paragraph with gerunds

THANK YOU. To learn more about gerunds and infinitives, check out these resources: Video: 10 common verbs followed by gerunds, Video: 10 common verbs followed by infinitives, A list of verbs that are followed by gerunds and infinitives, (rule note: If you want to follow a preposition with an action/activity, it must use a gerund. If any of the students knows the term, have them explain what e-sports means to the class. It is simply a technical term used by linguistic analysts within their speciality field. I also work to make changes to customers clothes so the clothes fit better. Her decision to major in medicine was based on volunteering at the hospital. great ,simple and effective way of teaching, Its a great idea and I will definitely use it in my courses. Encourage students to write additional sentences that provide more details about their job. Back then, almost every kid with a basketball hoped to move and shoot as well as him. If you found this page helpful, consider a donation to our hosting bill to show your support! Directions: Read the story below on the life of a professional video game player. Gerunds happen when you try to fancy up the prose or dialogue. If a pair has different answers for . "Living in Costa Rica also gave me the opportunity to interact with the local population.". In this part of the activity, students work in small pairs to discuss the future. This time, Group B presents their countries information, and the students in Group A visit the countries. Have the students skim the reading for any unfamiliar vocabulary terms, and provide them time to ask about any new vocabulary words. . Practice speaking and listening skills offering travel advice on a particular country. I expect to have the report done by Friday. In the first sentence, "hiking" is a gerund. For example: If it is the year 2017, write the year 2037 on the board. As students get out their homework, give each student a blank sheet of paper to use as a sign. a. This is how I begin. Thanks for sharing. Next, split the class into two groups, Group A and Group B. While students share their answers, check their matches for correctness. This page is brought to you by the OWL at Purdue University. It really helped me. 1. Video gaming as a professional sport, or e-sports, is the fastest growing sporting event in the world. 6. (I stopped verb+ing), What's an experience that you were happy to share with someone? For some people, writing a paragraph may be pretty easy, but for some, it is also pretty . The term verbal indicates that a gerund, like the other two kinds of verbals, is based on a verb and therefore expresses action or a state of being. People feel happier when they are using their natural abilities. (I wanted to be), What kinds of games did you enjoy playing? Gerund Verbs Exercises - Test 1. Different languages have different gramatical forms. Thank you so much for an interesting and useful lesson. He hesitated _________ in, but he finally did. (The gerund is, My cat's favorite food is salmon. Launch Tasks Open PDF Focus foundational reading grammar gerunds infinitives Gerunds and present participles happen to look exactly the same in English, the first acting as a noun and the second as either an adjective, a verb denoting continuous action, or introducing a participle clause. Thank you so much. It is a sentence that begins in the middle of a paragraph and I'm using it as a transition. Conclude the activity by having the students share their WOOP plans with the class. After he finishes college, he wants to work as a geologist. 8. The Difference between 'a few/few/a little/little', The Difference between "Other" & "Another", clarifying-questions-gerunds-infinitives.docx, The Gender Pay Gap (Advanced Lesson Plan), The Big Five Personality Traits (Upper-Intermediate Lesson), The Big Five Personality Traits (Advanced Lesson Plan), Health & Wellness (Intermediate Lesson Plan), Health & Wellness (Upper-Intermediate Lesson), Exercises: Identifying Fragments and Run-on Sentences (Writing Errors), Speaking Activity: Giving Advice (Guess the Problem), Advice on Writing an Abstract for a Research Paper, The Difference between the Verbs Need and Require (English), Stories for Gerunds and Infinitives (directly below), Briefly explain that in English, often verbs are followed by another action. 2. Print out the WOOP Verbs and Adjectives List in Appendix 1, and make copies for each student. Some people also express gratitude by praying or meditating. These verbs change meaning when used with a gerund or infinitive. Group B: Have the students in Group B move around the room and look at the country signs. If there's an error, they can clarify the question (Sorry, did you ask me?) What will they do as a hobby or for fun in the future? What do your parents often tell you ___________ (do)? (wrong in going), If you saw an accident at the side of the road, would you keep to drive? Whether you use a gerund or an infinitive depends on the main verb in the sentence. This way of memorising/understanding seems to be more efficient then making students lean lists of words. He agreed __________________ healthily. Speaking, listening (primary focus); reading, writing (secondary focus). Does methalox fuel have a coking problem at all? What/you/look forward to/do/this weekend? Naturally, as the teacher, you'll want to preview the questions to make sure they are familiar with the verbs. rev2023.4.21.43403. The goal of this warm-up activity is to introduce students to some jobs that they may not know exist. Use tab to navigate through the menu items. I use a story (see samples below) as a springboard into my lesson. An infinitive is not a verb. After a month, he had lost a few pounds. The verb is "is." Thank you so much! However, we kept drinking until we ran out of money. 