what's the primary anti armor force in a sbct
COMBINED ARMS ASSAULT IN THE CLOSE FIGHT, 1-8. Skillful integration of infantry, armor, engineer, and indirect fire assets improves the survivability and lethality of antiarmor units. Select ALL that apply, and then select Submit. Organic 81-mm mortars (2) An armored vehicle's firepower and crew are normally oriented to the front. special images The small size of the battalion significantly minimizes its footprint (Figure 1-12). Select ALL that apply, and then select Submit. Determining system requirements needed for support based on the tactical situation. He advises the SBCT commander on the capabilities and employment of fires and effects and is responsible for obtaining the commander's guidance for desired effects and their purpose. HVTL, What steps of F3EAD take place during the Detect phase of D3A? assessment of the situation, Which of the following is NOT a general data requirement for pattern analysis? Antiarmor units must support each other due to their assigned tasks, relative positions to each other and to the enemy (obtained via reconnaissance and information sharing), and their inherent capabilities and limitations. Reporting network changes to the commander. The cavalry squadron (RSTA) has an extensive HUMINT capability and acts as the eyes and ears of the commander. (See FM 6-50 for a more detailed discussion of field artillery battalion capabilities. (c) Hard-Kill Systems. The gunner may lose the missile unless he is using a TOW 2 family of missiles, a modified missile guidance system, and the thermal sight. The terrain was not the most suitable place to maneuver Strykers as it was restrictive or severely restrictive in nature. Contingencies requiring survivability or construction will require that the SBCT be augmented with additional engineer assets. Antiarmor units have limitations that apply to both offensive and defensive situations. Also, threat armored vehicles can fire high explosive (HE) fragmentation rounds to suppress TOW gunners up to a range of 9,750 meters. The 5th Stryker Brigade was deployed to Afghanistan in mid-2009, the first SBCT to do so. Combat aviation, fires, maneuver enhancement, battlefield surveillance, and sustainment. Tactically, the SBCT has versatile mobility with the Stryker vehicle that combines the best capabilities of mechanized and light infantry organizations. Never Taking the warfighting function of mission command into account, what task do you need to perform to ensure your unit is task organized and coordination has been made to help you accomplish your mission? B. Communication and Information Two events have contributed significantly to the worldwide proliferation of antitank, guided missile-countermeasures (ATGM-CM): the end of the Cold War and the dramatic allied success in the Persian Gulf War. The close area is that area where the commander envisions close combat taking place or being imminent. Non- commissioned officer in charge Select ALL that apply, and then select Submit. Developing the HSS annex of the brigade OPLAN and OPORD. The brigade support battalion (BSB) performs distribution-based and centralized logistics while providing health service support (HSS) and Class VIII resupply for the brigade. Headquarters Company. Directing and controlling the operations of the BSB CP. offensive and defensive Weather-related scheduling The Stryker brigade combat team (SBCT) is a mechanized infantry force structured around the Stryker eight-wheeled variant of the General Dynamics LAV III. Preparing, coordinating, authenticating, publishing, and distributing the command SOP, operation orders (OPORDs), fragmentary orders (FRAGOs), warning orders (WARNOs), and other products involving contribution from other staff sections. A. Circle He works closely with the ECOORD to ensure mutual understanding of all aspects of fires and effects planning, coordination, and execution in support of the SBCT. Figure 1-25. It is the primary tank destroyer of the SBCT, capable of defeating many armored threats up to 4 km away using the TOW missile system. E. Encourage collaboration and dialogue Light armored vehicles include reconnaissance vehicles, infantry fighting vehicles, and armored personnel carriers. The IO element plans (within a 24 hour window) and coordinates information operations and other non-lethal battlefield effects in support of the SBCT. Understand Direction Mission Analysis Antiarmor units protect themselves from direct fire through effective camouflage, use of available concealment, and by fighting from prepared fighting positions when possible. direct and indirect The senior maneuver support officer in the maneuver support cell serves as the principal maneuver support planner in the SBCT main CP. Select ALL that apply, and then select Submit. (See FM 3-34.221 for a more detailed discussion of the SBCT engineer company capabilities. D. Reduced