safety project ideas for safety merit badge
10 0 obj However, youre not gonna be making the same mistake because, in this guide, Ill be walking you through each of the requirements so you can earn your own Fire Safety merit badge. Belay On is available online in PDF format at no cost to BSA members, who are free to use it in BSA programs for non-commercial [] Show your family members how to protect themselves and your home from accidents, fire, burglary, robbery, and assault. As a fire burns, the chain reaction will create energy, particles, and gasses. develop these plans with family members, share with them facts about 1b and 1d. Select an athletic activity to participate in for one season (or four months). Review with your counselor the problems you encountered in gathering the materials and supporting the structure. Discuss the components of a medical history and physical examination (an official BSA health form may be used to guide this discussion), and become familiar with the instruments used. Run a small business involving a product or service for at least three months. Each plan should include an analysis of possible hazards, proposed action to correct hazards, and reasons for the correction you propose in each plan. Its a reminder that the BSAs unmatched merit badge programoffers challenging, life-changing experiences Scouts cant get anywhere else. Plan and carry out a project that involves the participation of your family. The Safety feature teaches Scouts to Be Prepared for hazardous situations in their homes, on the street, and while out in the woods with their troop. PS: The article also links to my ultimate badge guides thatll help you to answer your merit badge worksheets! Help to prepare a written plan, specifying the route, schedule, equipment, safety precautions, and emergency procedures. 4. Identify any hazards found and explain how these can be corrected. com 7. Last Updated March 5, 2021. << /Length 16 0 R /Filter /FlateDecode /Type /XObject /Subtype /Form /FormType 6. 6. Show how groins, jetties, and breakwaters affect these patterns. Then prepare a notebook to include: Newspaper, internet (with parent's or guardian's permission), or other articles, facts, and statistics showing common types and causes of injuries in the home and in the workplace, and how these injuries could be prevented. After your sales talk, discuss with your counselor how persuasive you were. 1. an analysis of possible hazards, proposed action to correct hazards, Never agree to get together with someone you "meet" online without The architectural drawing may be a floor plan;electrical, plumbing, or mechanical service plan; elevation plan; or landscaping plan. 4. Report your results to your family and counselor. Use composite materials to complete two projects, at least one of which must come from the Composite Materials merit badge pamphlet. Read a biography (with your counselors approval) of someone who has made a contribution to Americas heritage. inspection of your home. Because of the damage it causes, arson is a felony offense, punishable by a lengthy jail sentence. you feel uncomfortable. The play must have a main character, conflict, and a climax. Process your images. Show that you have had an average grade of B or higher (80 percent or higher) for one term or semester. Review and develop your familys fire prevention plan. (Ask the Merit Badge Counselor which requirements are relevant here.). 8c. Take part in a relay race. Bryan Wendell, an Eagle Scout, is the founder of Bryan on Scouting (now Aaron on Scouting). /I true /K false >> >> AMERICAN - noun 3. Keep records of feed intake, weight gains, medication, vaccination, and mortality. Build a backyard sanctuary for birds by planting trees and shrubs for food and cover. Make this ride in eight hours. Show which fuse or circuit breaker protects each one. Write a plan for a backpacking trek of at least five days using at least three different campsites and covering at least 30 miles. Federal Environmental Safety Officer 2. When cooking outdoors, make sure that you are in an open area and do not try to cook on apartment complexes balconies. 4. types and causes of injuries in the home and in the workplace, and how Tell your parents right away if you come across any information that and explain why this profession might interest you.and explain why this profession might interest you. Use newer lights that dont emit much heat. Visit Our Trading Post at AMERICAN FOOTBALL Make an accident prevention plan for five family activities outside the home This Planner is only a suggestion of different ideas to make working this Merit Badge both fun and easy. Then, with your parents permission and your counselors approval, put your logo on Scout equipment, furniture, ceramics, or fabric. the steps individuals can take to help prevent identity theft. safety guidelines. Build a working prototype of the item you invented for requirement 6. father along. a. Winter Camping Troop Program Feature for Scouts BSA. 7. hazards, proposed action to correct hazards, and reasons for the correction (such as a theater, municipal building, library, supermarket, shopping center, Then demonstrate proper technique in performing CPR using a training device approved by your counselor. A.S.M. A paragraph or more, written by you, explaining how a serious 001010 Requirements last updated in: Learn about three career opportunities in the field of safety. )identity theft. Record food accepted, eating methods, changes in coloration, shedding of skins, and general habits; or keep the eggs of a reptile from the time of laying until hatching; or keep the eggs of an amphibian from the time of laying until their transformation into tadpoles (frogs) or larvae (salamanders). Grow a plot of corn and have your plot inspected by your counselor. Under the supervision of a qualified archaeologist, spend at least eight hours helping to excavate an archaeological site. Under the supervision of a knowledgeable adult, solder three copper tube connections using a gas torch. 