2. This question appears to be off-topic because it is based on a non-existent rule of grammar. On the day he and his family were going to depart, there was a big snowstorm. 6. WOOP, or Wish, Outcome, Obstacle, Plan, helps people think about their future as a process instead of just an idea. Living in an English-speaking environment, you would quickly realize that there is no proscription against it, as it is natural in speech as well. Some verbs have different meanings when they are follow. The gerund phrase functions as the subject complement. Have students take out a piece of paper and a pen or pencil and write down their answers to these questions. Here is an example of a noun which, in English, does NOT end with -ing, but in French it does, being a gerund, a noun derived from a verb. This material may not be published, reproduced, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed without permission. A gerund phrase is a group of words consisting of a gerund and the modifier (s) and/or (pro)noun (s) or noun phrase (s) that function as the direct object (s), indirect object (s), or complement (s) of the action or state expressed in the gerund, such as: The gerund phrase functions as the subject of the sentence. Giving your students a list of verbs that match each category can be useful, but some students learn best through story. Like nouns, gerunds can function in various ways in a sentence. Look at these examples with the gerund phrases used in different ways: Reading books quietly is my favorite pastime. Please contact me on my whats app: +593-991480533 Thanks so much. Ask the students if anyone knows what this word means. He remembersvisitingnew places every Christmas and summer holiday. Another method to boost happiness is by using our strengths. What a great resource for teaching this tough subject. A gerund is a verb that ends with -ing but functions as a noun. A 'gerund' is the name given to nouns ending with -ing. It is a verbal noun; its functions in a sentence are the same as that of a noun. Gerund phrases can be used as a subject in a sentence. I was disappointed, and decided to focus on my schoolwork instead. Commit acts of kindness. Checks and balances in a 3 branch market economy, Word order in a sentence with two clauses. Next, on the board write the word E-Sports. After taking a bath, I felt fine. About English Current . Getting up early is a good habit. S. Thank you so much. These verbals are important in phrases. Sometimes it can be problematic to spot a gerund in a sentence or to use it correctly. Thanks a lot for sharing. Thank you. shifting verb tenses back when the reporting verb is in the past tense) and gerunds and infinitives. I intend to create an English club at school to practice my speaking with friends. We were winning by 16 points, but the other team, All at once, my teammates all ran towards me and, (rule note: If you want to follow a preposition with an action/activity, it must use a gerund. It's probably how kids today feel about players like Lebron James and Steph Curry. Which paragraph is better? For each paragraph, students should decide if a gerund or an infinitive is the correct form of the verb. Beautiful. Mostly in formal writing if I would make a "general rule" for you. . Improving the copy in the close modal and post notices - 2023 edition, New blog post from our CEO Prashanth: Community is the future of AI. (wrong avoid doing), What didn't your parents allow you to do? Bernardo hates exercising, but he will try it. Starting with a gerund is no different than ending with one or having one in the middle. An infinitive is formed with "to" and the base form of the verb. Can I general this code to draw a regular polyhedron. Generate points along line, specifying the origin of point generation in QGIS. Your outputs are nice nad helpful. Example: Saving money helps protect against unexpected expenses. The gerund ends in -ing and functions as a noun.. There are cases that it really ruins a good text and shows poor writing skills. 6. He was gaining weight. He decided to go on a diet. The present participle of a verb, and that is used with the verb 'to be', also ends with -ing but is not a gerund. 2. Or can I re-write the sentence like this: "Additionally, living in Costa Rica also gave me the opportunity to interact with the local population.". 4. Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. What would you like ___________ (study) in class? In my job I might have to drive, to jump from a great height, or to fight. A verb morphed into a noun, the gerund can cause quite a stir in grammar classes. She decide/visit/ British Columbia. THEY ARE EXERCISES VERY USEFUL, Great resource! In this lesson, students read two stories that use gerunds and infinitives in context. Copyright 2022 by The On-Campus Writing Lab& The OWL at Purdueand Purdue University. I wasn't alone. This is about writing style and readability. ), The police arrested him for speeding. So after arriving in Honolulu, his family had to stop _____________ some clothes for him. When I was a kid, I wanted to be a basketball player. The teacher was wrong in not explaining that this is not about grammar, certainly not a rule. Yes, this is very helpful. But after two months, he only managed to lose 3 pounds. I can't understand. Next, have the students write down a table like the one above with their own plan for the future. Despite my disappointment, I was happy that I had at least tried to make the team. Appendix 1: WOOP Verbs and Adjectives List. For the gerund and infinitive exercises below you have to decide if you need the gerund: verb + ing e.g. What are the most common tasks that people forget _________________ (do)? The students listen and then record themselves. If the word 'gerund' is causing you difficulty, don't let it! It is important to note the distinction betweenthe gerund verbandthe present participle. However, some of the questions have errors. Infinitive: You can tell that to dance is an infinitive because "to" precedes the word "dance." Gerund: The verbal breaking serves as a noun.It is also the object of the preposition of. We're talking about going on vacation next month. Then fill in the blanks with either a gerund or an infinitive form of the verb. You can go to cinema when youve finished doing your homework. She promised to make him a lot of healthy food, and she did. Then write a short paragraph (at least six sentences) with gerunds and infinitives about your friend/family member. I'd be interested to know what language does. A gerund phrase is a gerund plus another element such as an adverb, an adjective, or a noun. English has no such rule regarding gerunds. 2. Study these two sentences. God bless you more. Have students draw a recruitment poster for their job. A gerund is a verbal ending in -ing that is used as a noun. Causative with have/get + object + present participle: when can it be used? Online Professional English Network (OPEN), Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs, Under Secretary for Public Diplomacy and Public Affairs, Teacher: whiteboard or chalkboard, markers or chalk, a timing device, Students: pencils or pens, notebooks or writing paper, recording devices (optional). They keep verb-like qualities, such as using adverbs or taking objects. Now he exercises every day and he looks better. 2. his constituents (direct object of action expressed in gerund). It`s an excellent explanation of boring grammar rules: the students liked it. What person (you, he/she/it, we/they) does each paragraph use? How to convert a sequence of integers into a monomial. Parabolic, suborbital and ballistic trajectories all follow elliptic paths. 1. Wow this helped me a lot with my homework thank you so much. Finally, when they got inside the airport, Bernardo realized that he had forgottento pack clothes. This website collects and publishes the ideas of individuals who have contributed those ideas in their capacities as faculty-mentored student scholars. I plan to use all the activities. Did you ask me if I enjoyed going to concerts? It uses gerunds, infinitives, and a variety of modals, The second paragraph is more formal because it uses first person plural and third person, and it is more sophisticated because it has more sentence variety. Which one has a gerund as the subject of the verb? Excellent exercises !Thank you very much . All that one can do is post a comment saying there's, Gerunds are often used to start sentences: "Fishing is my favourite sport." With a partner, look at the questions below (together). A 'gerund' is the name given to nouns ending with -ing. Print out enough copies of the Professional Gamer reading in Appendix 1 for each student in the class. In this case you can see that it is a form and development of the verb 'to cycle.'. And we did! Rule #1: Some verbs must be followed by gerunds I always start with the verb enjoy, because it's perhaps one they are most familiar with. The gerund phrase will either have a modifier, an object or both. The best players in the world need to practice up to 50 hours a week, and many players retire, or stop playing, around the age of 25, when they are considered too old to stay competitive. It may seem easy to broadcast yourself ______________ (play) games on the internet, but the life of a streamer can be difficult. shifting verb tenses back when the reporting verb is in the past tense) and, Activities for Teaching Gerunds & Infinitives (ESL). 9. Example. He began _____________ when he was a young child. swimming or the infinitive: to + verb e.g. Give half of the students a job title card, and give the remaining students the matching job description cards. Read over the Professional Gamer Answer Key in Appendix 2 before class. The gerund is obtained by adding the -ing tag to a verb root. Part One includes a homework assignment for the students to research a country. Ask students to think about where they will be twenty years in the future. a. Other kinds of punctuation may be needed for the newly combined sentence. Their functions, however, overlap. For example, in "I was reading a book when you telephoned me" the main verb is was, and reading is the 'present participle' functioning as an auxiliary verb, NOT as a noun. A gerund phrase consists of a gerund plus modifier(s), object(s), and/or complement(s). 