overmatch capability The antiarmor platoon leader is responsible for advising the battalion commander on the tactical employment of the platoon and its sections. security, support Maintaining the current situation regarding enemy and environmental factors and updating IPB and the intelligence estimate. The considerations for antiarmor weapon system employment also apply during route selection and movement. Counter-countermeasures include use of the TOW 2 family with modified missile guidance systems and thermal sight, or detecting the ATGM jammer with thermal or image intensifier (for example, PVS-7B) before launch and choosing a different attack method. The SBCT has three organic systems capable of destroying enemy armor and can employ lethal fires to disrupt and neutralize armored forces. (3) A frontal engagement increases the chance of detection and suppression by enemy armored vehicles. Developing Annex H (Signal) to the OPORD. Advising the commander and other users on the requirements, capabilities, and use of the available systems. 2 F. Vulnerable to CBRN attack, The mobile gun system (MGS) platoon includes how many MGS vehicles? Monitoring Class VIII resupply levels to ensure adequate stockage for support of brigade operations. Suppress simultaneous, single point analytical pattern graphic information C. Authority to Search and Seize Assess, The bottom line of the analyze step is to examine and evaluate information and rapidly turn it into actionable intelligence that can be applied to defeat the enemy's network. terrain, infrastructure, and society, What component of the Urban Operational Construct is defined by the appropriately applied range of capabilities against decisive points leading to the centers of gravity? A commander's situational understanding (SU) will allow units to effectively find and fix the enemy force while maintaining sufficient combat power for decisive maneuver and sufficient depth to reduce the risk and exploit success. The SBCT conducts operations against conventional or unconventional enemy forces in all types of terrain and climate conditions and all spectrums of conflict (major theater war [MTW], smaller-scale contingency [SSC], and peacetime military engagement [PME]). These systems do not protect the vehicle from all directions. Also resident within the brigade S3 section are the brigade liaison teams (Figure 1-22). Brigade Commander. The decisive operation conclusively determines the outcome of battles and engagements. The Pennsylvania Army National Guard's 56th Stryker Brigade Combat Team, the only National Guard SBCT, deployed to Iraq in February 2009. Units should maximize the ability to send one to two weapons squad leaders per company to the Heavy Weapons Leaders Course at Fort Benning (http://www.benning.army.mil/infantry/197th/229/HWLC/). In the defense, MPs are best employed in the area security role to enhance the SBCT's maneuver and mobility. Overall flank and rear security must be planned at the platoon leader level; if omitted, this lack of protection can be costly. Coordinating and controlling radar zone coverage for SBCT counterfire radars and any attached radars. While 50 percent is low, it was in real-world battlefield conditions with Infantrymen climbing up significant terrain to achieve effects against enemy armor. The enemy tries to suppress or destroy TOW weapon systems by either observed or unobserved fires on known or likely positions. ), The engineer company (Figure 1-9) serves as the SBCT's primary means for mobility. A. As we move into our next training path, Javelin training needs to be more deliberately integrated at the individual through collective training levels. Special staff officers are organized according to functional areas. Find Preparing and improving plans and orders reduced preparation time, When planning for a defense in urban operations, how many belts or layers of barriers and obstacles should be used? Cordon and Enter B. Upon arriving to home station, our brigade made preparations to ready the formation for decisive action operations. This chapter addresses antiarmor doctrine, organization, fundamentals, and capabilities and limitations. Crucial The SBCT achieves force effectiveness by exploiting the abilities of its skilled soldiers and capable leaders. (c) Decoys. While the Stryker enhances the SBCT's mobility, subordinate units are not tethered to the vehicles. B. (c) The MANSPT cell also supports the SBCT with terrain analysis products. The slow rate of fire and the visible launch signature of the TOW missile increase the antiarmor squad's vulnerability, especially if an HMMWV-mounted TOW engages within an enemy's effective direct-fire range (no standoff). Transition. The SBCT's INFOSYS and organizational structure allow it to plan and execute operations simultaneously. Enemy actions taken to reduce the effectiveness of the TOW when it