why do they scan id at dispensary illinois?
Warning: The use or possession ofmarijuana remains unlawful under Federal law regardless of whether it has been legalized or decriminalized for medicinal or recreational purposes in the state where you reside.. The Missouri National Guard was sent to only protect empty government buildings during the Ferguson riots. The scanner immediately recognizes if you are using a fake ID or not, thus making things move a little quicker and avoiding human error. All of the data is highly encrypted, Cohen added. In the US particularly, they said look, this is a minimum wage job, these guys arent paying that much attention, Cohen told VICE. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. This is also a good time to mention that you can only purchase for yourself. To me the one and only civil right that is important is the Second Amendment. CLICK HERE FOR MORE CONTACT METHODS, GIVEAWAYS, REVIEWS, SUBSCRIBE & MORE, Does Medical Marijuana Cost Less Than Recreational. Lloyd noted medical cannabis patients who have no choice but to use a mail order system are particularly susceptible to data breaches, including medical records. The legal cannabis industry has been hit with a number of breaches that have compromised patient and customer information. They just have more pro 2a members. Regardless of where they put the goal post. NAPLES, Fla. Fox 4 has some interesting video, going undercover to videotape a 76-year-old man attempting to buy cigarettes at his local Walgreens. They offer a wide range of products, including different strains of marijuana, edibles, concentrates, and CBD products. Now you begin to understand me. If they resist your attempts to detain them with violence then you may use violence in return. the novelty will wear off. You are a known drug user. Here Ill show you one who comes pretty close. Although it isnt glamorous, age verification and fake ID detection has become a central part of the dispensary tech stack. I buy a lot of guns. The most obvious being the addictive thirst for tax dollars. If Republicans wanted to shrink the government, get the government out of marriage, education, healthcare, and the economy. By signing up, you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy & to receive electronic communications from Vice Media Group, which may include marketing promotions, advertisements and sponsored content. The convenience of being able to check in guests outside your entryway will allow for smoother operations, and allow you to ensure you capture all the details of every customer who comes to visit. The most common explanations we've heard from dispensaries is that they hold on to IDs to verify that they're real and to ensure that no one goes over their daily ounce limit but I've also. But they have never supported the 1st amendment. Not all recreational dispensaries scan your personal information. The Left Wing might be pro pot. Now I should read after every natural disaster that you are against people who post Looters Will be shot on sight signs. Nobody could be that dumb. Go try to buy a gun and fill out Form 4473 for the back round check. Dispensaries will scan IDs, as other weed-legal states do, to ensure they're legitimate, but they're not allowed to keep records of who goes to the shop and how often. Prior to legalization, some black market dispensaries also scanned customers IDs or stored their information. As the cannabis industry explodes, so do concerns about keeping marijuana out of the hands of minors. Additionally, certain ID scanning solutions can note preferences and purchase history for a customers next visit while identifying VIP customers for elevated service. In fact, some states offer ID scanning as an affirmative defense that specifically releases the retailer from liability if they can prove they used an electronic scanning device. Lol. from what it says above, looks like IL will feel free to not let you purchase another firearm. But they have never been pro-second Amendment or pro Liberty. I reported several days ago. The black market cant compete with legal, tested, branded weed from stores. I just bought a knife on post-Christmas sale from Buck Knives, which is located there. Then theres the case of the guy who got SWATted because he and his son were growing tomatoes in the basement and the cops had staked out the hydroponics stores parking lot. Make a one-time donation today for as little as $1. In an interview with VICE, Gary Cohen, CEO of Cova, said his companys software has been implemented in more than 100 legal weed shops across Canada and that most of those shops are using the ID scanning technology. The rank hypocrisy of being a Leftist Make drugs legal for everyone, except gun owners. ID scanning allows dispensaries to not only verify the age of their customers, but also to keep track daily purchase limits while enhancing customer experience, which is why dispensaries should scan IDs. These businesses are highly regulated and must adhere to strict guidelines to operate legally. Whether they might share it for marketing purposes is less certain, though I've never gotten cannabis-related junk mail, only emails from the dispensary itself if I shared email (for example with a delivery service). There is no federal database that stores your information when you show ID at a dispensary. And they are easily convinced that they can successfully impose their will upon you by voting for this demagogue or that charlatan. If they claim they have to scan it, I explain to them why they don't. If they still insist, they don't get my business. Anyone have any idea? The ISP later expanded further on what they meant by certain provisions in another Facebook post stating . Become a member to support the independent voice of Denver In recent years, there has been a significant shift in public opinion, with an