university of tennessee professors
He is not a professor that you should be invisible around--make . Knoxville TN 37996-1320 Phone: 865-974-2461 Fax: 865-974-6576 Knoxville, TN 37996-2100 Phone: 865-974-5336 Follow us on: The University of Tennessee, KnoxvilleKnoxville, Tennessee 37996 865-974-1000. German Valenzuela Visiting Professor School of Interior Architecture. Distinguished Professor in the Humanities in the College of Arts and Sciences. The University of Tennessee, Knoxville Knoxville, Tennessee 37996 865-974-1000. The Department of Biology at Belmont University is seeking applications for a one-year Lecturer position beginning August 1, 2023. One of my fav professors. We have an award-winning faculty that provides a comprehensive undergraduate curriculum. Personally I really enjoyed taking this class with Dr. Stabb. Applicants must have a PhD in Art History, Visual Studies, or a related field. I soon returned to his class to watch him refuse to acknowledge my questions. Tara Moore, PhD, BCBA-D . News; Events; Alumni & Friends . MABE Celebrates Students, Faculty, and Staff at Awards Banquet; IACMIThe Composites Institute Becomes the First Clean Energy Institute to be Renewed; . Back News and Events . Thereasa Abrams Assistant Professor Office: Polk Ave. Building Rm 270 Campus: Nashville Phone: (615) 782-5191 Email: Profile Page The flagship campus of the University of Tennessee System and partner in the Tennessee Transfer Pathway. Graduate Council. He is not a professor that you should be invisible around--make an effort to form a working relationship with him, and you will be fine. D.S.W., University of Alabama. The University of Tennessee, Knoxville Knoxville, Tennessee 37996 865-974-1000. The campus directory is an LDAPenabled web site to help you find contact information about faculty, staff and students across all UT campuses. The GSM currently sponsors 11 residency programs and 12 subspecialty fellowships, with three new fellowships starting in July 2022. Search for: Eunice O. Shatz, Professor of Social Work. 865-974-1000. This is Rocky Top. Tony Zhongshun Shi, PhD Assistant Professor. Email:, The University of Tennessee, KnoxvilleKnoxville, Tennessee 37996 865-974-1000. Phone:865-974-3351 View address on Google Maps, Nashville Campus Distinguished Professor in the Humanities & Professor of Twentieth-Century American Literature and Culture The University of Tennessee, Knoxville. Khalid Hattar. SIS Teams Up with 4-H, UTIA, to Improve Digital Literacy in Rural Tennessee. Profile. Department Head and Robert M. Condra Professor, Associate Department Head of Graduate Studies and Professor, Associate Department Head of Undergraduate Studies and Professor, Chancellor's Professor, John D. Tickle Professor, and James G. Gibson Professor, Governors Chair for Environmental Biotechnology, Director of the Center for Transportation Research and Professor, Beaman Professor and Transportation Program Coordinator, Governor's Chair Professor in Microbiology, Fred N. Peebles Professor and IAMM Chair of Excellence, Director of Tennessee Water Resources Research Center and Professor, Contractual and Legal Affairs in Engineering and Construction Graduate Certificate, Environmental Engineering & Water Resources, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Employment Opportunities powered by AfterCollege, CEE Students Finding Cracks in Geotechnical Theory, Napper Shares Research on Better Building Materials in Posters at the Capitol Event, CEE Students, Brakewood Earn William Millar Award for Paper, Clarke Sought by Media for Expertise in Rail Safety, Procedures. Lane, Chad - University of North Carolina, Wilmington, Professor of Geography. PhD, Washington University. Theory & Practice in Teacher Education His attitude gets in the way of a lot of learning, but once you understand how he works you get used to it. Phone: 615-256-1885 Employees. The University of Tennessee, Knoxville Knoxville, Tennessee 37996 865-974-1000. He offers probably 200 in extra credit. Cody Jones Lecturer Bing Yao, PhD . PhD, Washington University. Ed.D., Memphis State University. Hear from our students how community, faculty, and the Volunteer spirit make all the difference. Office of the Provost, The University of Tennessee, KnoxvilleKnoxville, Tennessee 37996 865-974-1000. The University of Tennessee., Faculty Central Contact these offices if