sellafield contact number
The DPS transitioned to the NDA groups new eSourcing system, Atamis on 01 February 2023. Networking events, such as those organised by Britains Energy Coast Business Cluster are useful in ensuring that SMEs can make themselves known to Sellafield Ltds partners, ensuring that SMEs are best placed when applying to work for prime contractor projects. Content updated to reflect new processes, dates and times. There is no risk to our workforce or the community. We are problem solvers. The relevant regulators have been notified. Wed like to set additional cookies to understand how you use GOV.UK, remember your settings and improve government services. Removing abandoned shopping trolleys: council powers, Radioactive and nuclear substances and waste. A management investigation is underway to understand root and contributory causes. Re-analysis and investigation confirmed a minor threshold exceedance due to ongoing operations at the time. Sellafield is located on the coast of the Irish Sea in Cumbria, England. Well send you a link to a feedback form. The SiX strategy contains our vision, objectives and outcomes linked to the Sellafield Ltd Enterprise Strategy, to provide our communities and taxpayers with a socio-economic growth return on their investment at Sellafield. We are investigating the cause of this misconsignment. Looking for a particular Sellafield Ltd employee's phone or email? Here he explains some of the ways that the team are pushing the boundaries. During routine sampling work in a Sellafield drum filling area, a bottle containing uranium trioxide powder accidentally fell to the floor causing approximately 100-150g to spill out. Registered Office - Company registration no. (business & personal). Jacobs has been supporting clients with water reuse programs for decades, beginning with the first applications of advanced wastewater treatment technologies in the 1960s. However, at Sellafield, we are committed to supporting the SME community above any financial target. The appropriate disposal methodology was controlled detonation by the armys Explosives Ordnance Disposal team (EOD). Sellafield Ltd has been carrying out improvement work on the ventilation systems associated with an ageing facility on the Sellafield site. Sellafield Ltd has awarded four 20-year contracts which together form the new Programme and Project Partnership. The Sellafield Ltd Supply Chain Strategy 2019/20 sets out how we will work with the supply chain to deliver the Sellafield mission. Non-SMEs are free to qualify with LINC but their participation will be limited to a supporting role only. The plant provides chemicals to other plants in Low Active Effluent Management Group for routine operations. Were always looking for the best people, with or without nuclear experience. The material was immediately made safe and the area subsequently cleared of any contamination. During routine sampling and testing of small amounts of soil on the Sellafield site to ensure its suitability for reuse, the relevant project backfilled the excavated area prior to receiving confirmation that it was suitable for backfill. Changes to the CTM tender portal service - replaced now by Atamis. Once our value was measured in kilowatt hours of electricity produced, or the commercial price of reprocessed fuel. What are the Graduate team's contact details? Sellafield will change over the next 3 to 5 years. Reassurance monitoring found no contamination to the ground beneath the discharge line. During routine maintenance work on the ventilation system of one of Sellafield Ltds intermediate level waste stores, an extract damper (valve) was left open resulting in air from the store bypassing the High Efficiency Particulate Air filters. A formal investigation has been convened and regulators and key stakeholders continue to be kept up to date with the progress of this work. We combine our extensive science and technology know-how with our passion for research and development to solve complex nuclear issues for our customers, the UK Government and regulators. Analysis of cumulative discharges at the Enhanced Actinide Removal Plant confirmed discharges of nickel during December 2018 had exceeded permitted levels. This includes a security guard force, armed police force, and a fully equipped fire station with full-time fire fighters, ambulance service and emergency response teams capable of round-the-clock response. Here she shares her career highlights so far, as well as her advice for joining the environmental team at Sellafield. Our focus remains on progress and in delivering our purpose. Find out more about what to do in an emergency at Sellafield. Wed like to set additional cookies to understand how you use GOV.UK, remember your settings and improve government services. Immediate actions following initial investigation findings included assessment of any potential consequences within WVP and downstream facilities, while operations were temporarily suspended. There were no nuclear, security, radiological or environmental consequences, and a management investigation is underway to understand root causes. The surface around the location has been confirmed to be clean at natural background levels. Sellafield is no longer the countrys best kept nuclear secret. Sir Robert McAlpine constructed two ponds for the underwater storage of spent nuclear fuel, prior to reprocessing. Last week the consortium holding a 22bn contract to clean up the Sellafield nuclear site was sacked, writes David Lowry. We use some essential cookies to make this website work. The levels have now returned to normal. The Nuclear Decommissioning Authority (NDA) is a non-departmental public body created through the Energy Act 2004. This is a release of suspended solids, which were being carried over the weir of the tank and discharged via the final effluent discharge channel. LINC work package 3 has been added to the LINC area on this page. These are known issues that are being dealt with through an improvement programme. emergency. We provide our clients with a full range of