin with an explanation of who you are and what your platform is. These types of ideas requires a financial investment, but they can be relatively inexpensive to make or purchase online at sites like A few of the organizations that you might volunteer with if you want to get involved in this area and meet other people who share your passion are Paws, Petsmart or your local animal shelter. Get to know the people who you see everyday around town and listen to what they may be struggling with. In fact, she was even a recipient of the Gold Level Presidential Volunteer Service Award (the highest you can achieve) because she donated over 250 hours of unpaid acts of volunteer service benefiting others, within a 12 month period! Everyone either has a cause or has heard a story that pulls on your heartstrings and makes you want to help as much as humanly possible. WebInternational Junior Miss is pageantry with a global reach. Shree has held many titles in the years that she has been involved in pageantry. If you decide not to embark upon having a pageant platform, youre limiting your reach as a contestant and are at risk for not having much to do as a titleholder. Some people have the gift of gab, naturally, and those folks make it look easy. Try to get involved with things that relate to your brand and who you are and what you most enjoy doing. A pageant platform essay is a paper in which you speak about exactly what youve been working on with your platform and what you have chosen to champion throughout your time as a competitor. Choosing a platform is something that you should really take some time to explore. Is that your platform? The recent leak of classified US documents on social media platform Discord seemingly caught many at the Pentagon by surprise. Photo: CNN. Your platform is not an entity unto itself. This is your moment to speak on your why. WebMilitary and Intelligence Platforms, including those used throughout the defense community and intelligence agencies, are the specific vehicles or facilities which host and use Miss America 2019 Nia Franklin. This creates the perfect opportunity for you because you know what struggles that you or your family member faced and you most likely have already thought about what would make the process easier. If you decide to delve straight in with your story in the introductory paragraph, you risk overwhelming your judges. Writing your pageant platform essay may seem daunting at first, but always keep in mind the fundamentals of writing an essay: the introduction, body paragraphs, and conclusion. And, she even received a personal thank you letter from the President of the United States! Kelsi believes social media is a culprit in the pressure young women apply to themselves. Serving in the military is mandatory in Russia for males, between the ages of 18-27. We wont rule it out, but lets see if we can find some better ideas from your list, ok? WebThis site supports military personnel deployed in at home in the USA and all over the world and veterans from all branches of the armed forces. Your platform is the vehicle for your strategic marketing plan as a contestant. Miss Universe 2019 contestants volunteering at the Children's Hospital of Atlanta. GMHC is a not-for-profit, volunteer-supported and community-based organization committed to leading the fight against AIDS on a national platform. Miss Grand International 2019 Valentina Figuera. Or they choose bullying because they were bullied as a child, and its a popular platform, so it seems like a good idea. VISIT www. Public and private events and ideas that can help you raise money for your platform. Bonnie Lundberg. Creating a platform with an emotional tie to you. Your platform could supplement an existing charity, like the American Heart Association or Shatterproof, or you could start the path to create your own organization. A platform does not have to be widely known or super popular to have that kind of presence; it just has to have enough people involved and have a global network in place. While this may seem difficult at first, once you sit down and take a deep dive into who you are as a person and what motivates you to move forward, you should be able to nail down a platform with ease. But taekwondo is not simply a mental and physical exercise regimen for Nia. Select the top 10 things that you enjoy doing the most that you are also good at, and that do not require a huge investment of time or money on your part. Proceeds from Catrionas music helped to build a preschool and childcare center for Young Focus, and also provided meals for families and children so they could celebrate Christmas with food on their table. The last sentence of your introduction should read like a thesis statement for a paper. The stark reality is that 1 in 3 women experience sexual assault or domestic violence at some point in their lives, so its time that our society comes to terms with the damage of this epidemic and that we start aggressively seeking a solution. Los Angeles, CA (PRWEB) August 23, 2012 The National Financial Educators Councils National Ambassador, Arika Burton, brings the financial literacy movement to the Mrs. America Pageant that is taking place August 23rd 29th in Tucson, Arizona. Pre-Teen and Teen interviews are meant to be simple, but can be very nerve racking. In fact, our current Miss USA 2019, Cheslie Kryst, is a huge supporter of the non-profit, Dress for Success. Cheslies one-of-a-kind brand of beauty, brains and business is so attractive to other females, and the fact that she is such a transparent and down to earth gal, despite her accomplishments, makes her an ideal role model for todays generation. Another national titleholder that created a platform based on her own personal history, is Nia Sanchez. The yearly pageant includes regional contests and culminates in the main competition held in When that happens it usually means that you just need to narrow it down to a more personal and custom fit. She went on to host workshops in other countries, including Indonesia, Mexico, and the United States. And, then begin writing down every single person that you know that you think you could network with in some way. This is exactly what having a platform can do! She shows up for these people when nobody else does. Because citizens have nine years to comply, and with many medical exceptions, drafts are regularly required. Have you had a traumatic experience as a result of someone treating you badly? She still teaches classes today through, Self-Defense by Nia, which supports empowering battered and/or abused women, and she also hosts additional workshops to help young girls dealing with low self-esteem. Categories . Are you facing any medical conditions that you like to bring awareness to? Then you tweak your platform concept in such a way that it is more unique and personal to you. Part of your job if you win the pageant, is being responsible for attracting new contestants, potential sponsors and business partners. There are likely churches in your area right now that are serving meals or collecting donations like coats, clothing and food. According to the National Alliance to End Homelessness, A total of 552,830 people were experiencing homelessness on a