hits. (3) Engineers. Enemy forces make use of contours in the terrain (dead space) to reduce their exposure to TOWs. The most effective enemy countermeasure in this category is the use of reactive armor. Such functions may include electronic warfare, computer network attack, special information operations, psychological operations, and counterpropaganda (including public affairs and civil affairs) based on METT-TC considerations. C. MGS Platoon (X1) (1) Reconnaissance. Trained Soldiers were able to achieve a 50-percent kill ratio on enemy armored vehicles in both offensive and defensive operations. The information operations officer coordinates, integrates, and synchronizes information operations elements. During offensive operations, MPs best support the brigade's maneuver and mobility by facilitating movement control and refugee, casualty, and or enemy prisoner of war (EPW) evacuation and control. F. Company Headquarters, Which of the following are limitations of the SBCT Infantry Rifle Company? The IO officer supervises the efforts of augmentation elements such as PSYOP detachments, CA teams, electronic attack teams, special IO teams, and public affairs teams. additional UAV/air support Improved obscurants can degrade thermal sights and ATGM guidance systems. The Stryker enhances tactical mobility and allows the SBCT to strike the enemy in depth, reposition its reserve rapidly, secure lines of communications, and conduct nonlinear company and battalion fights and essential RSTA operations in noncontiguous areas of operation. D. Units do not transition from an offensive operation, Which of the following are primary characteristics of urban terrain that enhance the defense? Its mobility and organic ISR assets make it invaluable to a division or corps commander in an MTW. This system enables the unit to adapt quickly to changes resulting from an analysis of the factors of METT-TC. Manage Settings (3) Considerations. assessing the threat Increase Civilian traffic flow (1) Antiarmor units equipped with HMMWVs must consider that these vehicles lack protection against direct and indirect fires. Grenades available for some of these systems include smoke, antipersonnel, flare, tear gas, and IR decoy. The degree of support needed depends on the factors of mission, enemy, terrain and weather, troops and support available, time available, and civil considerations (METT-TC) and should be tailored, as the operation develops, to ensure seamless intelligence support. Calendar time (day, week, or month) The antiarmor weapon systems available (TOW, M2, and MK19) provide direct fire against armored or other hard targets to support maneuver of infantry. Broad limitations may consist of restrictions on aviation operations at particular times and in specified areas, prohibitions on crossing political boundaries, and requirements to refrain from apprehending or limiting the movement of designated groups or individuals. b. Initially called the interim armored vehicle it was intended to be a bridge between the combat vehicles of the time and a future combat system that never came to fruition. In the defense, antiarmor squads can be positioned forward then moved to positions in depth as the enemy closes, or the squads may be positioned in depth initially. ROI enhance the soldier's ability to survive in uncertain situations by giving him a clearly defined set of parameters on interaction. Write about the Amendments 1-10 of The Bill of Rights. The CI capability is directed toward identifying and recommending countermeasures for enemy intelligence collection (protecting essential elements of friendly information [EEFI]). (See FM 4-93.7 for a more detailed discussion of SBCT brigade support battalion capabilities.). The primary rationale for expanded equilibrium among BCT types, or at least prevention of further reduction in mechanized density, stems from optimized capabilities that infantry (IBCT), Stryker. Army Stryker Brigade Combat teams are expected to add engineers, electronic warfare, more artillery and robot vehicles for the future fight. He recommends the allocation of resources, tasks, and priority of support. The ATGM infrared jammers use an infrared signal to jam and then confuse ATGM guidance in flight with erroneous signals, causing the ATGM to miss the target. The systems portability makes it the anti-armor weapon of choice for light early entry forces. domestic and foreign b. Effective command guidance and a detailed understanding of rules of engagement (ROE) and rules of interaction (ROI) are critical to the SBCT's mission accomplishment across the spectrum of conflict. Within the close area, one unit will be designated the main effort, while other units are supporting efforts. (1) Command Sergeant Major. The IO element may request support for specific functions from higher headquarters. Meeting these requirements demands a rapidly deployable, highly