increasing number of people supporting the legalization of marijuana for both medicinal and recreational purposes. I would call myself a Republican because then they would be pro liberty. Ill cut out all the logic and real-world shit and go straight to pure philosophy on this. Natural Health Services, a chain of medical cannabis clinics, is currently facing a class action lawsuit over a privacy breach that resulted in 34,000 patients records being accessed. With over half of the United States allowing some form of legalized . Rather than buy from the state sponsored distributor. Pot smokers have never, ever been pro gun. Hey Chris in KY, why dont you come up to Alaska and ill show you some people that are VERY pro 2nd amendment and VERY pro-cannabis. Additionally, IDs must be scanned to determine purchase limits, which are based on Illinois residency. Drug use is never going to disappear, but the recognition of your rights very well may. The Cannabis Regulation and Tax Act states, " [a dispensary must] verify the validity of the government-issued identification card by use of an electronic reader or electronic scanning device to scan a purchaser's government-issued identification, if applicable, to determine the purchaser's age and the validity of the identification." 410 ILCS i wonder if theyll name one brain eraser. Now I should read after every natural disaster that you are against people who post Looters Will be shot on sight signs.. The German Nazis and the Russian Communists came very close to us in their methods, but they never had the courage to recognize their own motives. o Up to 2.5 grams of cannabis concentrate. I find it interesting that liberal politicians are surrendering on the War on Drugs. Scanning IDs at the point-of-entry reduces wait times by automating check-in procedures and automatically aggregating customer information into forms. I dont think your projection onto the Virginia gun owners for example will work very well. This is one slick move by the Illinois politicians to get our guns away from us. 35 years back when I smoked, at no time did I ever pull the lever for a scummy Democrat . Use of an ID scanner also enhances customer experience by reducing wait times. They are not allowed to share customer information with third parties, and they must store the data securely. That worker at game masters in Quincy Illinois said they had a firearm purchase fail due to purchase of marijuana. Is Your Data Safe When You Purchase Legal Cannabis? In 2021, sales reached $1.38 billion, doubling the total from 2020. Unless they are removed from not only power but, society as a whole. Theres issues with the border, issues with other countries where cannabis is extraordinarily illegal, Lloyd said, noting one of his former clients was turned away upon arrival in Japan due to a cannabis-related charge that had been withdrawn. Most states limit the amount of cannabis a customer can purchase per visit, and it can get complicated. That right there is why there is a left wing. Government-issued photo IDs from U.S. states and territories including Guam, Puerto Rico and American Samoa are accepted, as are U.S. military IDs. Funny how you still want to blame them. Its pretty simple: Freedom includes the freedom to do stupid things that cause harm to you. If you habitually purchase and use alcohol, how do you respond to Form 4473? Ive gone 71 years without marijuana so why start now and play into their hand/trap? It is required by their Cannabis Control Boards. The black market for weed still exists in Commie land because they wanted to fleece growers with crippling taxes. ID scanning to improve your compliance posture is a no-brainer, and in fact, cannabis dispensaries should scan IDs. It did not help. The footage of these cameras are rarely watched unless needed for example a robbery or some crime around the facility this isnt only at pot shops it is everywhere anywhere you go there is bound to be a camera and most of them for those just in case basis, allowing authorities to look back on. Everything you need to know about politicians. Im sol High! All the others, even those who resembled ourselves, were cowards and hypocrites. Theres a question on it about drug use you must answer no on to be approved. Mushroom Legalization Bill Clears House Committees, Approval on Horizon, Fort Collins-Based Verts Dispensary Jumps Into New Marijuana Markets, State-Mandated Report on Potent THC Products Provides Few Answers. You are almost always guaranteed to be on camera inside and outside of a dispensary. A War on the 1st A. Why you should avoid cannabis dispensaries that scan personal ID Absolutely none. Go ahead and buy your weed from the State of Illinois. Howabout dont do drugs, keep yer guns. Your cognitive dissonance may not allow you to believe what i type, but all i can do is speak with complete honestly about how things are up here. https://www.thetruthaboutguns.com/panama-city-looter-shot-and-killed-while-trying-to-steal-a-police-car/. Which has made the Black Market even more Lucrative. Regardless of any state decriminalization of marijuana, it still technically remains a FOID Act disqualifier. For this reason, dispensaries must have a way to track how much they are selling. Since you have no FOID Card you are not legally allowed to own or possess a firearm or ammunition. Everyone should at least be aware a felony conviction means a loss of your gun rights. The object of persecution is persecution. That was prop 215 of 1996, prop 64 overwrote all of that and threw it out. Adult Use Bedford Grow Furthermore, the law enacted last year requires that dispensaries destroy all customer personal information within thirty days of any purchase. Uh, well theres no moral or philosophical underpinning for the idea of killing a thief. Some countries may deny entry to individuals if they know they have purchased