you need to change information listed in the directory . The University of Tennessee, Knoxville Knoxville, Tennessee 37996 865-974-1000 Clinical Nutrition and Dietetics. Intersection of Race, Pandemic, and Higher Education, Faculty Evaluation and Promotion Calendar, Center for Career Development & Academic Exploration, LENS (Listen, Engage, Navigate, Support) Framework, American Association of Hispanics in Higher Education, Mandatory Reporting Guidelines and Policies, National Center for Faculty Development & Diversity, Policies on Research & Intellectual Property, Office of Community Engagement & Outreach, Directory of College and Department Bylaws, Office of Institutional Research and Assessment. Patient care, professional education and research are carried out at hospitals and . Discovery. Most information in the directory is updated nightly from the Office of the University Registrar and Human Resources . Kar, Bandana - Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Adjunct Associate Professor. The flagship campus of the University of Tennessee System and partner in the Tennessee Transfer Pathway. Megan B. Bynum Tore Olsson . I had a public panic attack after receiving a 0 on an 18 page group project. Derek AldermanProfessorSpecialties: cultural and historical geography, geographies of memory, race, tourism, LaToya EavesAssistant ProfessorSpecialties: black geographies, feminist geographies, American south, critical geographies, black feminism, Kelsey EllisAssociate Professor and Director of Graduate StudiesSpecialties: climatology and meteorology, Olusola FestusLecturerSpecialties: GIS & remote sensing, urban terrestrial wetland landscape, geodatabase management & public health, Karen HeeterAssistant Professor (starting Fall 2023)Specialties: dendrochronology, Dimitris HerreraAssistant ProfessorSpecialties: hydroclimate variability and change, climate change impacts, tropics, Hannah HerreroAssistant ProfessorSpecialties: remote sensing, human-environment interactions, conservation, savanna science, Africa, Melissa HintenSenior Lecturer and Director of Sustainability ProgramSpecialties: biogeography, land use change, GIS, geography education, Sally HornProfessorSpecialties: Quaternary environments, biogeography, prehistoric impacts on the environment, fire history and ecology, Ron KalafskyProfessorSpecialties: economic and urban geography, international trade, Matthew KerrLecturerSpecialties: Quaternary environments, prehistoric human-environment interactions, tree-ring science, geochemistry, Hyun KimAssociate ProfessorSpecialties: transportation, gis, spatial data science, spatial optimization and modeling, Yingkui LiProfessorSpecialties: geomorphology and paleo-climate, Nikki LukeAssistant ProfessorSpecialties: urban political ecology, energy, labor, race, gender, social reproduction, environmental and energy justice, Solange MuozAssistant Professor and Director of Undergraduate StudiesSpecialties: urban and cultural geography, Latin America, Nicholas NagleProfessor and Department HeadSpecialties: spatial statistics, spatial data science and demography, Tracey NorrellSenior LecturerSpecialties: geopolitics, historical, political and military geography, human rights, Mayra Romn-RiveraLecturerSpecialties: coastal geomorphology, coastal management, remote sensing and GIS applications of coastal environments, Gabe SchwartzmanAssistant Professor (starting Fall 2023)Specialties: political ecology, economic geography, rural community development in the Appalachian region, Madhuri SharmaAssociate ProfessorSpecialties: race/ethnicity, housing market, income inequality, gender disparity, economy, Shih-Lung ShawProfessorSpecialties: transportation, geographic information science, space-time analytics, human dynamics, spatial data science, Liem TranProfessor and Associate Department HeadSpecialties: physical and environmental geography, spatial data science, GIS/geospatial analysis, Jacob WatkinsLecturerSpecialties: migration, conflict, geopolitics, East Asia, and the Middle East, Qiusheng WuAssistant ProfessorSpecialties: GIS, remote sensing, LiDAR, wetland hydrology, geospatial data science, Google Earth Engine, Michael CamponovoGIS Outreach Coordinator and Director of GIST Program, Department of Geography & Sustainability Professor of Practice and Director of Public Health Nutrition . PhD, Washington University. Innovation. UCOR