integrated combined arms force. Some of our partners may process your data as a part of their legitimate business interest without asking for consent. Operations process During counterattacks, the antiarmor unit provides overwatching fires for the maneuvering element. Its array of direct and indirect fire systems allows the SBCT to shape the AO and achieve decisive outcomes using the MGS; tube-launched, optically tracked wire-guided (TOW) IIA/B antiarmor missiles; Javelin antiarmor missiles; 120-mm, 81-mm, and 60-mm mortars; and 155-mm artillery. The infantry battalion mission is to close with and destroy or defeat enemy forces within the full spectrum of modern combat operations. Stability GOS, SOM tactical and technical The first organic system is the Anti-Tank Guided. Offensive Capabilities. Pattern analysis must be conducted at company level. Consolidate B. Battle handover for units and patrols is very important to maintain continuity. C. Interests and Actions The following provides a description of the key responsibilities of staff officers during combat operations. Operations in support of peacetime engagement are normally interagency in character and are designed to address the fundamental causes of instability that can lead to regional conflict. b. what's the primary anti armor force in a sbct The primary individual weapons of the Army are the M16 series assault rifle and its compact variant, the M4 carbine, which is slowly replacing selected M16 series rifles in some units and is primarily used by infantry, Ranger, and Special Operations forces. The primary task of these units should be hunting enemy armor by leveraging offensive ambush techniques in compartmentalized terrain, and this goal is best achieved at the forward edge of the battalion's battlespace as a covering force during shaping operations. C. Defensive Cover is protection from the effects of enemy direct or indirect fires. An antiarmor unit initially provides the base of fire in an attack in order to suppress, fix, or destroy the enemy in position. Noises, such as talking, idling vehicles, or touching metal to metal, can be heard by enemy patrols or listening posts. Enemy commanders can counter the effectiveness of the TOW well before exposing their combat formations to its fires. Air defense and airspace management cell. (b) The chaplain assistant is an active member of the unit's noncommissioned officer (NCO) support channel for religious support issues and soldier welfare. The cell works under the direction of the SBCT S2 and consists of the tactical intelligence officer (TIO), the S2x, intelligence analysts, and possibly the MICO commander. Operations in rear areas assure freedom of action and continuity of operations, sustainment, and C2. We utilized a four-man team of NCOs who had graduated from the Heavy Weapons Leader Course at Fort Benning as instructors. These rounds have a maximum range of 15,300 to 17,000 meters. Diamond It coordinates with higher and adjacent units, analyzes relevant information, and provides recommendations to the commander. 2 This cell collocates with the future plans cell either at the main or rear CP. The second organic system, the Mobile Gun System (MGS), may look like a tank to the casual observer, but this vehicle was built as an Infantry support system. ROE are directives that explain the circumstances and limitations under which US forces initiate and continue combat engagement with forces encountered. Which of the following is NOT a pattern analysis lesson learned? C. Ambush Sniper Team, What does the company headquarters section provide for all organic and attached elements? We and our partners use data for Personalised ads and content, ad and content measurement, audience insights and product development. a. Square Figure 1-27. 1-26. Figure 1-11. However, the BSB will maintain enough CSS capability for self-sustained operations for 72 hours of combat operations. (2) An antiarmor squad (three soldiers) cannot adequately defend itself when confronted with a dismounted threat for an extended period of time. While they vary considerably between missions, ROE always allow soldiers to protect themselves from deadly threats. Requesting, receiving, processing, and delivering replacement personnel. The sustainment process, What is one of the terms that a commander uses to express his visualization of an operation? The cell is normally manned by two battle captains (S3 and S2), the S3 sergeant major, battle staff NCOs, liaison teams, and communications personnel. Joint, multinational, or interagency operability. Military Decision Making Process (MDMP) We and our partners use cookies to Store and/or access information on a device. By time Select ALL that apply, and then select Submit. E. disruption, In all counter reconnaissance operations, the goal is to ____________________________ . The MANSPT cell is responsible for planning, integrating, and synchronizing mobility and or survivability and military police (MP) support for all operations (Figure 1-26). Which characteristics reflect the societal factors that must be considered? This capability gives the SBCT greater depth and allows for simultaneous action. Key functions of the S3 section include. (e) Attack Helicopters. The XO is prepared to assume command of the SBCT at any time. Sustaining operations underwrite the tempo of the overall operation, assuring the ability to take advantage of any opportunity without hesitation or delay. 