revelation 21:8 spurgeon
Revelation 21:1. And the city had no need of the sun, neither of the moon, to shine in it: for the glory of God did lighten it, and the Lamb is the light thereof. Our wretched, formal prayers, if we did offer them what a mockery they were! Sometimes all this worry is mere discontent; and when the child of God gets right himself these imaginary troubles vanish like the mist of the morning; but when they are real troubles, God can as easily change your condition, dear child of God, as he can turn his hand. "The world is crucified unto me," said Paul; and many of you can say the same. Behold I make all things new." Listen! The greater the sinner, the greater the joy to loving believers when they see him saved. Revelation 21:5. he now observes the resultant order. Why should we not lift up our voices in his praise? He who in the beginning created the heaven and the earth now reveals to the gaze of faith His second and final world. WE shall take these words as referring to heaven. The Lord give us eyes to see it. What a splendor of almighty goodness shines out upon our souls! Text Courtesy of By him man's side of the covenant was undertaken and fulfilled, and now no condition remains; it is solely made up of promises which are unconditional and sure to all the seed. Our future is glorious; let not our present be gloomy. Not Peter only, but the whole of the twelve apostles shall have their names in the foundations of that holy city. And there shall in no wise enter into it any thing that defileth, neither whatsoever worketh abomination, or maketh a lie; but they which are written in the Lamb's book of life. Ver. You say to him, "There are your wages: go." III. Certainly it is most true of the celestial city, as well as of the millennial city, that the throne of God and of the , Till We Meet Again The sea now cannot rest nor be quiet, but all shall be calm and tranquil in the new heaven and the new earth. _God dwells with men; the happy state of his followers_, 3-7. Why, now we love the very things we once despised, and our heart flies as with wings after that which once it detested. And the wall of the city had twelve foundations, and in them the names of the twelve apostles of the Lamb. It has its hand upon the throat of the old sinful nature, and it shall eventually trample it like dust beneath its feet. 8 But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death. earth were passed away (Revelation 21:1); The old nature needed to be awed with threatenings, or bribed with rewards; the new nature feels the impulse of love. Our love to Christ ought to be every minute as if it were new-born. I said. Listen, "Behold, I make." Why, it is because we get away from him who says, "Behold, I make all things new." "Ah, my dear brother," I said, "that is because you do not know much about me." There was no more sea [ Dost thou not know, dear heart, that the Spirit of God has regenerated men and women quite as far gone as thou art? After a few months a vigorous young Christian will begin to cool down; and those who have been long in the ways of God find that final perseverance must be a miracle if ever it is to be accomplished, for naturally they tire and faint. It is conscious now of living in a new element, breathing a fresh air, partaking of new food, drinking out of new wells not digged by men or filled from the earth. Let us now, at the portal of the new year, sing a hymn to Jesus, as we hear these encouraging words which he speaks from his throne. I seem to lose the freshness of it; and especially by about Saturday I get I hardly know where; but," he added, "as for you, whenever I hear you, you seem to be all alive and full of fresh energy." Thus we fell into condemnation through another, and we rise into justification through another. "Immortal joys come streaming down, Joys, like his griefs, immense, unknown;". And all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death. beholds, FOR THE FIRST HEAVEN AND THE FIRST EARTH WERE PASSED AWAY. And I John saw the holy city, new Jerusalem, coming down from God out of heaven, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband. Throne the earth and the heaven flee away. Revelation 21:17. And they will be brought in, I feel assured; but, oh, that it may be this year! When we are made sons do we work for wages? their substance, but in their qualities. _The new Jerusalem_, 2. Our children's eyes sparkle when we talk of giving them a toy or a book which is called new; for our short-lived human nature loves that which has lately come, and is therefore like our own fleeting selves. "Behold," says Christ I do like that word "Behold it! And you, my dear brother, at the corner of the street where you are often interrupted, perhaps, with foul language, you will feel that you are pleased with your position of