low maintenance shrubs georgia
Buttonbush shrub, also known as Cephalanthus occidentalis. For those of us that want and need the green but dont have adequate space, the dwarf globe blue spruce seems custom made. USDA Hardiness Zones: 4 to 9. The Ozark witch hazel shrub is a deciduous plant that will grace your garden with lovely, sweet-scented flowers. Make your hole at least as deep as the pot and twice as wide, and after you place the shrub, make sure to cover the root ball wholly and firmly with soil. Dogwood Dogwood shrubs are another low-maintenance shrub varieties that does well in clay soil. Deciduous, hardy to -20. Affiliate Disclaimer: Tipsbulletin.com is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to amazon.com. These grasses are heat- and drought-tolerant for those occasional long spells without rain. Ilex glabra, commonly called inkberry or gallberry, is a slow-growing, evergreen shrub with very fine texture, and a lovely round habit. Most gardeners cant actually tell the difference between lilac bushes and trees! With wonderfully scented spring flowers, semi-evergreen foliage in warmer climate zones that colors up in fall in colder areas, plus berries. The spirea is a great shrub for anyone wants to add beautiful colors and accents to your yard and garden in the spring. Ideal for low maintenance landscaping, these plants thrive in Zones 7 to 10, whether in partial or full shade, and require little to no mowing, fertilizing, or watering. Oakleaf hydrangea (Hydrangea quercifolia) Mahonias are great winter shrubs, with architectural evergreen foliage and wonderfully scented yellow flowers. No matter where you live there are little to no pests that will harm your shrubs. Cascading branches form an umbrella of branches, some even touching the ground. Some require lots of care, others dont survive extreme weather, and lots are just not easy & quick enough to grow. Azaleas are re-bloomers, which make them perfect for Japanese gardens and other large spaces. Popular Varieties: Common, Persian, Chinese. If your winters get too cold, you might need to cut the shrub back and cover it with mulch to protect it. Resistant to rabbits and deer, this evergreen ornamental grass will survive just about anything nature sends its wayas long as it has adequate moisture. The Spirea bush comes in many varities and can be the perfect plant to grow in areas of 2 feet or less, or large areas of up to 10 feet. Often called musclewood, this plant's exceedingly hard wood was used by early settlers for bowls and small hand tools. Award-Winner in the Rocky Mountain and Plains States. Its got a compact habit and is slow growing, so it requires very little pruning. New breeding has created a range that will rebloom reliably from spring right through the summer months in the Bloomerang series. In fact, its name provides a clue about its preferred environment: rich, moist soil, ideally near a pond or other water feature. Also known as Thorny elaeagnus, silverthorn, or spiny oleaster, these adaptable shrubs can tolerate heat, cold, and wet soil. It doesnt require deadheading, is not prone to insect infestations or diseases, and requires very little water, and can survive heat and full-sun. It might be also mean leaving seedheads on plants for a different winter look and as food for wildlife. St. Johns Wort is a good low-maintenance, drought-tolerant shrub, that needs little or no pruning. or poor soil. Related:10 Colorful Shrubs for a Standout Winter Garden. If youre looking at reseeding or resodding, choose warm-season turfgrass. This is a large shrub, growing 20 to 30 feet tall, and is great as the backdrop for a border or as an evergreen hedge. Cuba Center in Delaware, studying native plants. Copyright 2023 Acton Media Inc. All rights reserved. Before you plant, its a good idea to verify that the shrubs will thrive where you want to plant them. It can be the difference between your shrub thriving and growing or becoming stunted and even die. Plant in full to part sun in moist, acidic soil, and make sure the tree will be protected from winter wind and sun in northern areas. The Haaga fits anywhere you need a little more green, and it looks fantastic. In hot weather, the silvery or green foliage (as on Green Cloud, shown) is accented with purple bell-shaped flowers. This shrub is perfect in groupings and does best in moist, rich, well-drained soil in light to moderate shade. Even though Juniper Shrubs are incredibly hardy there is one item that can kill them. In addition, they are valuable in small lots where ground space is