6g. home. You may complete this requirement by using the chart provided in this pamphlet or the genealogy software program of your choice. identity theft. 6a. Play a minimum of two nine-hole rounds or one 18-hole round of golf with another golfer about your age and with your counselor, or an adult approved by your counselor. Roughly one out of every four fires in the United States are started by arson, and it is the second-leading cause of fire-related deaths. 1. There are137 currently available merit badges, meaningI found137 supremely difficulttasks that introduce Scouts to a variety of skills, hobbies and careers. (cont. To see the changes which were made, 4b. 40 stream Prepare a field notebook, make a collection, and identify 15 species of trees, wild shrubs, or vines in a local forested area. Follow up after the service has been completed and determine the customers satisfaction. 10. Safety Scout's Name: _____ Safety - Merit Badge Workbook Page. VDEM. To create a home escape plan, youll need to draw a map of your home, taking care to show how the rooms are divided and pointing out all window locations. Discuss with your counselor how you contribute to the safety scrimmage. Also include a brief description of the type of housing/shelter arrangements you have for your dog. See them all here. The knowledge of how to react when faced with an unexpected flare-up could literally save your life and the lives of others! Show your family members how to protect themselves and your home from accidents, fire, burglary, robbery, and assault. can be corrected. If your parents agree to the By now you should have a pretty clear understanding of the stop, drop, and roll technique. Safety Merit Badge Workbook . Discuss how the different building materials and components are attached to each other during construction. Neckerchief slides: Whats your go-to look? If the hot liquid gets absorbed by your clothing, immediately remove the clothing or add cold water over the hot spot. Review your familys emergency action plan for fire in your home. (cont.) Plan & complete a safetyRequirement 6 - Plan & complete a safety Assign one or more requirements that the scout can do at home, perhaps as a family activity. Rs of Youth Protection and how toRs of Youth Protection and how to Plan and complete a safety project approved by your counselor for stream After successfully completing requirements 1 through 5, use the equipment you prepared for the welding process in 5b to do the following: Using a metal scribe or soapstone, sketch your initial onto a metal plate, and weld a bead on the plate following the pattern of your initial. As a solo paddler, use a properly equipped kayak to demonstrate the following: Paddle a straight line for 25 yards, make a sharp turn, and return 25 yards in a straight line. endobj 4. Cardboard or flat sheet wood stock may be used for sheeting or flooring on the model. Introduce Scouts to public safety professionals. Although working with fire can be a lot of fun whether youre cooking, having a campfire, or popping fireworks on the Fourth of July, its important that you always consider the safety of yourself and others, first and foremost. Do them correctly, at ease, and in harmony with the horse:Walk the horse in a straight line for 60 feet. Make one of the following instruments: wind vane, anemometer, rain gauge, hygrometer. In my opinion, Fire Safety is one of the most fascinating (and useful) merit badges a Scout can earn. Prepare and paint two different surfaces using patching material, caulking, and the proper primers and topcoats. Make an emergency action plan for five family activities outside the home (at your place of worship, at a theater, on a picnic, at the beach, and while traveling, for example). Family Life Merit BadgeFamily Life Merit Badge 5. However, fires are more likely to spread in warmer conditions, so the Summer months are when outdoor fires are most common. If you have something to add to the BSA's selection of current merit badges, start by downloading this Award Submission Summary Word document (clicking this link will download the .doc file). Tragically, accidental blazes cause thousands of deaths each year, and many of them couldve been prevented with the knowledge youll be learning here. Make an emergency action plan for five family activities outside the home (at your place of worship, at a theater, on a picnic, at the beach, and while traveling, for example). By taking proper safety precautions to ensure flammable materials and unsafe conditions dont exist in your home, youll be much more safe from fire-related emergencies! Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from the site author is strictly prohibited. While some scouts may be adept at self-study, others may do better in a small group setting and taking notes on worksheets. 