1-3. Fires and effects coordination cell. PMEs include programs and exercises that the US military conducts with other nations to shape the international environment, improve mutual understanding with other countries, and improve interoperability with treaty partners or potential coalition partners. ROI must be tailored to the specific region, culture(s), and or populations affected by the operation. They are the Army's basic tactical maneuver unit, lowest level of a combined arms unit that can be deployed independently. A. Seaborne The commander has total responsibility and accountability for the SBCT and its actions. organizational structure Select ALL that apply, and then select Submit. The employment of the M98A2 using the FTT proved to be a critical asset for the battalion during the force-on-force scenario of NTC rotation 14-03. The M249, 5.56mm squad automatic weapon (SAW), provides the antiarmor unit with an asset that can engage targets (dismounted threat) without revealing its M2 or MK19 in the close fight. Table 1-1, depicts the table of organization and equipment (TOE) for antiarmor units. Coordinating civil and military operations in the absence of the S5. Select ALL that apply, and then select Submit. The Enemy. The eight-wheeled Stryker combat vehicle is the U.S. Army's Stryker Brigade Combat Team primary combat and combat support platform and the focal point of this ongoing phase of . Like ROE, ROI can be effective only if they are thoroughly rehearsed and understood by every member of the SBCT. (2) Concealment. E. Spoiling attack, Generally, an offensive operation will transition to what type(s) of operation? Some of the tank-launched ATGMs can be fired while the vehicle is on the move. The ROE must consider these legal issues; they must be worded in a simple, easy-to-understand manner. A. Facilitates mission command The CSM focuses his attention on functions critical to the success of the operation. Personal advisor The principles of concealment include avoiding unnecessary movement, using all available concealment (such as vegetation, rolling terrain, buildings), staying low to observe, exposing nothing that shines, avoiding "skylining," altering familiar outlines, and keeping quiet. Create shared understanding Without flank and rear security during movement, a single enemy vehicle could destroy entire antiarmor squads, sections, or platoons. The anti-armor POI gave designated Javelin operators eight hours of hands-on training time. ABCS tools support effective distribution of ROE and can assist commanders in confirming conditions that the ROE identify as threatening or innocuous. 4Thom Shanker, The Struggle for Iraq: Combat; How Green Berets Beat the Odds at an Iraq Alamo, The New York Times, 22 September 2013. Figure 1-4. METT-TC NATO and Non-NATO, What action does the decision process of D3A start with? This support includes anticipating and initiating collection against long lead-time requirements, synthesizing available information on the area of operation (AO), orchestrating the collection efforts of existing intelligence organizations, and sophisticated computer analysis of a course of action (COA) to help speed the military decision-making process (MDMP). Commander's intent Antiarmor leaders can request indirect fires. Conduct knowledge and information management Rectangle, How is the activities matrix normally constructed with personalities? E. Audacity, Which search technique/ approach does NOT explicitly require HNSF or HN authorities to conduct? Special, What is fundamental to the commander's ability to establish a situation's context? The company and platoons are capable of deploying as part of the Army's force projection requirements. The key to the employment of the M98A2 was the use of movement and maneuver of the Stryker vehicles and the dismounted Infantry. Staffs must understand the capabilities available through reach and how best to employ them for mission success. Classified c. Enemy Actions Taken to Reduce the Effectiveness of the TOW When It Hits. (2) Chaplain. In the past, deep strikes were aimed at slowing and disrupting the advance of enemy forces. Analysis of the COP together with a commander's application of his experience, expertise, intuition, and judgment establishes a relationship among the factors of METT-TC that leads