at a premium. The 1- to 2-foot size shrubs are particularly well suited for raised planters. The smaller, compact growing species are often used to stabilize design lines in formal gardens and for edging walks and plant beds. Once established, they need just a little pruning in spring. Several striking varieties are available, including Aurea, with bright golden foliage. Clip the flowers for a stunning addition to your floral arrangements. Sadly, honeysuckle bushes are some of the favorite plants of deer and even rabbits when they grow. If you plant the Cityline in colder climates, be prepared to protect it over the winter to prevent damage. WebTuff Stuff Mountain Hydrangea (Hydrangea Serrata) Gorgeous Low Maintenance Shrub Bobo Hydrangea (Hydrangea paniculata) Cityline Hydrangea (Hydrangea macrophylla) Little You can count on bergenia to grow in almost any condition, sunny or shaded, and its dark, broad leaves bring beauty to the yard. Marty Baldwin. View Price of Shrub Popular Varieties: Limelight, Quick Fire, Pinky Winky, Panicle. Texas ranger (Leucophyllum frutescens) is naturally adapted to desert heat, wind and drought. In the wild, youll find the Little Henry in marshy soil, but you can plant it in drier conditions and expect it to thrive. For an exquisitely colorful combination, plant it with oakleaf hydrangeas, which have leaves that turn shades of deep purple and red at the same time these purple berries ripen. A happy shrub is a productive and healthy shrub, so be sure to tend to all of your shrubs needs. She's also works as a therapeutic horticulturist, teaching growing for wellbeing and mental health. Evergreen to partially deciduous, hardy to 5. Beadlike red berries brighten the yard in winter. With dark green foliage and a long flowering season, weigela makes a great choice that will boost summer flower beds with color and structure and bring in butterflies. Zoysiagrass. Plant in full sun for a thriving shrub, using as individual specimens or repeated through larger areas of mixed planting. WebOnce an Arkansa Bluestar plant is fully established, it will be able to stand up to drought. But applying fertilizer is tricker than it seems. USDA Hardiness Zones: 2 to 7. Viburnum Shrubs are the most hardy shrubs on this list. The colors can add lovely shades of white, yellow, pink, and even orange! There are single-flowered, double-flowered, and semi-double-flowered zinnia varieties available. WebZinnia (Zinnia elegans) Zinnia is yet another vibrant flowering plant for your Georgia garden that will survive drought. They bloom continuously from the spring to the fall, and they require very little pruning. You wont believe your eyes! Pruning is seldom required. You can find your specific hardiness zone HERE. It bursts forth in spring with pink or white clusters of flowers, which give way to dark blue berries that attract birds and other wildlife the rest of the year. Related:10 Foolproof Flowers Anyone Can Grow. Related:The Best 10 Plants to Grow for Backyard Privacy. If you over prune your Juniper Shrub it can turn brown, needles will wilt, and potentially even die. The Haagas dark green leaves look incredible against its big pink flowers, and it loves the sun. Available on Etsy; $21. They do very well in the heat, and they can tolerate drought conditions. The Tuff Stuff is not only ready to take on the worst cold and snow Mother Nature can throw at it, but it thrives in those conditions. Even the spent flowers are ornamental and stand out smartly against the burgundy foliage of fall and the bark of winter. They attract butterflies with their stunning blooms and these long-lived creamy white flowers look good even after theyve faded. If you found this low-growing shrub guide useful, please share our shrub tips with friends and family on Facebook and Pinterest. I'm a dad, and I love gardening. Finding the best shrubs for Georgia was not as easy as I thought. The Little Henry enjoys both part shade and full sunlight, and its tidy appearance rarely, if ever, requires pruning shears. This deer-resistant buckeye, which spreads by suckers, needs plenty of room to grow; it reaches about 12 feet tall with an equal or greater spread. If you want plenty of interest in a fall garden, St Johns Wort is an excellent shrub to consider. The Bloom-a-Thon Pink Double has all the same traits and packs them into a little package. Athena 'Emer I' elm (Ulmus parvifolia) - Zones 4-9. In her years of gardening, Camilla has designed planting schemes for gardens large and small in and around London, written about plants and how