1. Rescue Here are a few tips to help the patrol leader get started. However, advanced fire investigation techniques can lead researchers back to the very spark that started a multi-house fire! Knowing about safety helps Scouts to make the right choices and to take the best actions to avoid accidents by making informed choices in their everyday activities and to respond appropriately during an emergency situation. Recognize that anyone could be a molester. You may include photos, brochures, and other documents in your report. Keep a log of your fitness program activity (how long you exercised; how far you ran, swam, or biked; how many exercise repetitions you completed; your exercise heart rate; etc.). You can facilitate discussion by asking them why each of the principles intruduced here would be relevant. Charles R. Jolly Participate in an organized bike tour of at least 50 miles. After the trial is over, discuss it with the group. Hatch an insect from the pupa or cocoon; OR hatch adults from nymphs; OR keep larvae until they form pupae or cocoons; OR keep a colony of ants or bees through one season. 3a. First find out the need for it. Thanks so much for reading, and for making our world a better place. Plan and weave EACH of the following projects:A square basket,A round basket,A campstool seat. 5a. Set up a cross-country course that is at least 2,000 meters long with at least five control markers. 11a. Aaron Derr is the senior editor of Aaron on Scouting and Scout Life magazine, and also a former Cubmaster and Scouts BSA volunteer. Description. A paragraph or more, written by you, explaining how a serious fire, accident, or crime could change your family life. When this interaction between oxygen and volatile vapors occurs, heat and light energy are produced in the form of a flame! 6a. Once the smell goes away, have your parents try to figure out its cause. Plan and complete a safety project approved by your counselor for your home, school, place of worship, place of employment, or community. Build a hydroponic garden containing three vegetables or herbs, or three ornamental plants. Include the following in your report and, after the 14-day period, discuss what you have learned with your counselor. Tidewater BSA, Do not sell or share my personal information. Teach << /ProcSet [ /PDF ] /XObject << /Fm1 8 0 R >> >> If so, you're in the right place! Describe how the facility safely treats and disposes of sewage or solid waste. endobj * Maintain a log of your activities during this period that includes these items: feeding schedule, types of food used, amount fed, exercise periods, training schedule, a weekly body weight record, grooming and bathing schedules, veterinary care, if necessary, and costs. each type of alert.each type of alert. Build a sales plan based on its good points. or evacuate a public place. 5b. With the right skills, Scouts can be comfortable. (cont.). When fuel burns, it creates carbon monoxide an odorless gas that can cause sudden illness, fainting, and death. Important: This is a bit unrelated, but remember to never use a portable gas stove or propane lantern while indoors. 5c. Get Scoutmaster Assistance as necessary. The "three R's" of Youth Protection convey a simple message for the personal awareness x+TT(T0 BcsSs3Tp}\#|@ M With your parents and counselors permission and approval, arrange to meet with an architect at a construction site. Pick one career and find out thethe field of safety. 3. If this doesnt work with your smoke alarm, read the manufacturers instructions, as some alarms are made differently. Never send a person your picture or anything else without first Explain how to properly dispose of the used oil and filter. Using clear adhesive tape, a pencil, and plain paper, record your own fingerprints or those of another person. x+TT(T0 BcsSs3Tp}\C|@ G 4. A home safety survey will require a thorough inspection of your house, with the help of a parent, to ensure there are no fire hazards. your counselor the tips for online safety.3c: Discuss with your counselor the tips for online safety. Present your records for review by your counselor. hazards found and Be sure you have your counselors approval before you begin. After completing requirement 7d to your counselors satisfaction, with your counselors assistance, check local laws to determine what you should do with the specimens you have collected. Prepare Draft of your Activity Flyer: Get your counselors approval, then photograph (digital or film) your topic. 5b. While doing the Worksheet is not a requirement for earning this badge, in many cases it can help you learn key concepts and track your progress. Imagine if these chemicals accidentally ignited and lit your house on fire! Charles Jolly Follow Advertisement Advertisement Recommended Scouts also investigate careers related to safety. sd0/_wy>>o}o?->%B_s}?wy|w|}_w? Keep a record of how often you do each of them. !dz~ 000PX%XX5(CaPMm]j& Before you start- Get Basic Leadership Training: 3. 8a. 8a. 12 3b. jeopardize your familys privacy 7a3b. Do the following. Stairways, Halls, and Outdoor StepsBathroom Stairways with three or more steps have a strong handrail and slip resistant finish. identity theft. 6g. Required fields are marked *. Field of SafetyField of Safety Review or develop plural noun: safeties Explain the steps individuals can take to help prevent identity theft. 1226 0 obj <> endobj Do TWO of the following:Plant 100 trees, bushes, and/or vines for a good purpose. synonyms: welfare, well-being, protection, security Share your display with your counselor. of Fire and OR This site is made to support Scouts, Scoutmasters, and Scouting families. 5a. 4b. Use an architects scale and show dimensions to communicate the actual size of features. makes you feel uncomfortable. online and teach them things about the Internet, computers and Share your blog with your counselor. Discuss with your counselor how you contribute to the safety of yourself, your Luckily, there are a few things to keep in mind to prevent that from happening: In addition to proper storage, flammable liquids also have a specific protocol for disposal. 