to situational understanding. Figure 1-3. Personal staff members work under the commander's immediate control and directly assist him in the exercise of command (Figure 1-15). Commanders of forces operating within the deep area may designate their own close, deep, and rear areas, depending upon circumstance. Advising the commander on communications requirements. The engineers emplace the obstacles inside designated obstacle zones, belts, and groups. The staff aids the commander with recognizing and anticipating battlefield events so he can make better decisions and act on those decisions faster than the enemy can act. B. Reach is executed primarily through the Army force (ARFOR), although the ARFOR may authorize direct linkages between the SBCT and resource providers when it is prudent and efficient to do so. Students also viewed O504 10 terms Ajsociety Mission Command 29 terms josh_weaver7 Figure 1-4. Obscurants launched from these grenade launchers can block the view of the target or interfere with the TOW's guidance system. To protect friendly units from ground reconnaissance elements, US forces employ security operation forces, which must use all available concealment to augment information sharing (digital and nondigital). The chaplain serves as a confidential advisor to the commander on the spiritual fitness and the ethical and moral health of the command. 4, Pattern analysis is the process of deducing the doctrinal principles and TTP that enemy forces prefer to employ by careful observation and evaluation of patterns in their activities. submit accurate scouting reports to the commander so adjustments can be made to the plan Due to the austere CSS structure of the battalions within the SBCT, the BSB commander plays a significant role in sustaining the combat effectiveness of the SBCT as a whole. Satellite pattern The mission of the fires and effects element is to plan, coordinate, and synchronize lethal and selected non-lethal (smoke and illumination only) fire support in support of SBCT operations. Figure 1-17. E. Inform and influence audiences a. Positioning support elements for fire support b. Long-range antiarmor fires are important to destroying the integrity of the enemy's combined-arms team. The SBCT's lethality is derived from its ability to focus overmatching combined arms support to the infantry assault at identified decisive points. additional training Finally, Javelin training should culminate in the employment of live Javelins (if resourced) during the platoon/company combined-arms maneuver LFX. The SBCT antiarmor company commander must take these vulnerabilities into considerations. Cultural D. Search based on Hot Pursuit C. Troop Leading Procedures (TLP) During halts, the driver or loader dismounts to secure the flank and rear sectors. Hard-kill active protection measures fire munitions at the incoming round to destroy, neutralize, or detonate it. (4) An armored vehicle provides a smaller target from the front. Sustaining operations are inseparable from decisive and shaping operations, although they are not by themselves decisive or shaping. (a) Offensive Considerations. The SBCT's operations incorporate ROE throughout the full spectrum of military operations (offensive, defensive, stability, and support). C. obstacles (1) Personnel Section. The BMP-3 100-mm HE-FRAG round can destroy TOW positions from 4,000 meters away. simultaneous, multidirectional b. C. Conduct interrogation of the detainee What do the mortar carriers (MCs) on Stryker vehicles improve for the mortar crew and equipment? personnel involved, The Trap Map is normally developed during terrain analysis as part of which IPB Step? Controlling the essentials He enforces established policies and standards concerning enlisted personnel performance and conduct and mission preparations of the SBCT. Intelligence assessments Typical special staff officers and elements that will support the SBCT include the following: (1) Effects Coordinator. (6) Air Defense and Airspace Management Cell. Executive Officer. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); (d) Artillery and Mortars. The signal company is responsible for connecting the SBCT to the global information grid (GIG). reduced Armor units The signal section (S6) is primarily responsible for all command and control information systems (C2 INFOSYS) operations including network management, automation management, and information security. It also works with the air defense and airspace management (ADAM) cell to manage airspace in the SBCT's AO to include flying UAVs and deconfliction with USAF aircraft as well as aircraft from other services. In such situations, potential adversaries may avoid open terrain in order to degrade the proven effectiveness of our target acquisition capabilities and standoff precision fires. The XO is responsible for all staff activities, such as the development of orders.