cannabis, even lawfully, he said. https://www.orlandosentinel.com/news/breaking-news/os-cop-mistook-doughnut-glaze-for-meth-20160727-story.html. We are fully integrated into Dutchie POS and have webhooks to pull data into Blaze, Flourish, Treez, COVA, IndicaOnline, Dauntless, and several other cannabis POS systems. They will vote against any pro gun person with a record of progun votes, but who is against legalization, just to get legal pot first. Recreational marijuanais now legal in Illinois, andmedical cannabishas been legal since 2013. The purchases limits are as follows: The use of information obtained from a drivers license is regulated in the state. Its one of the main roots with which the antis argue. btw All you have to do is support the 1st amendment to the Bill of Rights. which, fortunately, only pertains to any guns that are already in the CADOJ database. Scanning window large enough for passports. As Lenin said, the Proletariat is not yet ready to handle the responsibility and reins of power, so we the Socialists will take care of things for them in the interim. An unborn baby has its own body and soul, so dont anyone even think they can go there in a debate and convince me otherwise. I really dont care if you think christians are ignorant magic believers. M arijuana dispensaries are a wonderful thing. I cant imagine anyone wanting to use this mind-destroying drug so badly that theyd put themselves through the angst of trying to decipher if they can get away with it in their state despite federal law being what it is. If you will just support ending the Welfare Industrial Complex and return the power to the synagogue/church in supporting religious based welfare support for the poor, the world will a better place. They are the ones in California who said, if we can just make pot legal, there will be no reason for the black marijuana dealers to have guns., Pot smokers are Socialist Progressive in their political orientation. If Leftists claim kids are adult enough to elect a president at 16 years old, then they are damn sure adult enough to carry concealed, I agree with you they are working on making it legal here in Fl. The reason behind scanning your ID is so no that one can use a fake ID. It was never about freedom. Forms of ID Accepted at Dispensaries: State-by-State Guide Why do these idiot politicians keep getting reelected? Provided that they are just looting, then yes thats what Im saying. As a result, more and more states have started to legalize marijuana, creating a new industry of weed dispensaries. https://www.thetruthaboutguns.com/2018/06/staff-writer/16-year-old-burglar-keeps-yelling-im-so-high-after-being-shot/. The Cannabis Compliance Board of the State of Nevada has approved the following ID scanner features and functions: Capable of reading state-issued identifications. Some dispensaries require ID scanning because they don't trust their employees to meet the intense scrutiny that the industry faces for selling to minors. The system can then query this information if the customer returns, and alert the budtender if the customer is at or approaching their daily maximum. The possession limit for Illinois residents is 30 grams of cannabis flower; 5 grams of cannabis concentrate; and no more than 500 milligrams of THC contained in a cannabis-infused product. For non-Illinois residents, the limit is 15 grams of cannabis flower; 2.5 grams of cannabis concentrate; and no more than 250 milligrams of the THC contained in a cannabis-infused product. Also, Im all for ENDING the ENTIRE war on drugs, aka, war on American civil liberties and rights. There havent been any medical marijuana cards or doctors or databases since the beginning of 2016. Have a buddy buy it for you. He said the company has taken several measures to protect customer data, including storing Canadian customer data on Canadian servers. all pot smokers are anti-2A leftists is the equivalent of saying all christians are ingorant magic believers., to Pro-pot AND Pro-2A Thanks for finally getting around to this story . They may ask if you would like to create a profile, and that means your information will be stored for future purchases. Ask a Stoner: Do Dispensaries Accept Passports? | Westword Someone will use that position when arrested for MJ and guns relationship.. Do straw purchaseers of MJ carry same penalty as for guns? I dont know much about its politics other than Rand Paul and I think you had Thomas massie too. Watch em criminalize not paying the weed tax next. The fact that the government behaves badly isnt an excuse for you to do the same. Knock. These scanners work offline and can send data back to your central system when they reconnect to wifi. The reason behind scanning your ID is so no that one can use a fake ID. ID scanning to improve your compliance posture is a no-brainer, and in fact, cannabis dispensaries should scan IDs. There just isnt. With a portable scanner synced to your large visitor management and CRM/POS system, your security team can simply pick up the scanner and start scanning IDs on-the-go. However when you say As I said before as long as we can shoot drug users dead when they rob, rape, beak into our homes and businesses that is a great freedom to celebrate., well you already have the right to use lethal force in cases where the person presents a clear and credible threat of causing death or great bodily harm so all of these instances are already covered regardless of if the person is a drug user or not. The system can then query this information if the customer returns, and alert the budtender if the customer is at or approaching their daily maximum. We see how well this ammuntion back ground check is working, with 20% being wrongly banned from purchase. Is there a certain reason they cant just look at it for proof of age similar to alcohol services? I am opposed to