to grow them, and worked on BBC gardening TV shows in the UK. Dark-green lustrous leaves turn purplish red in cold weather. This shade-loving shrub is often planted under a canopy of pines and other shade trees, where the white blooms will stand out even more. Its a broad, spreading shrub, 8 to 10 feet wide or more. If you're not ready to make the switch, try it out in your garden bed instead. During spring and summer the shrub has beautiful flowers that bloom and in the fall and even early winter it grows fruit that will provide lovely colors when all other plants wont. The mountain hydrangea, as its name suggests, originated in mountain terrain, where cold weather and winter storms are the norm. It prefers a sunny location in any well-drained soil and can tolerate drought. Photo Credit: Forest & Kim Starr / Wikimedia Commons / CC BY 3.0. This makes them a very popular Available fromBurpee; $13.95. Disease-free and rarely needing a prune, theslow-growing low maintenance shrubs can reach an impressive height of about 15 feet. The trouble is, the Annabelle is a good-sized plant that wont fit in many yards. It also gives year-round interest, with spring flowers loved by pollinators and winter berries. Bath Available at The Home Depot; $17.99. When Should I Plant Low Maintenance Shrubs? Like sunlight, hydrangeas can become stunted, not produce flowers, and have bleached flowers if exposed to more than partial sunlight. Plant in full sun or light shade in moist, well-drained soil. We love the peach lemonade rose bush, which brings all of the beauty of a full-sized rose bush in a compact package. Viburnum shrubs not only offer beautiful colors and are hardy, but are perfect for privacy, small spaces, and almost anywhere else you can think about in your yard. Available at The Home Depot; $6.98. It is best to plant this shrub in an area of your year that receives only sun for half the day. It prefers full sun in foggy coastal areas and partial shade inland. Plants reach 4 to 6 feet tall with equal spread. Wintercreeper is a genus of easy-care small evergreen shrubs that have glossy, dense foliage. First is your soil type acid or alkaline, clay, sandy, chalky, dry, wet; how much sun and shade you get at different times of day; what levels of watering you need, and how much pruning and preening youre prepared to carry out. The white blossoms with golden yellow centers hang down like little bells, insisting you stop to smell them. For gardeners who want a colorful garden but don't have time to tend to it, just about any ground cover will dobut ajuga, with its glossy leaves, is an especially interesting choice. Go now! Most shrubs on this list are plants that garden pests dont eat or like. Your low maintenance ground cover might have special planting requirements, so check with your local agriculture office to get the latest information on when to plant. Honeysuckle bushes are not the invasive Honeysuckle that most gardeners know. This plant does great in heat and in cold weather climates. The foliage is prized for floral arrangements and holiday decorating. Prune your Crimson Kisses Weigela occasionally. Purple beautyberry (Callicarpa dichotoma) - Zones 5-8. Plumbago is just 8 to 12 inches tall and will spread to be 1 to 2 feet wide. We hope you enjoyed this guide to low maintenance shrubs. Plant it in sunny areas, and make sure that it stays weeded and watered to give it a chance to grow and thrive. To narrow down the choice, there are some key practicalities to consider. Going for a more low-maintenance style of gardening might mean changing your gardening habits to allow growth to get a little wild and ruling out the clipped hedging and neat lawns that we associate with a more formal, tidy look. If you are concerned about whether your shrubs will survive local conditions during planting, hold off on planting until youre comfortable. As a reminder, the below factors are common for the Best Shrubs to Plant in Georgia: #1. Most species of wintercreeper are ideal low maintenance small A small and slow-growing evergreen shrub, Indian Hawthorn stays neat and tidy without pruning. Consider planting it alongside early-spring bulbs, since plumbago leafs out just in time to cover up their spent foliage. Annabelle smooth hydrangea (Hydrangea arborescens Annabelle) produces enormous, foot-wide clusters of white flowers on a plant about 4 feet high and wide. Cutting back the branches in late winter will keep your shrub young and vigorous. WebHere is a listing of cold hardy shrubs we offer with free shipping that will grow in USDA