Fellow and Professor. The University of Tennessee Southern seeks to attract and retain highly qualified staff and faculty who will share our values and support our mission and vision. College of Education, Health, and Human Sciences, A204 Jane and David Bailey Education Complex Maxwell, R. Stockton - Radford University, Geospatial Sciences . Professor, Associate Head for Research and Development, Director of Graduate Studies. The University of Tennessee, Knoxville Knoxville, Tennessee 37996 865-974-1000. Rebecca Bolen, Professor Social Work. Search. Schroeder, Todd, US Forest Service, Southern Research Station, Knoxville TN, Adjunct Associate Professor, Laboratory of Paleoenvironmental Research, Bekker, Matthew F. Brigham Young University, Geography. The Faculty and Staff at the University of Tennessee are integral to the success of our graduate education programs. Thereasa AbramsAssistant ProfessorOffice: Polk Ave. Building Rm 270Campus: NashvillePhone: (615) 782-5191Email:tabrams1@utk.eduProfile Page, Brittany AdamsCoordinator of Field Education, Online BSSW Program and Assistant Professor of PracticeOffice: 311 Henson HallCampus: KnoxvillePhone: (865) 974-7502Email:blong8@utk.eduProfile Page, Patricia BamwineAssistant ProfessorOffice: Polk Ave. Building Rm 278Campus: NashvillePhone: (865) 974-3164Email:pbamwine@utk.eduProfile Page, Harold BenusAssistant Professor of PracticeOffice: Polk Ave. Building Rm 272Campus: NashvillePhone: (615) 782-3394Email:hbenus@utk.eduProfile Page, Stan L. BowieProfessorOffice: 421 Henson HallCampus: KnoxvillePhone: (865) 974-0692Email:sbowie@utk.eduProfile page, Lizzie BowlandDirector, DSW Program and Associate ProfessorOffice: 305 Henson HallCampus: KnoxvillePhone: (865) 974-7830Email:sbowland@utk.eduProfile Page, Kate ChaffinAssistant Dean for Faculty Developmentand Professor of PracticeOffice: Polk Ave. Building Rm 280Campus: NashvillePhone: (615) 782-6134Email:katechaffin@utk.eduProfile Page, Zibei ChenAssistant ProfessorOffice: 413 Henson HallCampus: KnoxvillePhone: (865), Ashley ChildersAssociate Professor of PracticeOffice: Polk Ave. Building Rm 276Campus: NashvillePhone: (615) 782-3387Email:achilde8@utk.eduProfile Page, Doug CoatsworthBetsey Bush Endowed Professor in Behavioral Health and Associate Dean for ResearchOffice: UT Conference Center, 600 Henley St., Room 221GCampus: KnoxvilleEmail:dcoatswo@utk.eduProfile Page, Anne ConwayUrban Child Institute Endowed ProfessorAssociate ProfessorOffice: 211 Henson HallCampus: KnoxvillePhone:(865) 974-8665Email:aconway3@utk.eduProfile Page, Courtney CronleyAssociate ProfessorOffice: 313 Henson HallCampus: KnoxvillePhone:(865) 974-7503Email:ccronle1@utk.eduProfile Page, Kim DentonAssistant Director of Field Education,Coordinator of Field Education, BSSW Program, and Associate Professor of PracticeOffice: 309 Henson HallCampus: KnoxvillePhone:(865) 974-6677Email:kddenton@utk.eduProfile Page, Allison DiehlCoordinator of Field Education, Nashville MSSW Program and Assistant Professor of PracticeOffice: Polk Ave. Building Rm 264Campus: NashvillePhone: (615), Gretchen ElyDirector, PhD Program and ProfessorOffice: 306 Henson HallCampus: KnoxvillePhone: (865) 974-3802Email:geely@utk.eduProfile Page, Thomas C. Favale, Jr.Clinical Assistant ProfessorOffice: 2407 River Drive, C222, Knoxville, TN 37996Phone: (865) 973-7068Email:, Jennifer FirstAssistant ProfessorOffice: 420 Henson HallCampus: KnoxvillePhone: (865) 974-6680Email:jfirst@utk.eduProfile page, Shandra Forrest-BankAssociate ProfessorOffice: 422 Henson HallCampus: KnoxvillePhone: (865) 974-6218Email:sforres6@utk.eduProfile Page, Carmen Reese FosterInterim Director, Online MSSW Program, Director of Alumni Affairs, and Assistant Professor of PracticeOffice: Polk Ave. Building Rm 260Campus: NashvillePhone: (615) 782-3398cfoste22@utk.eduProfile Page, Dashawna J. Fussell-WareAssistant ProfessorOffice: Polk Ave. Building Rm 273Campus: NashvillePhone: (615), Mary HeldAssistant Dean, Nashville Campus,Director, Nashville MSSW Program, and Associate ProfessorOffice: Polk Ave. Building Rm 272Campus: NashvillePhone: (615) 782-6132Email:mheld@utk.eduProfile Page, Christy HickmanAssistant Professor of PracticeOffice: 310 Henson HallCampus: KnoxvillePhone: (865) 974-3206Email:chickma1@utk.eduProfile Page, Alicia HirtAssistant Professor of PracticeOffice: Polk Ave. Building Rm 261Campus: NashvillePhone: (615), Ian JohnsonAssistant ProfessorOffice: 411 Henson HallCampus: KnoxvillePhone: (865), Pam LindenResearch Assistant ProfessorOffice: UT Conference Center, 600 Henley StCampus: KnoxvillePhone: (865), Kim Crane MalloryDirector of Field Education and Associate Professor of PracticeOffice: Polk Ave. Building Rm 273Campus: NashvillePhone: (615) 782-6157Email:kcrane@utk.eduProfile Page, Michael MasonBetsey R. Bush Endowed Professor in Children & Families at RiskOffice: UT Conference Center, 600 Henley St., Room 221HCampus: KnoxvillePhone: (865) 974-4198Email:mmason29@utk.eduProfile Page, Stephen McGarityAssistant ProfessorOffice: Polk Ave. Building Rm 273Campus: NashvillePhone: (615) 782-6150Email:mcgarity@utk.eduProfile Page, Lori MessingerDean and ProfessorOffice: 404 Henson HallCampus: KnoxvillePhone: (865) Profile Page, Robert MindrupDirector of BSSW Programs andClinical Associate ProfessorOffice: 303 Henson HallCampus: KnoxvillePhone: (865) 974-8109Email:rmindrup@utk.eduProfile Page, Katherine MontgomeryAssistant Professor of PracticeOffice: Polk Ave. Building Rm 286Campus: NashvillePhone: (615) 782-6154Email:kmontg16@utk.eduProfile Page, Javonda Williams MossAssociate Dean for Academic Affairs and ProfessorOffice: 403 Henson HallCampus: KnoxvillePhone: (865) 974-8208Email:jwill488@utk.eduProfile Page, William R. NugentProfessorOffice: 408 Henson HallCampus: KnoxvillePhone: (865), Ashley PennellAssistant Professor of PracticeOffice: 314 Henson HallCampus: KnoxvillePhone: (865), Kristen RaviAssistant ProfessorOffice: 422 Henson HallCampus: KnoxvilleEmail:kravi2@utk.eduProfile Page, Rachel RossMSSW Online Field CoordinatorOffice: 307 Henson HallCampus: KnoxvillePhone: (865), Ragan SchriverDirector, MSSW Program (Knoxville)and Associate Professor of PracticeOffice: 302 Henson HallCampus: KnoxvillePhone: (865) 974-7513Email:rschriv1@utk.eduProfile Page, Elizabeth StrandEndowed All Creatures Great and SmallClinical Associate ProfessorFounding Director, Veterinary Social Work ProgramOffice: 2407 River Drive, Room A205Campus: KnoxvillePhone: (865), Phyllis ThompsonClinical Associate ProfessorOffice: 320 Henson HallCampus: KnoxvillePhone: (865) 974-6614Email:pthomp11@utk.eduProfile Page, Katie VeitAssociate Professor of PracticeOffice: Polk Ave. Building Rm 277Campus: NashvillePhone: (615) 782-3383Email:kdorough@utk.eduProfile Page, Tami WalkerCoordinator of Field Education, Online MSSW Program and Assistant Professor of PracticeOffice: Polk Ave. Building Rm 262Campus: NashvillePhone: (615), Martina WardCoordinator of Field Education, MSSW Program and Assistant Professor of PracticeOffice: 308 Henson HallCampus: KnoxvillePhone:(865) 974-7512Email:mward21@utk.eduProfile Page, Stephanie WeatherstoneAssistant Professor of PracticeOffice: 314 Henson HallCampus: KnoxvillePhone: (865) 974-9125Email: sswain@utk.eduProfile Page, Stacia WestAssociate ProfessorCampus: Nashville, Ali WintersAssociate Professor of PracticeOffice: Polk Avenue Building, Room 283Campus:, Nikola ZaharakisResearch Assistant ProfessorOffice: UT Conference Center, 600 Henley StCampus: KnoxvillePhone: (865), Lisa ZottarelliClinical Associate ProfessorOffice: 321 Henson HallCampus: KnoxvilleEmail:lzottare@utk.eduProfile Page. The Department of Art at The University of Tennessee at Chattanooga invites applications for a 9-month Tenure-Track Assistant Professor of Art History beginning August 1, 2023. The professors are true advocates, allowing opportunities to engage in the industry while completing a degree. Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering PhD, Washington University, John Orme, Professor of Social Work. Associate Professor and Head of Research, Teaching, and Collections, Law Library. Ahmedullah Aziz. Go. University of Tennessee, Knoxville, faculty and staff have a choice between Microsoft 365's Outlook and Gmail for your UT-provided email . Director of Communication Studies, Professor. Professor: Structural Geology and Tectonics: 974-4161: : Nick Dygert: Assistant Professor: Petrology and Geochemistry: 974-6022: (he/him/his) Annette Summers Engel: . Dan Doulet Faculty Fellow, Professor, and Director of Graduate Studies. Established in 1911, The University of Tennessee Health Science Center aims to improve human health through education, research, clinical care and public service.
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