salesforce compact layout not showing all fields
You can see the accounts name, phone number, type, industry, rating, and account owner at the top of the page. For example, show phone numbers and regions on an account. Step 2: In my Guest object, I scroll down to find compact layouts. Part 5: Create & Edit Objects Paul. This video walks you through the settings in the custom object wizard to make sure your fields are visible to the right profiles, and on the page layout. Get status updates and tell . And the Type field, whose default picklist options are far longer than the 18 characters that can show here, is truncated nearly to the point of uselessness. Move the required fields from Available to Selected. Instead of related lists with compromises for which fields to display, weve got related lists that show exactly the information users need and that fit within the width of the page layout. [], By Never mind. Thanks. Considerations for Closing and Reopening Tasks. I click on a guest record and voila! Biggest Mistakes Admins Make with LeeAnne Rimel, Data Cloud for Admins with Muralidhar Krishnaparsad, Three Ways Salesforce Admins Can Deliver Impact at Any Organization, Solve Problems by Experimenting with Lynn Guyer, Learn About Data Visibility and Access with the Updated Who Sees What Video Series, How #AwesomeAdmins Help Salesblazers Sell as a Team, Sandboxes vs. Scratch Orgs and How to Use Them. :). If your org supports multiple page layouts, you can create a page layout from the Page Layouts related list on any object in the Object Manager. April 28, 2023, You asked; we listened. here's what's wrong: The 'Showing Mobile Layout' compact layout does not appear to have the following fields in this order: Subject, Start, Property, Name. When editing a PersonAccount Page Layout there are no Contact fields, or Person Account fields that are available to be placed into the layout. And dont forget that your users lose the ability to sort by a column if that column isnt independent. The spaces and punctuation are concatenated in using & (for concatenation) and enclosed in quotation marks. Save. First, find and open the compact layouts node in Setup for Energy Audit. I created a Record Type on my Case object and created a new Compact Layout added some fields and then assigned that to my Record Type. Click Profile. Compact layouts support all field types except: text area. Are your users not able to see the . What is the symbol (which looks similar to an equals sign) called? Salesforce conditionally display fields based on value? Now, lets check out that same record in Lightning with a custom compact layout. My upgraded (pardon the pun!) No such column 'ABCD__c' on entity 'PAC__c'. I had to convert number fields to text using the TEXT function. Then you find this field in the event compact layout settings as well. Finally, if you just convert a date field using TEXT, you end up with YYYY-MM-DD, which I find a pain to read. Parabolic, suborbital and ballistic trajectories all follow elliptic paths. The point Im making is that you get information fast. Find Object Management Settings. Rename Object, Tab, and Field Labels. It seems that it does not matter how many times you try and perform aCompact Layout Assignment to try and change the Record Type Overrides from the System Default to the Showing Mobile Layout and save it the system reverts back. Paul Johnson 40 Can't complete "Customize Compact Layouts" challenge: Challenge Not yet complete. Search for an answer or ask a question of the zone or Customer Support. They also control the fields that appear in the expanded lookup card you see when you hover over a link in record details, and in the details section when you expand an activity in the activity timeline. A few moments' work and this version of the related list has all the details my users might need: How I solved it. Thats not a bug, theyre just not the fields that are used for that record type. We can also see the same contact record in the mobile app. These are the fields that will appear at the very top of my Guest record page, so I pick the fields that are the most important to me and save it. Mostly because I was trying to keep the mountain of user requests manageable and those felt like the ultra detail and finer points I didnt have a chance to get to. There are many resources that break down sandboxes and scratch orgs separatelybut on the Admin Relations team, we often hear from admins who want []. He has 9 Salesforce certifications. Same here. | Follow along with this video series to ensure youre adhering to the best practice of least privilege access: giving your users the data access they needand only what [], By Considerations for Enabling User Control of Task Notifications. Salesforce Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for Salesforce administrators, implementation experts, developers and anybody in-between. Michael is a declarative Salesforce Engineer and Architect, a Salesforce MVP, and a Trailhead addict. (LogOut/ How I Solved This: Compact Custom Related List Details. Also , when I'm querying the field in a controller , it's saying : Compact layouts control which fields users see in the highlights panel at the top of a record. Since joining Salesforce in 2010, Gillian's worked in a number of roles that help Salesforce Administrators better understand and use the Salesforce platform. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your account. Click Edit. So have a look at the field again, click on button 'Set Field Level Security', enable it for your profile . (Hint: Do not change the primary compact layout for events. Changes you make to a compact layout are reflected in both Lightning Experience and the Salesforce mobile app. Search for an answer or ask a question of the zone or Customer Support. A compact layout lets you put the most important fields where your users can easily see them. Thanks Abhinav. I'm guessing that when Compact Layout updates, the relevant IndexedDB value is not updated properly. Part 8: Create & Edit Permission Sets. Each record type can have only one compact layout assigned to it. rich text area. Compact layouts are used to display the key fields of a record whenever the minimum required details of the record is needed. Open in app Add these fields to the compact layout, in this order: Get personalized recommendations for your career goals, Practice your skills with hands-on challenges and quizzes, Track and share your progress with employers, Connect to mentorship and career opportunities. These page layout elements are supported in Lightning Experience. In this case, the highlights panel reflects the fields on the opportunity compact layout, and the expanded lookup card reflects the fields from the account compact layout. Is there such a thing as "right to be heard" by the authorities? Any help? Part 4: Create Groups Why refined oil is cheaper than cold press oil? I beg to differ with it. The first several fields you assign to an objects compact layout appear in the objects record highlights panel and in the expanded lookup card you see when you hover over a link in record details. | Now in the point 3, I got this error message: "The 'Showing Mobile Layout' compact layout does not appear set as the default layout for the 'Showing' record type." The field we put first displays at the top in bold. If Enhanced Profile User Interface is disabled: Select the name of the user. We can help our users see what they need on mobile screens to quick recognize the records. Learn more about Stack Overflow the company, and our products. By Thats why my Opportunities list view still has Stage as a column, even though I could easily have included it in my formula. Change). If your org supports record types, you can assign a compact layout to different record types, just like you can with a page layout. Paolo Sambrano You can create and edit a compact layout from the Compact Layouts related list on any object in the Object Manager in Lightning Experience. Have you ever created a custom field, put it on the page layout, but had a user tell you they can't see it? You can also edit or delete an objects page layouts by clicking on a page layout in the Page Layouts related list. She is passionate about empowering, inspiring, and enabling Salesforce Admins to transform their companies, careers, and communities. The mini page layout defines the hover details that display when we mouse over a field on an objects detail page or in the Recent Items section of the sidebar. Team selling weaves in many of the core responsibilities admins practice each and every day, such as permission sets, security, and data management. Part 2: Create an App . The module I'm on isAdmin Beginner->Salesforce Mobile App Customization->, I finally figured it out -- turns out there was a checkbox from the PREVIOUS unit that I'd missed. And the Type field, whose default picklist options are far longer than the 18 characters that can show here, is truncated nearly to the point of uselessness. It also control the fields that appear in the expanded lookup card that we see when we hover over a link in record details. The fields in the highlights panel are customized using a compact layout. Are your users not able to see the fields you've . Various trademarks held by their respective owners. Why don't we use the 7805 for car phone chargers? 3.Make the new compact layout the default for the Showing record type. To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader. Navigate to -. How a top-ranked engineering school reimagined CS curriculum (Ep. Its ok. Like a glass of lemonade on a warm summer day. 565), Improving the copy in the close modal and post notices - 2023 edition, New blog post from our CEO Prashanth: Community is the future of AI, Formula works on page layout, but displays #Error! And since Compact Layouts tied directly to Salesforce1- which a small part of my user base was using- I focused on wins that drove adoption to the broader set of users. Even with a full-width list, its hard for users to scan all the way across. Enable Group Tasks in Salesforce Classic. Then Set Field-Level Security and make sure it is visible to your profile. With the compact layouts, we can highlight whatever our users need to see at a glance when they look at a record. Why the obscure but specific description of Jane Doe II in the original complaint for Westenbroek v. Kappa Kappa Gamma Fraternity? Why is the record UI truncating a formula field? A course grade, not surprisingly, represents the mark a student gets in a particular class in a particular semester. Connect, learn, have fun and give back with #AwesomeAdmins across the globe. Click Lead Layout. In Lightning Experience, up to the first seven fields in a compact layout appear in the highlights panel of an object record. So watch out for those times when you cant decide which columns go in the related list layout because youre having to compromise. You can customize the content of your record pages in Lightning Experience using tools youre already familiar with: page layouts and compact layouts. I am not sure anyone has solved this. When you