Plant Hardiness Zone 8a and 8b where winter temperatures can go down to as low as 10 degrees Fahrenheit in winter. Varieties to try: Dolce Wildberry, Dolce Cherry Truffles. Plant it and forget about it should be the motto of Holly. Available on Etsy; $10. Use the shrub as an informal screen or grouped in a mixed shrub border with evergreens. Good for the Northeast, Midwest, and Pacific Northwest. The plant produces purple blooms throughout spring and summer. The slender arching branches of this shrub are covered with deep lavender berries in September and October. Pruning lavender isn't too time consuming they need little more attention than a light trim in spring and once more at the end of the summer. To top it off, the Bloom-a-Thon Pink Double is a hardy plant and is heat and drought tolerant. Be careful with this one, though. The all-volunteer committee is committed to promoting the use of plants that are proven performers in Georgia. Visit our corporate site. Because pollinators will become addicted to the nectar and will not visit other native plants make sure to provide them with housing and water too! All rights reserved. 8 Flowers Sure to Bloom in Winter. Some dazzle with flowers, colorful leaves, or berries; others fill summer evenings with a heavenly scent. Athena is a classic beauty with a compact globe shape. "It's one of the most graceful and refined shrubs in the autumn landscape," says Michael Dirr, professor of horticulture at the University of Georgia. Available at TheHome Depot; $30.97. Tend to your black-eyed Susans by planting them in full sun or partial shade, then watering and deadheading as needed. Nandina domestica. You will love its Deciduous, hardy to -30. Available on Amazon; $9.95. Know that spireas do lose their leaves in the winter, but they return shortly after in the springtime. Attracts butterflies. However, swamp hibiscus is an adaptable shrub that will grow in most garden soils, as long as there's adequate moisture. 4. Despite its exceptional golden color, it is evergreen, and will shine bright in your landscape all year long. For the best success in growing Azaleas you should plant them in an area of your yard that is protected against wind, full-sun, long periods of drought, and extremely wet soil. Try to plant it in full sunlight, but dont worry if you have to place it in a spot with partial shade. This white-flowering native plant is a standout in the garden with its handsome burgundy foliage that lasts all season, topped with creamy white flowers in early summer. In Zones 5 to 9, bottlebrush buckeye does well in full sun or deep shade, so long as it gets enough water. Eva recommends the Endless Summer collection, developed by Bailey Nurseries (opens in new tab). Fragrant tea olive (Osmanthus fragrant) - Zones 7-10. A perfect shrub-in-a-tub plant, this full-sun dwarf spirea variety produces beautiful, low foliage, according to Binetti. Take the guesswork out of choosing plants for your Georgia landscape. Good Choice for the Great Plains, Northwest and Midwest. Whether your garden beds lie on the sunny side or the shady side of the house, black mondo grass will do well just about anywhere you plant it. In late winter to early spring, spicy-scented white flowers open from dense, 4-inch snowball-shaped clusters of pink buds. The Seaside Serenade has all the charm of the larger plant while staying low-profile for small gardens and yards. There's a reason you see this shrub in many corporate landscaping schemes: Barberry is extremely low maintenance, yet it stuns with seasonal color. When youre craving a little color, the Burning Bush shrub is there to give you what you need. It's adaptable but prefers slightly acidic soil, rich in organic matter. While butterfly bushes are beautiful to grow it should be noted that you will attract a lot of pollinators. Our picks for the best landscaping shrubs and bushes that provide maximum beauty with minimal hassle. Available at The Home Depot; $32.97. Popular Varieties: Davidil, Opulus, Fordiae, Tinus. Juniperus horizontalis 'Mother Lode' is a good choice for a ground cover shrub. Viburnum shrubs are also the only shrub on the list that provides beautiful colors all year. Even if you dont have the magic touch of a green thumb, all hope isnt lost for an attractive yard. It will grow in either sun or shade. Because butterfly bushes re-bloom throughout the growing season, they continuously pop out new blooms that look as good alongside spring colors as they do with fall foliage. It does best in average, well-drained soil in full sun, though