services, from water reuse feasibility studies to design, construction and operations. Elevated readings were also recorded on the base of one of the flask feet. A leak from a tower cooling water pipe caused a flood within a compressor room on the ground floor of the Thorp facility that raised a series of alarms. General Policy for the Protection of Personal Data. framework. Dont worry we wont send you spam or share your email address with anyone. This enables the supply chain to cross reference from the quarterly procurement plan to the individual procurements on a page and vice versa. Information for current suppliers is published on Sellafield Ltds Management of Contractors portal. The issue carries an International Nuclear Event Scale 1 rating. This covers approximately 6 to 8km from the centre of the Sellafield site. The cans and the store have numerous monitoring devices and controls to prevent any radiological consequence from the store in the unlikely event of a can weld failure. During processing of 2 consignments of redundant air filters at an offsite waste treatment facility, rainwater with trace activity levels was found in one of the sealed disposal bags used to pack the filters. As part of its operating licence, Sellafield Ltd maintains a robust and multi-faceted emergency response programme. During this discharge, it was recognised that the environmental assessment and Discharge Approval did not include all dosing chemicals in the liquor, and the discharge was ceased. There is no health risk to the workforce or the community as a result of this leak. free lookups / month. You can change your cookie settings at any time. During cleaning operations of the Sellafield Ion Exchange Effluent Plant (SIXEP) cooling tower system, the dilute cleaning chemicals are held in the cooling tower basin until they are suitable to be released to the environment. The Environment Agency has been informed. The exercise scenarios are agreed with the Office for Nuclear Regulation and test both the management of an incident as well as the employee response. Working hand-in-hand with clients from coast to coast and everywhere in between, Jacobs develops bold, innovative solutions to address the nations toughest challenges. It includes future activity even if funding hasnt been secured. In that document we set out our strategic objectives and priorities for 2020-2025. We are building on the world-class solutions and successes we have already delivered to create a new agenda with four Focus Areas. Following the safe disposal of chemicals, Sellafield Ltd established an investigation to understand the causes and gain learning from the event. The levels have now returned to normal. Change of contact details and additional information regarding the new LINC scheme. As a precautionary measure, a controlled evacuation of the Magnox Reprocessing Plant was carried out in order to investigate the chemical and devise the appropriate course of action. As part of routine maintenance of the Site Ion Exchange Effluent Plant chillers on the Sellafield site, that are used for cooling pond water, it was discovered that there had been a leak of refrigerant gas since the previous scheduled maintenance. A water leak from the air handling unit was identified in Encapsulated Product Store 3 at the Sellafield site. We are currently investing in one of the largest portfolios of complex major projects in the country, creating the facilities we need for the next stage of our purpose. Dont include personal or financial information like your National Insurance number or credit card details. Timely response and recovery has resulted in no adverse environmental impact. Dont include personal or financial information like your National Insurance number or credit card details. During reassurance monitoring of a redundant transport flask lid at an off-site metals recycling facility, 2 small areas of contamination were detected. We publish our activities which drive towards this target in the form of an annual SME action plan. The vital mission of removing waste from the Magnox Swarf Storage Silo remains the key hazard and risk reduction priority and this is scheduled to start in 2020. An investigation is underway. The findings from this investigation can be viewed here: Chemicals Disposal Investigation Report. The plant had operated on a number of occasions without any NOx being detected. It has been identified that the contents of a Sellafield Ltd septic tank, just outside the Sellafield site boundary, were collected and disposed through the foul sewer network on the main Sellafield site. Jacobs is working to help clients across the United States secure federal funding for projects that make our cities and communities more connected and sustainable. LINC with Sellafield Ltd is a scheme that encourages SMEs at local and national level to collaborate and deliver innovative solutions to the mission at Sellafield. Wednesday 14 September 2022 - Level 2 multi-agency exercise, Wednesday 02 November 2022 - Level 1 Office for Nuclear Regulation demonstration exercise. A pioneer for the U.K.s nuclear industry, Sellafield supported national defense, generated electricity for nearly half a century and developed the ability to safely manage nuclear waste delivering great benefit, while also creating a complex nuclear cleanup challenge for which there arent any blueprints. We have engaged with our regulators. We use some essential cookies to make this website work. As a precaution we have increased the local monitoring and detection systems around the tank. Dont worry we wont send you spam or share your email address with anyone. Today, were using our unrivalled knowledge of nuclear to create a clean and safe environment for future generations. As our clients navigate the digital transformation and growing cyber risks, we have positioned ourselves at the forefront of this growth, adding digital capabilities, products and tools to serve a growing set of customers. For self-confessed dyed in the wool environmentalist James Mawby, the ability to help reduce Sellafields future