5a. 4. Participate in or attend an international event in your area, such as an ethnic festival, concert, or play. They are reproduced in part here under fair use as a resource for Scouts and Scouters to use in the earning and teaching of merit badges. "they should leave for their own safety Then sculpt in modeling clay (such as Plasteline or Sculpey) or carve/rasp in wood or soft stone a small-scale model of an animal or person. Pick Coming prepared with a plan of action is very important to activity success. 4a. 10. Who knows I hope youll never need to use it, but it might just come in handy! By earning the Fire Safety merit badge, youll not only learn how to prepare your own household for fire-related emergencies, youll also learn the fascinating science behind why flames even exist. Execute the plan with others. Not good, right? Give an impromptu talk of at least two minutes eitheras part of a group discussion or before your counselor. The Winter Camping feature teaches Scouts to prepare for a fun and safe campout in cold weather. After your visit, share what you have learned with your counselor. Global Safety Manager, McDonalds Send Reminders to Scouts - At least 24 hours before each event. Explain why you think this person has made a positive or a negative contribution to Americas heritage. that prevent injuries or help in an emergency Make drawings or a model of your base. 4c. Instead, the fire is simply a byproduct of a rapidly occurring form of oxidation known as combustion. Heres what this means: Now that you know the physics and chemistry that make fires possible, its time to talk about the essential 4 elements behind any fire: the fire tetrahedron. 35944 10b. . Plan and complete a safety project approved by your counselor for your home, school, place of worship, place of employment, or community. Collect and identify 20 bank notes from at least five different countries.). theCareer Opportunities in the Emergency communications plan First, closely read through each of the requirements below so you know what youll be learning, as well as what youll need to do. Weave a belt, headband, place mat, or wall hanging. Click here. Share photos, brochures, and what you have learned with your counselor. Explain the Explain what the National Terrorism Advisory System is and how you would respond to each type of alert. Bryan Wendell, an Eagle Scout, is the founder of Bryan on Scouting and a contributing writer. Exploring Safety can be a fascinating youth adventure when done right. If desktop publishing is available, identify what hardware and software would be appropriate for outputting your design. 2.2. 14 0 obj 40 2d2. Make a wave generator. Explain what the National Terrorism Advisory System is and how you would respond to each type of alert. Make two copies of this plan to save the original, then do 4b and 4c using the copies. << /Length 6 0 R /Filter /FlateDecode >> Among the aspects to consider in your evaluation are cost, usefulness, marketability, appearance, and function. Some companies may also charge you money to pick up your waste, which Id only recommend if you have a ton of unsafe chemicals. 8a. << /Type /Page /Parent 4 0 R /Resources 7 0 R /Contents 5 0 R /MediaBox [0 0 387 576] Food Safety Specialist 7. 7e. Take photographs if allowed, and request brochures from your visit. ic_De C-2]`@95! As Autumn arrives, the colder temperatures lead to an increase in home heating-related fires. If you suddenly feel faint or nauseous while indoors, you could be suffering from carbon monoxide poisoning. With your parents and counselors approval, visit a jail or detention facility or a criminal court hearing. 7. Plan and complete a safety project approved by your counselor for your home, school, place of worship, place of employment, or community. Identify any hazards found and explain how these can be corrected. /Rotate 0 >> If you disagree on the toughestrequirement for a certain merit badge, sound off in the comments section below. 5c. Discuss this choice with your counselor, These products of combustion include heat, gases (like carbon monoxide), and particles (such as ash, smoke, and soot), which can be dangerous to humans when inhaled. Take part in at least one troop mobilization. profession. Each plan should include an analysis of possible Choose 20 of your favorite images and mount them on poster board. endstream These combustible vapors are usually created through heat, as substances heated to a certain temperature will become vapor. Heres a great home safety checklist you can use for your own survey! Each scout can explore topics from American Business to Woodworking as they have interest. Present evidence that you have cared for a pet for four months. Smoke alarms are important tools for alerting sleeping households of fires. Update one or more sections of the merit badge worksheet. Be a good online citizen and not do anything that hurts other 7. Sell your services such as lawn raking or mowing, pet watching, dog walking, snow shoveling, and car washing to your neighbors. 4a. or other articles, facts, and statistics showing common types of 5b. number, parents work address/telephone number, or the name and Geocaching Merit Badge. 11d. (cont. 6a. Visit a physicians office, preferably one who delivers primary care. (This may be that of your counselor.)
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