change the compact layout for tasks in the activity timeline, you also impact the fields that show up in the highlights area on tasks, in tasks lists, and everywhere else the compact layout is used. I had 8 fields and thats the reason, I was not able to view it. Usually, it just isnt necessary to write out a formula when you can just display the fields on the related list. Keep in mind that the changes affect all users assigned to the profile. In this series, we do a deep dive into a specific business problem and share how one #AwesomeAdmin chose to solve it. in your formula, which would give quick graphical information in your related list, like this: SteveMos Formulas for the Everyday Admin at Londons Calling, How I Solved It: Run a Flow Scheduled Path Based on a Field Change, How I Solved This: Beat the Formula Compile Error, How I Solved This: Easy Image Flags with Emoji, How I Solved It: Manage Data with MuleSoft, How I Solved It: Design User-Friendly Apps, How I Solved It: Deliver Insights with CRM Analytics. Check out the page view of the same record in Lightning. "Existing Customer - Replacement", "Exist-Repl". This story will show how to hide unnecessary fields. Part 6: Create Reports Even though you made your field available on a page layout, the FLS must be enabled for your profile to be able to see the field on the page layout and on a query. When you customize your page layouts in Salesforce Classic, those changes can affect the content of object record pages in Lightning Experience. Go to create --> object --> Pac --> Select your field. | From Setup, click Object Manager. It only takes a minute to sign up. Change), You are commenting using your Facebook account. Go to Setup >> Customize >> Object Name >> Page Layouts >> Mini Page Layout. When you create a custom object, its automatically assigned to a system default compact layout, which has only one field on it: the object name. Hoc Ngo #Customer Service . (On smaller screens, the highlights panel displays fewer fields.) "Existing Customer - Downgrade", "Exist-Down", & " " & TEXT(MONTH(CloseDate)) & "/" & TEXT(DAY(CloseDate)) & "/" & TEXT(YEAR(CloseDate)). Should have thought about it in first place ! I support showing only the absolute minimum number of fields when creating a new Salesforce record. Then, Ive used the CASE function to translate the Type fields rather long picklist values into abbreviations. Way cleaner. Goto Activity Custom Fields and create a new field "Property", Text 255. Click Lead to open the object and then click Page Layouts. Select Read and Edit checkbox for the field they must have access with. With compact layouts, you can highlight whatever your users need to see at a glance when they look at a record. Dislike 0 Need an account? Theres not that much to see: Its a simple IF statement that returns one set of concatenated text and fields for the Attendance record type, and a different set otherwise. Peggy I reread your comment and realized what you meant about highlighting. But that required creating console views for every user- and not every user like the console. First, we need to find and open the lead page layout. Browse other questions tagged. I got the answer from the link you shared that though Salesforce allows 10 fields to be added to the Compact layout, in the Highlights panel, we will be able to view only 7 fields. Do you have an interesting idea or useful tip that you want to share? 1.Create a new event compact layout with the label: Showing Mobile Layout 2.Add the following fields to the compact layout in this order: Subject, Start, Property, Name. Hank Scurry Home Article How I Solved This: Compact Custom Related List Details. Various trademarks held by their respective owners. It absolutely not allow you to save theRecord Type Overrides from the System Default to the Showing Mobile Layout which is what the lesson is asking you to do. Unexpected uint64 behaviour 0xFFFF'FFFF'FFFF'FFFF - 1 = 0? My profile can see the PersonAccount records. We are all about the community and sharing ideas. Eugenia Kang A few moments work and this version of the related list has all the details my users might need: I solved this with a formula field that returns text. Highlights panels display the first field from the compact layout at the top in an accented font. That solved it . i.e the field itself is not showing up ,let alone value. Although it shows default Compact Layout Fields for the NonProfit Success Pack (NPSP) the worksteps are the same for other Apps.Field Formula for Concatenated Phone Numbers:\"Mobile: \"\u0026LEFT( MobilePhone , 3)\u0026\"-\"\u0026 RIGHT(LEFT( MobilePhone , 6), 3) \u0026\"-\"\u0026 RIGHT( MobilePhone , 4) \u0026 \" ; Home Phone: \"\u0026LEFT( HomePhone , 3)\u0026\"-\"\u0026 RIGHT(LEFT( HomePhone , 6), 3) \u0026\"-\"\u0026 RIGHT( HomePhone , 4)\u0026\"; Work Phone: \"\u0026 LEFT( npe01__WorkPhone__c , 3)\u0026\"-\"\u0026 RIGHT(LEFT( npe01__WorkPhone__c , 6), 3) \u0026\"-\"\u0026 RIGHT( npe01__WorkPhone__c , 4)This video is part of a playlist that shows several options for Customizing your Lightning Experience Layouts:Salesforce Lightning 201-1a: \"Soft\" add Tab to App Navigation BarSalesforce Lightning 201-1b: Modifying the App Navigation Bar Salesforce Lightning 201-1c: Modifying a Profile's App Navigation BarSalesforce Lightning 201-2: Adding Fields to the Compact Layout *** THIS VIDEO ***Salesforce Lightning 201-3: Modifying Action Button and Tab Sequence Salesforce Lightning 201-4: Add Related List Quick Link Component ** My Favorite!
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