impact on the environment was a role too good to pass up. WHAT TO DO IN AN EMERGENCYWHAT TO DO IN AN EMERGENCY(warbling noise)If you hear the Site Incident Siren, you can carry on with your normalactivities as the hazard is confined to the site. No supplier data has been transferred to the new system - all suppliers will need to re-register in Atamis, except for those previously qualified to LINC in CTM. Now, weve even developed a unique capability for the retrieval of radioactive waste and sludge in extreme environments to support the sites First-Generation Magnox Storage Pond program one of the highest nuclear risks in Europe. Previously Sellafield was owned and operated by BNFL. You have accepted additional cookies. Following the safe disposal of hazardous chemicals, Sellafield Ltd established an investigation to understand the causes and gain learning from the event. Working alongside Sellafield Ltd and partners, were helping build greater certainty every day and making demonstrable progress to create a legacy for all to enjoy. There were no radiological consequences and no harm to the workforce or the public as a result of this event. In line with established procedures, support was requested from the Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD) team who safely disposed of the organic peroxide chemical package at the site. All the lines are busy at the moment, please try again in a moment. Contact Us 03303 135401 A skin dose assessment confirmed that no significant radiation dose was received by the individual. There was no risk to the public or workforce, and no radiological impact. Research and experimental development on social sciences and humanities (72200), Research and experimental development on social sciences and humanities (7220), Agricultural and forestry machinery and equipment, Food, drink, tobacco and catering industry machinery and equipment, Rubber and plastic industry plant and equipment, Civil engineering and building machinery and equipment, Heating, ventilation, air conditioning (HVAC) and refrigeration equipment, Metal constructions for the building industry, Timber, wooden products, machinery and equipment for the woodworking industry, International organisations, administrations and associations, Electronic equipment. You have rejected additional cookies. LINC has been designed to provide Sellafield Ltd with direct access to SMEs in addition to supporting Sellafield Ltds contribution to the UK SME agenda. The leak, that occurred within a controlled area of the site, was stopped within 20 minutes of it being discovered. The Environment Agency has been informed. No credit card required. Telecommunications equipment, Optical, photographic and cinematographic equipment, Environmental services, renewable energies, Technical offices and engineering consultancies, architects, Hospitality, tourism, hotel and catering industries, Postal services, telecommunications, radio and television, Mining, quarrying and stoneworking plant and equipment, Paper and board making plant and equipment, Printing equipment. Sellafield Ltd is carrying out an investigation and will take action to address the findings. The Solutions Marketplace Dynamic Purchasing System scope covers products and services which is split in to 4 categories which are: The following contracting authorities are able to use the DPS: As a public contracting authority Sellafield Ltd are committed to delivering activities which increase the opportunities for SMEs (small to medium enterprises) to do business in our supply chain. A prime contractors organisation is a company that has a direct contract with Sellafield Ltd. Prime contractors companies are private sector organisations, which means that their methods of procurement vary. We must hold ourselves to the highest standards of nuclear professionalism at all times and continue to demonstrate that we are worthy of the trust placed upon us. years guiding safe decommissioning, waste management & environmental remediation, nuclear facilities and the largest inventory of untreated nuclear waste in the world. {{ userNotificationState.getAlertCount('bell') }}. Research and experimental development on social sciences and humanities (7220). There can be opportunities for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and specialist suppliers to provide their products and/or services indirectly through our prime suppliers who have been awarded contracts or frameworks with Sellafield Ltd. As part of normal site operations, transport flasks are routinely sent to EDF power stations around the UK. Sellafield Ltd works with the Nuclear Decommissioning Authority. An empty transport flask, that was returning to Dounreay site in Scotland from Sellafield, was found to contain a small amount of metallic debris. Popular Searches Sellafield Ltd SIC Code 87,871 NAICS Code 54,541 Now were taking waste out of buildings that are as old as the site itself, dealing with the legacy of our nuclear past. Company Description: Sellafield Ltd (formerly British Nuclear Group) is a global center for nuclear engineering management. We invent by imagining whats possible. The auto samplers have been taken off line while work is being carried out to add a bunded area round the samplers to ensure there isnt a recurrence of the incident. Our mission will change significantly as we come to the end of reprocessing, Special nuclear materials: we have the facilities and expertise to provide safe, secure and appropriate storage for special nuclear materials. We encourage suppliers to regularly check the procurement pipeline for up coming opportunities. There was no environmental impact as a result of the overflow. There was no harm to the contractor and plant operations were unaffected. The Forum runs under Sellafields Supply Chain Development and SRM Teams, with Category Managers support/contribution. The building occupants were alerted to the fire - which was associated with plastic scaffolding boards within the area - via the building fire alarm and they evacuated the facility in line with emergency instructions.