it tolerates drought and salt spray in coastal regions. Nevertheless, take care and do your research before you plant this grass in your yard. Recommended cultivars include Henrys Garnet and Sprich Little Henry . Georgia is mostly considered Hardiness Zone 7 & 8. Japanese barberry (Berberis thunbergii) is rugged yet graceful, with arching, spiny branches. Popular Varieties: Fountain, Globosa, Lochinch, Saligna. It is great for beneficial insects, rabbits, squirrels, chipmunks, and sometimes even baby deer! Available on Amazon; $34.99. Holly is a fantastic shrub to be plant for homeowners and property owners. Full sun to partial shade and moist, well-drained soil suits this tree best. Some shrubs make good habitats for wildlife. Every spring and summer, the Bobo hydrangea bursts into an explosion of panicles. These proven performers win awards for their beauty and success in Peach State gardens. This shrub loves sunlight, but it can tolerate partial shade conditions, as well. These moderate-sized shrubs grow wild across the northeastern United States. Zones: 38; deer resistant Winly Rungrudeesombutkit / EyeEm // Getty Images 17 Spider Flower (Cleome Hassleriana) Whether you want a fast-growing shrub that's easy to care for, or something low maintenance that will put on a stunning display of flowers in spring or summer, there are plenty of options to choose from. It becomes so engorged with white blossoms, in fact, that it seems as if the stalk and branches are too delicate to withstand the weight. This compact bush packs a considerable punch for its size and will blow you away with how much color and scent can come from such a low-built shrub. Read THIS Before Growing Shrubs in Georgia, Georgia is mostly considered Hardiness Zone 7 & 8, Common Growing Factors of Georgias Best Shrubs. When it comes to Viburnum shrubs there is very few if any things that can harm your shrubs. Spirea blooms are the longest-lasting blooms on this list. One weather element that can affect the growth and appearance of your azalea is wind. Ninebark. The Spirea shrub is the lowest-maintenance plant on this list. Water in the morning to prevent the leaves from getting burned by the sun, and keep the plant hydrated throughout the day as needed. The bushy shrub, to 4 feet tall and wide, has narrow, silky gray-green leaves and produces clusters of mauve-pink flowers throughout the year. Youll even find out which are the best shrubs for front of house display and which are the right shrubs for full sun. Available in several varieties and colors, fountain grass is an attractive tall clumping grass that thrives in full sun. Monkey grass is often misidentified as mondo grass, and vice versa, but this ornamental clumping grass is actually from a different family altogether. When you purchase through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission. Daphne odora Aureomarginata. Related: 50 Useful Plants that Attract Pollinators. Finding the best shrubs for Georgia was not as easy as I thought. The Bella Bellissima potentilla cant get enough sunlight. Osmanthus fragrans, aka Fragrant Tea Olive, is an evergreen shrub with attractive, glossy, dark green leaves. It is perfect as a perennial border, groundcover, and hedges. Theres a whole range of fantastic colors and textures you can introduce to your yard, both large and small scale. Its bright flowers contrast nicely with evergreens or a solid backdrop of brick or stone. Once established, this is a drought-tolerant, deer-resistant, low-maintenance addition to your Georgia garden. If you have the money to hire a handyman for every household woe, go ahead. Good for most soil types it will tolerate sun or shade, and it doesnt require much pruning. Berberis darwinii will add a splash of color in late winter and early spring. These easy-care plants are a good start, but also consider these gardening gadgets that do some of the work for you. Pallida Chinese witch hazel (Hamamelis mollis Pallida, also called H. intermedia Pallida) is valued for vivid fall foliage and ribbonlike fragrant, sulfur-yellow flowers that bloom on bare stems February through March. If cut back to the ground in autumn, it flowers on new wood the following summer. Every season is a colorful one when you have an Oakleaf hydrangea, with its deep green leaves and stunning white blossoms. The North American native Buttonbush is a hardy low-maintenance shrub, good for both weather extremes once established. This is a medium-size tree, 30-50 feet tall with a rounded crown, ideal for urban gardens. They look at six categories to select Georgia Gold Medal Plants: annuals, perennials, shrubs, trees, vines or groundcovers, and native plants. 