legal get high weed having spent years of my youth high. Marijuana, also known weed, and many other names, is a mixture of dried flowers of the cannabis plant. Sec. Digital scanning removes risk of error, ensures compliance with state laws, stops previously banned patrons from entering the premises, and can track daily maximums. Im so High! But to play judge, jury and executioner by yourself when they have threatened no one in the immediate is unacceptable behavior. You do understand this will happen because a drug user is not a reliable employee correct? As I understand it, medical mj and a license is a moot point for them, same thing happened here in California. George Orwell, 1984. The scanning of IDs is a crucial part of the verification process and is done to protect both the dispensary and the customer. Be_Real_Internet_ 2 yr. ago It's just a scan to make sure the i.d is valid if I had to guess. When you visit the dispensary, a greeter reviews your ID to be sure it is acceptable. If your honest. WoD is the War on Drugs. I gonna continue to own my firearms regardless.hell Ive done worse stuff drunk without a firearm. Dispensaries are required to scan IDs by law to ensure that they are not selling marijuana to minors or people who are not legally allowed to purchase it. This is why they scan customer IDs. ID scanning allows dispensaries to not only verify the age of their customers, but also to keep track daily purchase limits while enhancing customer experience, which is why dispensaries should scan IDs. So the State of CA openly encourages marijuana because its a new tax revenue stream. With 185 new recreational dispensary licenses recently approved, sales will likely continue to grow for Illinois cannabis dispensaries. One of the concerns that some customers have is that scanning their ID will compromise their privacy. Seizure of marijuana at the US border is down nearly 80% in the past ten years, and Federal prosecutions are also down, thanks to the legal market. As in other states, Illinois dispensaries scan your government-issued ID to confirm your ID is valid and up-to-date. Especially if theres a legal away to avoid doing so. I share this. You already proved youre a drug user when you bought your legal weed so your check comes back denied and you dont get to buy that gun. Citizens should not have their freedoms and rights abridged because they use a plant. If you would like to make a post about your brand, dispensary, or product please contact the mod team. In Nevada, New Jersey, and Illinois, you must use electronic ID scanning at your dispensary. I promptly walked over, introduced myself, signed the petition form, and told them I appreciated their efforts. The scanning of IDs is a crucial part of the verification process and is done to protect both the dispensary and the customer. be aware that evanston imposes an additional 3% tax for reparations. Even . None of you should be unhappy with this. But its not mandatory. In fact, the state is forbidden by the Act from creating or sharing a database of marijuana purchasers (Section 10-20). Theres still the wet tea leaves drug raid wending its way through the courts. But security experts warn that having your ID scanned through those magnetic strip readers could be putting you at risk for identity theft. Recreational marijuana goes on sale in Illinois Wednesday. Here's how Should diagnosed or admitted alcoholics have their guns confiscated? A dispensary will always ask to see your identification card at least once. Since the ISP have record of all Illinois medical marijuana card holders, they know when a potential purchaser is prohibited. With our dispensary ID scanning solutions, every ID scan is instantly sent into the visitor management system or POS system. Thanks. This is purely for their safety and yours. Id be very careful until weed is de-criminalized at the federal level and even then, Id want to see that question disappear from the 4473. This is certainly not clear cut though. There are 110 dispensaries across the state of Illinois. If you want to control your own reproductive system, then keep your damn pants zipped or your legs together until youre ready to assume the responsibility of bringing a new life into the world. Identity theft sucks ass, and waking up with a $2k hole in your bank account because someone you don't know used your info to . The legalization of marijuana has created a new industry of weed dispensaries, and the scanning of IDs is just one of the many regulations that these businesses must follow to operate legally. Firearms should be even more legal. But cannabis lawyer Jack Lloyd told VICE theres reason to be concerned about potential privacy breaches. I thought you couldnt use deadly force to protect private property pot farms???. ID scanners only serve to do one thing: verify your age The following fields can be pulled from an ID directly into your cannabis POS system: According to Colorados Medical Code for dispensaries, those not licensed to be in certain areas of a dispensary are required to wear a badge, which then must be submitted to the state. They want the voting age dropped to 16, but the age to buy a gun be a minimum of 21 (for now, until they make it 25). Enforcement chief for the Liquor and Cannabis Control Board, Justin Nordhorn, states, Door security staff read so many IDs during the course of their shift, they can fall prey to complacency.. Again, storing and tracking this time-stamped data can be immensely helpful in the event of a legal dispute. The Illinois Compassionate Use of Medical Cannabis Pilot Program Act requires physicians certification to become a registered Medical Cannabis patient. A local Quad cities gentlemen was complaining to the local news station. A Visitor's Guide to Weed Dispensaries in Illinois - Visit Oak Park
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