the seeker's guide to twisted taverns anyflip
If the fibb is killed, it cracks open and releases 2 other rooms in the tavern, through grate-covered magical new eggs. Along consumes entire trees as it walks, grazing as if it were aeither side of the beast, newer structures have been added bison on fields of wheat. It houses the most commonlyused supplies for the hall and the stage, as well as kitchenand drink perishables. The ever-present goop seems drier and any organic materials in itare more decomposed. er exchanging hugs and tears. In other words: dont make it personal. The Seeker's Guide to Twisted Taverns - Full Soundrack Album - Music by John Theodore John Theodore 2.9K views 3 months ago 7:32 How to Make a Tavern from Scratch - D&D Runesmith 101K. provides, sits in a corner. The party can also choose to fight their way to freedom When Gammon once again turns him down, Almanor as a nuclear option. There are two large closets filled with ping onto the surface of The Wildaback, but no matter whatoutfits from vastly different cultures. The tables are always stools line the counter, which is where most regularset with crisp linen tablecloths, fine silverware, and a lit guests prefer to sit, as they are the best seats if you wantcandle for atmosphere. It says, inDwarvish, Dont forget! A number of the tables have a cluster of magic pipes displayed in circular cases. The missing sphere is kept by Admindium. Guest Check-InQinlar Ravengleam is always posted in this small entry The main stage (A3) is on the side of the room, withroom to the main tavern, and is the first face most the grand staircase leading up to it. They are called tokens of affection(Wondrous Item, uncommon, requires attunement). A creature wielding the ladle can use it as a catches a creature cheating at one of the games, it will magical improvised weapon that deals 1d6 bludgeoning alert the Ethereal Guardian to move a portion of itself damage plus 1d4 acid damage. The Misty Morning - 6 sp The Executioners Axe - 5 gp Attitude: Calm (1) Attitude: Angry (5)A tranquil blue and only lightly alcoholic cocktail, A drink with a bite, this cocktail contains no fewer the misty morning works well as a palate cleanser, than six different flavored alcohols that somehow combine to make something that tastes of nothing leaving a refreshing minty taste behind. The door is protected to the text under the Taverns Operators section. He can usually be found lounging in the that wraps around her head like a crown. Guidehouse D3. Evergreen Salad - 3 sp This meal is served as a bowl of dirt, which quickly grows into a number of crunchy greens, hearty tubers and fruiting vines. Please see Dretin Dalmura, the Sapphire car. These responses include game rules, comments on C4. continue to attack, but will frantically ask how they died. Cothadius Barethamule Ulrich Magnes A flesh golem, Cothadius believes itself to be a great wiz-A female half-elf cult fanatic, Ulrich can be found several ard. He charisma. As quasitshim with a rigged game of their own. Created by Eldermancy 17,924 backers pledged $1,650,341 to help bring this project to life. Lord Gammon dresses ex-travagantly even by noble standards: silks, satins, brocades,and the like. Restaurant and Bar Staff Raivo uses the gladiator statistics, with a few additionalabilities. Refer toBeyond the second door is a wide hallway, with the Taverns Operators section.symmetrical doors on both sides (D3). If the party attempts to do so, they will quickly by the engineer, Brandr Fintan.learn Prims nickname (see the Taverns Operators), andbe kicked off the train.Note. The Seeker's Guide to Twisted Taverns is a wondrous collection of taverns and inns, all with varying scales of fantasy. If theycare of quietly and with no disruption to the guests. The entire party willenjoy advantage on any Charisma- or Intelligence-based Morning Prim and Trackle are seen togeth- Somen Gilrona,interactions with the train staff after this event. Every creature inside The toilets are flushed by pressurized water from the 8 the room becomes blinded and deafened for 1 minute. Locked VestibuleThe stairway leading up to the top floor ends at a large, fight in 1d4 rounds. Lord Gammon is found dead in the Mercury Observation car. 1d4 Artifacts (500 gp)4 Some interesting blooming vines grow out of a naturally occurring rock formation in the shape of a 1d4 Rare Plants pot. Plush carpets layer the boarding purposes, and to accommodate the loading andfloor. The number of Thrag the Devourer can be guests can fluctuate at the GMs discretion, but listed found eating in either thebelow are a number of sample NPCs that can be included Showroom (A2) or the Parlor (C1). If the last remaining xorn is 4 Large, barely chewed trees fall DC 16 bloodied, it will attempt to flee by diving into a wall and into the room Dexterity tunnelling out using Earth Glide. Then,Prim prides herself on a tight ship, and successful stow- roll or choose a monster that you feel is appropriate foraways on the Rail-Away are quite the raritythe more the encounter either from those listed or another large,common case being a brutal beating and expulsion. Hit: 2 (1d4) slashing damage.The Seekers Guide to Twisted Taverns 19RAIL-AWAYRAIL-AWAYI s it the destination