3. However, they would never consider starting from our house. What are you looking forward to _________________ (do) after lass? My back was facing the basket, so I had to turn to shoot the ball. Thank you for sharing. He promised to be home by 10 p.m. Once the students have matched the job descriptions to the job titles, have the pairs share their job titles and descriptions with the class. Swimming is my favourite sport. Then each group can share their ideas with the class. The infinitive is the base form of a . Thank you do much. Directions: Cut out the job and job description cards below. 1. Next, have the students form pairs or small groups and share their futures with their partners. A few weeks passed. 3. After a month, he had lost a few pounds. Purdue OWL is a registered trademark. But I still often thought about scoring that basket in the championship game. Encourage students to be as creative as possible and to write down as many details as they can. (Subject) Olivia loves running around her block. First, start with sentences with simple, one-word gerunds. 1. Gardening in the summertime can get challenging due to the harsh heat of the sun. This activity takes place during two separate class periods. Writing advice is off-topic, but as commenters have noted, additionally is redundant with also, and one or the other should be removed. A gerund is formed by adding -ing to the base form of the verb. Bernardo disliked _________________ (exercise), but he agreed _________________ (try) it. I have highlighted the gerunds and infinitives so you can see how they are used in context. tnq very much for the stories they helped me very much. Teresa expected Bernardo _________ weight, but nothing changed. I have highlighted the gerunds and infinitives so you can see how they are used in context. The activities are wonderful ! Unless you can expand on that, it would be difficult to answer. These parts are the topic sentence, development and support, and conclusion. A gerund virtually never requires any punctuation with it. This lesson is available as a slide presentation. to swim For some, either the gerund or infinitive is possible. If it's correct, they can just answer the question. (correct), What age is too soon having children? (Note to teachers: Delete the questions that you haven't studied if you feel it will confuse your students). Something else, Im doing is that Im asking students to record themselves when they practice the sentences. Which one has a gerund as the object of the verb? Love that! Beginning, middle, or end of a paragraph; gerund, participle, or simply a word with that particular spelling it does not matter. Gerund & Infinitive Stories Grammar Stories Int All ages Grades 6-12 In this lesson, students read two stories that use gerunds and infinitives in context. Now, Im going to try it in the stories. What do you remember doing? Finally, committing acts of kindness is one of the most important methods of increasing happiness. Other video gamers have turned their hobby into a career as streamers, and many former professional gamers switch from competition to streaming video games. Use of this site constitutes acceptance of our terms and conditions of fair use. Here's my example. My job is to collect and study old items to learn more about the past and how people lived long ago. Have the class keep making matches until they have them all correct, or as long as time permits. He also really likes __________. I want to travel around the world, so it would be a great job for me. Using these six sentences, write a paragraph using either a gerund or an infinitive where appropriate. Explain to students that in this example, 'playing the guitar' functions as the noun and is the name of the activity that she likes. In these cases, we have to choose to use either an infinitive or a gerund. Check the reading for vocabulary that may be unfamiliar to students. To keep people watching, the streamer must play a video game while entertaining the audience watching. Some rules in English just need to be memorized. Ask the students to think about which of the unique jobs from Part 1 is the most interesting to them. 3. For most players, video games are a fun hobby _______________ (enjoy) with friends. Stack Exchange network consists of 181 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers. Activity Part One: Homework Travel Research. One of the easiest ways to correct them is to remove the period between the fragment and the main clause. This months Teachers Corner explores the uses of gerunds and infinitives, how to use them, and when. What activity have you tried and failed to do? This week we will conclude our gerund and infinitives activities by practicing giving and receiving travel advice. One of my favourite childhood memories was when our elementary school team played in the championship game. The writing should be large enough to see from a distance. He decided _________________ (go) on a diet. Infinitives: to swim, to hope, to tell, to eat, to dream. She attempted to wrestle it from him, but she couldn't manage to get it out of his greasy hands. I suggested joining a gym. One day, she followed him home from work. An optional approach is to have students form pairs or small groups and work together to fill out the information. They answer comprehension questions and write sentences about themselves using gerunds and infinitives. Jumping is fun.. She noticed that sometimes he would smell like hamburgers. One month ago, my friend Bernardo decided to lose some weight. This weeks lesson introduces WOOP, which is a way of planning for future success. Suddenly, we were only winning by 4 points with just a couple of minutes left in the game, and we hadn't scored a basket in a long time. 1. If students are likely to all pick the same country or similar countries, you can have students draw the names of countries out of a hat or box to ensure students all pick different countries. (I enjoyed playing), What do you remember doing with your friends after school? All at once, my teammates all ran towards me and jumped on top of me to celebrate. Yoko want/go/abroad. What do you dislike most about your everyday routine? a. Print out copies of the Unique Jobs cards in Appendix 1. 2. We should always try to keep a positive attitude and expect the best outcomes. 3. Literature about the category of finitary monads, How to create a virtual ISO file from /dev/sr0. He said that he didn't mean to hit her, but she started screaming. On the white/chalkboard, write"Verb + infinitive" on the left side, and "Verb + Gerund" on the right. He hesitated to go in, but he finally did. He also really likes eating. Eventually, I stopped watching basketball even though I still liked playing it from time to time. (correct), What chore do you detest to do the most? Having to get up early wont bother me at all. Luckily, his girlfriend agreed to help him. (correct). Do not use an initial gerund in such sentences. an illness (direct object of action expressed in gerund) Second, it's important to notice the good things in life. / She's interested in cycling.). 4. Now, his girlfriend has suggested joining a gym. To conclude this activity, have the students come to the front of the class and share their sentences. The second paragraph uses first person plural (we) and third person plural (they). What/you/would/like/avoid/do/this weekend? 5. Distribute a copy of the reading activity in Appendix 1 to each student in class. Best wishes, Blandine. But he had a problem. The best answers are voted up and rise to the top, Not the answer you're looking for? When do we use Verb ING at the beginning of sentences? He stopped _________________ (eat) chocolate, gave up _________________ (drink) beer, and he refused _________________ (eat) anything high in fat. (Past) participle: Implied in this sentence is the verbal phrase, that has been preceding the verbal . Practice speaking skills by discussing interesting jobs and skills needed for those jobs, Activity Part One: Job description jumble. What do you hope to do next year? Not all words that end with -ing are necessarily gerunds. Do you remember _________________ (be) born? He had a unique way of whistling.. and then answer it. It acts like a noun in a sentence. Peace. Naturally, she got angry. A streamer earns money through advertisements, so the more people who watch, the more money a streamer can earn from his or her channel. Thank you so much! Choose one that suits your level and give it a shot with yourstudents. I've also included example sentences and practice questions for you. A streamer earns money through advertisements, so the more people who watch, the more money a streamer can earn from his or her channel. b. Students can use their idea from Part 1 of this activity or create a new plan to follow. Grammar can be very dry but partner activities liven things up a bit. Before students share their sentences, have them research their job as homework. I'm writing and essay (in English) and decided to googled it to check if the same happened in English. She caught him _________ a Big Mac. Video gaming has become a big business, with many professional gaming teams, university teams, and national teams competing in global video game tournaments. He stopped eating chocolate, gave up drinking beer, and he refused to eat anything high in fat. Great lessons..thanks so much for sharing. Give each student in group B one job description card. This weeks Teachers Corner practices using gerunds and infinitives through a reading activity on professional video gaming. Interesting activities. Gerund: In this sentence, the words singing and laughing function as nouns, making them gerunds. Her mother/suggest/go/to Canada. He triedto stop, but he couldn't. 8. In the example, the initial gerund creates a poor sentence structure that needs to be improved by rephrasing. Answer Key . Thank you very much for putting it together! Many streamers need _______________ (broadcast) up to eight hours a day _______________ (keep) people _______________ (watch) their channel.

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paragraph with gerunds

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