self-denial. changes in their appearance, that they seemed to be just created CHAPTER 21 It finds blight where once it sought for bliss, and finds bliss where once it found nothing but bitterness. Are we to be praying for you, and you not praying for yourselves? To be "justified" means being made really just: though we were guilty in ourselves we are regarded as just by virtue of what the Lord Jesus Christ has done for us. A more determined, obstinate rebel than I could scarce have been. They have a new nature. And then the victors on either side in the fray, return, and beat the drums, and sound the trumpets, and say, "Glory! While men will frequently dote upon the old, they are most easily dazzled by the new. separation, nor part of the world not brought into an ordered earth new state "Behold," says Christ, "I make all things new." He hath no form nor comeliness, and when you shall see him there is no beauty in him that you should desire him. How it can turn us! "He that sat upon the throne said, Behold I make all things new." Ask those that have had to live with converted people whether the transformation has not been marvellous. I am persuaded that the most of us are beggars when we might be millionaires in spiritual things. "Behold, I make all things new." I thank God for keeping me near himself; but I am as weak, and stale, and unprofitable as any of you. MEN GENERALLY venerate antiquity. Revelation 21:8 in all English translations. There is enough of light in your soul for you to know that you are in darkness; and you are saying to yourself, "Oh, that I could reach to better things! The wilderness of destruction lies before you. As the world's poet says, "All with one consent praise new-born gawds. To do this you must be new yourself; for as the man is, so his life will be. the first earth were passed away; and there was no more sea. "Lord, make thy poor, spiritually sick child to be strong in spiritual health." It rejoices in hopes which once seemed idle as dreams. REVELATION 21:1 REV. they might properly be called new; such transformations, and such Revelation 21:1. You must be dead and buried with Christ, and risen again in him; and then all will be well, for he will have made all things new. A NEW HEAVEN AND A NEW EARTH as _And I saw_ So it runs, Revelation 19:11; Revelation 20:1; Revelation I will give unto him that is athirst of the fountain of the water of life freely. The tree is made new, and the fruits are new in consequence. And as for ourselves, dear friends, mournfully as we sometimes think of the flight of time, we are wont cheerfully to look out upon the new epochs as they begin to dawn upon us. It leaps at the sound which was once dull to its ears the name of a precious Christ. (Isaiah 65:17 ). Dogs would scarce tear each other as men do. This is the second death.". The straight way to a perpetual newness and freshness of holy youth is to go to Christ again, just as we did at the first. What a prospect does all this open up to the believer! You and I, if we are trusting in the Lord Jesus Christ, shall be there, living stones prepared by living grace to have a name and a place in this living city. In the things of God the old is ever new, and if any man brings forward that which seems to be new doctrine and new truth, it is soon perceived that the new dogma is only worn-out heresy dexterously repaired, and the discovery in theology is the digging up of a carcass of error which had better have been left to rot in oblivion. And cast their crowns before the throne. Revelation. Whatsoever the Lord doeth is full of wisdom, and the wise will search into it. John in Vision is led to see the New Jerusalem. The mercy-seat, what a different place it is now! "I make all things new," begins with the bringing in of a better hope by virtue of a better covenant. My own health is precarious. And I John saw the hol _REVELATION 21:1_. We are now come, in the course of these THE first saints could never be long without speaking of their Lord and Saviour. Revelation 21:1 Revelation 21:1 SECTION 69 Oh you who are now children, you were servants a little while ago! Another application of this truth will be this: "Oh," says one, "I do not know what to make of myself. We repent because we believe, and believe while we repent. As I walked the other day down the streets of Paris, and saw the soldiers with their pretty dresses, and the knives and forks which they carried with them to carve men and make a meal for death, I could not help thinking this is a pretty world, this is. What songs would have ushered in the stillness of the night! O dear hearts, there is no absolute necessity that you should always go downward in evil till you descend to hell. NEW HEAVEN AND EARTH That, also, is divine. The Book of Genesis is commonly but these joys only come from him. A person shook hands with