single night in 2018. If you are an empathetic person, who has the desire to impact a young life, then youll probably find your dream platform in this category. After spending years covering the fallout of abuse and neglect as an Emmy nominated TV journalist for CBS, CNN, and Fox, she took a step back from broadcasting and researched ways to use her skills on behalf of abused and neglected children. What are you good at? They support Smile Train, GMHC and AID FOR AIDS, and the winner of Miss Universe spends her year traveling overseas to spread messages about the control of diseases, peace, and public awareness of AIDS. Mrs. International 2017 Melissa Pocza at the "Broken Little Voices Child Advocacy Center. She won her crown on a platform of supporting youth care and education in her native Philippines. Most likely you do not. Photo:Facebook. I feel a very strong connection and desire to serve these counties. Cant you just imagine how much money you could make from canine culinary delights? Because, that would indicate that book was about the organization itself. But, just because your Grandfather grumbles about his gout, or some mean girls harassed you during junior high or on social media, does not mean that those are ideal platform ideas for you. Pageant systems and their connection to medical charities, Miss America 2019 Nia Franklin. For example, why not contact your local Mayor, city official or any other important public figure. In addition to her other commitments, she found time to work alongside the Massachusetts State House on policy changes. When you can key in to those personal details that motivate you, it then becomes so much more than a pageant platform. Most people experiencing homelessness are individuals (67 percent). By thinking along these lines, you will hopefully open yourself up to all of the possibilities that are within your reach. Contact any person that you think might be interested in talking about your platform, either formally or informally. Were also not talking about going door-to-door, hanging outside of supermarkets or patrolling the mall, with a clipboard in your hand and handing out flyers to total strangers. Here are some public and private ideas that you can use to generate funds that can be very enjoyable not only for you, but for others to participate in. If you just want to help kids, you can get involved in all kinds of service organizations or missions that are making a difference in the lives of children worldwide. If your platform is a charity or non-profit, this is certainly going to be the case. Having this in mind will help you to answer your interview questions easier as well as give you the proper mindset of why you embarked upon your platform. Take for example the current Miss America 2019 Nia Franklin, whose platform is called Advocating for the Arts. Since 2007, homelessness decreased by 15 percent. Miss Universe 2017, Demi-Leigh Nel-Peters, created a personal platform that focused on self-defense, and she then made it her mission to empower women and keep them safe with her Unbreakable initiative, which she launched in 2017, while she was still Miss South Africa. (Sleeping does not count!). Youre restricting yourself from being able to achieve the absolute best without a pageant platform. Selling products that you make or distribute. WebThe Mr. & Ms. Military Pageant was created to showcase, celebrate and to appreciate the accomplishments of military veterans all over the world. If you are really good, you could sell your services doing hair and makeup for proms and dances, or you could even teach young pre-teens how to do their own hair and makeup for a fee. The women who win the national titles always have the kind of platforms that have the ability to go global. Your platform is the foundation of your service work (whatever that looks like) and its the cornerstone of your strategic marketing campaign, so what you choose is of the utmost importance. Kendra explains the personal feelings and beliefs that drive what she does; I live beside several counties that have high poverty rates. Creating the perfect pageant platform consists of three different types of thinking: how strongly do you feel about your cause, what actions can you take to make your community aware of this cause, and what about it makes you a memorable contestant. It would not take much to set up the interview space, ask a whole bunch of random interview questions and film it all for each contestant. The pageant platform essay is apart of the competition in which a contestant can validate, in writing, why she chose the specific cause she has. You may never have thought of this before, with regard to yourself, but most anything that someone can do well is something that they can make money at. Its kind of like finding your perfect evening gown, but its too big or ill fitting. Your platform could be centered around how a family members condition has forced you to become a stronger person for them. Who do they know? Recent leaks of classified U.S. military documents on the social media platform Discord have highlighted a major challenge for national security and online platforms alike. If that is the case, then make sure that you think through how exactly you want to assist them. She collected over 1,000 handmade butterflies that were created by people across the United States. Using proper punctuation when needed, ensuring that you are not using run-on sentences, and proper word usage can all help with your tone. Okay, how do I write a pageant platform essay? Therefore, you are more likely to work hard in your cause, not only because you do not want to let your family member down, but also because you have seen them struggle throughout their life. Females do not have to serve unless they choose and serve alongside males. Sometimes beauty is born from ashes, and the most painful tragedies of our lives can become a catalyst for change that ultimately helps heal the pain of other people. When you take these ways of thinking into consideration, it becomes easier to create a platform that speaks to you! The business world is ripe with platform ideas, especially if your career goals or line of work coincide in some way with your cause. Listen to Steven and Jesse break it down for you in the podcast, "What is a Pageant Platform and How Do You Develop It?". Since 2001, Miss Earth has created a platform for women and girls to experience the glamour of the beauty pageant industry while making an impact on our There is also a charity called, Career Gear. But, nobody ever told them that they need to have a solid marketing plan as a part of that platform. The program benefits Final Salute Inc., a nonprofit that helps Knowing just how powerful this woman is, we have no doubt that she will do just that! Whether you are a Military spouse, fiance, girlfriend or a female soldier this pageant rewards you for Whats that? Web1. And, what do they do?. Methodology To identify the best selling bolt-action rifles in America, 24/7 Wall St. reviewed a report from Gungenius, which uses data from, an online firearm sales platform.

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military pageant platforms

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