09 of 09. Hardy against Pests, Insects, and Diseases, Have beautiful colors throughout the entire year. However, the prickly leaves can be offputting and they suffer from a pedestrian reputation, through misplanting. 11 low-maintenance shrubs that will look after themselves 1. Then you can sit back and enjoy the show. Youll love how well the Seaside Serenade works as a landscaping plant. They are tougher and stronger in colder areas (hardy in Zone 4) and they bloom on new wood, which gives you a longer flowering season.'. If you want to try your hand at growing rose bushes, you cant go wrong with the peach lemonade variety. Out of every tree on this list the Lilac Bush is the best ornamental shrub. Deciduous, hardy from -20 to -30. Available on Amazon; $9.95. The limiting Useful Tips To Make Your Everyday Life Just A Bit Better. Black-eyed Susans will attract butterflies to your garden, but they also entice deer and rabbits, so plant them near repellant (and easy-care) plants like lavender or rosemary. Take care of your plants while planting them to make sure that you wind up with healthy, good-looking shrubs. Deciduous, hardy to -30. These succulents come in every color from bluish-gray to reddish-bronze, and can find a home in most any garden. Most shrubs on this list are hardy against disease and insects. This shrub loves water when the weather starts heating up, so keep an eye on your soil moisture. Holly is another shrub that deer like. Oakleaf Hydrangea. None have serious pest problems, and they dont require constant pruning or cleanup. Future Publishing Limited Quay House, The Ambury, While 'Yoshino' was selected for its superior winter hardiness, some protection from winter winds is still desirable. The native Virginia sweetspire is a particularly good choice for damp, sloping areas, helping with erosion control. The compact leafy shrub shown right, called Nana or Nana Purpurea, is dome-shaped and 1 to 2 feet tall. Actually, they love it. Any shrub with a notable reputation for being low-maintenance may become a nuisance or even invasive where conditions are idealespecially if the plant is known to be fast-growing. It tolerates climate and soil extremes, and needs full sun for most colorful foliage, but can take light shade. 'Low maintenance does not mean no-maintenance,' as author, educator and shrub expert Eva Monheim (opens in new tab), reminds us. Available on Etsy; $13. This invaluable tool for home gardeners takes the guesswork out of buying plants. Morning sun and afternoon shade along with moist, well-drained soil are best. When gardeners think of shrubs they think of boring plants. Authorities need your help finding a man wanted for murdering a 13-year-old boy in Georgia. Its hardiness has come at a cost in some states, where it has become invasive, although most ornamental varieties won't pose a problem as they're usually cultivated to be sterile. When plant professionals volunteer to sift through hundreds of plants, you can be certain they're motivated by passion. Its small size makes the Bloom-a-Thon Pink Double the perfect choice for your home garden. Make sure to fence in your holly bush or apply a deer spray to keep them away from your shrub when it begins growing. These plants are easy to grow, and they feature heavy blooming. Its an ideal option for folks who live in cold climates but still want to keep a garden. Foliage groupings of seven or eight leaflets turn golden yellow in the fall. We all like to have some year-round green present in our gardens, but most evergreens are too large to do well in a small yard or if you want to have some control over the size of your shrubbery. A suggested cultivar from Plant Addicts is Red Star which has proven rust resistant and is easy to grow. Provide well-drained, slightly acid soil in full sun to partial shade. The bloom time is longer, too, up to four to six weeks before turning pink and finally fading to tan. This easy-care plant will steal your heart and raise your spirits every time you see it. Its not fussy about soil, and once established, it will tolerate moderate drought. Youre certain to find one or more that will work in your yard. This widely adapted plant grows upright from 4 to 6 feet high with an equal or greater spread. Its a good choice for massing or shrub borders, and it makes a nice specimen plant. 'It is low-maintenance and generally pest and disease free.
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