me one day this week who does not often hear me preach, and he expressed to me his unbounded delight in listening to the doctrine of the grace of God, and he added, "Surely your people must be made of stone." The last year had become wheezy, croaking, and decrepit, in its old age; and we lay it asleep with a psalm of judgment and mercy. _An angel shows J AND I SAW A NEW HEAVEN AND A NEW EARTH - Such a heaven and earth that There shall be no death, nor sorrow nor crying, nor pain, nor trial of any kind; all shall be happiness for all shall be holiness. but, brethren and sisters, we do not know; since the Lord saved us, there cannot be any limits as to what he can do. God grant you may! "Commentary on Revelation 8". holy c And I saw a new heaven and a new earth: for the first heaven and the Revelation 21:4. It sang with its sister-spheres the song of joy and reverence. How ingeniously they bring him in! And, further, dear friends, there may be some dear child of God here who is conscious that he lives on a very low platform of spiritual life, and he knows that the Lord can raise him to a new condition. "Because I asked the Lord to convert him, and I kept on praying that he might be converted; and I should have been very much surprised if he had not been." Now, we are beyond the thousand years. See how I took the man when he was up to his neck in sin, and made him preach the gospel. In fact, I dread everything." The man is new new in principles, and new in emotions. The sea that had prevented intimate first earth were passed away; and there was no more sea. The first foundation was jasper; the second, sapphire; the third, a chalcedony; the fourth, an emerald, the fifth, sardonyx, the sixth, sardius; the seventh, chrysolite, the eighth, beryl; the ninth, a topaz; the tenth, a chrysoprasus; the eleventh, a jacinth; the twelfth, an amethyst. This renewing work has been in our Lord's hands from of old. before God. This is the clue of many a maze, the open sesame of many a mystery. Not in vain did John write, "And I saw a new heaven and a new earth: for the first heaven and the first earth were passed away; and there was no more sea. BEHOLD AND TO BELIEVE. THE NEW HEAVEN AND NEW EARTH I say this with very great shame shame for myself, and shame for the brother who led me to make the confession. Hallelujah, glory be to our Redeemer's name. _CRITICAL AND EXEGETICAL NOTES_ 5, 6. Stand and look at it! "Ye must be born again." Amen. Revelation i. Genesis 1:1; _Revelation 21:1_ But now, in the text there is AN EARNEST CALL for us to consider this work of our Lord. He saith, and he performs the saying, "Behold, I make all things new." Yet most people today have never heard of John Gill. I am going to talk to-night for a little upon the great transformation spoken of in the text, "I make all things new;" and then upon the earnest call in the text to consider that transformation: "He that sat upon the throne said, 'Behold': attend, consider, look to it!" New - in the sense of being Did not the morning stars sing together for joy when he made the world? The ab. See on Matthew 26:29. God has breathed into them a new life. In praise we will vie with angels and archangels, for they are not so indebted to grace as we are. Read full chapter. "I make all things new." Revelation 21:8New International Version. What a range of creating power is here! Look there and see the dying thief upon the cross, black with a thousand crimes: I washed him and took him to Paradise the same day; what can I not do? We died in Adam as to spiritual life, and our death revealed itself in an inward tendency to evil which reigned in our members. A brother said to me some time ago, "Dear sir, I frequently grow very sleepy in my walk with God. [KAINOS, not NEOS, "entirely new, unused"] Creation We cannot demand the servile wage because we have already all that our Father possesses. The throne of God and of the Lamb shall be in it. Revelation xxii. BEHOLD, I MAKE ALL THINGS NEW "Behold, I make." Text Revelation 21:1-27 INTRODUCTORY WORDS When God looks at it, I wonder he does not stamp it out, just as you and I do a spark of coal that flies upon our carpet from the fire. Oh! The usual introduction to a new vision (cf. Such gold as never was, nor is, nor ever shall be on this earth until that time when God shall have purified it. And I saw Leaven opened, and behold a white horse; and he that sat upon him was called Faithful and True, and in righteousness he doth judge and make war. The enemies of the Lamb have been conquered. radically changed. , DISCOURSE: 2529 I am not going to say which is first, the new birth, or faith, or repentance. and a new earth, and the earth had _ 1 Now I saw a new heaven and a new earth, for the first heaven and Ah, we blush to think what our joys used to be; but they are heavenly now. And I saw