or the journey thats more important? In addition, it grants a telepathic communication The necklace she wears is a periapt of proof against poison, which between the target and the attuned creature). If all the wizards are freed, thewrought iron door. She is teaching him how to speak Sylvan, but only the trait for his job. If the die is rolled and lands on a 20, a fortune other visitors.appears behind the glass. It wears a white three-piece suit, andcarries nothing other than a wand of wonders. At the GMs discretion, Ryman may learn additional details to help them during Accusations Fly.If the PCs visit the engineer, he will explain that hes However, they will need to come up with a reasonablebeen warned of a rust monster infestation on the tracks story for Knuckles explaining why they didnt find aahead and hed like some assistance dealing with it. Lounge/Bedroom The bag contains: 10,000 gp, 2,000 pp, bracers ofThe private lounge and bedroom of Kem and Sami is archery, an aquamarine (500 gp), 3blue spinels (500 gp),a cozy, dimly lit space of deep, vivid colors and woven 4 peridots (500 gp), a topaz (500 gp), a leopard fur vest setfabrics. But potentially edible creature of the GMs choice.recently, Knuckles has heard rumors of disappearing foodand moving items. Its head is featureless, save for a large responsibilities, regardless of its pain.grinning mouth. ornately carved wooden desk, however, is the focal point in the center of the room. One-Two Punch. C2. They even wear similarthat all share a common theme: they are all half-breeds (or clothingsilken vests over billowy white blousesand smallhalflings). It is incapable of up to one large creature, two medium creatures, or four small feeling physical pain, and regenerates from its wounds creatures. Rusted! As the drink sits, the seasons slowly change. In place of the dies 20 face is a glass and have discussions withpanel. This addition is primarily designed for 5th edition Dungeons and Dragons, but also functions as a huge collection of inspiring rooms, characters, and more! Their incredible stories had thought the other dead. The Seeker's Guide to Twisted Taverns 299 Map Index TREETOP TAVERN C1. A copper tea set sits First time visitors do not know what to expect when step-on a small table. Dretin wears a hooded cloak, possibly to conceal thority figure on the Rail-Away as well as its ticketmaster.her heritage from prying eyes, or to protect herself from Anyone who underestimates Knuckles does so to theirthe sun. Kogan is an unusual dwarfof magic missiles but will only use it as a last resort. Grateful for saving his life (and the train), he with a witness:confers with Tarmo Warberry and Prim for a suitablereward. The two rooms contain six imprisoned 1d10 potions of greater healingwizards in all. A massive surroundings. Night Lord Gammon meets Esthene Alen Trismys, Ryman Moonshadow in the Observa- Thorn, and Verity tion Car for a romantic tryst. The main platform is designated for guest across shelves and tables, the players will quickly notice performances, and a circular section of the stage is full of dozens of awakened mugs dashing around, helping self-playing instruments. Qinlar keeps track of each The stage is big enough for substantial productions butweapons place, and has a master intimate enough that anyone watching almost feels likekeyword (barakor) he can shout they are part of the unlock everything in caseof an emergency. The contents of this book are meant to beand items contained therein are referenced throughout creatively inspiring, and are built with the intent ofthis book.There are also several mentions of creatures letting players and creators mix their own ideas withfound in the first of Eldermancys books, Stibbles Codex of the stories.Companions. If a character attempts to sit or otherwise use a piece of the furniture, the mimic will attempt to grapple them.Note: Once the mimics have been discovered, if a character has eaten from or viewed Chef Sarphis menu, they may recallthat mimic is one of the dishes offered. The intact and active stone golems are located in the Qinlar is oddly observant and occasionally blunt, able following locations:to pick up on incredibly minor details about visitors, One on either side of the Main Stage (A3)such as their relationships or injuries. Restroom 6 After 10 seconds, the mixture becomes a grey ooze. (His own lordship is also dark, curly hair short and his face clean shaven. a red-feathered, two-headed creature that resembles a giant chicken, and a recently laid egg. These stone golems are bouncers, guards, and protectorsHe serves as the receptionist and bouncer for the tavern of The Wildaback. His Plot One (Cause of Death) plan is to force Gammon to capitulate to his demands Lady Ulume Gammon and her half-sister Esthene with the curse. A rocking chair and a small pot of cheerful flowers sit on the small porch. In addition to standard games and Dice gains 2d8 + 4 temporary hit points, but is unable to focus Duel, the party can also gamble by playing Trail Seeker, a on concentration spells and loses any skill proficiencies. (Sleight of Hand) check. Verity stays in one of the doublerooms in the Ruby sleeper car rather than the staff car. If the player characters went territory (and learn about the languages and people with Lord Gammon, she will be surprised to see them there who live there). The effect canLarge aberration, lawful evil penetrate barriers, but 3 feet of wood or dirt, 2 feet of stone,Armor Class: 18 (natural armor) 2 inches of metal, or a thin sheet of lead blocks it. Flustered, Lord Gammon will ask the party if he can trust them (DC 14 Persuasion check). Older thanSecrets: Darus Almanor is actually a rakshasa in disguise. Her sudden appearance may clean, and seeing to the needs of the guests. Experienced Hunters Needed Immediately! Fling. Attitude: Annoyed (3) Any character who Barrel-aged malt grain spirits provide the base for successfully drinks (and this stout cocktail, mixed with a splash of orange keeps down, with a DC 12 juice and bitters. The Wizards Watering Hole of peace and restfulness. Under this Once the problem is resolved, Brandr offers his flame variant, this quest can be played any number of times.tongue sword as thanks. A particularly hot-headed a challenge. If a battle later occurs in that location, this golem will not attack the player characters and will instead fight alongside them.If the players attack the trapped stone golem, it will fight back, but as if caught in an entangle spell and with disadvantage.11 As you enter this roughly square open area, a flock of flying beasts land and squawk a challenge, but do not immediately 1d10+1 2 attack. Esthene made sure that everyone saw cargo car with a few bunk beds inside. It works and helpfulness are determined by the GM. He was known as Tav The listed under the event is on board once the event begins. It is bonded only with Kem and with fiverare occasions he will settle into the tavern, drinking other mysterious travelers who visit only rarely. It appears to contain a constantly swirling icestorm and is cold to the touch. To play the game, have a player bet any amount of has a 50% chance of being replaced with a wall at any gold. worn by a humanoid of CR 1 or less, it acts as a permanent casting of dominate person. Chest. The only way to tell the sleeper carsapart is by color and name, with each being decorated ina different color: royal blue (The Sapphire), deep green(The Emerald), and dark red (The Ruby).5. However, it will take thenoble manages to appear taller, perhaps because of the long, casting of identify or an Intelligence (Arcana) check (DC 18) to puzzleflowing, fur-trimmed silk capes that he wears. The rest of the walls are covered inThe walls are lined with shelves that contain Samis bookshelves which, in turn, are full of books both rare andfavorite relics and other artifacts the two of them have mundane. middle age, and is the engineer for the Rail-Away. There is a 1d4 5 slight smell of rot. While staring into the mirror, a creature can speak are covered with papers and string. The Wizards ChambersThese two parallel rooms are the best kept secret by the 6 golden figurines depicting robed figures, with moon-tavern. A large, valve-like opening on the opposite side ofthe circular room is the only exit. Wearing these clothes the guest rooms. Be sure not to let it sit too long Variant: Sea Hag Hair Instead of blue liquor use green liquor, and pour in the cream using the cap for more stringy curdles. There are two bathrooms on either end of the carriage, with a toilet, sink, and shower for staff use. and will regale listeners with hard-to-believe stories of hisCantrips (at will): minor illusion, prestidigitation, vicious mockery exploits in battle. The floor is covered by a red velvet rug, the Dealers passive perception. Looking stage. But, since youre obviously off on an adventure, Ill help you out. He smiles mischievously. Most rooms have one or two windows that allow guests to Meat Locker. If Dretin is brought out for questioning, she is sure tokeep her room locked. Gammon for some time. seater tables, one being located in the corner for privacy. The Abomasum is roughly the same size as the Omasum(E3). The porters are a mixin a goblin mine owned by Lord Gammon. Hit: 4 (1d4 + 2) piercing damage, and(Perception) checks that rely on sight. Shes searched the train repeatedly Forest Lake/River Undergroundbut is at her wits end. She uses thevos hair, which acts like opaque fire. The Administrative ChamberFinally, around the door on the far side, the wizards are This chamber resembles a luxurious office space, with adepicted fighting a giant creature whose name is written large, C-shaped desk against the back wall. There are three four-seater tables and four two-Knucklebones, Checkers, and Fox and Geese. Born in a small town, Ryman decided at a young age that he wanted to travel the world. They generallysurprise some guests due to her remarkably silent stride. D5. The Abomasumowlbears are splashing around in the room. A painted wooden screen separates a large with spinel (750 gp), and an ebony idol (of a goddess ofplush bed from the rest of the room. Harvestable seed pods hang from it. Olins desk is covered in loose papers and notes.Searching through them, players will find several denied B6. Alen Trismys is a pretentious high elf who serves as aSecrets: Verity is actually a chaotic neutral night hag in disguise.
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