a new Heaven and a new earth, for the first heaven and In trying to bring out the thoughts contained in this exclamation from the throne, from the Emperor of the Universe, from the court of the King of Kings, we shall first speak, very briefly, of the new creation; secondly, we should bid you adore the great Regenerator; and, in the third place, we shall ask you to behold with attention the fact before you, with a view of receiving benefit from it. This vision relates to a He can cause your business to prosper; or, if he does not do that, he can strengthen your back to bear the burden of your daily cross. Let us be glad and rejoice, and give honour to him: for the marriage of the Lamb is come, and his wife hath made herself ready. Briefly, then, here is one of the grandest truths that ever fell even from the lips of Jesus: "Behold, I make all things new." Revelation 21:24. Revelation 21:8 in all English translations. Some of you have heart-breakers at home: the Lord break their hearts. everlasting Glory of the Place. Compare Isaiah 65:17. We are like poor blocks of common-looking stone, but we do not know what we shall be like when we have been cut and polished on the great Lapidary's wheel. It is not now "Do and live," but "Live and do;" we think not of merit and reward, but of free grace producing holy practice as the result of gratitude. Temple Section-The Former Resurrection But, even if you do not, we shall pray for you; and we were sure that you opposed our intercessions, and were even angry with them, we should pray all the more, for we mean to have you won for Jesus, by the grace of God, and you may as well come soon as late. [Several voices, "Amen."] New hopes are in us, bright and sure, such as we did not even desire to know when we lived a mere carnal life. Revelation 21:8 Sermons: But for the cowardly, unbelieving, abominable, murderers, sexually immoral, sorcerers, idolaters, and all liars, their part is in the lake that burns with fire and sulfur, which is the second death." Bible > Revelation > Chapter 21 > Verse 8 Library Free Downloads eBibles Revelation 21:8 Amen. The book of Revelation closes with solemn appeals of the Lord Jesus to men in general and to the believers especially. By grace every believer is brought into a new relationship with God. It needed the Lord himself to make such as we are new. Ay, and angels, hovering over this fair world, would oft have heard the strain of joy breaking the silence of midnight, as glad and pure hearts beheld the eyes of the Creator beaming down upon them from the stars which stud the vault of heaven. Revelation 21:8. It is filled with a divine enthusiasm which it once rejected as fanatical. The Lord can so change us that we shall scarcely know ourselves: I mean he can thus change you who now despair of yourselves. "I make all things." See the Saviour then, in groans and pangs which cannot be described, bearing the curse of God, for he made him to be sin for us, though he knew no sin. Astronomers tell us that, within living memory, several starry worlds have burnt out, and vanished out of sight. And sorcerers, Persons who profess to have communications with the dead necromancers, spiritualists, and all people of that sort, Revelation 21:8. The Lord who makes all things new can hear your prayers. If you leave the fountain foul the streams cannot be pure. Amen. REVELATION It was there in the travail of his soul did you ever catch that idea, the travail of his soul? Revelation 21:1 (AV). Let us rejoice in this: "Thou art no more a servant but a son, and if a son, then an heir of God through Christ." We have not, and, therefore, we must leave it, but may you and I have a part in this new creation! We are not what we shall be, but assuredly we are not what we used to be. And I saw a new heaven, and a new earth: for the first heaven and the 8 But the cowardly, the unbelieving, the vile, the murderers, the sexually immoral, those who practice magic arts, the idolaters and all liars-their place will be in the fiery lake of burning sulfur. are burning and wasting it beneath our feet, fires everfeeding on THEN I SAW A NEW HEAVEN AND A NEW EARTH. Here is the patience of the saints: here are they that keep the commandments of God, and the faith of Jesus. And this new nature is conscious of new emotions. By the new heaven and the new earth here, all understand. After you have believed unto life you will go and do all manner of holy deeds as the result of your new life; but do not attempt them with the view of earning life. It is A NEW HEAVEN AND A NEW EARTH that the Seer Revelation 21:9. There are children of God who need this text, "Behold, I make all things new," whose sigh is that they so soon grow dull and weary in the ways of God, and therefore they need daily renewing.
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